On the Road to Sustainable Urban and Transport Development in the Automobile Society? Traced Narratives of Car-Reduced Neighborhoods
:1. Introduction
2. Sustainable Urban and Transport Development as a Guiding Principle?
2.1. ‘Planning-Oriented’ Approaches for Sustainable Urban and Transport Development in the Automobile Society
2.2. ‘Planning-Critical’ Perspectives on Sustainable Urban and Transport Developments
3. Research Design
3.1. Narratives
3.2. Research Methodology
3.3. Case Study Approach
3.3.1. The City of Darmstadt
3.3.2. K6-Kranichstein Neighborhood
3.3.3. Lincoln Neighborhood
4. Narratives of Car-Reduced Housing Developments
4.1. Narratives of Sustainability and (Dis)Unity
4.1.1. Element of Sustainable Cities
Overall, we are aiming for a ‘transport turnaround’ because after years of car-friendly planning we have too many cars in the city […]. The streets cannot manage the car traffic anymore [and] where so many dwellings are built […], we are literary forced to shift to other modes of transport(interview D1).
The result was quite clear. If Lincoln had been developed ‘normally’, the surrounding road network would not have been able to cope with the car traffic anymore(interview P1).
We had to, […] but we also wanted to(interview D1).
4.1.2. (Dis)Unity of Actors during the Construction Process
We see a high marketing risk when selling dwellings without associated parking lots. […] After all, we have to achieve our yield targets. […] But there are of course risks with every project. […] And who knows, the mobility concept may even lead to an increase in the value of the real estate(interview H3).
I believe, however, that we will not really find a better solution(interview H1).
4.2. Narratives of Sustainable Mobility Visions and Innovative Experiments
4.2.1. Sustainable Mobility Visions
We are trying out ways in which we can organize mobility tomorrow. This cannot be unlimited individual motorized transport, but must be a solution based on a sharing economy, local public transport and other alternative mobility services. Because you do not need to be a genius to look at the city and recognize that we can no longer rely on individual, motorized transport in the City of Darmstadt(interview P3).
4.2.2. Innovative Experiments
Everything is a challenge. Nobody has ever done it before. You cannot estimate it. Today or tomorrow it may explode in our faces(interview P3).
In the beginning, they all parked ‘wildly’ in public space. That was due to the fact that the collective garages were not finished. […] That it took so long definitely had a negative impact(interview C2).
4.3. Narratives of a Future between Role Models and Possible Failures
4.3.1. Role Model Neighborhoods: Forward-Looking, Modern, and Sustainable
My impression is that these measures to calm as well as to reduce car traffic in new housing areas are standard today […]. I mean, everyone wants clean air, no one wants noise, everyone wants their kids to play safely in the streets(interview C3).
At some point, nobody will talk about Lincoln being a car-reduced neighborhood anymore because that will just be the way it is(interview C1).
4.3.2. (Un)Certainties about the Success
To have it all is great, to use it all is definitely the future, but to live without something that is completely normal for you is the disadvantage of this mobility concept. […] Germany is still a car nation [and] […] the car is after all the usual mode of transport for Germans(interview H1).
5. Sustainable Urban and Transport Development: Normative Vision or Common Reality?
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Group 1: City of Darmstadt (D) | Group 2: Housing Industry (H) | Group 3: Private Consultants and Mobility Service Providers (P) | Group 4: Civil Society and Community Organizations (C) |
Building department (D1) | Municipal housing association (H1) | Independent transport planning office (P1) | Neighborhood management Lincoln (C1) |
Urban planning office (D2) | Real estate developer (H2) | Architect (P2) | Interest group ‘Living in K6′ (C2) |
Urban planning office (D3) | Real estate investor (H3) | Mobility company (P3) | Support association Kranichstein (C3) |
Urban planning office (D4) | |||
Urban planning office (D5) | |||
Office for economy and urban development (D6) |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
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Selzer, S.; Lanzendorf, M. On the Road to Sustainable Urban and Transport Development in the Automobile Society? Traced Narratives of Car-Reduced Neighborhoods. Sustainability 2019, 11, 4375. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11164375
Selzer S, Lanzendorf M. On the Road to Sustainable Urban and Transport Development in the Automobile Society? Traced Narratives of Car-Reduced Neighborhoods. Sustainability. 2019; 11(16):4375. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11164375
Chicago/Turabian StyleSelzer, Sina, and Martin Lanzendorf. 2019. "On the Road to Sustainable Urban and Transport Development in the Automobile Society? Traced Narratives of Car-Reduced Neighborhoods" Sustainability 11, no. 16: 4375. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11164375
APA StyleSelzer, S., & Lanzendorf, M. (2019). On the Road to Sustainable Urban and Transport Development in the Automobile Society? Traced Narratives of Car-Reduced Neighborhoods. Sustainability, 11(16), 4375. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11164375