The Classification of Hotels in the Context of Sustainable Development Factors: A Case Study of Public Policy in the European Union and Poland
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
2.1. Hotel Service Quality
- Public administrative bodies that regulate the market directly (e.g., the ministry responsible for tourism) and public authorities (tourism policy entities) that shape the supply structure of the hotel services market and have a decisive importance in protecting the rights of consumers using hotel services [9].
- Local government administrative bodies that support the activities of public administration, in practice implementing tasks related to the impact on quality in the hotel industry.
- Organizations that support the activities of regulatory entities, including non-governmental organizations formally acting as economic self-governments (hotel industry chambers) where hotel entrepreneurs are represented. The purpose of their activities includes representing their members in interactions with public authorities and consumers and ensuring high standards of service provision.
2.2. Categorization as an Instrument of Public Policy Aimed at the Hotel Industry
- Administrative categorization, run by public government or local government institutions;
- Industrial categorization, run by economic self-government institutions.
2.3. Sustainable Development in Hotel Industry
- Internal or operational improvement;
- Increasing the effectiveness of marketing activities;
- Reducing waste management costs;
- Reducing energy and raw material consumption;
- Reducing regulatory costs, i.e., related to compliance with requirements;
- Improving the company’s image;
- Improving relationships with customers and other stakeholders;
- Improving financial results;
- Positive and significant impacts on performance.
2.4. Sustainability Certification Systems in the Hotel Industry
- Environmental certificates signal the voluntary implementation of environmental initiatives by hospitality service providers, providing credibility through compliance assessments that the hotel has conducted through specific environmental engagement activities [64].
- Bearing in mind that information asymmetry concerns are specific to service industries due to service inseparability at the point of consumption, environmental awards can assure the public that a given hotel is committed to reducing environmental harm, as certified hotel facilities are also awarded with identifiable logos. However, an additional complexity is the fact that there are over 456 environmental awards worldwide (, with over 100 offerings specific to the hotel and tourism industry. Therefore, this raises concerns that a large number of awards will become less recognized and less trusted by consumers as they have different meanings, messages, criteria, and geographical scopes [82].
- Environmental awards provide opportunities to increase the profitability of certified hotels. On the one hand, environmental engagement can improve internal operational efficiency through increased production processes while reducing resource consumption and production costs [83]. On the other hand, however, environmental commitment brings external benefits, including an increase in stakeholder investment [84], improvement of the ecological image of hotels to create competitive advantages, and an increase in the share price value [85]. According to the latter, which indicates the benefits of external factors, this study is based on the current literature and seeks to assess the impact of environmental awards on the hotel market value.
- General systems, with a wide-ranging impact on the economy, including those that can be used in the tourism industry, including the hotel industry: ISO 14001 standard, the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), Ecolabel/Eco Flower, and the Green Seal.
- Specialized systems for industries other than the tourism industry, including the hotel industry, whose certification activity includes the environmental assessment of hotel operations; in the construction industry, one such system is LEED.
- Specialist systems relating exclusively to the tourism industry, dealing with environmental management in the tourism industry, including the hotel industry: Green Key, Green Globe, Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).
- Minimize the negative impact of their activities (processes, etc.) on the environment (i.e., causing adverse changes in the air, water, or soil);
- Comply with applicable laws, administrative regulations, and other environmental protection requirements;
- Constantly improve the systems of the organization and its approach to environmental issues.
3. Materials and Methods
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions and Recommendations
- (a)
- Environmental policy—This should be considered as an action consisting of the development and implementation of a document that is possessed by chain hotels, and which smaller facilities, if they are not yet in possession of one, are able to develop with no significant expenditure; some hotel self-government organizations might be of help in this respect by preparing framework versions.
- (b)
- Operation of heating and air conditioning control systems—This is a technical issue in every hotel facility.
- (c)
- Encouraging guests to use alternative means of transport—This criterion is of a technical and organizational nature, yet the form of “encouragement” indicates issues of a marketing nature and in the area of information policy.
- (d)
- Purchasing raw materials and products from local suppliers—This criterion is of an organizational nature and relates to cooperation in the local tourism industry. It also has effects of a marketing nature.
- (e)
- Providing information on the attractions of the region—This is a criterion of a marketing and information nature.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Key Area | Key Performance Indicator |
Energy efficiency | Direct energy consumption Total renewable energy consumption Total renewable energy generation |
Material efficiency | Annual mass flow of key materials used (excluding energy carriers and water) |
Water | Total annual water used |
Waste | Total annual generation of waste Total annual generation of hazardous waste |
Land use with regard to biodiversity | Total use of land Total sealed area Total nature-oriented area on site Total nature-oriented area off-site |
Emissions | Annual emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2 eq.) Annual air emissions |
Certification System | Year Launched | Number of Hotel Facilities with a Certificate | Region |
ISO 14001 | 1996 | 136 | Global |
EMAS | 1993, Brussels | over 270 | Europe |
Ecolabel | 1992, Brussels | 504 hotels | Europe |
Green Seal | 1989, Washington | 39 | Global |
LEED | 2000 | 47 hotel chains, 3 private hotels | Global |
Green Key | 1994, Denmark | Over 4400 | Global |
Green Globe | From 2002, program managed by the Foundation for Environmental Education and recognized by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council | 600 members, including hotels | Global |
GSTC | 1993 | Over 18,000 | Global |
Sustainable Development Certification Systems Used in the Hotel Industry | ||||||||
KPIs | ISO 14001 | EMAS (EU) | Ecolabel (EU) |
Green Seal | LEED | Green Key | Green Globe | GSTC |
Environmental management | V | V | V | V | V | V | V | |
Staff involvement | V | V | V | V | V | V | V | |
Guest information | V | V | V | V | V | V | ||
Water | V | V | V | V | V | V | V | V |
Washing and cleaning | V | V | V | V | V | |||
Waste | V | V | V | V | V | V | V | V |
Energy | V | V | V | V | V | V | V | V |
Food and beverage | V | V | V | V | V | |||
Indoor environment | V | V | V | |||||
Green areas | V | V | V | V | V | V | V | |
Corporate social responsibility | V | V | V | V | ||||
Green activities | V | V | ||||||
Administration | V | V | V | |||||
Location and transportation | V | V | V | V | V | V | V | |
Materials and resources | V | V | V | V | ||||
Health and safety | V | V | V | V | ||||
Local employment | V | V | V | V | ||||
Support local entrepreneurs | V | V | V | V | ||||
Respect local communities | V | V | V | |||||
Equitable hiring | V | V | V | |||||
Employee protection | V | V | V | |||||
Conserving resources water energy | V | V | V | V | V | V | V | V |
Reducing pollution waste | V | V | V | V | V | V | V | V |
Conserving biodiversity, ecosystems, and landscapes | V | V | V | V | V | V | ||
Legal compliance | V | V | ||||||
Protecting cultural heritage | V | V | V | |||||
Environmentally preferable purchasing | V | V | V | V | V | V | ||
Recycling | V | V | V | V | V | V | V | V |
Refillable amenities | V | V | V | |||||
Towel and linen reuse program | V | V | V | V | V | |||
Responsible suppliers | V | V | V | V | ||||
Thermoregulation | V | V | V | |||||
Automatic shutdown of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and lighting systems | V | V | V |
Groups of Criteria | Detailed Criteria |
Environmental management | No specific criteria |
Water management | Water-saving measures |
Water flow reduction/water-saving fittings | |
The use of sensors and water-saving devices (including, e.g., pool roofing) | |
Collecting rainwater | |
Room cleaning on request | |
Changing towels and bed linen on request | |
Rainwater recycling | |
Energy management | Heating and air conditioning control systems |
Automatic turning on/off of heating and air conditioning | |
Energy-saving light bulbs | |
Checking the ventilation, air conditioning, and heating system (annually) | |
The use of energy-saving devices | |
Light sensors (motion sensors that activate the light) | |
Using renewable sources | |
Energy audits | |
Thermal insulation | |
Waste and wastewater management | Recycling |
Waste segregation | |
Not using disposable containers | |
Failure to use a one-time pledge | |
Using dispensers for soap, shampoo, shower gel, etc. | |
Wastewater discharged to the public sewage system or having its own sewage treatment plant | |
Staff | Training in the field of environmental protection |
Established work procedures | |
Supplier education | |
Guest education | |
Legal and ethical (non-exploitative) employment of workers | |
Communication | Behavior markings and pro-environmental instructions for staff |
Behavior markings and pro-environmental instructions for guests | |
Encouraging the use of alternative means of transport | |
Food and beverage | Purchasing of raw materials and eco products |
Food waste minimization | |
Offering beverages in glass containers | |
Tap water for drinking | |
Offering a vegetarian and vegan menu | |
Purchasing of certified food products | |
Transport | The use of environmentally friendly means of transport |
Offering guests bicycles and scooters | |
Guests travel together by taxi and bus | |
Safety and health | Use of chemical-free alternative cleaning and disinfection agents |
Use of safe cleaning products (eco-labels) | |
No smoking in the facility | |
Controlled air quality in the facility | |
Local development | Purchasing of raw materials for products |
Information about the attractions in the region | |
Green areas | Protection and support of local biodiversity |
Green areas around the hotel |
Groups of Criteria | Detailed Criteria | Hotelstars Union No Criteria | Poland No Criteria |
Environmental management | (239) | ||
Water management | Water-saving measures | ||
Water flow reduction/water-saving fittings | |||
The use of sensors, water-saving devices (including, e.g., pool roofing) | |||
Collecting rainwater | |||
Room cleaning on request | (40) | (51) | |
Changing towels and bed linen on request | (41, 42, 43) | (50) | |
Rainwater recycling | |||
Energy management | Heating and air conditioning control systems | (118, 119, 211) | |
Automatic turning on/off of heating and air conditioning | |||
Energy-saving light bulbs | |||
Checking the ventilation, air conditioning, and heating system (annually) | |||
The use of energy-saving devices | |||
Light sensors (motion sensors that activate the light) | |||
Using renewable sources | |||
Energy audits | |||
Thermal insulation | |||
Waste and wastewater management | Recycling | ||
Waste segregation | |||
Not using disposable containers | |||
Failure to use a one-time pledge | |||
Using dispensers for soap, shampoo, shower gel, etc. | |||
Wastewater discharged to the public sewage system or having its own sewage treatment plant | |||
Staff | Training in the field of environmental protection | ||
Established work procedures | |||
Supplier education | |||
Guest education | |||
Legal and ethical (non-exploitative) employment of workers | |||
Communication | Behavior markings and pro-environmental instructions for staff | ||
Behavior markings and pro-environmental instructions for guests | |||
Encouraging the use of alternative means of transport | (11, 12, 13) | ||
Food and beverage | Purchasing of raw materials and eco products | ||
Food waste minimization | |||
Offering beverages in glass containers | |||
Tap water for drinking | |||
Offering a vegetarian and vegan menu | |||
Purchasing of certified food products | |||
Transport | The use of environmentally friendly means of transport | ||
Offering guests bicycles and scooters | |||
Guests travel together by taxi and bus | |||
Safety and health | Use of chemical-free alternative cleaning and disinfection agents | ||
Use of safe cleaning products (eco-labels) | |||
No smoking in the facility | |||
Controlled air quality in the facility | |||
Local development | Purchasing of raw materials for products | (199) | |
Information about the attractions in the region | (137) | ||
Green areas | Protection and support of local biodiversity | ||
Green areas around the hotel |
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Share and Cite
Wszendybył-Skulska, E.; Panasiuk, A. The Classification of Hotels in the Context of Sustainable Development Factors: A Case Study of Public Policy in the European Union and Poland. Sustainability 2024, 16, 8485.
Wszendybył-Skulska E, Panasiuk A. The Classification of Hotels in the Context of Sustainable Development Factors: A Case Study of Public Policy in the European Union and Poland. Sustainability. 2024; 16(19):8485.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWszendybył-Skulska, Ewa, and Aleksander Panasiuk. 2024. "The Classification of Hotels in the Context of Sustainable Development Factors: A Case Study of Public Policy in the European Union and Poland" Sustainability 16, no. 19: 8485.
APA StyleWszendybył-Skulska, E., & Panasiuk, A. (2024). The Classification of Hotels in the Context of Sustainable Development Factors: A Case Study of Public Policy in the European Union and Poland. Sustainability, 16(19), 8485.