1. Introduction
Modern Power Systems (PSs) seek to supply energy with certain economic, sustainable, reliable and secure levels. According to Singh et al. [
1], security studies usually focus on generation, transmission, protection, distribution, interconnection and, industrial and commercial systems. Power transmission systems are widely regarded as the backbone of PS and their security assessment determines the system’s capacity to supply uninterrupted power from generation to the demand in a secure manner [
2]. Nevertheless, performing power transmission planning of large networks to guarantee reliability is a challenging task if multiple scenarios and a high penetration of renewable power sources are considered, primarily due to the size and complexity of modern grids.
Lumbreras et al. [
3] proposed a methodology to simplify large networks for expansion planning considering a set of scenarios for minimizing investments, operation costs and penalties for non-served power. The cost and penalties are computed using DC power flow. The control actions such as load shedding or generator response, as well as reactive power and voltages issues, are not considered. The definition of critical branches is labeled in a deterministic way.
Ideally, security assessment analysis should be performed under
criterion, where
N is a set of equipment and
k the number of disconnected elements simultaneously during a contingency. If corrective actions are required the well-known Security Constrain Optimal Power Flow (SCOPF) algorithm is usually employed [
4] as extension of the Optimal Power Flow algorithm (OPF). SCOPF takes into account operational constraints for a set of
contingencies while minimizing impact of the contingency. However, this problem is a nonlinear, non-convex, mixed variable and large scale, being their solution a changeling task and time consuming. Therefore, different approximations, methods and assumptions such as
, DC power flows, contingency screening [
5] and high-performance computing [
6], among others, are used to solve SCOPF in a reasonable time. More advanced methods suggest quantum computation to deal with the computational complexity of the
contingency analysis problem [
7]. However, with the existing quantum computation technology, their application is not possible.
Nowadays, PSs are operating in more stressed conditions, because both the demand and the generation are increasing while the capacity of the transmission system is reaching their limits. This condition, along with the penetration of renewable generation, increases the uncertainty in the planning being necessary to refine the security assessment. Probabilistic risk assessment for
9] has emerged as an option to face this challenge; however, this method is time demand. Recently, the use of Machine Learning (ML) to generalize security assessment seeking increased computational speed [
10] has gained popularity.
Table 1 presents a literature review of recent proposed methods for reliability assessment, where ENS, AC, AI, PF, and Plan. are energy not supplied, alternating current power flow, artificial intelligence, power flow, and planning application, respectively. In the table, the following characteristics of each method are identified: numerical analysis model, objective function, consideration of
contingencies and if was developed for system planning. The main differences between models used for operation or operation planning and system planning involves the consideration of unit comment, generation costs, and generator ramp for the first one, while for system planning, the impact on the demand as last remedial action is commonly the main issue to evaluate.
In recent years, Hydro-Quebec (HQ) has been developing a global methodology for Risk-Informed decision making [
22]. That methodology integrates a power grid reliability simulator to estimate the Value of Lost Load (
) when a
contingency occurs. However, conducting this assessment for the HQ’s entire transmission network is a time-demanding task, because the AC-SCOPF algorithm is required to minimize
for a set of
contingency scenarios. Implementing the simulator with the entire set of equipment poses a bottleneck. According to
Table 1, a comparable model to address this challenge is currently unavailable in the existing literature. Moreover, there is a need for accelerating the method for large power networks. To meet this challenge, we present in this paper a reliability security
assessment using ML, focusing on the static operation [
2] of PS. Our objective is to accelerate the evaluation of contingencies to support decision making processes within an asset management framework. Our approach incorporates constraints such as the voltage limits of buses, generator capabilities and the thermal limits of branches. The objective function is the minimization of
when disturbances occur under different operating scenarios.
The main contributions addressed in this paper are as follows:
We propose a ML methodology for generalizing for different time scopes and scenarios, allowing to reduce the computational cost;
We describe the procedure to fit the ML model executing for multiple contingency scenarios;
We present a real-size case study base on European Union transmission system PEGASE-1354 case to evaluate the performance in the generalization of for large networks. Our approach achieves high accuracy compared to traditional AC-OPF formulations.
This paper is structured as follows: a comprehensive review of ML for PF, OPF, SCOPF is presented in
Section 2. Our proposed methodology for generalization of LS-OPF under
scenarios using ML is addressed in
Section 3.
Section 4 presents the case studies where the application of the methodology is performed. Lastly, this paper is concluded in
Section 5.
5. Conclusions
In this paper, we propose an approach for fast security assessment in power transmission planning using ANN to accelerate contingency evaluation. The training is performed by executing Load Shedding Optimal Power Flow (LS-OPF), which minimizes the for a set of contingencies generated stochastically. The ANN predicts using the connection status of elements such as lines, generators, and power transformers, among others, as features. As a result, an accuracy close to 98% and acceleration gains of 12,500× and 45,000× were obtained for the IEEE-39 bus system and PEGASE-1354 system, respectively, demonstrating great effectiveness. These results highlight the high accuracy and efficiency of our proposal, making it an attractive option for probabilistic grid planning using criterion within a reasonable execution time. A similar approach and its results have not addressed in the literature. As potential areas for future research, we suggest extending this method to distribution networks with distributed generation, the classification of problematic contingencies, and applying the approach to resilience assessment.