Intention to Use Sustainable Green Logistics Platforms
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Green Logistics
2.2. Green Logistics Platform
3. Proposed Hypotheses
3.1. Trust and Perceived Usefulness
3.1.1. Trust
3.1.2. Perceived Usefulness
3.2. Network Effect and Perceived Usefulness
3.3. Security and Perceived Usefulness
3.4. Perceived Usefulness and Intention to Use
4. Method
4.1. Data Collection
4.2. Sample
4.3. Validity and Reliability Analysis
5. Results
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Service Provider | Carrier | Carrier | Freight Forwarder | Warehouse and Distribution |
Service Name | Online freight forwarder | Carrier’s service matching platform | Forwarder’s service matching platform | Warehouse and distribution |
Platform Operator’s Role | Seller | Matcher | Matcher | Matcher |
Platform Company | Flexport, FreightHub, Twill, iContainer | NYSHEX, ValuelinkU | Freightos, Tradlink | MyChango, Cafe24 |
Division | Logistics Platform | Green Logistics Platform |
Value proposition | Convenience of use Accessibility to use Cost reduction | Consolidating small quantity cargo (Less Than Truck Load, LTL) Sharing logistics (pallet pool system, rental forklifts) solves environmental pollution problems, reducing waste of resources Platform for sharing or trading space within existing logistics warehouses Logistics equipment and warehouses of the shipper are shared with other companies in spare time. Users (enterprise, individual) of the logistics service also serve as providers such as logistics companies. |
Customer segment | Exporter and importer Forwarder Shipping company and airline Transportation company Customs official Cargo insurance company | Exporter and importer Forwarder Shipping company and airline Transportation company Customs official Cargo insurance company |
Customer relationship | Online community (direct relationship) | Online community (direct relationship) |
Core partnership | Platform users | Platform users |
Source of revenue | Fees Consulting | Fees Platform Entry Cost Advertising fee |
Variables | Operational Definition of Variables | Reference |
Reliability | ① Provide accurate information ② Provide reliable information ③ Provide professional and rich information ④ Trust the platform manager ⑤ Protect your personal information well ⑥ Protect useful information | [46,48,49,73,74,75] |
Network Effect | ① Likely to be used by many ② Increase in value when users increase ③ Increased utilization when increasing users ④ Increased utility when users increase | [8,14,56,57,59] |
Security | ① Logistics platform is stable ② Have no fear of leaking information ③ Privacy is strictly protected from the outside world ④ Logistics platform efforts to protect personal information | [60,62,63,65,66] |
Perceived Usefulness | ① Logistics platform helps to use related services ② Logistics platform helps me ③ Low-cost services available on logistics platform ④ Logistics platform can save you money compared to existing facilities ⑤ Logistics platforms are generally useful | [51,52,53] |
Intention to Use | ① Willing to use logistics platform in future ② Use logistics platform when relevant information is needed ③ Willing to book services on a logistics platform ④ Logistics platform to recommend to others ⑤ Explain the positive aspects of a logistics platform to others ⑥ I will recommend the platform to the people around me | [67,68,69,71,76] |
Division | Frequency | Percent (%) | Division | Frequency | Percent (%) | ||
Gender | Male | 87 | 40.3 | job position | Staff | 35 | 81.9 |
Female | 129 | 59.7 | Deputy Manager | 17 | 16.2 | ||
Age | 20s | 40 | 18.5 | Manager | 1 | 0.5 | |
30s | 168 | 77.8 | General Manager | 2 | 0.69 | ||
40s | 7 | 3.2 | CEO | 1 | 0.5 | ||
50s | 1 | 0.5 | |||||
Number of employees | 10 or less | 59 | 27.3 | turnover | 0–10 billion | 55 | 25.5 |
10–50 | 26 | 12.0 | 10–100 billion | 37 | 17.1 | ||
50–100 | 18 | 8.3 | 100–1000 billion | 44 | 20.4 | ||
100–300 | 24 | 11.1 | 1000 billion–1 trillion | 32 | 14.8 | ||
300 or more | 89 | 41.2 | More than 1 trillion | 48 | 22.2 | ||
Total | 216 | 100 | 216 | 100 |
Construct/Items | Standardized Loadings |
Reliability (Cronbach’s a = 0.928, AVE = 0.93632, CR = 0.98877) | |
Provide accurate informationProvide reliable information Provide professional and rich information Trust the platform manager Protect your personal information well Protect useful information | 0.816 0.815 0.793 0.805 0.865 0.873 |
Network Effect (Cronbach’s a = 0.890, AVE = 0.94499, CR = 0.890) likely to be used by many Increase in value when users increase Increased utilization when increasing users Increased utility when users increase | 0.860 0.833 0.875 |
Security (Cronbach’s a = 0.919, AVE = 0.93986, CR = 0.98422) Logistics platform is stable Have no fear of leaking information | 0.812 0.851 |
Privacy is strictly protected from the outside world | 0.921 |
Logistics platform efforts to protect personal information | 0.868 |
Perceived Usefulness (Cronbach’s a = 0.870, AVE = 0.93358, CR = 0.97675) Logistics platform helps to use related services Logistics platform helps me Low-cost services available on logistics platform Logistics platform can save you money compared to existing facilities Logistics platforms are generally useful | 0.762 0.868 0.860 0.872 |
Intention of Use (Cronbach’s a = 0.920, AVE = 0.95442, CR = 0.98431) Willing to use logistics platform in future Use logistics platform when relevant information is needed Willing to book services on a logistics platform | 0.860 0.893 0.922 |
χ2 = 305.949(df = 148, p = 0.000), χ2/df = 2.067, RMSEA = 0.066, CFI = 0.956, TLI = 0.944, IFI = 0.957 |
Reliability | Network Effect | Security | Perceived Usefulness | Intention to Use | |
Reliability | 1 | ||||
Network Effect | 0.890 (***) | 1 | |||
Security | 0.691 (***) | 0.644 (***) | 1 | ||
Perceived Usefulness | 0.737 (***) | 0.844 (***) | 0.621 (***) | 1 | |
Intention to Use | 0.677 (***) | 0.784 (***) | 0.516 (***) | 0.825 (***) | 1 |
Hypothesis | Estimate | S.E. | C.R. | p | |||
H1 | Perceived Usefulness | ← | Reliability | −0.182 | 0.137 | −1.258 | 0.208 |
H2 | Perceived Usefulness | ← | Network Effect | 0.843 | 0.167 | 4.963 | *** |
H3 | Perceived Usefulness | ← | Security | 0.137 | 0.064 | 1.997 | 0.046 (**) |
H4 | Intention to Use | ← | Perceived Usefulness | 0.847 | 0.07 | 14.058 | *** |
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Kwak, S.-Y.; Cho, W.-S.; Seok, G.-A.; Yoo, S.-G. Intention to Use Sustainable Green Logistics Platforms. Sustainability 2020, 12, 3502.
Kwak S-Y, Cho W-S, Seok G-A, Yoo S-G. Intention to Use Sustainable Green Logistics Platforms. Sustainability. 2020; 12(8):3502.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKwak, Su-Young, Woo-Sung Cho, Gil-Am Seok, and Seung-Gyun Yoo. 2020. "Intention to Use Sustainable Green Logistics Platforms" Sustainability 12, no. 8: 3502.
APA StyleKwak, S.-Y., Cho, W.-S., Seok, G.-A., & Yoo, S.-G. (2020). Intention to Use Sustainable Green Logistics Platforms. Sustainability, 12(8), 3502.