3.1. Performance and Scientific Output
The scientific production of PHYEDU_ANX in WoS is 481. This production has been uneven since the beginning of its records in WoS. The first paper in this database dates back to 1976. From that date until 1993, no papers were produced on the research topic. From 1993 to 2022, the production has been constant in date, although uneven in volume of production. From 1993 to 2006, the number of manuscripts ranged from one to eight. It is from 2007 onwards that the volume starts to increase more considerably. This increase from 2007 onwards has different trends. From 2007 to 2015, there was an upward trend in the volume of production. In 2016, there was a sharp drop in production, which remained constant until 2018. In 2019, there was another sharp increase, although in 2020 there was a slight drop again. Finally, from 2021 to 2022, the volume increased substantially; so much so that both years are the two years with the highest volume of scientific production on PHYEDU_ANX. In 2021, 50 manuscripts were written and in 2022, 78 manuscripts were written (
Figure 3).
English can be considered the language par excellence in manuscripts on the subject of PHYEDU_ANX. The other languages have a much lower volume of production (
Table 2).
The areas of knowledge that focus on the field of study of PHYEDU_ANX are mainly “Education Educational Research” and “Sport Sciences”. There are other areas, such as hospitality and psychology, which also cover part of this type of study (
Table 3).
Researchers mainly use research articles to present their results. This is followed, with a very low volume of production compared to research articles, by conference papers (
Table 4).
European institutions are pioneers in this field of study. UDICE, from France, stands out, followed by the Universities of Almeria and Granada, respectively. There are no significant differences between the leading institutions in terms of volume of production (
Table 5).
In the PHYEDU_ANX field of study, all authors demonstrate a comparable level of influence, with no single individual dominating the field in terms of volume of production. In this case, the scientific production is even. The authors “Barkoukis, V.” and “Jaakkola, T.” stand out for having a total of seven manuscripts on the subject. They are followed by “Robazza, C.”, with six productions (
Table 6).
In relation to publication, sources show equal productivity of journals that publish research articles. The journal “Psychiatria Danubia” stands out with a total of fourteen manuscripts (
Table 7).
Both the United States and Spain, in that order, stand out as the countries with the highest volume of production on the PHYEDU_ANX theme (
Table 8).
In the PHYEDU_ANX field of study, the citation volume of the most cited manuscript does not exceed 1000. The manuscript with the highest volume of production is the one by Gilbody et al. [
66], with a total of 546. This manuscript is a systematic review of educational plus organizational interventions for enhancing depression management. The next highest ranked manuscripts have approximately half the number of citations (
Table 9).
3.2. Structural and Thematic Development
The analysis of the keywords reveals multiple aspects: firstly, the number inside the circle quantifies the total terms used by authors during a particular period. Secondly, it shows the keywords that have ceased to be used in the following period, symbolized by an ascending arrow; the new keywords introduced in the same inter-value, indicated by a descending date; and finally, the keywords that are reused between periods, shown by a horizontal date. The data presented in
Figure 4 reveal a number of facets that need to be highlighted and analyzed in depth. In this case, it is observed that each period contains an equivalent number of keywords. The percentage of coincidence between periods is increasing. Between the first period and the second period it is 28%, while between the second period and the third period it is 31%. This indicates that there is a well-established research base in the scientific community, which, as the research progresses, further strengthens the subject of study.
This analysis examines the inter-value diagram and assesses the academic performance of themes extracted via co-word analysis. The inter-value diagram reveals the degree of importance of the themes using Callon’s index (
Figure 5), employing a clustering approach that leverages centrality and density. Specifically, centrality measures how strongly a theme is linked to others, while density is based on the intensity of the external relationships in each theme. On the other hand, academic performance provides the bibliometric value of the various subjects analyzed, using indicators such as the h-index, g-index, hg-index, q2-index and the average number of citations per document.
In the first period established for the analysis, between 1976 and 2013, inclusive, the subject “intrinsic-motivation” is the one with the highest academic performance, given that its bibliometric values are higher than the rest. This theme is also situated as a driving theme in the diagram, together with the themes “anxiety-disorders” and “beliefs”. Therefore, it can be established that these themes mark the main research trends in this period. If we focus on the driving themes of this period, we can see that the “intrinsic-motivation” theme focuses on “physical-education”, “hierarchical-model”, “trait-anxiety”, “achievement-goals”, “goal-orientations”, “orientations”, “sport” and “strategies”; the “anxiety-disorders” theme focuses on “panic-disorder”, “major-depression”, “ranch”, “major-depression”, “ranch” and “major-depression”; “major-depression, randomized-controlled-trial, mental-disorders, physician-education, health-care and psychotherapy; and the beliefs theme focuses on task, ego-orientation, emotions, experiences, efficacy, high-school, success and ability. It can be established that the analysis identifies the theme of “intrinsic-motivation” as encompassing areas such as PHYEDU, hierarchical model, trait ANX, achievement goals, goal orientations, sport and strategies. On the other hand, the theme of “anxiety disorders” focuses mainly on panic disorder, major depression, randomized controlled clinical trials, mental disorders, physician education, healthcare, and psychotherapy. Finally, the “beliefs” theme relates to concepts such as homework, selfish orientation, emotions, experiences, efficacy, high school, success, and ability (
Figure 5).
In the second established period, from 2014 to 2019, a subject with a higher academic performance is observed. This is the case of “performance”. In this period, the difference with the rest of the subjects is not as high as in the previous period. In this case, it is closely followed by “depression”, “exercise”, and “self-determination-theory”. As can be seen, the subjects with the highest academic performance vary with respect to the previous period. The same applies to the driving themes, which in this case are “self-determination-theory”, which focuses on “need-satisfaction”, “autonomy-support”, “academic-motivation”, “extrinsic-motivation”, “social-physique-anxiety”, “participation”, “intrinsic-motivation” and “subjective-vitality”; “satisfaction”, which focuses on “engagement”, “outcomes”, “mediating-role”. It can be established that self-determination-theory addresses concepts such as need satisfaction, autonomy, academic motivation, social ANX, participation, intrinsic motivation, and subjective vitality. Satisfaction-theory focuses on engagement, outcomes, mediating role, behavior, self-efficacy, property-psychometric, achievement, and English. The “motivational-climate” theme covers perceived competence, success, football, achievement goals, coach, players, skill, and sport. Finally, the “depression” theme relates to stress, mental health, climate, disorders, teachers, ANX, substance use and, prevalence (
Figure 6).
In the last established period, between 2020 and 2022, the theme “adolescents” emerges as the highest academic performance, with a marginal lead over other themes resulting from the analysis carried out. During this period, the driving themes are “stress”, which is related to “pain”, “young-adults”, “heart-rate-variability”, “risk-factors”, “randomized-controlled-trial”, “COVID-19”, “bruxism” and “temporomandibular-disorders”; “sport” which focuses on “high-performance”, “celebrity”, “autobiography”, “experiences”, “childhood”, “physical-education”, “motivational-climate” and “sports-pressure”; “students’, which focuses on ‘emotional-intelligence’, ‘happiness’, ‘sedentary-behaviour’, ‘anxiety’, ‘psychometric-properties’, ‘gamification’, ‘COVID-19-related-anxiety’, ‘subjective-well-being’; and ‘adolescents’, which relates to ‘children’, ‘mental-health’, ‘yoga’, ‘depressive-symptoms’, ‘disorders’, ‘physical-activity’, ‘depression’ and ‘young-people’. The study highlights several key themes. Firstly, stress, related to pain, young adults, heart rate variability, risk factors, randomized controlled clinical trial, COVID-19, or bruxism. The second theme focuses on sport, exploring aspects such as high performance, celebrities, autobiography, experiences, childhood, PHYEDU, motivational climate, and sport pressure. The third theme focuses on students, addressing topics such as emotional intelligence, happiness, sedentary behavior, ANX, psychometric properties, gamification, COVID-19-related ANX, and subjective well-being. Finally, the fourth theme, linked to adolescents, deals with aspects such as children, mental health, yoga, depressive symptoms, disorders, physical activity, depression, and young people. Finally, it can be indicated that the themes “satisfaction”, “intervention”, and “association” merit ongoing observation in the coming years, given their placement in the diagram, as they could evolve into influential themes or disappear from the field of study of PHYEDU_ANX (
Figure 7).
Themes positioning within
Figure 3,
Figure 4,
Figure 5 and
Figure 6 are shown in
Table 10. The data show that there are three themes that appear in all periods. This is the case for “performance”, “exercise” and “adolescents”. This shows that there is no conceptual gap, and therefore, there is a study base established in PHYEDU_ANX, whether or not they have a greater or lesser weight in the periods analyzed. For example, it is observed that the theme “performance” is established as a driving theme in P1, while in the rest of the periods, it loses relevance. On the other hand, “adolescents” is less relevant in the first two periods, while in the last period it is considered a driving theme (
Table 10).
The thematic evolution of the studies related to PHYEDU_ANX is determined by the Jaccard index (
Figure 8). The connection between topics is established according to the presence of keywords or shared themes. The representation of these connections varies according to the type of relationship: keyword-based connections are illustrated with dashed lines, also called non-conceptual connections, while theme-based connections are represented with solid lines, known as conceptual connections. In addition, the thickness of the line varies according to the number of coincidences between themes in consecutive periods, with a greater thickness indicating a greater number of coincidences in terms of themes or keywords. Bearing in mind the data given in
Figure 8, several lines of research stand out from the rest. These are the cases of “intrinsic-motivation, self-determination-theory_autonomy”, “perceptions_motivational-climate_sport”, “exercise_exercise_exercise” and “depression_depression_adolescents”. This indicates that there are several established lines of research in the PHYEDU_ANX field of study, focusing on motivation, exercise, and depression. It also shows that the scientific community has given importance to these lines of research in this field of study. It should also be noted that there is a greater number of conceptual than non-conceptual connections, which shows a strong relationship between the established lines of research. In other words, the various lines of study are related to a greater or lesser extent to each other.