1. Introduction
The increasing popularity of electric-powered vehicles is a promising sign for achieving more sustainable transportation systems. Within the past few years, United States (U.S.) sales of electric vehicles (EVs), including battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), have proliferated, reaching over 295,000 units in 2020 [
1]. Meanwhile, BEVs have become increasingly important, representing 78% of the 2020 U.S. EV sales [
1]. Although commonly seen as a low-carbon and environmentally friendly option, BEVs have noteworthy drawbacks, such as limited battery capacities and driving range, leading to ‘range anxiety’. This phenomenon describes the fear of running out of energy before reaching a charging station [
3]. Along with insufficient charging infrastructure [
4], the limited range of BEVs represents a significant barrier for a comprehensive transition to BEVs [
One way of overcoming BEV drawbacks associated with a limited driving range and ‘range anxiety’ is to apply eco-driving strategies. Eco-driving on an operational level can improve the vehicle’s fuel economy through behavioral adjustments (e.g., speed, idling, cruise control, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) [
10]. While eco-driving strategies for internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) are widely known, they do not necessarily apply to BEVs due to fundamental differences in their drivetrain and their characteristics (e.g., source of force, the ability of recuperation). These differences also account for changes in the energy consumption behavior of BEVs in traffic. Understanding how traffic intensities (i.e., high traffic intensity correlates with high congestion, high variation in acceleration, and high variation in jerk) impact BEV efficiency is crucial to deriving specific and successful eco-driving strategies, creating opportunities for eco-routing, and, finally, facilitating the widespread adoption of BEVs.
Different factors influencing the energy consumption of BEVs have been explored in the past. For example, Sivak and Schoettle [
10], and Arend and Franke [
11] found that the application of eco-driving strategies, including route selection and, thus, the consideration of traffic, can extend the range of BEVs. In addition, driving behavior, external and technical factors influence BEV efficiency. While the initial state of charge (SOC) of the battery was not found to impact BEV efficiency significantly [
12], the ambient temperature [
18], and the use of auxiliaries (e.g., ventilation, air conditioning, and cruise control) do correlate significantly with the energy consumption of BEVs [
23]. For example, Bartels et al. [
12] found in their field study that there was no relationship found between the initial SOC at the beginning of a drive and the energy consumed. Instead, their results indicated a significant direct impact of the ambient temperature on the SOC consumed [
12]. In addition to the direct impact, temperature can increase the need for additional charging through heating and cooling. For example, Kambly and Bradley [
13] modeled differences in cabin thermal comfort conditioning loads across the United States based on the 2009 National Household Transportation Survey. The authors stated that air conditioning, which is more likely used in warmer regions, increased the energy consumption of EVs significantly. Furthermore, Yuksel and Michalek [
17] used the same survey data and supported findings in [
13]. The authors posited that BEV energy consumption was higher in colder regions of the United States and that air conditioning and heating negatively impact efficiency. In Badin et al. [
19], a simulation-based approach was used to analyze EV energy consumption influencing factors. The study revealed that the additional load of auxiliaries (e.g., cruise control and air conditioning) could increase the energy consumption while the impact varies with the vehicle speed. Another study by Johnson [
21] supported evidence of the effect of air conditioning on a vehicle’s efficiency through simulations. By analyzing actual driving cycles, Bingham et al. [
23] found that additional loads through heating and air conditioning require consideration in travel planning and user behavior due to their decreasing effect on achievable ranges of BEVs. Additionally, Haworth and Simmons [
22] posited that the use of cruise control and constant travel speed could increase the efficiency of vehicles.
So far, literature exploring the impact of traffic has focused on ICEV fuel. However, traffic can ultimately impact EV efficiency through its influence on vehicles’ speed profile. While existing studies have derived conclusions about the impact of traffic on BEVs from related findings (e.g., speed, acceleration, travel time), the current literature lacks a comprehensive study aiming to explore the impact of traffic on BEV efficiency in a naturalistic environment. For example, Agrawal et al. [
24] found that BEVs used less energy at lower speeds and, thus, inferred that BEVs are more efficient in traffic. The authors investigated three categories, including four speed levels, changes in speed during traffic (e.g., stop-and-go-traffic), and potential energy loss. The authors use simulation models to compare costs for ICEVs and BEVs while using different cost functions for the two types of vehicles. The authors conclude that BEVs choose low-speed routes to reduce energy consumption and range anxiety. Fiori et al. [
25] supported these findings through their simulation models. However, both studies disregard the human element of driving and the impact of other factors, such as temperature and traffic. Instead, another study [
26] found that their EV conversion was more efficient during in-city driving than freeway driving and derived a positive relationship between higher traffic intensities in cities and BEV energy efficiency. The authors did not account for actual traffic intensities, differences in road characteristics between freeways and local roads, or speed profiles. Furthermore, in [
26], data were collected based on a single driver, disregarding variation in driving styles and potential aggressiveness between individuals. In [
27], a freeway network aiming to optimize BEV driving paths and charging procedures was modeled. The authors considered different factors while minimizing travel time in their objective function. The study found that higher traffic volume leads to an increase in route options, which reduce travel time while increasing energy consumption. Galvin’s model was considered in [
27], describing the relationship between speed and BEV energy consumption through regression models [
28]. The model describes the minimum energy consumption of BEVs at approximately 38 miles per hour under consistent acceleration [
28]. Logically, an increase in acceleration requires more power, leading to lower efficiency per unit distance [
Based on the studies mentioned above and the speed–energy relationship described by Galvin’s model, it is questionable whether a difference in BEV energy consumption can be found on the same route with different traffic intensities. To the best of our knowledge, no study has yet focused on exploring this question. Therefore, there is a gap in investigating the influence of traffic on BEV energy consumption based on a sophisticated field study with a variegated sample of drivers. This study aims to close this gap while considering the attributes of driver behavior and real-world environmental conditions, such as temperature. For this purpose, the scope of this research is to explore whether BEVs are less efficient during commuting hours compared to driving in a less traffic-intense scenario. Furthermore, if the results of this study indicate a significant relationship between traffic and BEV efficiency, a quantification of this effect is intended.
The remainder of the paper will present the methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. In
Section 2, we describe the methodology for our experimental environment, data collection, data processing, and the statistical analysis. In
Section 3, the results are evaluated and compared through the different ANOVA models, followed by an overarching discussion in
Section 4. We provide concluding remarks in
Section 5, summarizing key results, limitations, and potential areas for future research.
3. Results
Before carrying out the regression analysis, the two scenarios had to be investigated for differences in the vehicle’s mean average energy consumption and ambient temperature. The dependent continuous measure average ΔSOC/mile of both subsamples was approximately normally distributed based on the Shapiro–Wilk test.
Table 2 summarizes the descriptive statistics for the average energy consumption per mile of both scenarios. It shows that all measures of central tendency and the quartiles, the minimum, and the maximum consumption were higher in the presumably more traffic-intense scenario S1. Driving in S2 was related to a higher standard deviation than driving in S2. In S1, the vehicle had an average energy consumption of 0.2330 kWh with a standard deviation of 0.1600 kWh and a median of 0.2327 kWh. In S2, lower energy consumption with an overall average of 0.2172 kWh, a standard deviation of 0.0126 kWh, and a median of 0.2181 kWh could be observed.
Figure 2 displays boxplots for the vehicle’s consumption in each scenario and supports the mentioned differences visually. The paired two-sided
t-test (
p = 0.000) did further indicate a difference in means of the average ΔSOC/mile.
The two scenarios were investigated regarding the differences in ambient temperature means and the following traffic measures: Average variation in speed, acceleration, and jerk. All measures of both subsets were found to be approximately normally distributed according to the Shapiro–Wilk test. An unpaired t-test showed that the means of ambient temperature between the scenarios differed significantly (p = 0.002). While there was no evidence that the means of variation in speed did differ significantly between the subsets (p = 0.873), the other two traffic measures (i.e., variation in acceleration and variation in jerk) did show a significant difference between the scenarios with higher means in S1 (p = 0.068; p = 0.063).
A linear relationship between the independent numeric variables (i.e., ambient temperature) and the numeric dependent variable (i.e., ΔSOC/mile) is a sine qua non condition for applying linear regression models. A linear regression analysis was carried out with only ambient temperature as the independent variable to test this relationship’s existence. A significant regression (p = 0.000; R2 = 0.296) demonstrated that the BEV’s kWh/mile decreases with an increase in ambient temperature.
Another regression model was carried out with the explanatory variables scenario, driver, and ambient temperature. The predicted energy consumption equals 0.230 + 0.010 (Scenario) − 0.001 (Temperature) + β
i (Driver
i), where the scenario is coded as 0 = No traffic, 1 = Traffic, the temperature is measured in Fahrenheit, and the driver is coded as 0 = Driver was not driving, 1 = Driver was driving for all 30 drivers.
Table 3 contains the results of the ANOVA. For testing all three factors for their significance, the Bonferroni-corrected significance level was α = 0.0333. The two independent variables, scenario (
p = 0.0083) and ambient temperature (
p = 0.0027), showed statistical significance for the dependent variable, average ΔSOC/mile. The factor driver did not appear to be statistically significant (
p = 0.1311). The model’s adjusted coefficient of determination (
R2adj) was 0.5219. The Shapiro–Wilk test showed that the residuals followed a normal distribution (
p = 0.9373). Following this model, the base case would lead to an average energy consumption of 0.2181 kWh/mile when driving in S2 at 68 °F. Instead, driving in S1 with a higher traffic intensity would increase consumption by approximately 4.5% and end up in an average of 0.2279 kWh/mile.
A stepwise regression was performed to explore the potential of a better-fitting model. This regression model removed the driver from the initial model and led to a predicted energy consumption of 0.272 + 0.011 (Scenario) - 0.001 (Temperature). With two remaining factors, the significance criteria were given a Bonferroni corrected significance level of α = 0.05. The ANOVA, as summarized in
Table 4, shows that both variables, scenario (
p = 0.0023) and ambient temperature (
p = 0.0001), remain significant. This regression model had an
R2 of 0.4130 and
R2adj of 0.3924. The Shapiro–Wilk test for normality showed that the residuals are normally distributed (
p = 0.9274). This model led to an average consumption in the underlying base case of 0.2043 kWh/mile. This consumption increases by approximately 5.4% to 0.2154 kWh/mile when driving in S1.
Two more regression models were created to account for interactions between driver and scenario, or temperature and scenario. When accounting for the interaction between the factors scenario and driver, the predicted energy consumption equals 0.244 + β
i (Driver
i:Scenario) − 0.001 (Temperature).
Table 5 contains the results of the ANOVA with a Bonferroni corrected significance level of
α = 0.05. No factor was found statistically significant, nor did the residuals follow a normal distribution (
p = 0.000). The model had a coefficient of determination of 0.424.
According to the last model accounting for the interaction effect between the factors ambient temperature and scenario, the predicted energy consumption equals 0.244 + 0.000 (Temperature:Scenario) + β
i (Driver
Table 6 summarizes the ANOVA of this regression analysis. There was evidence of a significance of the interaction effect between temperature and scenario for the average energy consumption of the vehicle (
p = 0.000). However, the factor driver did not show statistical significance for the outcome of the dependent variable. The model had an
R2adj of 0.2688, and the residuals followed a normal distribution according to the Shapiro–Wilk test for normality (
p = 0.6685).
4. Discussion
This section discusses the findings of this study and its implications for the operation and improvement of BEVs. First and foremost, the finding concerning the latter supported previous research results on the existence of higher levels of traffic intensity or congestion outcome during morning commutes [
45]. Higher variations in acceleration and jerk appear more frequently in the morning (S1) than in the afternoon (S2), providing evidence that differences in traffic intensities exist between the scenarios. These results align with EV commuter patterns previously found in [
35]. However, future research should consider real-time traffic data and use a higher tracking frequency than 1 Hz. Real-time traffic data would improve the granularity of the data while allowing the analysis of traffic intensities as a continuous variable. Neither traffic data nor a higher tracking frequency were available for this study.
Second, a paired two-sided
t-test was performed and provided evidence that mean consumptions indeed differed. More specifically, higher consumptions were found when driving in the more traffic-intense scenario S1, which supports Galvin’s model [
28]. To explore whether lower means in efficiency in S1 were caused by differences in the traffic intensities between the two scenarios or another considered factor, multiple linear regression analyses were performed and compared by their goodness of fit. The initial regression model considered the factors ambient temperature, driver, and scenario separately. While the traffic scenario and ambient temperature were significant for the vehicle’s energy efficiency, the factor driver was not. Driving in a more intense traffic scenario decreased BEV efficiency. Ambient temperature was negatively related to the vehicle’s average ΔSOC/mile. With a coefficient of determination of
R2adj = 0.522, the model had a robust explanation of variance. A stepwise regression led to a model that no longer included the factor driver. While the factors ambient temperature and scenario were again significant for the outcome of the dependent variable, the stepwise regression did not lead to a better-fitting model. In other words,
R2adj = 0.3924 was strong but lower than the initial model.
Two further multiple linear regression analyses were carried out to assess potential interaction effects between the scenario and one of the remaining two factors. An interaction effect between driver and traffic scenario was not found. This model’s residuals did not follow a normal distribution and, therefore, violated a fundamental assumption of the linear regression analysis. Instead, a model with the interaction effect between ambient temperature and traffic scenario showed normally distributed residuals. This model gave evidence of the significance of a temperature–scenario interaction for BEV efficiency. Although an R2adj of 0.2688 can still be considered a strong explanation of variance, it was half of the initial model’s explanation rate. Therefore, the first model, which considered all factors separately, explained the highest percentage of variance and, hence, had the highest goodness of fit.
In summary, the regression models’ results have provided evidence that traffic significantly impacts BEVs’ energy consumption. While a negative relationship between ambient temperature and a BEV’s energy consumption was expected and aligned with previous findings in the literature [
18], novel findings emerged about the efficiency behavior of BEVs in traffic. Previous studies focusing on BEV in-traffic behavior were either based on simulation models [
27], leaving out the human element of driving, or were focusing on speed profiles to derive energy consumption behavior in traffic [
26]. However, different speeds can have similar flow rates, offering the potential for endogeneity. This study provides evidence that traffic decreases BEV efficiency while using a different approach to analyze BEV consumption behavior associated with traffic in a field study with a sample of human drivers. However, the driver’s insignificance should be treated carefully since the literature has shown the impact of driving behavior in the past [
11]. A potential reason for this outcome could be similarities in the participants’ driving behavior. Therefore, future studies should include a broader and more diverse sample of drivers to capture differences in driving styles and BEV experience. A diverse sample could contribute to understanding how traffic impacts BEV efficiency in correlation with different driving styles.
The initial regression model was used to quantify the range implications of driving in traffic, which predicted the average consumption most accurately. Accordingly, driving in a scenario with higher traffic intensity increased the energy consumption by approximately 4.5%. This supports the notion that driving during times with less traffic (S2) would increase the achievable range of a fully charged test vehicle with a battery capacity of 35.8 kWh by more than seven miles. It should be mentioned that the range potential varies among vehicles, battery capacities, drivers, ambient temperatures, and traffic intensities.