Genomics for Arbovirus Surveillance: Considerations for Routine Use in Public Health Laboratories
:1. Introduction
2. Arbovirus Pre-Sequencing Considerations
2.1. Sample Collection and Storage
2.2. Virus Enrichment
2.3. Nucleic Acid Isolation
2.4. Nucleic Acid Enrichment
2.4.1. Nucleic Acid Capture by Hybridization
2.4.2. Nucleic Acid Amplification
3. Arbovirus Sequencing Considerations
3.1. Sequencing Methods for Arbovirus Surveillance
3.1.1. Sequence-Dependent Approach
3.1.2. Sequence-Independent Approach
4. Arbovirus, Post-Sequencing Consideration
Bioinformatic Analysis and Workflows for Arbovirus Sequencing Outputs
5. Discussion
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Category | Tool Name | Description | NGS/TGS | Reference |
Pre-processing and Quality Control | FastQC | Quality control analysis tool for high throughput sequencing data | NGS | [76] |
Nanoplot | Quality control analysis tool for ONT data | TGS | [77] | |
Nanopolish | Software package for signal-level analysis of ONT data | TGS | [78] | |
Porechop | Adapter trimmer for ONT reads | TGS | [79] | |
Fitlong | Tool for filtering long reads by quality | TGS | (accessed on 24 July 2024) | |
Trimmomatic | Read-trimming tool for Illumina NGS | NGS | [80] | |
Cutadapt | Remove adapter sequences | NGS | [81] | |
De novo genome assembly | Flye | De novo assembler for single molecule sequencing reads using repeat graphs | TGS | [82] |
Canu | A single molecule sequence assembler for large and small genomes | TGS | [83] | |
Unicycler | Hybrid assembly pipeline for bacterial genomes | NGS/TGS | [84] | |
Spades | Genome assembler for genomes of regular and single-cell projects | NGS/TGS | [85] | |
Medaka | Tool to create consensus sequences and variant calls from nanopore sequencing data | TGS | (accessed on 24 July 2024) | |
Wtdbg2 | De novo assembler for long noisy sequences, based on fuzzy Bruijn graphs | TGS | [86] | |
Short-read mapping | BWA | Maps short reads against reference genome | NGS | [87] |
STAR | RNA-seq aligner that can detect and align both spliced and unspliced reads | NGS | [88] | |
Long-read mapping | Minimap2 | Pairwise aligner for genomic and spliced nucleotide sequences | TGS | [89] |
GraphMap | A highly sensitive and accurate mapper for long, error-prone reads | TGS | [90] | |
Taxonomy and metagenomics | Kraken2 | Taxonomic sequence classification system | TGS | [91] |
PlasFlow | Software for prediction of plasmid sequences in metagenomic assemblies | TGS | [92] | |
MetaPhIan2 | Tool to profile structure and composition of microbial communities (bacteria, archaea, eukaryotes, and viruses) from metagenomic shotgun sequencing data with species-level resolution | NGS | [93] | |
DIAMOND | Tool for rapidly searching large DNA or protein sequence databases for short sequences | NGS | [94] | |
Visualization | Krona | Interactively explore metagenomes and more from a web browser | NGS/TGS | [95] |
Phinch | Data visualization framework aimed at promoting novel explorations of large biological datasets | NGS/TGS | [96] | |
Variant calling | Medaka | Create a consensus sequence from ONT data | TGS | (accessed on 24 July 2024) |
Statistical analysis | Bracken | Relative abundance estimation tool for single-level abundance using Kraken read classification output | TGS | [97] |
Web-Based Tools | Brief Description | Link | Reference |
BV-BRC | Bacterial and Viral Bioinformatics Resource Center, an information system designed to support research on bacterial and viral infectious diseases. It allows single or multiple assemblers to be invoked to compare results | (accessed on 24 July 2024) | [98] |
CASTOR | Provides an open access, collaborative and reproducible machine learning classifier that enables novel and accurate large-scale virus studies. | (unable to access, returns an error message) | [99] |
EDGE | Workflows for metagenomic analysis that are pre-configured and may be accessible via a webpage or a local installation. Supports long read and viral genome analysis | (accessed on 24 July 2024) | [100] |
Galaxy | Platform that provides access to a wide range of tools for analyzing biological data which includes DNA and RNA sequencing, proteomics and metabolomics data | (accessed on 24 July 2024) | [101] |
Genome detective | A web-based platform that enables the identification of organisms responsible for an outbreak and evolutionary information of pathogens crucial in understanding the unique phenotypes such as drug resistance, virulence and disease outcome. | (accessed on 24 July 2024) | [75] |
IMG | Enables comparative analysis of metagenomes registered on Genomes OnLine Database. Supports analysis of viral genomes through IMG/VR | (accessed on 24 July 2024) | [102] |
Kaiju | Fast and sensitive taxonomic classification of high-throughput sequencing reads from metagenomic whole genome sequencing or metatranscriptomics experiments | (accessed on 24 July 2024) | [103] |
Metavir 2 | Web server dedicated to the analysis of viral metagenomes (viromes) | (unable to access, returns an error message) | [104] |
MGnify | Platform for analysis of European Nucleotide Archive (ENA)-based sequence and metadata. Provides pipelines for the detection, annotationa and taxonomic classification of viral contigs in metagenomic and metatranscriptomic assemblies. | (accessed on 24 July 2024) | [105] |
NanoGalaxy | Nanopore long-read sequencing data analysis in Galaxy | (accessed on 24 July 2024) | [106] |
Nextstrain | A real-time pathogen evolution tracking platform that provides evolutionary information in the form of interactive visualizations. It has been used to track various arboviral epidemics globally. | (accessed on 24 July 2024) | [107] |
VirusDetect | Uses deep sequencing of small RNAs to identify both known and novel viruses in plants and animals. It performs both reference-guided and de novo assemblies of small RNA sequences and compares them to a curated virus reference database. | (accessed on 24 July 2024) | [108] |
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Arbovirus | Depletion or Enrichment Methods | Genomic Scope (Sequence- Dependent “sd” or Sequence- Independent “si”) | Sequencing Platform | Bioinformatic Workflow/Pipeline | Reference | Advantages | Disadvantages |
DENV, ZIKV, CHIKV | Not used | Metagenomics complete viral genomes (si) | NextSeq 2000 | Pre-processing (FastQC, TrimGalore, and Fastp) Taxonomic classification and removal of host not targeted reads (Kraken2) De novo assembly (SPAdes) Taxonomic classification based on protein identity (Diamond BLASTx) Phylogenetic analysis (MAFFT, IQ-TREE, and FigTree) | [8] | High specificity of viral identification and the unbiased nature of viral detection, full annotation of all viruses present in the tested sample was enabled. | Not sensitive enough to detect low levels of viral nucleic acids, may also detect non-infectious viral particles or viral nucleic acids from previous infections. |
Simultaneous detection of vector-borne viruses | Metagenomic sequencing with spiked primer enrichment (MSSPE) | Metagenomic (sd) | MiSeq and MinION MK1B or GridION X5 | Identification of viral reads Removal of spiked primers Duplicate reads removed (Prinseq) Mapping and assembly | [36] | Simple, low cost, high sensitivity, and broad detection capability, fast and deployable. | Prior knowledge of the target viruses is required. |
DENV, CHIKV | Not used | Metagenomic next-generation sequencing (si) | MiSeq | Pre-processing (Trim_galore and Prinseq) Taxonomic classification (Diamond BLASTx) De novo assembly and mapping (SPAdes, dipSPAdes, and Tanoti) Visualization (Krona plots and BLAST tables) | [43] | Ability to detect new and emerging pathogens, potential for resistance screening and phyloepidemiological analyses. Rapid and accurate identification of viral infections in febrile returning travelers. This is essential for timely treatment and the prevention of further transmission. | Limited detection of DNA viruses, enrichment or depletion methods may be necessary. |
ZIKV, CHIKV | Multiplex tiling PCR | Metagenomic amplicon sequencing (sd) | MinION | Demultiplexing ( script or Metrichor) Mapping to reference genome (BWAmem and SAMtools view) Primer trimming ( script) Variant calling (nanopolish variants) Consensus generation ( script) Visualization of variant calls and frequencies ( and | [17] | Inexpensive and convenient lab method, multiplex PCR reduces the cost of reagents and minimizes potential sources of laboratory error. | Method is not suitable for the discovery of new viruses or for sequencing highly diverse or recombinant viruses because primer schemes are virus-genome-specific. |
MiSeq | Primer trimming (Trimmomatic) Alignment (Novoalign) Statistics (SAMtools) | ||||||
YBV1, YPLV3, YSLV1 a | Random amplification with octamer primers | Metagenomics complete viral genomes (si) | MiSeq | Pre-processing (Cutadapt and Prinseq-lite) De novo assemblies (Ray Meta) Contig/scaffold assembly (Cap3) Taxonomy classification (iterative BLAST search against the NCBI nt database) Verification of viral contig sequences (in-house reference-mapping pipeline NGS_Mapper) Visualization and curation (Geneious R10 and IGV) Annotations (Blastp, TMHMM, and EVEs) Phylogenetic analysis (MEGA) | [55] | The study identified novel viral genomes in mosquitoes in the Republic of Korea. The research lays the groundwork for developing a map of complete mosquito viromes that is closely cross-referenced to the population statistics of every mosquito species in the ROK. Eventually, this map might be enlarged to create a global database. | The study did not investigate the potential pathogenicity or transmission of the identified viral genomes. |
CCHFV, RVFV, DUGV, NSDV, MIDV, WSLV b | SISPA | Whole-genome sequencing (si) | MinION | Pre-processing (Mk1C Guppy) Demultiplexing and adaptor removal (Porechop) Mapping and genome assembly (KMA and Minimap2) | [56] | Allows for a broad enrichment of viral genomic RNAs without the need for virus-specific whole-genome PCRs. Useful for the detection and characterization of viruses in samples with unknown or complex viral populations. | Unclassified reads cannot be distinguished when multiple samples of the same virus but of different origins have been sequenced in the same run (e.g., CCHFV from a tick and CCHFV from cell culture supernatant). |
DENV types 1–4, CHIKV | Not used | Whole-genome sequencing of targeted virus (sd) | MiSeq | Pre-processing (ngs_mapper pipeline and Trimmomatic) Mapping and remapping to reference (BWA–Maximal Exact Matches) Assembly processing (samtools and in-house Statistics (matplotlib) Phylogenetic analysis (Phyml) | [54] | The study presents one of the most detailed descriptions of dengue and chikungunya illnesses in Ecuador’s southern coast. | Researchers only questioned the immediate neighbors of the original index case, which may not be typical of the entire community living within 200 m. |
NPV c | Cell culture and random hexamer primers | Whole-genome sequencing (si) | MiSeq and Sanger sequencing | Mapping with phleboviruses and comparison against amino acid sequence libraries (BLAST) Genome assembly and annotations (Geneious) Phylogenetic analysis (MEGA) | [57] | The broad reverse transcription PCR screening allowed us to discard orthobunyaviruses, alphaviruses, and flaviviruses. The screening for sand fly-borne phleboviruses by targeting the RdRp gene using degenerate primers and phylogenetic analysis allowed us to classify the new virus. | This approach requires extensive laboratory work and expertise. |
Pool of six viruses: MAYV, VEEV, CHIKV, ZIKV, VSV, and OROV d | Ribosomal RNA depletion | Direct RNA sequencing (sd) | MinION | Pre-processing (Albacore) Mapping (Minimap2, Samtools) Read coverage calculation (Genomecov in BEDtools) Reference-based assembly (Racon) | [58] | Enables the detection of a complex population of RNA viruses simultaneously, fast and easy detection within 3 h. | Requires high amounts of virus, poly(A)-tail reaction is not only specific to viral RNA, but host RNA can also be a target, requires prior knowledge of a target nucleotide, this method may not find novel RNA viruses or coinfections. |
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Patiño, L.; Benítez, A.D.; Carrazco-Montalvo, A.; Regato-Arrata, M. Genomics for Arbovirus Surveillance: Considerations for Routine Use in Public Health Laboratories. Viruses 2024, 16, 1242.
Patiño L, Benítez AD, Carrazco-Montalvo A, Regato-Arrata M. Genomics for Arbovirus Surveillance: Considerations for Routine Use in Public Health Laboratories. Viruses. 2024; 16(8):1242.
Chicago/Turabian StylePatiño, Leandro, Andrea Denisse Benítez, Andrés Carrazco-Montalvo, and Mary Regato-Arrata. 2024. "Genomics for Arbovirus Surveillance: Considerations for Routine Use in Public Health Laboratories" Viruses 16, no. 8: 1242.
APA StylePatiño, L., Benítez, A. D., Carrazco-Montalvo, A., & Regato-Arrata, M. (2024). Genomics for Arbovirus Surveillance: Considerations for Routine Use in Public Health Laboratories. Viruses, 16(8), 1242.