1. Introduction
IEEE 802.11 networks, commonly known as Wi-Fi, play a key role in the advancement of Smart Grids (SG) [
1] by providing a versatile and cost-effective communication medium for real-time data exchange. These networks enable seamless connectivity among SG devices such as smart meters, sensors, and control systems, facilitating efficient monitoring, control, and optimization of energy systems [
2]. A key enabler of this functionality is the internationally recognized SG standard IEC 61850, which facilitates seamless data exchange across Local Area Networks (LANs) to ensure system interoperability [
3]. Using existing Wi-Fi infrastructure or deploying dedicated networks, utilities can enhance the scalability and flexibility of their operations while reducing installation and maintenance costs. The high-speed data transfer capabilities of Wi-Fi support critical SG functions, including demand response, fault detection, and energy consumption analytics. Although Wi-Fi offers significant benefits, its integration into SGs necessitates strong security measures to address vulnerabilities and safeguard the integrity and reliability of the grid’s communication networks. Advanced encryption protocols, authentication mechanisms, and intrusion detection systems are essential to safeguard infrastructure and prevent unauthorized access or tampering.
In today’s rapidly evolving internet, data privacy has become an increasingly important topic of discussion. One of the most widely adopted methods to ensure secure communication between two parties is data encryption. Encryption safeguards the data using a key that is known only to communication participants, making the information unreadable to unauthorized third parties. Although encryption effectively conceals the content of the data, it does not obscure the fact that communication has occurred. The term “steganography” is derived from the Greek words steganós, meaning “covered” or “concealed”, and graphia, meaning “writing”. Historically, it has seen usage to exchange highly sensitive messages. With the evolution of the digital age, steganography has gained popularity, as individuals can now use specialized software to embed hidden messages within images, videos, or audio files, which can only be deciphered by those who know how to extract them. Over the years, numerous researchers have proposed algorithms that enable the creation of covert communication channels over regular network protocols, allowing two parties to communicate secretly without the knowledge of the network administrator.
This research focuses on developing a covert communication channel for SG based on IEEE 802.11 [
4] networks. This standard employs a shared medium for all users, which inherently exposes them to the risk of eavesdropping. In such an environment, a covert channel can be utilized to facilitate secure cryptographic key exchange, verify user identity, or transmit other confidential data. The goal of this research is to propose a set of novel algorithms for covert transmission, introducing an innovative approach to embedding data within the second layer of the IEEE 802.11 standard family by combining various timing-based and storage-based covert channel algorithms. Furthermore, this work aims to refine previously proposed methods to maximize the available bandwidth for covert communication while remaining undetectable and minimizing the negative impact on regular network transmission.
In this paper, we present the following contributions:
The proposal of the first family of covert channels that allow to switch between high covertness and high throughput mode and use features introduced in the IEEE 802.11e [
5] extension.
The proposal of a first covert channel named StegoTXOP—we propose a new covert channel mechanism that uses the transmission opportunity (TXOP) period of the MAC frame to hide covert data.
The proposal of a second covert channel named StegoQoS—we propose a new covert channel mechanism that uses access categories of the Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) function combined with shift mechanism that uses the ‘Duration’ field of the MAC frame header to hide covert data.
The proposal of a third covert channel named StegoEDCA as a new hybrid solution—we propose a novel approach of combining three or four independent covert channels into a single transmission to enhance covert transmission throughput and resistance to steganalysis.
A comprehensive evaluation of the performance of covert channels under varying network parameters (frame size, bits encoded in single TXOP), covert channel configurations (number of background nodes) and impact of different Quality of Service (QoS) queues within the EDCA function.
An examination and discussion of the effects of network saturation and loads imposed by neighboring stations on covert channel performance.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 provides an overview of the relevant literature.
Section 3 discusses the technical aspects of the IEEE 802.11 architecture and its mechanisms.
Section 4 describes the principles of operation for the covert channels incorporated into the proposed combination. The simulation results and their discussion are presented in
Section 5.
Section 6 discusses the limitations and risks of the proposed methods. Finally,
Section 7 concludes the research findings and highlights potential directions for future work.
2. State of the Art
Over the years, there have been numerous investigations into covert channels within Wi-Fi network environments. The first notable proposal is considered [
6], in which the authors proposed three channels. The first channel is based on WEP cipher initialization vectors, the second uses MAC addresses, and the third channel is based on sending frames with intentionally created bad checksums. This approach was evaluated in [
7]. The first two channels were covert but offered low bandwidth. The third channel provided nearly 100% of the network bandwidth but introduced anomalous traffic to the network. The researchers in [
8] proposed two covert channels: one based on modifying subfields within the IEEE 802.11 MAC frame control field and the other on duplicating packets. They were able to partially implement both ideas in hardware and conducted an extensive study on the throughput, reliability, and covertness of the transmission. The two proposals in [
9] utilized the sequence control field and the WEP initialization vector, and could be operated together depending on the network configuration. The authors analyzed performance and proposed mechanisms to protect the covert channel from network sniffers. Furthermore, this idea was implemented in [
10] with a user-friendly interface, but the transmissions proved to be vulnerable to frame loss.
The authors of [
11] used the IEEE 802.11b MAC multirate protocol as a bearer of covert messages. By utilizing this channel, they were able to create covert authentication for users with one-time passwords to protect the network from replay attacks. The simulations demonstrated minimal performance impact on regular transmission. A different approach to creating wireless covert channels can be found in [
12]. In the proposed solution, the covert sender does not need to be connected to the network, as the hidden message is transmitted by introducing interference into the channel. The authors demonstrated the practical utility of this interference channel by watermarking VoIP flows. The first OFDM-based hidden channel was proposed in [
13]. The researchers inserted hidden data into the padding of frames at the physical layer. In doing so, they achieved up to 1.1 Mb/s of bandwidth while maintaining low detectability. Another concept of hiding communication in IEEE 802.11 networks can be found in [
14], which employs fast switching between infrastructure and ad-hoc mode. Although anomalies of this nature are easy to detect, the proposed algorithm also introduces data scrambling and optional encryption using the VMPC algorithm.
In [
15], a novel timing-based covert channel was proposed. It utilizes random backoff in the Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) to disguise transmissions. The authors claim that this proposal can achieve a throughput of 1800 bits/s with high accuracy while remaining undetectable. Furthermore, the throughput can reach up to 8000 bits per second in scenarios where covertness is ignored. In [
16], researchers created a covert channel by modifying Clear-To-Send (CTS) and Acknowledgment (ACK) frames. To enhance the robustness of the channel against errors, they implemented forward error correction and bit interleaving. Extensive testing on channel errors, data rate, and detectability demonstrated performance gains from using the mentioned techniques. Additional authentication for access points using a covert channel was introduced in [
17]. This method utilizes the Least Significant Bits (LSB) of the Timestamp field in Beacon frames. Using this information, clients can distinguish legitimate access points from rogue ones. However, this approach is limited to one-way communication. Another application for covert channels was discussed in [
18]. The researchers used a covert channel based on the rate switching algorithm with One-Time Passwords to implement covert authentication and covert Wi-Fi botnets. They studied the throughput, covertness, and consequences of covert communication on regular network traffic.
Reference [
19] implements the system proposed in [
15] using off-the-shelf equipment. The researchers used equipment available in almost all laptops and found that, due to hardware fluctuations, only half of the theoretical throughput could be achieved. This highlights the importance of practical implementations to judge the feasibility of covert channels. Due to the increasing popularity of steganography, researchers created an extensible application to detect covert channels as described in [
20]. This application passively observes network traffic on the second layer and is currently able to detect only a few covert channels. The results show that it can capture implemented channels with ease and can be expanded to accommodate new and more sophisticated algorithms in the future. Another take on steganography at the physical layer is described in [
21]. Scientists call their technique Dirty Constellation because they hide a covert message with noise that resembles hardware imperfections and channel conditions. The hardware implementation confirms the low detectability and high throughput of this idea. The researchers in [
22] decided to modify the cyclic prefix of Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM). The simulations showed low detectability and immense available bandwidth, which the authors claimed to be the highest of all known steganography algorithms at the time.
The study in [
23] proposed two new covert channels using bits inside the Quality of Service (QoS) header of the IEEE 802.11e frame. These channels were low bandwidth and highly undetectable due to the lack of disruption to network traffic patterns. Additionally, the implemented signaling provided reliable transmission. The authors of [
24] proposed and evaluated a covert channel using Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO) technology. MIMO proved to be superior to Single-Input, Single-Output (SISO) systems in terms of transmission characteristics and higher undetectability. Reference [
25] introduced improvements to a covert channel based on the DCF function, inspired by the Exploiting Modification Direction (EMD) method used in Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) steganography. The goal was to increase embedding efficiency, bandwidth, and security. The researchers in [
26] analyze and compare four techniques for creating OFDM-based covert channels at the physical layer of 802.11a/g. They discuss the pros and cons with respect to their performance and detectability. The discussed OFDM covert channels offer high bandwidth but prove vulnerable to signal analysis at the physical layer. However, at higher layers, they are undetectable as they introduce only a slightly increased BER.
The timing-based covert channel introduced by [
27] transmits information by manipulating the timing of frames within a DCF-controlled medium. To enhance the stealthiness of this channel, the researchers proposed an adaptive approach in which the timing pattern for transmitting covert information is based on the time intervals observed in the distribution of regular network traffic. The simulation results indicated a moderate bit rate, low error rate, and a high level of covertness. The channel proposed in [
28] was implemented using off-the-shelf equipment. It uses intervals of probe request frames or beacon frames to provide bidirectional communication. This channel was proved to be detectable only at the physical layer, with a relatively low error rate, but it offers very low bandwidth. Two new covert channels described in [
29] rely on modifying the feedback matrix of data and control channels to send hidden information. The researchers provide a detailed discussion on how to design the parameters of their method. Conducted simulations show an insignificant impact of hidden communication on normal transmission and high covertness, but offer only an uplink connection. In [
30], researchers investigate a covert channel based on introducing errors in OFDM constellation shaping to transmit data. Although the experimental results show high undetectability, transmission reliability remains a concern.
The introduction of noise to create covert transmission can also be found in [
31]. In this proposal, hidden bits are transmitted by introducing amplitude shifts to phase-shift keying modulations, a technique termed pseudo-noise asymmetric shift keying. Simulations and physical implementation on off-the-shelf network cards yielded impressive results—high throughput, high transmission robustness, and no impact on regular transmission SNR. The authors of [
32] exploited the modulation and coding schemes and link adaptation mechanisms introduced in the IEEE 802.11ad standard to create a high-throughput covert channel. In simulation, they were able to achieve a throughput of 150 Mb/s and reliably send data. However, this increased throughput came at the cost of slightly reducing the quality of regular transmission. To increase the covertness of the OFDM-based covert channel, researchers in [
33] proposed a novel method to utilize a cover signal to decrease the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and thereby conceal the secret signal. Simulations demonstrate this method to be an effective approach for enhancing resistance to steganalysis. However, their study focuses solely on the detectability of hidden transmission, thus lacking an analysis of the impact on the covert receiver and throughput. The work [
34] analyzes the possibility of using a covert channel based on hiding transmissions in OFDM padding in vehicular networks. The authors conducted simulations assuming non-ideal conditions, and the results showed the impact of various parameters such as channel conditions, number of vehicles, packet sizes, and transmission data rate on the steganographic channel.
The authors of [
35] propose a new, easy-to-implement steganographic channel that embeds hidden bits of information in the relative order of frames. Experiments conducted in real-world scenarios demonstrate high covertness and a low error rate, even when non-informed stations are present in the channel. The main downside of this proposal is its very low bandwidth. In [
36], another proposal for an easy-to-implement covert channel can be found. It introduces a small offset to the beacon interval to transmit hidden bits. The authors implemented error correction for robustness and simple data encryption to increase security. The protocol presents a trade-off: while it operates on a low-bandwidth channel with limited unidirectional transmission capacity, it boasts straightforward integration into commercial equipment and ensures covert transmission. The proposal described in [
37] utilizes the supported data rates and extended data rates fields found in the probe request frames to establish a covert channel. Due to the active scanning principle of operation, the sender receives responses to their requests, allowing for error detection and retransmission. The simulations demonstrated a maximum throughput of more than 1.2 kb/s with low latency. The covertness of the proposed channel was not discussed in this paper. Another study on OFDM-based channels is conducted in [
38]. The authors analyze the performance of a channel hidden in a single-carrier signal for IoT usage. Simulations proved that the signal power ratio was sufficient for successful decoding and low enough not to raise suspicions from observers.
The new channel proposed in [
39] uses a randomized MAC address to create a covert channel. The sender embeds hidden information in the MAC address and uses it to send probe requests within the network. To distinguish covert transmissions from regular ones, the authors implemented the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) in the sequence number field. Simulations showed a significant impact of the number of stations in the network on channel performance, but researchers were able to mitigate this with a modified version of selective repeat Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) protocol. The results proved the channel to be stealthy, yielding high throughput and offering low delay and jitter values. Reference [
40] introduces another hidden channel built on exploiting the DCF function and its random backoffs called StegoBackoff. Bits of the covert transmission are based on the parity of the sender’s backoff time. This simple concept is easy to implement and hard to detect, as the sender does not access the channel unfairly. The bandwidth of this channel is highly dependent on the number of active stations in the network, and transmitting large frames proves to be a challenge. The authors of [
41] introduce a novel approach that combines two different steganography algorithms to enhance the transmission parameters of a covert channel. They use a slightly modified StegoBackoff method to send one bit of information per packet and combine it with encoding three bits of information inside the duration/ID field of the MAC header. In addition, they implement a mechanism to support different QoS classes similar to those defined in the IEEE 802.11e standard. The results of the conducted simulations demonstrate that this protocol offers high bandwidth and low delay without disrupting normal network operations, although a large number of background stations could reduce its efficiency.
Although numerous solutions have been proposed over the years, there remains significant potential for novel covert channel concepts and optimization of existing ones. The motivation for this work is to develop a channel characterized by very high throughput, low detectability, and minimal impact on regular network performance. This study aims to refine existing concepts and introduce new approaches to enable covert transmission utilizing QoS features introduced in the IEEE 802.11e standard extension, which have not been explored to date.
6. Limitations and Risks
The algorithms proposed in this work, like other algorithms used for creating covert channels, have certain limitations, and their implementation involves some risks. The primary limitation of the StegoEDCA method is the strong dependence of the covert channel’s performance on the length of transmitted frames. Since the transmission of hidden information is closely correlated with the number of transmitted frames, from the perspective of the covert channel, it is advantageous to transmit as many short frames as possible. However, it is well known that transmitting short frames in a wireless network is inefficient due to significant overhead, as the performance of a wireless network without additional mechanisms like TXOP or frame aggregation can decrease by several dozen percent. The length of frames transmitted in computer networks is largely dependent on the types of applications being used. Very short frames are typical for voice services, whereas the transmission of high-quality video streams requires the use of very long frames. A potential solution for controlling the length of frames transmitted in a Wi-Fi network—and consequently setting the throughput of the covert channel—could be the use of additional mechanisms such as frame fragmentation. Although this approach allows for obtaining frames of a specific length, it can also significantly reduce the efficiency of regular data transmission for other stations.
It is also important to remember that a covert channel can only be established if there is ongoing transmission in the regular data transmission channel. For certain types of applications, this requirement may pose a limitation. Another factor influencing performance is undoubtedly the number of frames sent during the TXOP period. As studies have shown, it is not possible to definitively determine whether transmitting more or fewer frames during the TXOP period is better, as the performance of the covert channel depends on many factors, including the operating mode (high covertness vs. high throughput), the length of transmitted frames, and the volume of offered traffic.
There also remains the issue of selecting an appropriate operating mode for the proposed covert channel. In the opinion of the authors, this may depend on the specific application that uses the covert channel for transmission. If the application requires high throughput, such as transmitting several tens of megabytes of measurement data in a SG without providing sensitive data e.g., identifying specific users, the algorithm may switch to “high throughput” mode. However, if sensitive data are being transmitted and real-time transmission is not required, the algorithm should choose the “high covertness” mode for transmission.
Finally, since the covert channel solutions proposed in the article utilize only elements of the data link layer, their implementation in real hardware is entirely feasible. The data link layer in WLAN cards is typically implemented at both the driver and firmware levels. Naturally, there should be no issue implementing selected elements of the proposed covert channels in Linux operating system drivers (e.g., setting bits in the Duration field based on traffic class). However, modifying the firmware is a significantly more complex process (e.g., altering the number of time slots in the backoff mechanism). Firmware code is most often written in low-level languages such as assembler, often using dedicated tools and libraries provided by WLAN chipset manufacturers (e.g., Qualcomm, Broadcom, Intel). Access to such tools and firmware source code is typically beyond the reach of the average user due to costs and licensing issues.
When it comes to risks, it is important to remember that any manipulation of the contention window is non-compliant with the IEEE 802.11 standard and may lead to issues such as unfairness in access to the radio channel. Although the proposed solution, based on the backoff mechanism, in some cases changes the backoff by only one slot—sometimes benefiting the station creating the hidden channel and at other times causing it a disadvantage—this may be perceived by other stations as improper behavior. Considering also that the covert station mostly increases its window size (unless it reaches the CWmax value), effectively acting to its own detriment, this should not be regarded as a violation of correctness in relation to other stations.
Using the proposed steganographic mechanisms, resource consumption such as CPU usage or memory should be taken into account. Compared to other mechanisms requiring significant processing power, which are utilized in modern Wi-Fi networks—such as data encryption, frame fragmentation at transmission rates of tens of Gb/s, CRC calculations, support for MU-MIMO, beamforming, Credit-Based Shaper Algorithm (CBSA) traffic shaping or the operation of the OFDMA scheduler in access points—the presented mechanisms employ very simple calculations. These include operations like XOR, counting individual slots in the contention window, and reading/writing values in MAC frame headers. Considering that modern Wi-Fi devices are often equipped with very powerful processors (typically specialized multi-core SoCs) operating at speeds exceeding 2 GHz, along with substantial memory for frame buffering (necessary at such high transmission rates), the proposed covert channel mechanisms will have a negligible impact on both CPU load and memory usage. The data rates achievable in covert channels (several hundred Kbps), despite significant progress in this field observed in recent years, are still incomparably smaller than the regular data rates exchanged between users and networking devices (which today exceed 36 Gb/s).
7. Conclusions
This research proposes the family of novel covert channels built on features introduced in IEEE 802.11e aimed at enhancing data integrity and communication security within the SG. The proposed approach utilizes access categories of the EDCA function combined with a shift mechanism that uses the ‘Duration’ field of the MAC frame header, the TXOP mechanism, and the parity of the EDCA backoff slots. Its resistance to steganalysis is mainly due to the fact that hidden data are transferred using three or four independent covert channels. In addition, these channels operate transparently, preventing disruption of normal network operations, thereby enabling them to function seamlessly and remain inconspicuous. A combination of these channels was implemented in the NS-3 network simulator, and multiple tests were conducted to investigate how different frame sizes, offered load, and background activity impacted channel performance. The study also discusses how various covert channel settings affect regular network performance. The simulations concluded that the channel is capable of providing sufficient throughput in all network scenarios.
With properly configured settings, it demonstrates the ability to avoid introducing any negative impact on regular network transmissions. The key to achieving optimal performance in various scenarios lies in determining the most suitable StegoTXOP sequence length configuration. The best-performing configuration for the voice queue in terms of throughput is the encoding of 2-bit-long sequences within a single TXOP. However, this option introduces the highest increase in average delay and jitter among all available configurations. The 3-bit-long encoding emerges as a viable intermediate solution, balancing throughput performance with reduced delay and jitter compared to the 2-bit one. With A-MPDU aggregation enabled in the video queue, it is challenging to identify a clear winner. In high covertness mode, the highest throughput was achieved using 4-bit-long encoding within a TXOP, albeit at the expense of significantly increased average jitter and delay. In contrast, the 2-bit encoding exhibited the lowest performance impact on regular transmissions. This characteristic made 2-bit encoding the optimal choice in high throughput mode, as covert bits were strongly correlated with the overall number of frames transmitted. The selective throughput results of the simulations are summarized in
Table 5, showcasing the highest channel performance achieved under specific parameter configurations. These results underscore the potential of the proposed algorithm to achieve high covert transmission rates while maintaining efficiency. Despite some shortcomings, the algorithm shows great promise and, with fine-tuning, could be implemented in real-world scenarios to enhance the security of SG and their users.
In the multi-station scenario, the 2-bit encoding within a TXOP for the voice queue was the most susceptible to the increasing number of stations in the network. This susceptibility significantly reduced the available time for transmission, consequently decreasing covert throughput and introducing higher jitter and delay. For the video queue, all configurations performed similarly regardless of settings, with only minor differences observed. In high covertness mode, the 2-bit encoding exhibited a slight advantage, whereas in high throughput mode, the 4-bit encoding performed marginally better. The 3-bit sequence length consistently emerged as a balanced option in all situations, providing sufficient throughput while minimizing the impact on regular transmissions.
Table 6 presents the highest channel throughput achieved in a congested network environment, measured with a frame size of 1024 bytes.
Table 7 provides a comparison of the combined StegoEDCA algorithm with previously developed covert channels. The results demonstrate that this proposal achieves the highest throughput ever recorded for a covert channel constructed at the MAC layer of IEEE 802.11 networks. To be fair in evaluating performance relative to other covert channel protocols, the throughput value has been reduced by half to correspond to operating in a 20 MHz channel. Although this exceptional bandwidth is achieved with specific network configurations optimized for the algorithm, the simulations presented in this study indicate that the channel consistently delivers one of the highest covert transmission throughputs up to date. High bandwidth is achieved with the high throughput mode, which maintains a satisfactory level of covertness, ensuring the channel remains secure. The combination of multiple subchannels significantly improves the security of the proposed covert channel. A potential transmission listener would need to uncover all the embedded mechanisms used for data concealment before the covert user data could be compromised. This multi-layered approach increases the complexity of detection and mitigates the risk of channel exposure, making it a robust solution for secure covert communication. Covertness can be further enhanced if necessary, but at the cost of reduced covert channel throughput. This flexibility enables the proposal to adapt to varying network conditions and user requirements.
Future Work
This research can be expanded further by conducting additional simulations focused on optimizing channel configurations in scenarios with mixed access categories. Although the StegoTXOP algorithm shows promise, more work is required to determine the appropriate thresholds for sequence lengths, a challenge that could benefit from the use of machine learning techniques. There is also potential to improve channel performance by incorporating additional covert channels into the mix. Another idea for future work is to try to implement this proposal on existing hardware and conduct experiments in similar scenarios for comparison, as references [
19] suggest that real-world implementations may deviate from simulation results.