Cultural Sustainability in Ethnobotanical Research with Students Up to K-12
:1. Introduction
- 4. Ensuring inclusive, equitable, and quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all (Quality Education), in the sense that it is necessary to ensure that all students acquire the knowledge required to achieve sustainable development;
- 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production modalities (responsible production and consumption) due to the need for the efficient use of natural resources and waste reduction in order to achieve a more harmonious existence alongside the environment;
- 15. Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, stop and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss (life of terrestrial ecosystems) to conserve our forests and biodiversity [16].
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Relevance of the Location
2.2. The Educative Center: Institute of Secondary Education (I.E.S), “Los Moriscos”
2.3. Participating Students
2.4. The Educational Proposal
2.5. Data Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Quantitative Data Analysis: The Workshop
3.2. Qualitative Data Analysis: The Interviews
3.2.1. About Nature of Science (NOS)
- “Science is important for society.” (Individual 1)
- “Science is knowledge, and there are many kinds of scientists.” (Individual 3)
- “Science explains reality.” (Individual 3)
- “Science method is a pathway, a procedure for researching.” (Individual 2)
- “A scientist has to have interest in details and be rigorous, careful… Science cannot be made with fuzzy borders.” (Individual 3)
- “A scientist cannot be subjective, but objective.” (Individual 4)
3.2.2. About the Botanical Learning Method
- “I like plants. What I liked the most was the practical activity with the strawberry tree.” (Individual 2)
- “[Making things directly by hand] is a very motivating way of learning. I felt ready to make new things and to learn.” (Individual 3)
- “Question: Is it easier to learn in this way? Answer: Yes, yes, much better. This is better than writing all the time.” (Individual 5)
- “The most boring part was the initial oral exposition.” (Individual 6)
3.2.3. About Sustainability as An Integral Concept Involving Ethnobotanical Ideas
- “Question: Do you think it is important to preserve these uses for these plants (traditional medicine usages)? Answer: Yes, so in the future we will be able to know how the past was.” (Individual 1)
- “I have learned some new information about plants and how to keep in contact with nature.” (Individual 4)
- “I have learned general culture about the plants that are around us in our town. We should be proud of living in such a beautiful place, with a lot of plants with interesting usages. This is part of our town and its history.” (Individual 5)
3.2.4. Feelings, Self-Regulation, and Emotional Performance of the Learning Process
- “The practical workshop helped me learn more vegetal species. I already knew some of them, but now I can identify more.” (Individual 1)
- “I felt happy; nothing made me feel bored.” (Individual 2)
- “I would recommend using these kinds of activities again during the course.” (Individual 6)
4. Conclusions and Further Studies
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Scientific Name | Vernacular Name | Nº Chips on it Appears | Origin (Silvestre=S, Cultivated=C) | Parts Used | 1. Human Food | 2. Animal Feed | 3. Medicine for Humans | 4. Animal Medicine | 5. Is Toxic or Poisonous | 6. As Fuel | 7. It Is Used to Make Tools and Other Utensils | 8. Used at Traditional Parties or Events | 9. As a Building Element | 10. Other Uses |
Aloe vera | Aloe vera | 1 | C | L | ||||||||||
Arbutus unedo | Madroño, madroñera | 5 | S | L, St, R, Fr, F | ||||||||||
Cistus ladanifer | Jara | 3 | S | L, St, R, F | ||||||||||
Citrus x sinensis | Naranjo | 1 | C | L, St, Fr | ||||||||||
Crataegus monogyna | Tilero | 1 | S | St, Fr, F | ||||||||||
Cyperus sp. | Juncia | 1 | S | L, St | ||||||||||
Daphne gnidium | Torvisca | 1 | S | St | ||||||||||
Heliotropium europaeum | Hierba de los alacranes | 1 | S | F | ||||||||||
Erica sp. | Brezo | 1 | S | F | ||||||||||
Eucalyptus camaldulensis | Eucalipto | 1 | S | L | ||||||||||
Ficus carica | Higuera | 2 | C | Fr, S, F | ||||||||||
Gossypium sp. | Planta de algodón | 1 | C | Fr | ||||||||||
Hypericum perforatum | Árnica | 3 | S | L, St, F | ||||||||||
Olea europaea subsp. europaea var. sylvestris | Olivo | 1 | C | L, Fr | ||||||||||
Punica granatum | Granado | 2 | C | L, St, R, Fr | ||||||||||
Quercus rotundifolia | Encina | 2 | S | St, Fr | ||||||||||
Retama sphaerocarpa | Retama | 1 | S | L, St, Fr, S, F | ||||||||||
Rosmarinus officinalis | Romero | 3 | C | L, F | ||||||||||
Rumex pulcher | Romaza | 1 | S | L, St, R | ||||||||||
Solanum lycopersicum | Tomatera | 1 | C | Fr | ||||||||||
Thymus sp. | Tomillo | 5 | S | L, St, R, F | ||||||||||
Urtica urens | Ortiga | 1 | S | L, S | ||||||||||
Ziziphus jujuba | Azufaifa | 1 | C | L, St, Fr |
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Gutiérrez-García, L.; Blanco-Salas, J.; Sánchez-Martín, J.; Ruiz-Téllez, T. Cultural Sustainability in Ethnobotanical Research with Students Up to K-12. Sustainability 2020, 12, 5664.
Gutiérrez-García L, Blanco-Salas J, Sánchez-Martín J, Ruiz-Téllez T. Cultural Sustainability in Ethnobotanical Research with Students Up to K-12. Sustainability. 2020; 12(14):5664.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGutiérrez-García, Lorena, José Blanco-Salas, Jesús Sánchez-Martín, and Trinidad Ruiz-Téllez. 2020. "Cultural Sustainability in Ethnobotanical Research with Students Up to K-12" Sustainability 12, no. 14: 5664.
APA StyleGutiérrez-García, L., Blanco-Salas, J., Sánchez-Martín, J., & Ruiz-Téllez, T. (2020). Cultural Sustainability in Ethnobotanical Research with Students Up to K-12. Sustainability, 12(14), 5664.