CFD simulations were conducted on the original NREL blade and the modified blades with different winglet designs (WD-1, WD-2, and WD-3). CFD calculations were compared to NREL experimental measurements. To provide a comprehensive comparison, the blade span was divided into five sections (30%, 46.7%, 63.3%, 80%, and 95%) for a detailed analysis. Key aerodynamic characteristics, including pressure and velocity coefficients, flow contours, pressure coefficient distribution, tangential and normal force coefficient curves, and torque and thrust forces, were examined.
3.2. Pressure Coefficient
The pressure coefficient (Cp) is a dimensionless number that represents the ratio of static and free stream pressure difference to dynamic pressure. It depends on the AOA, relative wind speed, and pressure at each section. Negative Cp values were expected on the suction side of the blade.
Figure 10 shows the pressure coefficient contours for the blades with winglets and the original NREL blade at a wind speed of 5 m/s. At this wind speed, the entire blade remained in the attached flow region, with a small range of AOA. As a result, a uniformly distributed pressure coefficient was observed at each section for all four blades.
Similar observations were made at a wind speed of 7 m/s, as the entire blade remained in the transition region (pre-stall). However, a slightly wider low-pressure coefficient region was observed compared to the 5 m/s case, as shown in
Figure 11. The pressure distribution remained relatively uniform across all five sections. Meanwhile, a stronger low-pressure region was observed at the suction side trailing edge for the blade modified with WD-1 and the original NREL blade.
Figure 12 compares the pressure coefficient contours for the three winglet designs and the original NREL blade at a wind speed of 10 m/s. The 30% span section remained in the deep stall region, with a larger low-pressure coefficient on the suction surface and a weaker high-pressure coefficient on the leading-edge pressure side. All winglet cases exhibited a larger low-pressure zone. The blade sections at 46.7% and 63.3% span were in the dynamic stall region (20° AOA). The 80% and 95% blade sections were in the pre-stall region. In general, the winglets cases had larger low-pressure zones. At 95% span, the winglet cases, especially WD-3, showed a larger low-pressure zone, indicating more attached flow. This suggested a higher total pressure force, potentially leading to increased torque and power.
At a wind speed of 13 m/s, approximately 73% of the blade span was in the deep stall region, with the remainder in the dynamic stall region.
Figure 13 illustrates the pressure coefficient contour for this wind speed. Compared to the original NREL blade at the 30% span section, the blades with winglets exhibited smaller low-pressure regions. WD-1 had a stronger low-pressure region at the suction side of the 46.7% span section. A weak low-pressure zone was observed for all cases at the 63.3% span section. At 80% and 95% span, the sections remained in the dynamic stall region, with larger low-pressure coefficient zones for the winglet designs. This suggested that flow attachment was enhanced with the winglet designs, particularly WD-3.
Figure 14 illustrates the pressure coefficient contour at a wind speed of 15 m/s. Approximately 90% of the blade span from the hub remained in the deep stall region, with the rest in the dynamic stall region. Consequently, the flow was completely separated from the blade up to a span of 90%. Due to the higher AOA, the most intense low-pressure region was observed at the 30% span, and larger low-pressure regions were seen for WD-1 and the original NREL blade. Similar to the 13 m/s case, a sudden drop in the pressure coefficient intensity occurred at 63.3% span, with larger low-pressure regions for the blades with winglets. The low-pressure intensity decreased up to 80% span for all blade shapes. However, at 95% span, a stronger low-pressure region was observed, with significantly larger zones for all blades with winglets, especially WD-3.
At the wind speeds of 20 m/s and 25 m/s, the entire blade span was in the dynamic stall region and the flow was fully separated. So, the pressure coefficient contours for the original NREL blade and the modified blades with winglets were nearly identical. A high-intensity low-pressure zone was observed at the 30% span for both wind speed cases, indicating high AOAs. The intensity of low-pressure zones decreased along the spanwise direction, and similar pressure coefficient distributions were observed at each span section for both wind speeds.
Figure 15 and
Figure 16 show the pressure coefficient contours for all blades. The addition of winglets had a negligible effect on pressure coefficient contours at high wind speeds.
3.3. Velocity Contour
Flow attachment and separation could be visualized using velocity coefficient contours. The velocity coefficient was defined as the ratio of the velocity of the stationary frame to the relative velocity. The relative velocity of the air at the blade was given by
Relative velocity varied across different blade sections, influenced by pitch angle and wind speed.
Figure 9 highlights the region of potential flow separation in red.
The primary goal of adding a winglet to the blade was to minimize the flow separation and reduce tip vortex strength. Improved flow attachment can positively impact rotor torque. This subsection compares the velocity coefficient contours at five blade span locations under different wind speeds for the original NREL blade and the three blades modified with winglets.
At a wind speed of 5 m/s, the AOA range was small, and the entire blade span remained in the attached flow region.
Figure 17 shows the velocity contours of all blades at different span sections. The flows remained predominantly attached, with minimal differences between the original NREL and the other three winglet designs.
Figure 18 compares the velocity contours for the four blades at a wind speed of 7 m/s. At this wind speed, the entire blade span stayed in the transition region, indicating potential flow transitions.
Figure 18 reveals a transitional effect at the suction surface trailing edge of the 30.0% span section only for WD-1. From the 46.7% span section to the remaining sections, a suction side trailing edge transition was observed for both cases, but it was slightly stronger for WD-1. Similar results were observed for the three blades with winglets, but the transitional effect was more significant for WD-3, which could negatively impact torque.
At a wind speed of 10 m/s, differences in the velocity contours emerged between the original NREL blade and the WD-1 blade. As shown in
Figure 9, the blade span passed through three regions: deep stall (approximately up to 46.7% span), dynamic stall (46.7% to 73% span), and transition (remaining portion of the blade).
The most significant differences in the velocity contours occurred in the dynamic stall region due to the addition of winglets.
Figure 19 compares the velocity contours for these four types of blades at 10 m/s. At the 30% span section, WD-2 and WD-3 had smaller separations on the suction side toward the trailing edge compared to the original NREL blade. At the 46.7% and 63.3% span sections, WD-1 and the original blade exhibited stronger trailing edge separations, while WD-2 and WD-3 had minimal separations. Since the 80% and 95% span sections were in the pre-stall region, flow attachment was generally observed for all cases. However, WD-1 and the original blade showed some transitions at 89% span. The large low-pressure zones observed for the blades with winglets in the relevant pressure contours aligned with the increased flow attachment.
Figure 20 shows the velocity contours of the blades under a wind speed of 13 m/s. Approximately 73% of the blade span from the hub stayed in the deep stall region, with the remainder in the dynamic stall region. Significant variations were expected for the 80.0% and 95.0% span sections. Comparing the original blade to the WD-1 blade, the 30% span section showed weaker flow separation on the suction surface for WD-1. However, at the 46.7% and 63.3% span sections, flow separation was stronger for the blade with the winglet. Conversely, the blade with the winglet exhibited more flow attachment at both the 80% and 95% span sections.
Among the three blades with winglets, up to 63.3% span, WD-2 and WD-3 exhibited weaker flow separations on the suction side than WD-1. At the 80% span, WD-3 showed more flow attachment. At the 95% span, the flow remained attached at the suction side for all winglet cases. These observations aligned with the larger low-pressure regions for all winglet cases, which could potentially impact torque output for these blades.
Figure 21 shows the velocity contours for these blades under a wind speed of 15 m/s, with observations like those at 13 m/s. Approximately 90% of the blade span was in the deep stall region, with the remainder in the dynamic stall region. At the 30% span section, a thin layer of flow separation was observed for all blades. Up to 80% span section, similar strong flow separations were observed for the original blade and the winglet designs. However, at the 95% span section, the winglet cases exhibited significantly weaker flow separations at the suction side near the trailing edge compared to the original blade. Among the three winglet designs, WD-1 and WD-2 showed weak separations, while WD-3 had mostly attached flow. These findings aligned with the pressure contours and suggested that the winglet designs could potentially improve torque output.
At a wind speed of 20 m/s, the entire blade span remained in the deep stall region, with fully separated flow.
Figure 22 compares the velocity contours of these blades at this speed. At the 30% span section, the blades with winglets exhibited more flow separation. However, the velocity contours for the remaining sections were nearly identical across all blade designs. This suggested that the effect of adding winglets was negligible at a wind speed of 20 m/s.
Figure 23 illustrates the velocity contours for these blades under a wind speed of 25 m/s. Similar to the 20 m/s case, the entire blade span remained in the dynamic stall region, with fully separated flow. Consequently, the addition of winglets had a limited impact at high wind speeds.
3.4. Flow Conditions
Velocity contours over the whole domain were used to investigate the wake formation for all four blades under different wind speeds. The velocities on the horizontal plane at the hub height of the wind turbine were plotted to visualize the flow conditions downstream of the turbine. The wake formation indicated the potential power extraction from the wind. Irregularities in the wake could influence blade torque, and the flow conditions downstream of the blade could provide insights into the torque comparison between different blade designs.
Figure 24,
Figure 25,
Figure 26 and
Figure 27 compare the wake formations for the baseline blade and three modified blades with different winglets.
At a wind speed of 5 m/s, the flow remained fully attached in all cases. Large wakes were generated as the air passed over the blades and a uniform flow pattern was observed.
At 7 m/s, the blades were in the transition region (pre-stall). The flow pattern was nearly uniform near the tips and wake formation began further downstream compared to that with a wind speed of 5 m/s.
Differences emerged among the four blades at 10 m/s, with wake formation starting further downstream. Two symmetric wake zones formed behind the turbine. The baseline blade generated two strong wakes that gradually weakened downstream; WD-1 and WD-3 had smaller wake formations, potentially impacting torque. WD-2 exhibited larger and stronger wake formations.
At a wind speed of 13 m/s, a stagnation point was observed at the suction surface of all blades. Another stagnation point near the tip was visible for the winglet cases, indicating that the winglets influenced wake formation. The wakes for the winglet cases were closer together compared to the baseline blade, which had a relatively weaker wake.
Similar observations held for the wind speed of 15 m/s, with larger flow separations and denser wakes observed for the blades with winglets compared to the results of the baseline blade.
At 20 m/s, the flow was fully separated from the blade suction surface, and less wake generation was observed for all the cases. This reduced wake generation suggested lower torque values for the blades.
At 25 m/s, even greater flow separation occurred on the blade suction side for all cases. This resulted in fewer and weaker wakes that were farther from the blade.
3.5. Chordwise Pressure Distribution
To further understand the aerodynamic effect of adding winglets, chordwise pressure distributions around the blades were determined. Pressure coefficients (
Cp) were plotted as a function of non-dimensional distance along the chord (
c), where x is the distance along the chord and c is the chord length. The
c ratio value ranged from 0 (leading edge) to 1 (trailing edge). Negative
Cp values, indicating suction pressure, are plotted on the upper part of the graph, while positive
Cp values (pressure side) are on the lower part.
Figure 28,
Figure 29,
Figure 30,
Figure 31,
Figure 32,
Figure 33 and
Figure 34 show the chordwise pressure distributions for selected span sections (
R) across different blades and wind speeds.
At a wind speed of 5 m/s, as shown in
Figure 28, minimal variations were observed among the different blade designs. The CFD simulations for all four blades yielded nearly identical pressure distributions, which were in good agreement with NREL’s experimental measurements. A slight discrepancy in the upper curve was noted between the WD-1 and the other blades for chord ratios between 0.4 and 0.5. Some discrepancies were also observed at the trailing edge for all the span locations. The negative
Cp values exceeded −1 in all cases and
Cp distributions across the span were similar at this wind speed.
At a wind speed of 7 m/s, the entire blade remained in the transition range of the pre-stall region. The Cp distributions from the CFD simulations of all four blades were in reasonably good agreement with the experimental results for the baseline blade. Minor discrepancies were observed at the trailing edge for different tip modifications. Notably, WD-2 and WD-3 exhibited lower Cp values on the pressure surface (lower part) near the trailing edge compared to WD-1 and the baseline blade.
At a wind speed of 10 m/s, as shown in
Figure 9, the blade was expected to experience three flow regions: deep stall (up to nearly 46.7% span), dynamic stall (46.7% to 73% span), and transition (remaining span).
Figure 30 shows fairly good agreement between the CFD simulations and experimental measurements for most sections (30.0%, 63.3%, 80.0%, and 95.0% radial distance,
R). However, a significant discrepancy occurred in the 46.7% section. The experimental measurements indicated a deep stall region, while the CFD simulations suggested a different flow scenario, possibly due to the limitations in turbulence models predicting stall delay.
Overall, the blades with winglets exhibited higher negative Cp values compared to the baseline blade at all sections. WD-3 had the largest negative Cp values over most of the chord, except near the trailing edge, where the blades of WD-2 and WD-3 experienced smaller negative Cp values compared to the baseline blade and WD-1.
Figure 9 indicates that at the wind speed of 13 m/s, approximately 73% of the blade span from the hub was in the deep stall region, with the remaining portion in the dynamic stall region. Flow separation was expected at the 73% section, where a 20° AOA occurred.
Figure 31 shows good agreement between the CFD calculations and experimental measurements for most sections, except for the 30% section on the suction side. The numerical calculations overpredicted the negative
Cp from the leading edge to the 0.1 chord ratio, while significantly underpredicting
Cp in the chord range from 0.1 to 0.8. The blades with winglets exhibited significantly larger negative
Cp values at the 80% and 95% radial sections. WD-1 had the largest negative
Cp value at the trailing edge. At the 80% radial section, WD-3 had the largest negative
Cp from the leading edge to the 0.8 chord. Overall, WD-3 showed relatively larger negative
Cp values on the suction sides for all radial sections at this wind speed.
At a wind speed of 15 m/s, approximately 90% of the blade span was in the deep stall region, with the remaining portion in the dynamic stall region.
Figure 32 shows good agreement between the CFD simulations and experimental measurements, with significant discrepancies only at the 30% and 63.3% radial sections. At the 30% radial section, the numerical calculation overpredicted the negative
Cp on the suction side from the leading edge to 0.2 chord ratio, while underpredicting
Cp from 0.3 to the trailing edge. At the 63.3% radial section, CFD underpredicted the negative
Cp on the suction side across the entire chord length. The effect of adding winglets was still evident near the tailing edge at this speed. Significant differences among the blades were observed in the
Cp plots at the 30% and 95% radial sections. At 30%, WD-3 had the largest negative
Cp on the suction side from the leading edge to 0.16
c but the smallest negative
Cp from 0.16 to 0.6
c. Near the tip (95% radial section), the blades with winglets had larger negative
Cp values on the suction side compared to the baseline blade, with WD-3 having the largest negative
Cp value.
At wind speeds of 20 and 25 m/s, flow separations occurred across the entire blade span, placing the entire blade in the deep stall region. CFD results underpredicted negative
Cp values closer to the hub (30% and 46.7% radial sections, as shown in
Figure 33 and
Figure 34). However, the overall agreement between the CFD and experiment results was reasonable. The closer toward the hub, the larger the negative
Cp on the suction side, as observed at the 30% section. While CFD results suggested a slight difference near the trailing edge, the effect of winglets on negative
Cp was negligible for most of the chord length.
3.6. Tangential and Normal Forces
Wind turbine blades experience varying pressures as they interact with wind, resulting in a resultant aerodynamic force. The force can be divided into tangential (F
T) and normal (F
N) components, as shown in
Figure 4. F
T is the projection of the resultant force along the chord line, while F
N is that perpendicular to the chord. These forces are often analyzed in their non-dimensional forms: the tangential force coefficient (C
T) and the normal force coefficient (C
At a wind speed of 5 m/s, the AOAs across the span were small and relatively uniform.
Figure 35 shows little difference between the CFD calculations and experimental measurements, with the former slightly underpredicting the forces. The blades with winglets experienced slightly lower forces than the baseline blade, but the difference was negligible.
At a wind speed of 7 m/s, the AOAs increased across the span, but the entire blade remained in the pre-stall region.
Figure 36 shows the tangential and normal force coefficient distribution at this speed. The CFD and experimental results were in good agreement, with the blades with winglets experiencing slightly lower tangential and normal forces.
At a wind speed of 10 m/s, differences between the CFD and experimental results were observed in the tangential force, particularly from the leading edge to 63.6% of the chord (
Figure 37). However, the normal forces showed good agreement.
The experimental measurements indicated a significant dip in the tangential force distribution at 46.7% chord length for the baseline blade, suggesting a deep stall region. This dip was not captured in the CFD results. Nevertheless, the aerodynamic effect of the winglets was evident in the tangential force distribution, with WD-3 exhibiting the largest CT value at this speed. Compared to lower wind speeds (5 and 7 m/s), both tangential and normal force coefficients increased with the wind speed.
For a wind speed of 13 m/s, the tangential and normal force distribution curves over the blade are shown in
Figure 38. The CFD results were in fairly good agreement with the experimental measurements. Compared to lower wind speeds (5, 7, and 10 m/s), the 13 m/s plot exhibits distinct “U-“ or “V-“shaped distributions for tangential and normal forces, respectively.
The tangential force distribution showed a U-shaped curve, with CT dropping rapidly to the minimum values near 46.6% and 63.3% of the span before increasing to the second-highest value at 80% span. This aligned with the deep stall observed in pressure distribution at those sections. CFD overpredicted the tangential force across the entire span. Negative Cp values were found at 46.6% span in both the experimental results of the baseline blade and the CFD simulations of the blades with winglets. Normal force coefficients at this speed were significantly larger than tangential force coefficients. CFD underpredicted CN values compared to experimental measurements.
The effects of adding winglets on the tangential and normal force coefficients were more noticeable toward the blade tip.
At a wind speed of 15 m/s, both the tangential and normal forces exhibited U-shaped distributions over the span, as seen in
Figure 39. The CFD and experimental results showed fair agreement at this speed, with CFD overpredicting tangential force and underpredicting normal force.
Similar to the 13 m/s case, the CT value dropped rapidly to a minimum at 46.6% span before recovering near 95% span. The effect of the winglets was more pronounced toward the tip in both CT and CN plots. The CN values near the hub were significantly larger than those at 13 m/s.
At higher wind speeds (20 and 25 m/s), the entire blade remained in the deep stall region.
Figure 40 and
Figure 41 show similar force distribution patterns, but they differ from those at lower wind speeds.
CT and
CN decreased from the hub toward the tip, with a slight bump in
CT at 63.3% span. CFD overpredicted tangential force and underpredicted normal force compared to the experimental measurements. Adding winglets significantly reduced tangential force over most of the span except the tip area, while slightly lowering normal force.
3.7. Torque and Thrust Force
Figure 42 compares the result for the torque generated by the blades with winglets, the CFD-simulated original NREL blade, and the NREL experimental measurement across seven wind speeds. Higher torque values generally lead to increased power generation, primarily influenced by the tangential force coefficient.
At 5 m/s, torque values for all four blade configurations were similar. This was because the entire blade remained in the attached flow region, with small AOAs over the blade span. Consequently, the flow remained attached, and tangential force coefficients were comparable. However, WD-3 exhibited slightly lower torque.
Similarly, at 7 m/s, most of the flow remained attached, and tangential force coefficients were slightly lower for the winglet cases, resulting in slightly lower torque.
At 10 m/s, the blade encountered a 20° AOA (onset of complete separation) at 46.7%, where discrepancies in tangential force coefficients were observed between the NREL experimental and CFD results. Thus, the torque value of the original blade was comparatively overpredicted. The CFD results for all blades suggested higher tangential force coefficients, leading to higher torque values for all winglet cases compared to the baseline blade. Among the winglet cases, WD-2 exhibited the highest tangential force coefficient value at 95% span, resulting in the highest torque value at 10 m/s.
At 13 m/s, the blade encountered a 20° AOA at 73% span, and discrepancies in tangential force coefficients were observed between the NREL experimental and CFD results. CFD overpredicted tangential force in most sections, leading to slightly overpredicted torque values. The tangential force coefficients of the three winglets were overpredicted at 30%, 80%, and 95% span, resulting in higher torque values compared to the baseline blade. However, the torque increase was less significant than that at 10 m/s. WD-2 again exhibited the highest torque value.
At 15 m/s, the blade encountered a 20° AOA at 90% span. CFD overpredicted the tangential force before 90% span and underpredicted it at 95% compared to the NREL experimental data. Torque values were similar for both cases. The tangential force coefficients were higher for the winglet cases at 30%, 80%, and 95% span, leading to higher torque compared to the NREL CFD and experimental results. WD-3 exhibited the highest torque.
At 20 m/s, the entire blade was in the deep stall region. CFD torque values for the original blade were nearly identical to the experimental results. The winglet cases exhibited lower torque values due to increased flow separation and lower tangential force coefficients. All three winglet cases had similar torque values.
At 25 m/s, the flow was completely separated. The torque values of all cases were underpredicted compared to the experimental measurements, likely due to the increased flow separation caused by the winglets.
At high wind speeds, winglets had a negligible beneficial effect on torque.
Figure 43 compares the thrust forces for blades with winglets, the CFD-simulated original NREL blade, and the NREL experimental measurements at various wind speeds. The thrust force was primarily influenced by the normal force coefficient (
CN). Higher
CN values generally led to higher thrust force. However, increased thrust can negatively impact the stability of a wind turbine.
At low wind speeds of 5 and 7 m/s, all blade configurations exhibited similar thrust force and stability, with minimal variations. This was likely due to the attached flow and the low normal force coefficients.
At medium wind speeds (10 to 15 m/s), blades with winglets showed significantly increased thrust force, potentially compromising stability.
At high wind speeds (20 and 25 m/s), the flow was completely separated, and the entire blade was in deep stall. CFD underpredicted normal force coefficients compared to the experimental data, leading to lower thrust force values for all winglet cases. WD-3 exhibited the lowest thrust force. This reduction in thrust at high wind speeds could improve stability for blades with winglets, particularly WD-3. However, further analysis and experimental validation would be necessary to confirm this.
By conducting detailed comparisons across various metrics, this study aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the aerodynamic effects of winglets on wind turbines. Our findings indicate that the impact of winglets varies significantly across different wind speeds:
At low wind speeds (5 and 7 m/s), the angle of attack (AOA) remains low across the entire blade span, maintaining attached flow to the blade surface. Consequently, the aerodynamic effects of winglets are negligible.
At 10 m/s, winglets enhance the aerodynamic performance in this region, resulting in increased torque and thrust. The WD-2 winglet configuration yielded the highest torque, approximately 24% greater than the baseline.
At 13 m/s, winglets again improve performance, particularly near the winglet tip, where increased flow attachment leads to higher torque and thrust. The WD-3 configuration provided the highest torque, although the overall increase was smaller than at 10 m/s.
At 15 m/s, winglets delay flow separation near the tip, resulting in significant torque and thrust increases. The WD-3 configuration again offered the highest torque, with a 35% increase compared to the baseline.
At high wind speeds (20 m/s and 25 m/s), the entire blade experiences significant flow separation. While winglets can still influence the flow field, their impact on overall performance is limited. In some cases, winglets may even slightly reduce torque and thrust due to increased separation.