Functional Importance of Surface Texture Parameters
:1. Introduction
2. Height Parameters
3. Spatial Parameters
4. Hybrid Parameters
5. Other Field Parameters
6. Feature Parameters
- -
- Density of peaks Spd;
- -
- Arithmetical average peak curvature Spc.
- -
- -
- There are also [11]:
- -
- Ten-point height S10z;
- -
- Five-point peak height S5p;
- -
- Five-point pit height S5v;
- -
- Average dale area Sda;
- -
- Average hill area Sha;
- -
- Average dale volume Sdv;
- -
- Average hill volume Shv.
7. Functional Importance of Parameters
8. Conclusions and Outlook
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Type of Parameters | Examples | Functional Importance |
Amplitude | Sa, Sq, Sz, Sp, Sv | Surface contact, lubrication, friction, wear, fatigue, technical control of manufacturing |
Characterising the shape of the height distribution | Ssk, Sku, Sp/Sz, Sq/Sa | Surface contact, friction, wear |
Spatial | Sal, Str | Lubrication, friction |
Hybrid | Sdq, Sdr | Surface contact, friction, wear, ability to adhesive junctions, sealing, and cosmetic appearance |
Related to material ratio curve | Sk, Spk, Svk, Sr1, Sr2, Spq, Svk, Smq, Vvv, Vmp, Vmc, Vvc, Smc, Smr, Sxp | Wear, friction, oil capacity, low wear assessment, technical control of manufacturing |
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Pawlus, P.; Reizer, R.; Wieczorowski, M. Functional Importance of Surface Texture Parameters. Materials 2021, 14, 5326.
Pawlus P, Reizer R, Wieczorowski M. Functional Importance of Surface Texture Parameters. Materials. 2021; 14(18):5326.
Chicago/Turabian StylePawlus, Pawel, Rafal Reizer, and Michal Wieczorowski. 2021. "Functional Importance of Surface Texture Parameters" Materials 14, no. 18: 5326.
APA StylePawlus, P., Reizer, R., & Wieczorowski, M. (2021). Functional Importance of Surface Texture Parameters. Materials, 14(18), 5326.