4.2.1. The Diagrams of Ecological Economics
This subsection studies the evolution of EE’s diagrammatic representations of its most basic concepts. It is both appropriate and necessary to consider diagrammatic representations of EE’s founding analogies: as is clear from physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, and even economics, “Diagrams have long been used in science” [
43] p. 1. In EE diagrams have played a particularly important role in communicating the field’s most fundamental concepts (e.g., how the ecosystem constrains the size of the economy). A line of peer-reviewed research indeed views diagrams as a formal language and questions the “ban of diagrams from mathematical proofs” on the grounds that they play a non-redundant role in such proofs [
43] p. 1. (see also [
44]). The objective is twofold: The first is to explore the hypothesis of a black box economy driven by omitted object bias. The second is to demonstrate the applicability—and thus theory-to-praxis value—of cognitive science’s tools and concepts.
Studies that address issues related to the roots of EE tend to begin with language to the effect of “(EE) was formalized 30 years ago based on a biophysical paradigm …” [
8] p. 1, typically represented by some version of
Figure 3 [
45]. Further, “The conceptual model represented in”
Figure 3 “(and variations of it) is a starting point for the work of many ecological economists” [
45] p. 205. These exemplify the powerful effect analogies and their diagrammatic representations have had on EE. But to point to this figure’s literal “black box” as evidence of the BP’s omitted object bias may lead to accusations of playing with words and of unjustifiably putting forth superficial similarities—i.e., one-place attributes—as evidence of this bias. It also bypasses the opportunity to see the applicability of cognitive science’s tools and concepts.
To best understand the emergence of EE’s black box and its implications, one must go back more than 30 years to the first diagrammatic representation of the BP and observe its evolution under the lens of cognitive science—i.e., mindful of the concepts of structural alignment and incremental analogizing, and their role in shaping these representations, with the express purpose to predict, explain, communicate, and project a “novel perspective” on economies.
Figure 4 is Daly’s [
2] first published diagrammatic representation of the economy as analogous to a metabolic system [
46]. It is obvious that Daly cognitively structurally aligned the relation of objects of METABOLISM (representative of an organism) with those of ECONOMICS (representative of the economy): as if familiar with
Figure 2, he placed the two systems side-by-side to serve, respectively, as his base and target systems (see [
2] p. 395). The goal was, as most cognitive scientists would probably agree, the transfer of knowledge from the former to the latter.
This diagrammatic functional form of the analogy explicitly and effectively communicates—even to non-experts—why the laws of thermodynamic economics must also apply to economies: organisms and economies are—not in a metaphorical sense, but in a true relational-operational sense—metabolically analogous systems. This is the key concept underlying the BP. In 1968, this was obviously a “novel perspective” on the economy, and one that struck a chord even with some renowned economists. An example is Frank Knight, at that time a reviewer of the
Journal of Political Economy, who appears to have had a keen interest in the economy-as-an-organism analogy: it is thought that his circular-flow diagram, one of the first ever, was inspired by the human circulatory system discovered by William Harvey in the early 17th century [
With the novel perspective that emerged from
Figure 4 emerged also new predictions and inferences, and new hypotheses could be put forth. Looking at this diagram, for example, even a non-expert might predict that an economy will grow “simply” by consuming more useful energy and matter, and that it will need, in turn, to “excrete” more degraded matter-energy. A more astute non-expert might even predict or infer that the destiny of all ingested useful matter-energy is metabolic waste: Another key concept at the core of the BP and EE.
However, contemplating
Figure 4 with some transdisciplinary knowledge of biology and cognitive science, one might even infer or hypothesize that the economy’s DISTRIBUTION represents a transport (sub)system relationally operationally analogous to that of an organism’s, and consisting perhaps of forms of capital that play a role similar to those of some biological organ systems: that is, precisely Georgescu-Roegen and Daly’s notion of economies with organs. Further, taking this analogy seriously, any economist with some familiarity with cognitive science and biological scaling research would have been correct to predict or infer, for example, as has been recently shown, that nearly all countries’ (economies’) energy consumption per unit time will scale approximately to a power of 0.75 to 1 of their size (as measured by either GDP or population) depending on their level of activity [
1]—such, after all, is the case for nearly all living organisms [
And yet, despite this scientific potency, this “functional form” of the analogy does not readily lend itself to the prediction, inference, or hypothesizing of two of EE’s most basic principles: that an economy’s scale relative to the scale of its surrounding medium is of consequence to its overall performance and longevity, and, relatedly, that there is a limit to how much an economy can grow. Much like a regression model, that is, this functional form omits the relevant objects (i.e., variables) needed to specify a relationship between the scale of the economy and the scale of the ecosystem.
Realizing, apparently, this omitted object bias (an identical bias exists in the neoclassical macroeconomic paradigm, one that EE has for decades criticized: nothing constrains the size of the economy. That paradigm has other well-known shortcomings, but they are, of course, beyond the scope of the current article), and how it enervates the analogy’s scientific usefulness and ability to bring about the desired conceptual change, Daly pushed the analogy further—he incrementally analogized, that is—by importing into it the one critical, previously omitted object that serves in both systems a similar set of functions: the finite ecosystem—the surrounding medium or “object” with which both organisms and economies exchange matter and energy, and in which they both grow, develop, function, and are contained. True [F(organism, ecosystem)] implies True [F(economy, ecosystem)], where F = medium that surrounds the system with which it exchanges matter and energy, and in which it grows, develops, functions, and is contained: a domain definition that applies equally and unequivocally to both systems. Thus emerged yet another novel perspective.
This novel perspective, the result of a relatively minor specification improvement to the analogy, gave it great—and at times threatening—power: Great because it gave way to variations of
Figure 3, the starting point of many of today’s ecological economists (see the citations above). And threatening because it challenged the orthodox establishment’s view of economic growth as a panacea, as evidenced, for example, by the World Bank’s now well-known reaction to it. Thus follows an example from economics that affirms the findings of cognitive science: analogies, including their diagrammatic representations, can bring about radical, conceptual change (e.g., [
Over the decades, “with various modifications” [
46] p. 68, variations of
Figure 3 gave way to variations of
Figure 5: the analogy’s perhaps most contemporary and developed diagrammatic functional form, the currently well-known and quite influential “empty world” to “full world” diagram. Now, no longer agnostic on a surrounding medium, any scientist—layperson, even—can contemplate
Figure 5 and predict or infer a fundamental characteristic of any economy, one underlying all basic concepts of EE and its BP: an ultimate, biophysical, ecosystem-imposed limit to growth. And, with a little knowledge of biology, one might now even predict or infer from these figures, or at least put forth as a testable hypothesis, that, as for all living organisms, there must be quantifiable limit to how much an economy can grow, as well as a quantifiable optimal size for every economy [
I posit, however, that this significant theoretical advancement (i.e., the inclusion of the ecosystem, a previously omitted but obviously highly relevant corresponding object), and the resulting conceptual change, came at a cost. A cost readily visible only through the lens of cognitive science: the abandonment of the base domain altogether, the source of EE’s scientific causal knowledge which Georgescu-Roegen and Daly transferred from biology to economics to beget economics as a life science—the living organism, represented by the METABOLISM diagram in
Figure 4.
Cognitive science elucidates the implications of this tradeoff.
Figure 3 and
Figure 5 no longer allude to any “salient similarities” between organisms and economies. Thus, from these figures alone, one can no longer readily infer or predict, for example, that organisms and economies are metabolically analogous systems, or that all countries’ energy consumption will scale approximately to a power of 0.75 to 1 of their size [
1], or that economies’ internal structure may be relationally operationally analogous to that of organisms in some fundamental way, possibly sparking the next new novel perspective and EE’s long-awaited and overdue paradigm shift. Instead, in moving from
Figure 4 to
Figure 3 and
Figure 5, DISTRIBUTION has been substituted by a “black-box” ECONOMY that has, for decades, remained vacuous. This is consistent with the results in
Section 4.1, and thus likely a manifestation of the BP’s omitted object bias.
Worse yet, by omitting the METABOLISM diagram (previously in
Figure 4),
Figure 3 and
Figure 5 discard the base domain, as if no longer useful, as if the economy-as-an-organism analogy—the foundation of Georgescu-Roegen’s bioeconomic view and Daly’s economics as a life science—has run the course of its scientific potential. It is as if biology is no longer of use to economics. Not only is this reminiscent of the neoclassical thought EE has for decades criticized, but it also obscures the field’s conceptual origins, thus discouraging the exploration of additional similarities between the two systems. The lesson from history and cognitive science is, however, clear: divorce from the base domain is divorce from incremental analogizing, and thus divorce from theoretical development and scientific advancement. This is particularly true as it relates to the economy’s “organs” and thus its inner workings—the different forms of capital, that is, and their interrelation and interconnection, including their associated institutions and people.
4.2.2. The Language of Ecological Economics
Evidence supporting the black box hypothesis does not emerge only from diagrammatic representations of EE’s founding concepts. It is ubiquitous in the language of most of the EE-related literature, and particularly apparent in the research that debates the BP’s potential to address EE’s failings. This subsection examines relatively recent work that represents this literature.
Pirgmaier and Steinberger [
7] appear to echo the concerns of several prominent heterodox economists regarding EE’s preoccupation with the BP. These authors’ “three realisations” summarize the BP’s fundamental shortcomings and the “failings” of EE—all of which, it is argued here, appear to support the current article’s black box hypothesis. For example, in addressing their “first realization” (the first realization “is that the core ambition of ecological economics, that of addressing the scale of human environmental resource use and associated impacts, often remains an aspirational goal, rather than being applied within research.” [
7] p. 1), the authors acknowledge the BP’s contribution to advancing EE’s understanding of “…the
interface between specific flows or types of resource extraction, land-use change, pollution, and environmental impacts…,” [
7] p. 3, (emphasis added). “Resource extraction”, however, and “land-use change”, “pollution”, and “environmental impacts” are all processes that involve the exchange of chemicals, material, and energy at the
interface—i.e., the boundary—of the economy and the natural environment.
In biology, this “interface” of “exchange” between the organism and the natural environment is referred to as the organism’s “external exchange surfaces” (e.g., [
51]). The focus on this type of exchange supports this article’s black box hypothesis: disproportionately more attention has been paid to economies’ external exchange surfaces relative to their “
internal exchange surfaces” (e.g., [
51]), i.e., the diverse forms of capital (organs), and their associated markets, institutions, and people that exchange money, resources, energy, information, and final goods and services. This is, hence, one example of how the BP’s omitted object bias impedes progress in scientific economics: it omits what economics and the economy are ultimately about—exchange via markets, people, institutions, and capital. However, as in organisms, it is what, where, how, and how much is exchanged
inside the system that ultimately determines what, where, how, and how much is exchanged between the system and its external environment (e.g., [
51]): A scientific and sustainability-related fact the black box tends to overlook.
As additional evidence, consider also how EE is, for example, “lacking, sadly, … on the
socio-economic side of ecological economics.”, including on “economic
structures and
institutions” [
7] p. 3, (emphasis added). EE, that is, lacks the economy’s inner workings: most socioeconomics, structures, and institutions are internal to the economy—but obscured by the black box. Consider also how the, “
vague …
general macro-economy …” obscures “… the
nitty gritty of supply chains, international trade relations of extraction–manufacturing–consumption, and
specific sectors and
firms.” [
7] p. 3, (emphasis added). The macro-economy’s vagueness and generality mirrors, it appears, its black box representation, one that cannot sufficiently account for the authors’ “nitty gritty” inner workings, and certainly not for the tremendous diversity and heterogeneity in the “internal exchange surfaces”—i.e., the different forms and levels of accumulated capital—that exist across nations.
Their “second realization” is that the “focus on biophysical and economic quantification methods” has diverted attention away from “systems thinking” as well as the “social drivers” underlying environmental impacts. This, too, supports this article’s black box hypothesis: the BP will concern itself primarily with the input–output analysis of matter-energy at the economy–environment
interface, and will tend to omit social drivers and system complexity. Further supporting this article’s findings is Odum’s [
52] own admission: “… when systems are considered in energy terms, some bewildering complexity of our world disappears; …” (as quoted by [
8] p. 4). Fifty years ago, we could perhaps have afforded to ignore some of this “bewildering complexity”. Today, however, most scientists would probably agree that understanding at least the fundamentals of this complexity is vital to addressing modern-day economies’ most pressing problems, including climate change, large-scale environmental degradation, inequality, persistent poverty, and inequitable access to resources.
Further, preoccupation with a black box that grows into a finite ecosystem diverts attention from studying “monetary, social, and biophysical flows in parallel” as well as from social drivers like money, profits, and value [
7] p. 2. To put it simply, black-box thinking strips much of the economy out of economics. This, the analysis suggests, explains at least partly why EE is often forced to “either adopt neoclassical reasoning or give up on economics altogether.” [
7] p. 2.
Further still, while the BP helps generate “evidence” of “ecological overuse”, a black box surely “cannot explain” this overuse, or provide “A causal understanding … necessary to comprehend the magnitude of social, political, and economic changes required …, [or] for devising viable strategies to attain those changes.” [
7] p. 4. Most scientists would agree that explaining and “causal understanding” require broad and detailed knowledge of a system’s inner workings, i.e., the “
nitty gritty” of supply chains, extraction, manufacturing, consumption, and specific sectors and firms [
7] p. 3 (emphasis added)—all of which require the intimate interaction between diverse forms of capital, i.e., the economy’s internal organs. And yet the BP tends to conceal this “nitty gritty”—explaining perhaps why EE has stalled at its 1960′s systems theories’ roots that see economies as “black boxes” whose “regularities could be observed by scrutinising inputs and/or outputs” [
7] p. 4, at economies’ external exchange surfaces.
Their third realization is that neoclassical theories operate in EE at a level much deeper than is commonly perceived, where “many ecological economists adopt mainstream theory, tools, and techniques” [
7] p. 6. An example of the neoclassical extensions in EE is the conceptualization of the economic process as merely the “transformation of matter-energy into goods and services,” [
7] p. 6. This is exactly as inferred by
Figure 3 and
Figure 5, and much like the neoclassical conceptualization of the economy as a machine of production. To be explicit: EE often borrows from the neoclassical school probably because it lacks a well-developed causal theory of its own. And it lacks such a theory—our results suggest—largely because it has invested very little in incrementally analogizing upon its BP to develop its original theory of the economy-as-an-organism. And this, I posit, probably explains much of Pirgmaier’s and Steinberger’s [
7] third realization. In the life sciences, after all, broad and detailed knowledge of an organism’s inner workings is the ultimate prerequisite of “causal understanding”. The BP’s “black box” impedes the accumulation and transfer of this causal knowledge from biology to economics.
Among heterodox economists, there is largely universal agreement about these failings and the three realizations. More detailed knowledge of the economy’s inner workings is therefore not only the call of research that is critical of the BP. It is also the duty of research that perceives the BP to be the key to “opening the black box” [
22] p. 238. Melgar-Melgar and Hall [
8], for example, like Pirgmaier and Steinberger [
7], also call for more “systems thinking” as necessary for the future of ecological economics [
8], p. 4. As another example, consider how Ji and Luo [
22] and Melgar-Melgar and Hall [
8], like Pirgmaier and Steinberger [
7], also call for money and the monetary economy to be better integrated in EE’s sustainability “vision of developing a new economic paradigm embedding the social and economic systems in the biophysical world” [
8] p. 1. But, as the present article argues, more systems thinking and the integration of money and the monetary system into EE may not successfully materialize while subscribing rigidly to the BP—it may perhaps materialize through elaborating on the economy-as-an-organism analogy to include the economy analogs of fundamental organs. Once the economy’s fundamental inner structure begins to take shape, other omitted objects, like “
Homo economicus as a person-in-community” [
53], for example, and the general social sphere [
55] can in turn be incrementally analogized into the analogy.
The fact that research within EE can hold polar-opposite views on how to reach a common objective (i.e., more systems thinking) only validates the science in the present article. The disagreement, as cognitive science dictates (see above citations) is likely the result of the different “mental images” different researchers have of the economic system, images from the analogies that form their perspectives (see
Figure 2) and thus guide their research. Biophysical economists, for example, who are often trained in ecology and conceptualize the economy as a metabolic system, will tend to think more in terms of matter-energy flows—a clear reflection of
Figure 3 and
Figure 5. As an example, consider how “In other words, material-energy-money flow is not only the operational base of the economic system, but it is also the key to open the black box of economic dynamics.” [
21] p. 236. From this perspective, integrating the flow of money into the flow of material-energy is indeed a step towards systems thinking.
On the other hand, social ecological economics sees EE’s “foundations [as those] that inform it as a paradigm both biophysically and socially” [
55] p. 1 (see also [
56]). From this perspective, the closer integration of the social sphere into the black box economy [
55] is also a step towards systems thinking. The lack of consensus on whether and how the BP’s contributes to, or impedes, systems thinking stems from differing views of what the economic system “looks like”. Hence the current article’s contribution: it provides the necessary transdisciplinary tools biophysical and social ecological economics need to integrate their omitted objects—respectively, money and objects of the social sphere—into a theory that unifies their views, despite their different perspectives, the theory of economics as a life science. The theory, that is, of the economy-as-an-organism whose essence is the discovery of additional “salient similarities” between the two systems and the subsequent transfer of causal knowledge from biology to economics.
It is unequivocal in cognitive science that flawed analogical reasoning can mislead science. In economics, however, it is not always possible to produce direct evidence of flawed analogical reasoning misguiding economics research: in contemporary research—unlike, for example, in the work of Georgescu-Roegen and Daly—we can rarely directly observe the analogies behind economists’ perspectives and research paradigms. Exceptions emerge, however, and make for useful case studies.
Ji and Luo [
21] are an example of such an exception. Their paper advocates for the BP and appropriately traces EE back to classical economics where biological analogies were common. In the spirit of classical economics, the authors make use of their own biological analogies to draw similarities between the economy and biological organs. And yet, as the tools of cognitive science predict, the BP’s black box seems to emerge even from within these analogies: “In analogy, if society is a human body, then the economy is its digestion system, digesting and absorbing material to supply the body with energy.” [
21] p. 241. The objective here is not to thoroughly dissect the scientific accuracy of the several analogies embedded within this statement. A simple observation sufficiently makes the point: the economy is a digestive system—by definition this excludes from the economy Georgescu-Roegen and Daly’s exosomatic hearts, livers, lungs, and other organs, and thus provides more support for the black box hypothesis.
To its credit, their study subsequently acknowledges that “the digestion system itself is also affected by the other systems” [
21] p. 241. But in the context of its own analogy, this otherwise scientifically sound statement only adds to the black box body of evidence: if the entire economy is society’s digestion system [
21], where are these “other systems”? Surely not within the economy. Thus, the conceptualization of the economy as a “digestion system” further supports the black box hypothesis: the conceptual reduction of the entire economy to a digestion system. In a true relational-operational sense, that is scientifically analogous to the conceptual reduction of a complex animal—e.g., a rat, mouse, or monkey—to a digestion system. A simple question elucidates the scientific implications: how much would biology and medicine have advanced if these fields conceptually reduced complex animals to a digestion system?
Countless examples can be drawn from the EE literature that point to the black box as an impediment to the field’s progress. Together, however, Pergmaier and Steinberger [
7], Melgar-Melgar and Hall [
8], and Ji and Luo [
21] quite comprehensively capture the essence of this literature: they are relatively recent, of broad scope, and together summarize the diverse perspectives of some of the most prominent ecological economists. (Ecological economists cited systematically within and across this work include, but not are limited to, Baumgärtner S., Costanza R., Daly H., Georgescu-Roegen N., Howarth R.B., Kallis G., Martinez-Alier J., Norgaard R.B., O’Neill J., Røpke I., Spash C., and Victor P.).
The foregoing subsection illustrates the potential extent of the BP’s omitted object bias and that the current article effectively addresses the lack of consensus within the relevant literature. But it achieves one other important objective as well: it shows that research with assumptions and perspectives different from those of the present article—and even with polar-opposite views on the BP itself—all come to the same conclusion. This conclusion can be summarized by a handful of words: not enough economy in EE. In other words, EE lacks detailed knowledge of the economy’s internal “nitty gritty”, a finding that supports the present article’s black box hypothesis. This galvanizes the scientific validity of the present article’s methods and findings: scientific work that affirms what has already been discovered despite employing different assumptions and perspectives is characteristic of work that can result in the accumulation of knowledge [
58]. It is thus also “The epitome of ‘methodological triangulation’ (due to Denzin [
59]), a time-proven strategy for validating scientific methods and results…” [
1] p. 4.
Finally, it is critical to note that evidence of overlooked similarities (i.e., beyond the realm or metabolism) between organisms and economies is not found only at the confluence of EE and cognitive science. Importantly, it is found also at the confluence of economics and biology. The next subsection elaborates.
4.2.3. Kleiber’s Law of Economies
Perhaps nothing alludes to yet undiscovered “salient similarities” more than Kleiber’s Law [
60] of economies: empirical and scientifically compelling evidence that economies and organisms are not just metaphorically similar, but that the two systems share scientifically fundamental relational-operational similarities that elude the BP and EE [
Kleiber’s Law of economies states that the energy consumption per unit time of nearly all countries (analogous to the metabolic rate of nearly all organisms) scales approximately to the power of 0.75 to 1 of their size, as measured by GDP and population (mass, in the case of organisms), depending on their level of activity [
1]. The fact that Kleiber’s Law applies to both organisms and economies suggests that the two systems must share a most fundamental internal system. So fundamental, in fact, that its omission by the BP may significantly limit the scientific scope, applicability, and perceived validity of the economy-as-an-organism analogy. By “validity” I mean adequate proof-of-concept, i.e., whether the degree to which organisms and economies have been scientifically shown to be similar justifies the use of the former as a scientific model for the latter. By “scope”, I mean the number of different
cases to which the model can be validly applied, and by “applicability”, I mean the number of different
ways that the model can be applied. This proposition follows from what is known about Kleiber’s Law.
Among organisms, the universality of Kleiber’s Law is a manifestation of common physical and geometric constraints [
18]. This suggests that at a “most basic level”, despite their astonishing complexity and diversity, all organisms share the same “design criteria” [
28] that “are independent of detailed dynamics or specific characteristics” [
16]. Therefore, that Kleiber’s Law applies also to economies, suggests not only that economies share common design criteria, but that these design criteria are the same, or at least very similar, to those of organisms. This logically congruent argument justifies the search for omitted objects with strong scientific correspondence to at least some biological organs, á la Daly and Georgescu-Roegen: it suggests that it is not a matter of whether any such organs exist, but that they must be explicitly identified. In other words, what are the most fundamental organs involved in this “most basic level”, “design criteria” that all economies and complex organisms share regardless of their “detailed dynamics or specific characteristics” [
16]? Here, too, Kleiber’s Law continues to guide.
Metabolic rate is the most fundamental biological rate [
15]. Metabolism is, after all, the totality, or summary, of the bioenergetics of the interactions of all parts and processes involved in the exchange of material and energy, both within an organism and between the organism and its external environment (e.g., [
51]). Further, the internal exchange of energy and material is the most fundamental way in which any organism’s parts interact [
51]: to stay alive, every organism, and every one of its organs and cells,
must exchange materials and energy with its surrounding environment. Note that the “surrounding environment” of complex organisms’ organs and cells is
inside the organism. Biology refers to the exchange of matter and energy inside an organism as “internal exchange”. Most economists or other scientists will probably agree that the same holds true for every economy, industry, firm, form of capital, and individual. And yet the BP concerns itself primarily with economies’ “external exchange surfaces” [
51] and almost completely ignores their internal exchange apparatus.
Kleiber’s Law thus appears to validate the results of the current article’s analysis: the BP’s most fundamental omitted objects are the economy analogs of the core internal biological organs and organ systems involved in the exchange of energy, chemicals, and other matter, i.e., organisms’ “internal exchange surfaces” [
51]. This observation is a useful complement to the present article: by explicitly identifying each of these organs—and subsequently their economy analogs—causal knowledge related to their structure, function, interrelatedness, and interconnectedness may be transferred to economics, thus beginning to address the “lack of a clear articulation of what the heterodox alternative is, spelled out from its basics.” [
7] p. 7. The scientific implication is obvious: just as biology and medicine advanced by gaining detailed knowledge of complex organisms’ internal structure, scientific economics may be able to advance by transferring this knowledge to economies. This is exactly how Georgescu-Roegen and Daly initiated the movement towards their “bioeconomics” and “economics as a life science”.
Within the broader realm of sustainability, it is worth noting how this “bioeconomics” relates to the more contemporary concept of the “circular bioeconomy” of sustainability (e.g., [
61]). Within Georgescu-Roegen’s bioeconomic framework, the economy, akin to a living organism, faces biophysical limits to growth. In contrast, the circular bioeconomy advocates for a proactive utilization of biomass to perpetuate economic growth, eventually achieving sustainability through advancements in biotechnology (e.g., [
62]). Despite this fundamental difference, there need not be a fundamental conflict in scientific or policy interests between the two models. A more structurally detailed characterization of the economy-as-an-organism analogy could potentially harness the strengths of both viewpoints, fostering a harmonious convergence rooted in shared objectives. For instance, a biological perspective on economies’ internal exchange surfaces might unveil deeper leverage points for both current and future biotechnologies. This, in turn, could catalyze the transition toward the sustainable utilization of natural resources and economic development within the regenerative capacity of ecosystems.