1. Introduction
The principal management of alternating current (AC) power systems is often operated by the scheduling of synchronous generator rotary machines and static machines of on-load tap changer (OLTC) transformers and volt-ampere reactive (VAR) sources. When large machines of synchronous generators are paralleled to the utility bus, terminal voltage control can be used to manage them. These machines are typically terminal voltage regulated. In addition, substation on-load tap changer (OLTC) transformers improve system voltage management by controlling variable turn ratios that are adjusted in different levels known as taps along either the primary or secondary winding. Moreover, volt-ampere eactive (VAR) sources of static VAR compensators (SVCs), which are automated impedance devices connected to the AC power network, are designed for voltage regulation and system stabilization [
2]. Real and reactive power management as a result of the installation of power generation at suitable buses can lead to a significant losses reduction and voltage regulation, especially in congested networks. Integration of renewable energy resources such as wind turbines and photovoltaic solar systems into the electricity network is currently a difficult task [
3]. The power grid must fulfill two distinct necessities: maintaining a near real-time balance of generations and demands and adjusting managed machines to regulate active and reactive power flows via transmission network [
4]. The electrical demands represent the aggregate of thousands of various consumers’ power needs, extending from individual residences to huge commercial and industrial facilities [
The optimal power system operation (OPSO) is a non-linear, multi-model technique for power system control and operation. OPSO may be used to develop financial and safe operating conditions for power systems [
7]. The OPSO can optimize one or more objectives such as fuel cost, emission of power system sources, and transmission losses [
8]. These goals can be met while maintaining power flow balance and operating variables within their respective restrictions, such as voltage limits, line flow limits, valve constraints, and generator power [
Miscellaneous conventional mathematic approaches have been proposed to solve the OPSO such as semidefinite programming [
10], non-linear programming [
11], linear programming (LP) [
12], Newton-based approach [
13], interior-point methods (IPMs) [
14], fuzzy linear programming [
15], and sequential unconstrained minimization technique [
16], and interior point method [
A variety of these methods can effectively enforce inequality constraints and have high convergence properties. However, because they rely on the initial settings, these traditional methods cannot produce the true optimal result and may become stuck in a local minimum. Furthermore, each technique must be represented using a specific variant(s) of OPSO, thus they cannot cope with integer and discrete variables seamlessly. As a result, developing metaheuristic approaches to overcome the aforementioned drawbacks is critical.
The finest solution of the OPSO can be determined by diverse augmentations of the algorithm techniques. An enhanced social spider optimization technique has been proposed, in ref. [
18], by varying the movement strategy of male and female spiders to an appropriate ratio, to optimize fuel cost, emission, and losses independently. An enhanced NSGA-III with constraints handling, in environment selection operation and reducing selection efforts, has been illustrated to fuel cost, emission, and losses in [
19]. In [
20], a multi-objective backtracking search optimizer (MBSO) was demonstrated to formulate and solve the 30-bus, 57-bus, and 118-bus systems with objective functions fuel cost, voltage deviation, and power losses. An enhanced manta ray foraging technique (EMRFT), in ref. [
21], has been characterized, in AC meshed power systems, for minimizing fuel cost, emission, and losses (with and without) voltage source converter (VSC) stations.
Experts are looking for ways to replace fossil energies with renewable generation in order to create ecologically friendly and emissions-free communities. In [
22], PSO and GWO have been hybridized for solving OPSO issues, and they were combined with probabilistic photovoltaic and wind resources. In this study, wind speed distribution related to the wind turbines was presented through the Weibull probability distribution function [
23]. Moreover, the produced power from the solar photovoltaic systems, which can be modeled as single and double-diode models [
27], were presented through the lognormal probability distribution function. In [
28], the OPSO has been discussed for the AC power flow tool where the DC flow tool has been investigated as well by linearizing the Ac variables in the system. In [
29], a multi-period OPSO issue has been formulated considering the penetrations of variable renewable sources with uncertainties due to weather fluctuations.
In [
30], an optimal generation scheduling has been presented including different renewable sources of photovoltaic, micro-turbine, wind, fuel cell and batteries. In this study, a beetle antenna search optimization has been employed considering hourly loadings in real time. In [
31], the equilibrium optimizer technique (EO) was applied for the OPSO issue incorporating different renewable sources by formulating their uncertainties via probability density functions in order to expect their produced power. In this work, many objective functions were considered and handled using the weight factors. In [
32], a technique for effectively distributing various kinds of renewable resources in the distribution network has been developed but the reduction of yearly energy losses has been framed as a single objective optimization framework. In [
33], the EO technique was applied for integrating the photovoltaic distributed generations and batteries in distribution systems. In this study, many objective functions were taken into account of improving the reliability, minimizing the investment costs, reducing the power losses, and minimizing the environmental emissions but they were handled in a single objective model.
Despite these performed applications for solving the OPSO, the simplifications by ignoring the reactive power injections from capacitive sources and transformer tap settings potentially lead to inaccurate results. In this paper, a scheduling of synchronous generator rotary machines and static machines of on-load tap changer (OLTC) transformers and volt-ampere reactive (VAR) sources is coordinated for optimal power system operation (OPSO) using a recent algorithm of social network search Optimizer (SNSO). The OPSO is performed by achieving many optimization targets of cost of fuel, power losses, and polluting emissions. The SNSO is a recent optimizer that is inspired by users in social networks throughout the different moods of users such as imitation, conversation, disputation, and innovation mood [
34]. The SNSO is developed for handling the OPSO problem and applied on an IEEE standardized 57-bus power system and real Egyptian power system of the West Delta area. The developed SNSO is used in various assessments and quantitative analyses with various contemporary techniques. The key contributions of this paper are as follows:
The developed SNSO has been employed to minimize the objective functions of fuel costs, losses, and emissions in electrical power networks and applied on the standardized network of IEEE 57-bus and a practical Egyptian network of WDA.
The developed SNSO provides better performance than various recent techniques.
Significant stability is demonstrated for the developed SNSO for solving the OPSO in electrical power networks.
A validation assessment is conducted for the rotary and static machines of the IEEE 57-bus and WDA power systems.
High validation is illustrated based on the SNSO for the optimal scheduling of synchronous generator rotary machines and static machines of on-load tap changer (OLTC) transformers and Volt-Ampere Reactive (VAR) sources.
The remaining sections of this paper are considered as follows: the OPSO formulation is established in
Section 2, while the developed SNSO for OPSO is manifested in
Section 3. Moreover, the simulation results and discussion are illustrated in
Section 4, and conclusion remarks are given in
Section 5.
4. Simulation Results
The designed SNSO is employed on two test power systems. The first is a typical IEEE 57-bus power system, and the second is an actual Egyptian power system known as the West Delta area (WDA) power system. Thirty simulated tests are performed for the created SNSO, with a maximum iteration of 300 and a user view of 25 members. As previously stated, the initial power system consists of 57 buses, 80 lines, 17 on-load tap changing transformers, 7 generators on buses 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, and 12, and three capacitive sources on buses 18, 25, and 53. The statistics for buses, the minimum and maximum reactive power generation limitations, and transmission lines are extracted from [
Table 1 illustrates the cost and emission coefficients for IEEE 57-bus power system.
The configuration of the real power system, which includes 52 buses [
15]. Data of lines and buses are gathered from [
39]. The maximum and minimum generator voltages are 1.06 and 0.94 p.u., respectively. MatlabR2017b is used to run the simulations, which are run on a CPU (2.5 GHz) Intel(R)-Core (TM) i7-7200U with 8 GB of RAM.
A tap changer mechanism (TCM) is a device in transformers that enables the selection of varied turn ratios in discrete stages. This is accomplished by connection to a series of entry points termed as taps located along the secondary or primary windings. TCMs come in two major kinds on-load and on-load mechanisms. The first TCM must be turned off first before the turns ratio is altered while the second one may change the ratio while servicing. The selection of tap points can be performed automatically, as is typically the case with on-load TCM, or manually, as no-load TCM. TCMs are commonly mounted on the side of high-voltage windings in power systems for the convenience of accessing and to decrease the current burden while servicing. A TCM controls the turn ratio in discrete steps. It operates with some steps in the positive and negative direction that provides ±10% turn ratio variation. Therefore, the maximum and minimum limits of the tap settings are 1.1 and 0.90 p.u., accordingly.
4.1. The First System Results
The following three scenarios are investigated as follows:
Scenario 1: OV1 Minimization of Fuel Generation Costs (FGC) that manifested in Equation (2)
Scenario 2: OV2 Minimization of Produced Emissions (PE) that manifested in Equation (3)
Scenario 3: OV3 Minimization of Overall Power Loss (OPL) that manifested in Equation (4)
4.1.1. FGCs Minimizing (Scenario 1)
For this scenario, the developed SNSO is applied, where their obtained outputs are recorded in
Table 2. Added to that,
Figure 3 illustrates the convergence feature of the developed SNSO for Scenario 1. As shown, the developed SNSO minimizes from 41,685.5 USD/h at the initial scenario to 51,345 USD/h. This reduction represents a percentage of 18.81%.
Table 3 further compares the outcomes of minimizing the FGCs (Scenario 1) with numerous alternative techniques which are real coded biogeography-based optimization [
40], social spider optimization [
18], enhanced social spider optimization [
18], salp swarm optimizer [
41], bat Search algorithm [
42], electromagnetic field optimization [
43], modified imperialist competitive algorithm [
44], improved salp swarm optimizer [
45], genetic algorithm [
19], improved genetic algorithm [
19] and differential search algorithm [
46]. As shown, the developed SNSO demonstrates the best performance over the others since it obtains the minimum FGCs of 41,685.5 USD/h among other techniques. The whole solutions of the developed SNSO algorithm, enhanced social spider optimizer [
18], improved salp swarm optimizer [
45], salp swarm optimizer [
41], and sli me mould algorithm [
47] are revealed in
Table 2. The solutions are analyzed and by checking their performance,
Figure 4 describes the inequality constraints related to MVAr outputs of the generators. Despite the better performance of the developed SNSO, some techniques provide lesser FGCs values. Enhanced social spider optimization [
18], salp swarm optimizer [
41] and improved salp swarm optimizer [
45] achieved FGCs of 41,665.540, 41,672.3, and 41,675.02 USD/h. This figure demonstrates that some violations of the inequality constraints related to MVAr outputs of the generators which declares the inadequacy of the acquired operating conditions of enhanced social spider optimization [
18], salp swarm optimizer [
41], and improved salp swarm optimizer [
4.1.2. PEs Minimizing (Scenario 2)
As demonstrated in
Table 4, the designed SNSO minimizes the PEs in the third scenario. The resulting PE value is 1.038 ton/h, as indicated in the table. Furthermore,
Figure 5 shows the convergence features of the produced SNSO for Scenario 3.
Table 5 shows how it compares to other metaheuristic optimization approaches. As demonstrated, the developed SNSO meets the minimal PE target of 1.038 ton/h. In terms of the minimum ability, it beats the other metaheuristics of the improved genetic algorithm [
19], social spider optimization [
18], Improved genetic algorithm [
19], enhanced social spider optimization [
18], teaching-learning based optimization [
37], and modified imperialist competitive algorithm [
44] in minimizing the PEs.
4.1.3. OPLs Minimizing (Scenario 3)
The created SNSO achieves the minimizing of the OPLs in the fourth scenario, as shown in
Table 6. In addition,
Figure 6 depicts the convergence characteristic of the proposed SNSO for Scenario 3. As indicated, the gained value of OPLs is 10.195 MW, whereas the original value is 27.835 MW. This decrease is a 63.37% reduction.
Table 7 shows how it compares to other metaheuristic optimization approaches. As demonstrated, the designed SNSO meets the minimal OPLs target of 10.195 MW. It surpasses the other metaheuristics of enhanced social spider optimization [
18], genetic algorithm, improved genetic algorithm [
19], modified differential evolution [
48], salp swarm optimizer [
41], and stud krill herd algorithm [
49] in minimizing the OPLs.
4.1.4. Assessment of the Stability of the Developed SNSO for IEEE 57-Bus Power System
The acquired objectives of the thirty runs are documented in order to perform a comprehensive assessment of the stability of the generated SNSO for all scenarios. The associated average objective is determined for each scenario, and a graph is shown to depict the proportion of each run to the average as a dynamic indicator (Ind
OJi) through Equation (31) and, therefore, the proximity of each run to the average.
Figure 7 depicts the acquired indications of the associated objective percentages via the created SNSO runs.
As demonstrated, the developed SNSO has the capability of always locating near percentages to 100% if its average is close to its lowest. The lowest and maximum index percentages in the first scenario are 99.949 and 100.059%, respectively, but in the second scenario, they are 99.779 and 100.014%, respectively. For the third scenario, the lowest and highest index percentages are 97.311 and 103.287%, respectively. This demonstrates the developed SNSO’s exceptional stability under all circumstances.
4.1.5. Validations of Operation for Rotary and Static Machines in the IEEE 57-Bus Power System
In this section, a validation assessment has been investigated for the rotary and static machines of the IEEE 57-bus power system. To illustrate,
Figure 8 plots the active power outputs of synchronous machines and the corresponding limits while
Figure 9. depicts the reactive power outputs of synchronous machines and the corresponding limits for Scenarios 1–3 in the IEEE 57-bus power system. As shown, the active and reactive power outputs of all synchronous machines for all studied scenarios are within their limits with no violations. Additionally, operating Tap points and their limits of transformers for Scenarios 1–3 in the IEEE 57-bus power system are demonstrated in
Figure 10. This figure illustrates that all the operating levels of the taps are inside their maximum and minimum limitations of 1.1 and 0.9, respectively. Furthermore, the reactive power outputs of VAR sources for Scenarios 1–3 in the IEEE 57-bus power system are within their limits with no violations as illustrated in
Figure 11.
4.2. The Second System Results
The following two scenarios are investigated for the second EPS:
4.2.1. FGCs Minimizing (Scenario 4)
For this scenario, the developed SNSO is applied whereas their obtained outputs are recorded in
Table 8. Added to that,
Figure 12 illustrates the convergence feature of the developed SNSO for Scenario 4. As shown, the developed SNSO minimizes the FGCs from 25,098.70 USD/h at the initial scenario to 22,953.425 USD/h. This reduction represents a percentage of 8.54%.
For this scenario, the developed SNSO is compared with several other new techniques such as enhanced grey wolf technique [
50], crow search technique [
35], salp swarm technique, novel bat technique, and spotted hyena technique that are applied for this scenario as tabulated in
Table 9. As seen, the developed SNSO outperforms all other techniques in minimizing the FGCs where the developed SNSO obtains the least FGCs of 22,953.425 USD/h. On contrary, novel bat, salp swarm, enhanced grey wolf, spotted hyena, crow search and modified crow search techniques obtain 22,960.8, 22,965.6, 22,957.7, 22,958.8, 22,959.4 and 22,955.6 USD/h, respectively.
4.2.2. OPLs Minimizing (Scenario 5)
For the fifth scenario, the minimization of the OPLs is obtained by the developed SNSO as reflected in
Table 10. In addition,
Figure 13 illustrates the convergence feature of the developed SNSO for Scenario 5. As shown, the developed SNSO minimizes the OPLs from 19.02 MW at the initial scenario to 7.24 MW. This reduction represents a percentage of 61.93%.
4.2.3. Assessment of the Stability of the Developed SNSO for WDA Power System
For the WDA power system, similar assessment methodology in
Section 4.1.4, the objective indexes via Equation (31) are described for all runs of the developed SNSO. For each scenario,
Figure 14 describes the obtained indicators of the related objective percentages through the runs via the developed SNSO.
As can be shown, the evolved SNSO has the potential to always locate close percentages to 100% if its average is close to its minimum. In the first situation, the mini-mum and maximum index percentages are 99.99 and 100.03%, respectively, whereas in the second scenario, they are 97.55 and 103.2%, respectively. This displays the developed SNSO’s remarkable stability in all conditions for the WDA power system.
4.2.4. Validations of Operation for Rotary Machines in the WDA Power System
In this section, a validation assessment has been conducted for the rotary machines of the WDA power system. To illustrate, the active power outputs of synchronous machines for Scenarios 4 and 5 in the WDA power system are within their limits with no violations as illustrated in
Figure 15. Moreover, the reactive power outputs of synchronous machines for Scenarios 4 and 5 in the WDA power system are within their limits with no violations as illustrated in
Figure 16.
4.3. Computational Burden of the Developed SNSO for Both Systems
The computation time of the designed SNSO is computed and reported in
Table 11 for both systems. It is calculated as the mean time required for each iteration, incorporating the power flow technique. One such table demonstrates that the accompanying timeframe for the created SNSO is distinct for both systems, with the developed SNSO taking the shortest time by 0.545 sec in the second scenario for the IEEE 57-bus power system and 0.418 sec in the sixth scenario for the WDA power system.