3.2.1. Representation of the Complementary ESS Scheduling on the Basis of the Smart Metering Data
This paper presents an algorithm for the optimal operation of the ESS to regulate the distribution line voltage. The main contribution of this algorithm is the complementary operation between the ESSs. In order to complementally schedule all the ESSs in a distribution system, the power injection data at each PCC are required, and these data can be obtained by a smart metering system. The measured power injection data obtained by the smart meters at each PCC are transferred to a concentrator, which collects the entire distribution system information and estimates the current condition of the distribution system. From the power injection data, the distribution voltage can be derived as explained in the DC power flow calculation method. Therefore, the concentrator estimates the distribution voltage condition and provides an instruction on the control of the ESSs for the complementary operation between the ESSs [
Figure 6 represents the configuration of this distribution system, which is equipped with a smart meter system at each bus and a data concentrator.
Figure 6.
Configuration of the distribution system equipped with a smart metering system.
Figure 6.
Configuration of the distribution system equipped with a smart metering system.
Case studies have been conducted with the real KEPCO distribution system data to demonstrate the ESS control algorithm. The Cheon-an distribution network in the KEPCO system comprises a roof-top PV generation at each house. In addition, six houses are lumped into one connection point, which is defined as the point of common coupling (PCC). This paper applies the OW-60 mm2 single-phase pi (π) line parameter, which has a resistance, an inductance and a capacitance per unit length of 0.313 (Ω/km), 0.266 (mH/km), and 0.0013 (μF/km), respectively.
Each smart meter measures the loading condition at each PCC, and the voltage condition of the whole distribution system is estimated. By calculating the DC power flow on the basis of the measured information from the smart meter system, the distribution line voltage condition can be determined, whether the current voltage condition deviates from the normal range or not. When the estimated voltage condition is out of range, ESS charging is performed as instructed by the concentrator. The capacity of charging for each ESS is calculated by considering the mutual influence between the PCCs [
3.2.2. Complementally Optimized Scheduling for ESSs in a Distribution System
The distribution line voltage can be calculated by using the DC power flow calculation as explained in
Section 3.1. In the case that the distribution system is radial, the power flow at bus
i can be simplified as shown in Equation (8). The distribution line voltage is closely related to the power injection, and the individual power injection at each PCC affects not only the voltage of the connected PCC, but also the entire distribution line voltage. In this paper, in order to estimate the optimal ESS capacity for voltage regulation, the optimization function based on the genetic algorithm (GA) is used through MATLAB simulation [
11]. In addition, the result of the algorithm is demonstrated through PSCAD/EMTDC simulation:
During the periods of high DG generation, the voltage at a given PCC fluctuates above the permitted voltage regulation range. The amount of overvoltage can be calculated by performing the DC power flow calculation with the power injection data from obtained the smart meters, and the ESS can absorb an adequate power in order to maintain the voltage within the limits. As expressed in Equation (8), the voltage at a given PCC depends not only on the power usage at the connected PCC, but also on the condition of the adjacent bus with mutual influence. Therefore, when the ESS operation scheduling is estimated, the mutual influence between the PCCs must be considered.
By using the data from the smart metering system, this paper introduces a complementally optimized ESS scheduling algorithm for voltage regulation for all the ESSs, and not only for the individual ESS control independently. The required power, which can be generated or absorbed by the ESSs, is calculated for the voltage regulation (388 V ˂ Vdc ˂ 412 V).
The presented ESS scheduling algorithm considers all the available ESSs in the distribution system to regulate the distribution line voltage; therefore, the objective function of optimization is to minimize the capacity of all the ESSs with satisfaction under the normal voltage operating condition as expressed in Equations (9)–(11):
with voltage regulation constraints:
By performing an iterative GA process, the best result is stochastically selected. The optimized
for each ESS is calculated while monitoring whether the distribution line voltages at every PCC satisfy the voltage regulation requirements. Through this process, the
Pnew value required for voltage regulation is updated as expressed in Equation (12). In addition, from this result, the capacity of each ESS is determined.
Figure 7 shows the flow chart of this entire process:
The algorithm is divided into three sections. The first section is the part where the system configuration is entered, and the power injection data of each PCC are collected from the smart metering system. In the second section the DC power flow calculation is performed on the basis of the collected power injection data. Through the DC power flow calculation, it can be estimated whether the distribution line voltage at each PCC is within the normal operation range or not. The third section involves the ESS scheduling process. In this part, the optimization using the GA is performed to determine the optimal operation condition for each ESS.
Figure 7.
ESS charge scheduling algorithm for voltage regulation.
Figure 7.
ESS charge scheduling algorithm for voltage regulation.
3.2.3. Methodologies for the Discharging Schedule of ESSs in a Distribution System
In order to regulate the voltage during the periods of high PV generation by using the ESSs, the state of charging (SOC) of the ESSs should be considered to ensure an adequate capacity of the ESSs. In order to ensure the capacity of an ESS for voltage regulation, the SOC of the ESSs must be lowered by adequately discharging the power during the relatively low DG generation and high load periods. The discharge power from the ESSs can cause the distribution line voltage fluctuation. This paper suggests two different methods in order to adequately discharge the ESS power. The main objective of this discharging algorithm is to enable the distribution line voltage operate closer to the normal voltage.
The first method is based on the historical power flow tendency. In this case, the charged power during the periods of high PV generation is discharged during historically low DG generation and high load periods. In this paper, it is assumed that the discharging periods are between 7 and 11 pm, and the charged energy is equally discharged during those periods. When the ESS SOC reaches the lowest level, the discharge operation is stopped.
The second method optimally discharges the available ESS power to increase the distribution line voltage for it to be closer to the normal voltage. This is performed through simulation by increasing the lower voltage limit during the optimization process. In this simulation, the lower voltage limit for the optimization is set as 393 V. Therefore, when the distribution line voltage reaches below 393 V, ESS discharging is complementally performed to compensate the voltage with optimal use of the ESS power.