4.1. The 2SLS Evaluation
The 2SLS is adopted to control the self-selection problem. A Logit model is applied in the first stage to depict the decision of whether each local government implements the second separation program or not at the city level, i.e., regressing the treatment policy dummy variable (SEP2=1) on the vector of city-level exogenous covariates. Thus, in the first stage, we first include as explanatory variables a set of city-level exogenous variables correlated with but not correlated with the error term into Equation (1). Since the actual implementation of the program was in 2014, the probability of implementing the second MSW source separation program in each city was first estimated by using observable exogenous variables that were not affected by the policy before the implementation of the policy (2002–2013) and then, replacing the endogenous policy variables to test the program impact of the second MSW source separation. The first stage analysis is to generate the predicted probability that each city will choose to execute the program. is then used as the instrument variable (IV) to substitute the possible endogenous variable, SEP2, in the second stage regression. The reduction effects of the second source separation program on PMSWG can be estimated based on the correction of endogenous problems.
The regression results from the Logit model defined in Equation (4) are presented in
Table 3. The fourth column in
Table 3 displays the marginal effect of a change in the particular explanatory variable on the probability that a city adopts the second MSW source separation program.
After controlling for other covariates, the probability of implementing the program is estimated to increase by approximately 1.45% for an additional percentage of the number of vehicles and equipment for Municipal Environmental Sanitation (lnVEH) and to increase by 0.03% for a 1% increase in the percentage of Harmless Treatment Capacity per year (lnHLC). The number of Harmless Treatment Plants/Grounds (HLS) is also significantly positively related to the probability of enforcing this program. Perhaps the cities that have better performance regarding the infrastructure are more willing to apply for this top-down pilot program to acquire the potentially idiosyncratic political benefits.
The analysis also implies that the provincial capital cities are 8.89% more likely to implement the second MSW source separation program. In general, provincial capitals have more sufficient financial funds and developed economies, so they are more likely to adopt the program in response to this top-down political propaganda. From the marginal effects of other variables in
Table 3, we can also infer the influence of other variables on the probability of cities choosing to implement the second source separation program. The results in
Table 3 are instructive and interesting in their own right, but the primary purpose of estimating these discrete models is to create an exogenous prediction to substitute for the policy dummy variable
in Equation (5).
In the second stage, the predicted probabilities of the second MSW source separation program (
) from the Logit model are used as an exogeneity predictor in Equation (6). To better approximate the exact relationship between environmental degradation and economic growth, Sobhee and K.Sanjeev (2004) [
56] suggest that higher-order terms of major economic explanatory variables should be added to the regression. Therefore, we include GDP per capita (PGDP) in a nonlinear fashion in Equation (6), using the logarithmic form of PGDP and both its square and cubic form in the regression. The panel data estimation results of Equation (6) are reported in
Table 4 when the SUTVA holds.
As shown in
Table 4, the estimated coefficients for lnPGDP, (lnPGDP)
2, and (lnPGDP)
3 in all estimation approaches are significantly positive, negative, and positive, respectively, and the estimates are very close to each other. Therefore, it is appropriate to include higher-order terms of the economic variable in the regression analysis. The finding claims that the implementation of the second MSW source separation program is estimated to decrease PMSWG, except for the random effect model. However, neither estimate is significantly different from zero, which implies that after correcting the endogenous local policy program choice, the second MSW source separation program did not significantly reduce PMSWG. Thus, these estimation results cannot support the claims that China should vigorously promote the source separation program and extend it to more cities [
Some of the previous literature includes an impact evaluation of the demographic variables, population density, urban population, and urbanization rate on PMSWG [
59]. We incorporated these covariates into the regression model and controlled the cross-product term of GDP per capita with the demographic variables and location dummy variables.
Since the location dummy variables do not change with time in the panel data, it is omitted in the individual fixed effect model and two-way fixed-effect model. At the same time, we also included the MSW pricing policy variables, i.e., the logarithmic form of the MSW disposal fee of each city (lnFEE), in the regression model. The estimation shows that the influences of the waste charging mechanism on the PMSWG seem to be negative in most approaches except for the random effect result, but the coefficients are insignificant in all models, suggesting the ineffective reduction effect of the waste charging policy on the PMSWG.
The null hypothesis that the constant terms are equal across the units of the individual fixed effect model is rejected. The statistic of the F test is 40.08, and the corresponding p-value is lower than 0.01 (with 287° of freedom []), indicating that the pooled OLS would produce inconsistent estimates and the individual-specific heterogeneity should be controlled. In addition, the two-way fixed effect model adds the time effect to the individual fixed effect, and the time effects are jointly significant, at least at the 1% level (,,), suggesting that they should be included in the regression. The time effect is also controlled in the random effect model, and the test for the time effect also indicates that the null hypothesis of the insignificant time effect should be rejected (,. In the Hausman-test framework for fixed effect and random effect model selection, the null hypothesis that the random estimator is consistent is soundly rejected (,). Therefore, the result of the random effect estimator is inconsistent, and the two-way fixed effect estimator is preferred.
In most previous works, it was generally assumed that there is no interaction among individuals, excluding spatial dependence, i.e., holding the SUTVA. However, if there is spatial interference among individuals, the estimation coefficient is biased. Therefore, the estimation shown in
Table 4 that is obtained by ignoring spatial dependence is subject to bias and is not reliable. In the following part of this study, after confirming the existence of spatial dependence, spatial factors are controlled in the regression analysis to correct the estimation bias caused by ignoring spatial correlation.
4.3. The S2SLS Evaluation
In the last part of the empirical estimation process, we use Equation (10) to regress the PMSWG on the predicted probability of implementing the second MSW source separation program from the results of the Logit model in
Table 3. Meanwhile, we also include three spatial spillover relationships in the following three ways:
include to allow adjacent outcomes to affect outcomes;
include to allow adjacent covariates to affect outcomes;
include to allow adjacent unobservable errors to affect outcomes.
According to the above analysis, the two-way fixed effect model outperforms the other two models in
Table 4. Therefore, we include the spatial weighting matrices,
, in the two-way fixed effect model, since the spatial econometric model is considering the spatial dependence on the basis of the traditional model with SUTVA. Then, the quasi-maximum likelihood (QML) estimator in Lee and Yu (2010) [
60] is implemented to fit the GNS model.
It can be seen from
Table 5 that the estimated coefficients of the spatial lag term of the dependent variable, economic variable (lnPGDP) and the error term, that is,
, and
, respectively, are all significantly positive at least at the level of 1% under the setting of three spatial weighting matrices. The results indicate that the PMSWG, the economic variable, and the unobservable factors that influence the PMSWG are not independent, that is, the SUTVA is invalid. The increase of the GDP per capita and the PMSWG in city
will have positive spillover effects on the PMSWG in city
. Meanwhile, unobservable items that affect the PMSWG also have positive spillover effects between cities
j. Thus, spatial effects should be considered in the regression model.
After controlling the spatial effects, the estimated coefficients of the nonlinear explanatory terms of the major economic explanatory variables, lnPGDP, (lnPGDP)2, and (lnPGDP)3, are all significant at the level of 1% under the setting of all the spatial weighting matrices, and their signs are positive, negative and positive, respectively, which are consistent with the estimated results of the conventional regression specification. However, after including spatial factors, () becomes significant at the level of 10% in the setting of the IDIS matrix, i.e., the implementation of the second MSW source separation program does decrease the PMSWG. However, this finding is not supported by the specification of the CON matrix and IDIS-CON matrix, which implies that we cannot infer the reduction effect of the source separation program safely.
At the same time, the estimated coefficient signs for demographic variables are also consistent with the previously estimated results without considering the spatial dependence relationship, indicating that the increase of the urban population will significantly reduce the PMSWG, which is consistent with the implication of the estimation results of the population density. This finding is similar to the observations that population agglomeration may increase the scale effect of MSWG [
58], but it is contrary to the conclusion of Mazzanti and Zoboli (2008) [
59]. Nonetheless, the increase of the urbanization rate does not necessarily represent the agglomeration of the population, but only the rise in the proportion of the urban population in a specific city administrative region. From this estimation, on the contrary, the increase of urbanization rate significantly increases the PMSWG, which confirms the research conclusion of Johnstone and Labonne (2004) [
57] based on the utility maximization model.
In the spatial econometric model, the cross-product terms are still included in the regression analysis, and the signs of its estimation coefficients are still consistent with the traditional estimation method obtained from
Table 4. Additionally, the estimated coefficient of MSW charging variable (lnFEE) is still not significantly different from zero in each spatial matrix specification, indicating that the waste pricing mechanism does not have the effect of inhibiting the PMSWG, which is consistent with the previous study [
From the above analysis considering spatial correlation, it can be seen that the implementation of the second MSW source separation program in spatial models significantly decreases the quantity of PMSWG to a certain degree in one of the spatial models. Thus, the previous estimation without concerning the spatial spillover effects may be biased downward, that is, the traditional regression with SUTVA may underestimate the impact of the program, in contrast to the spatial estimation.
Although the sample data are not able to support a significant and robust negative effect of the second MSW source separation program on PMSWG in all the spatial models, this negative estimation bias gives us important implications for further analysis.
Since the selection bias problem exists in our sample data, there are significant differences in the level of economic development between the cities that choose to implement the second MSW source separation and other cities. In the previous literature, empirical studies have been conducted on various linear and nonlinear connections of PMSWG with economic growth [
66]. In many developing countries, the PMSWG has not been decoupled from economic growth, and even in some developed countries, absolute decoupling has not yet been achieved. That is, from the time trend perspective, the PMSWG has and will continue to grow for a long time.
Therefore, it makes more sense to test the impact of the source separation program on the relative growth of PMSWG. Next, we still adopt the same spatial weighting matrices above to control the spatial interdependence, and we replace the dependent variable with the growth rate of the PMSWG but only consider the linear relationship between it and the proxy variable of economic growth (lnPGDP), i.e., high-order terms of economic variables are excluded from the regression model. In this way, the effect of the second MSW source separation policy on the growth rate of the PMSWG is shown in
Table 6.
The estimation results show that the estimated coefficients of the spatially lagged dependent variable (
), the economic variable (
), and the error term (
) are all significant at least at the level of 5%. The significant estimation coefficients of the spatial lag terms in
Table 6 suggest that the GNS is appropriate to control the spatial correlations, but the growth rate of the PMSWG has a negative spillover effect on spatially related cities, which is in contrast to the estimation in
Table 5. In addition, compared with the estimation in
Table 5, the spatial spillover effect of the explanatory variable GDP per capita becomes significantly negative, namely, the increase of the GDP per capita in city
will curb the growth rate of the PMSWG in the spatial neighboring cities. Thus, obtaining wealth may be one of the best ways we can find to improve our environment today, the model fitting results are consistent with the theoretical derivation conclusion of Boucekkine and El Ouardighi (2016) [
The results also indicate that the higher the probability of implementing the second MSW source separation (), the lower the growth rate of the PMSWG, and the estimates are very close to each other in the specification of all the three weighting matrices. By these estimates, when the change in the probability of the second MSW source separation is increased by 1%, the growth rate of the PMSWG will decrease by approximately 0.06% per person per year. However, the probability of implementing the second MSW source separation cannot be observed in reality and it is an instrumental variable for correcting endogenous dummy policy variable (SEP2=1, if treated, SEP2=0, otherwise) in the S2SLS regression context. We only observe whether the city has implemented the policy (SEP2=1) or not (SEP2=0), there is no middle ground in reality. In other words, compared with cities that did not implement the separation program, the enforcement of the second MSW source separation will result in a 5.79% decrease in the growth rate of the PMSWG, and it is a considerable value for the relative reduction effect of separation program. Thus, from the analysis, the second source separation program significantly reduced the growth rate of the PMSWG. Combined with the above analysis, the effect of the source separation program on the absolute amount of the PMSWG cannot be estimated steadily and consistently in all spatial models. However, it can still correct the negative bias due to ignoring the spatial dependences. Meanwhile, all three spatial models support that source separation policy significantly reducing the relative amount of PMSWG.
In the policy effect evaluation of source separation on the growth rate of PMSWG, the estimated coefficients of population density become no longer significant in all three models, and the estimated coefficients of the urbanization rate and urban population are still significantly positive and negative, respectively, at the level of 1%. The cross-product term of the GDP per capita and the urbanization rate, as well as the cross product term of the GDP per capita and urban population, are still significantly negative and positive at the level of at least 1% in the three spatial models, which indicates that the impact of urbanization rate and urban population on the growth rate of PMSWG depends on GDP per capita. In the case of the same rise of urbanization rate, the increase of GDP per capita will inhibit the growth rate of the PMSWG, while the identical rise in GDP per capita will lead to the increase of the growth rate of the PMSWG in the case of the same level of urban population increasing.
The reason may be the law of diminishing margins, which is the potential basis for the so-called Environmental Kuznets Curve [
68], which refers to an inverted U-shaped relationship between environmental pollutants and economic growth indicators, following the pioneering work proposed by Kuznets (1955) [
69]. Different cities may be at various stages of development in the Environmental Kuznets Curve [
70]. In addition, with the same GDP per capita, the growth rate of the PMSWG in provincial cities is lower than that in nonprovincial cities. Furthermore, the effect of the MSW charging policy is still not significant in all models, which means the failure of the price policy of the MSWM in China.
Because the spatial econometric regression model explores the complex spatial dependency structure among spatial units, changing an explanatory variable or dependent variable of a particular spatial unit will affect the spatial unit itself, on the one hand, and all other spatial correlated units, on the other hand. This mutual spatial dependence will produce a feedback effect. Therefore, it will lead to a considerable bias when explaining the relationship between spatial units directly, according to the estimated parameters of the spatial regression model.
Table 7 shows the average estimators of the direct effect, indirect effect, and total effect estimated by the Delta-Method under the specification of the IDIS matrix, and only the significant variables are listed.
The indirect effects of the predicted probability of the second MSW source separation program on the growth rate of the PMSWG are significantly negative under the three weighting matrices settings. This means that after correcting the endogenous local policy, the source separation policy has a negative spillover effect on the PMSWG. Take the contiguity spatial matrix as an example, when the probability of implementing the second MSW source separation program increases by 1%, the growth rate of the PMSWG in this city will decrease by 0.06%, and its spillover effect will lead to a decrease of 0.03% in the growth rate of the PMSWG in spatially related cities. Specifically, 31% of the total reduction effect is due to the spatial spillover effect.
In the effect evaluation of the source separation policy on the growth rate of the PMSWG, the estimated coefficients of the population density are no longer significant and are not reported in
Table 7. Additionally, the direct effects and indirect effects of the GDP per capita, urban population and urbanization rate are still significant at the level of 1% in all the specifications of the spatial weighting matrices. Take the contiguity spatial weighting matrix, for example, among the total effects of one percent growth of GDP per capita, 55% of the negative effects are the further spillover effects on spatially dependent cities. Approximately 30% of the total effect of the increase of the urban population and urbanization rate are the negative and positive spillover effects, respectively.