1. Introduction
Past and projected future climate change impacts on crop yields have received a great deal of attention by the international scientific community. Most studies have focused on wheat, rice, maize or soybean (Ray et al. [
1], Scealy et al. [
2], Butler et al. [
3], Asseng et al. [
4]). The correlation between yield and specific climatic variables differ spatially for different crops. They are also region specific given the differing regional management practices, soil types, duration and timing of crop exposure to climatic conditions (Porter et al. [
5]). Lobell et al. [
6] estimated that over the period 1980–2008, global temperature and precipitation trend impacts accounted for a 3.8% decrease in maize yields, a 0.1% decrease in rice yields, a 5.5% decrease in wheat yields and a 1.7% decrease in soybean yield. At the country scale, the impact of climate change on crop yield exhibits wide variation. For example, climate impacts accounted for a large part of yield gains for maize in China and wheat in Russia, Turkey, and Mexico (Easterling et al. [
7]). Even within a country, the impact may vary across regions. Rice yields in China have been found to be positively related with temperature in some regions and negatively related in others (Zhang et al. [
9]). According to the fourth assessment report of the IPCC (IPCC [
10]), crop yields in low-latitude regions are more likely to decrease under even slight warming.
How changes in climatic variables can affect OSR yields has received less attention. A study considered how variations in climate factors affect the growth period and yield of OSR through crop simulation models such as APSIM-canola (Wang et al. [
11]). Other studies have focused on how climate change can affect OSR plant disease incidence from an agronomic perspective (Evan et al. [
12], Eickermann et al. [
13]). Few studies have been conducted in which the impact of management and climate are both included in examining the variability of yields from economic perspectives, given that both can vary inter-temporally and inter-regionally.
OSR (rapeseed, canola) is grown throughout the world as a source of cooking oil, animal feed protein and for fuel as a component of bio-diesel. It was the third most important source of vegetable oil and the second most important source of protein meal worldwide in 2015 (USDA [
14]). Global production of OSR from 2000 to 2013 increased at an average annual growth rate of 2.5%. The four largest producers are the European Union (EU), Canada, China and India, accounting for 28%, 25%, 20% and 11%, respectively, of global OSR production in 2013 (FAOSTAT [
15]). Changes in OSR production in China, as the world’s third largest producer and biggest importer since 2012, can have a profound influence on the world OSR market (see
Table 1).
Yield fluctuations are an important contributor to variation in China’s OSR production and import levels. From 2000 to 2014, the mean absolute percentage deviation (MAPD) from trend of area planted was 2.7 compared with 3.3 for yield, and since 2009, yield MAPD rose to 3.4, whilst that of area planted fell to 1.0, suggesting yield has been a greater contributor to production variability in China in more recent years.
China’s climate has already warmed by more than the global mean temperature rise over the past century. Hence, an understanding of the effects of annual variations in key climate parameters on China’s OSR yields can contribute to gauging the potential influence of future long-term climate change on production, and also to what might be the mitigation potentials from adaptation and adjustment of management and economic inputs.
The focus of the study therefore is to analyze the spatial and temporal pattern of the impact of climate variables on Chinese OSR yields, namely the relative susceptibility of major OSR producing regions to particular climatic variables, and to determine at which growth stages specific climate variables exert more influences on yields. Moreover, identifying the particular regions and growth stages of OSR that have been most affected by variability in climatic indicators could assist efforts to measure and analyze ongoing efforts to adapt and to quantify the extent to which economic inputs might mitigate some of the impact of climate variability. Given assumptions about future changes in key climatic variables in the estimated model, locational changes in future yields and production can also be projected. We are aware that it needs data from a long time period to conduct a climatic analysis. However, future implications of climate change from data analysis based on a limited number of consecutive years, which contain some variation in climate, can also be useful in providing insights into its effects. The data used were obtained from farm surveys conducted annually by the national OSR over the period 2008–2013.
Translating climate variations into potential yield impacts requires a yield response model. Regression analyses of historical data have commonly been employed to relate yields to climate, notably to mean annual temperature and/or precipitation (Ray et al. [
1], Lobell et al. [
Some authors have added a trend term as a proxy for the effect of other factors such as productivity gains and technological change. In such studies, the impact of climate is seen as contributing to the yield variation around the trend. In other studies, physical inputs such as labour, fertilizer, pesticide and seeds, etc. have been explicitly included as explanatory variables (You et al. [
16]). The farm-level survey data employed for the yield modelling in this paper include physical and economic inputs in OSR production, as capturing farmers’ adaptation can help to understand the role of climate relative to non-climate factors in yield variations.
As for the specification of yield-climate models in the literature, both linear and quadratic forms of climate variables have been used in previous studies (Ray et al. [
1], He et al. [
17], Lobell et al. [
6], Rowhani et al. [
18], You et al. [
16]). We explored a range of statistical models including log linear, quadratic log and translog specifications relating observed variations in temperature, precipitation and sunshine hours during the OSR growing season to the observed variations in yield in each production region. The ‘best-fit’ model for all of the regions was then selected
The remaining sections of the paper are organized as follows.
Section 2 outlines OSR production developments in China, and the climate characteristics of major OSR production regions in China. A brief description of the theoretical framework and model specifications are given in
Section 3.
Section 4 is the data description. The estimation results and discussion are presented in
Section 5 and
Section 6, respectively, and
Section 7 concludes.
3. Theoretical Framework and Model Specification
We hypothesize that the observed OSR yield in a given region is a function of physical and financial inputs, land quality, technology, management, and climate factors of the general form in Equation (1).
in which
denotes yield.
is a vector of labour inputs,
is a vector of capital inputs,
is a vector of climate factors and
denotes a time trend reflecting technological progress.
As yields and the explanatory variables follow a log-normal distribution, we specify Equation (1) with all variables in natural logarithms as in Equation (2), which can be estimated by OLS.
in which,
is the trend yield annual growth rate and
βj are vectors of yield response elasticities.
Given that farm-level survey data are available to estimate the yield model, the possibility of including physical, economic and management inputs in OSR production into the model can help to capture farmers’ short run adaptation to climatic variation and hence explain the relative importance of climatic variation with respect to yield. Explaining yield changes in terms only of climatic variation may mis-specify the determinants of observed yields and their temporal and spatial differences (This is in contrast to experimental data measuring yield response to a single variable where all other variables can be controlled). Reference was made in
Section 1 to studies which employed both log linear and quadratic log forms of models. We tried to choose one ‘best fit’ model form from log linear, quadratic log and translog forms for all the regions. However, because the study is multi-regional, and recognizing the fact that different functional forms have the best fit in different regions, together with the fact that more complex functional forms would reduce the available degrees of freedom in regions where sample size was relatively small (viz. region I), in the interests of parsimony and to ensure comparability of interpretation, a common equation specification was imposed and is as follows:
is natural log,
is a time variable representing survey year (
t(2008) = 1),
is OSR yield for farm
at time
in region
(a time trend from 2008 to 2013).
represents climate variables in growth stage
of OSR grown by farmer
at time
in region
, including AGDD, AP and ASH.
represents the physical inputs per hectare of OSR including labour (
l), chemical fertilizer (
f), and other inputs (
om) such as seeds, pesticide, machinery, agricultural plastic film and irrigation.
represents other socio-economic factors which may influence yield.
is a dummy variable representing farmer’s social status as to whether the farmer occupied any administrative position in the village. The parameters
are to be estimated and
μ is the error term.
4. Data
The panel data used were obtained from farm surveys conducted annually by the national OSR industry project with 3743 winter OSR producing farms from 136 counties in 14 major winter OSR production provinces over the period 2008–2013. The data from region VII (Loess Plateau sub-region) were not used due to the small sample size. Hence, observations from 2566 farms across 67 counties have been used in the study. The sample size in each region is shown in
Table 5. The survey covered information on farmer characteristics, sown areas of OSR, inputs and outputs of OSR production, etc.
The sowing period of OSR varies from one province to another depending on the climatic conditions. OSR is sown later in lower latitude areas compared with those at higher latitudes. Since the sowing and harvest dates may have varied in the last six years due to climatic as well as technological and socio-economic changes in each region, ideally the sowing and harvesting dates should be given as a function of time. However, the survey dataset did not record OSR sowing and harvest dates for each farm, which would in any case exhibit some intra-regional variability according to the prevailing weather conditions. Thus, fixed OSR sowing and harvested dates in each region were specified, as in other studies (Ray et al. [
1]). Winter OSR is generally sown in September or October and harvested in April or May in China, and the specific growth stage dates for each province are shown in
Appendix Table A1. It was assumed that OSR growth periods within a province were identical. The AGDD, AP and ASH of the four main growth stages of OSR were derived from county climate records. Farmers living within a county were assumed to grow OSR under the same weather conditions.
Non-climate inputs include labour (
l), chemical fertilizers (
f) and other physical inputs (
om) such as seeds, pesticides, machinery, agricultural plastic film and irrigation. Labour inputs were measured in terms of working days per hectare, physical inputs as expenditure (in RMB per hectare) deflated by the annual price indices of the means of agricultural production (AMPI) from the China Statistical Yearbook (National Statistics Bureau of China [
20])published by the National Bureau of Statistics of China (2008 = 100). Chemical fertilizer was included individually, whilst seeds, pesticide, machinery, agricultural plastic film and irrigation inputs were combined into an aggregated category of “other inputs”.
A set of variables representing farmers’ socio-economic characteristics and management skills were also included. The latter comprised human capital elements including farmer’s age (a proxy for experience), educational level (technological awareness and competence), the degree of OSR specialization on the farm (farmer knowledge), agricultural income per hectare (competence in farming), agricultural skills training frequency, and the farmer’s social status as to whether he/she is a local village administrator. The age of farmers was included in the model, as older farmers may be more experienced in OSR production, although on the other hand they may have less energy and hence contribute less labour to OSR production. The influence is a priori uncertain. The annual agricultural skill training a farmer undertook was a proxy element of human capital in addition to level of education. Whether the farmer occupied any administrative position in the village represented his/her social capital and was represented by a dummy variable. Farmers who are more capable are more likely to be selected to work in administration. They may also have more access to marketing information, new agricultural technologies, etc. However, farmers with administrative positions also tend to spend less time farming. Hence, a priori the impact of farmers’ social status on yield is uncertain (Whilst it may be also correlated with farmers’ educational level, the test for correlation was non-significant). The production specialization of farmers is represented by the share of the OSR area relative to a farmer’s total farming area and agricultural income per hectare. It is anticipated that farmers with a higher proportion of their land allocated to OSR have more suitable land and more experience in OSR production, whilst recognizing that within limits, it may reduce rotational opportunities which could have negative impacts on OSR yield.
An overview of data used for the regression analysis is summarised in
Appendix Table A2, and regional mean values for all survey variables used in the study are given in
Appendix Table A3.
7. Conclusions
As the demand for OSR products such as rapeseed oil and cake has been increasing globally and in China, it is essential to understand the susceptibility of production in China to changes in climate. We studied how the yield variability of OSR in China, the world’s second largest producer, was impacted by climate variations, identifying the spatial and temporal impacts that climate factors had on yield to provide useful information for policy makers and reference for other OSR producers in the world.
The results identified the impact that climate variables had on the spatial distribution of OSR yields. In general, temperature, precipitation and sunshine hours had significant impacts on OSR yield in all regions except region III (Yunnan-Guizhou plateau) and IV (Sichuan basin). Increase in precipitation and sunshine hours were more likely to have a positive impact. We also found that OSR yields in low-latitude regions were more likely to decrease under warming and were more sensitive to warming as well, which confirms the findings for other crop yields according to the fourth assessment report of the IPCC (IPCC, [
Over the research period, high temperature was more likely to reduce OSR yield in regions I, V and VI, namely Southern China sub-region, and the Middle and Lower Yangtze River. In the major producing Middle Yangtze Region V, accounting for over 30% of China’s OSR production, yields responded positively to more sunshine and more rain during crop establishment, but hot and cloudy summers at ripening increased the likelihood of fungal diseases and depressed yields. Wetter and cloudy winters tended to inhibit crop establishment in the Lower Yangtze Region VI which produces around 15% of China’s output. Although warmer early springs could benefit yields, associated late spring and hotter summers would be detrimental, as would cloudier, wetter summers, especially if accompanied by periods of greater rain intensity.
Higher temperatures were found to be beneficial for OSR yields in Region II (Huang-Huai plain) which is in northern China at high altitude. What might be expected is that future climate warming may cause more harm to OSR production in Regions I, V and VI. However, OSR production in Region II is more likely to benefit from warming. Even in the Loess Plateau, which is a sub-region in the north of region II and was not studied in the paper, it could be expected that OSR production would benefit from future warming.
However, the impact that climate variables exerted on yields in different growth stages varied. In general, temperature was the most critical climate factor at growth stage 3 (flowering stage) and 4 (ripening stage) in the research period. Precipitation was the most influential climate factor at growth stages 1 and 2 (pre-emergence and seedling emergence stage, stem elongation and flower bud development stage) in the research period. Sunshine hours were the most critical climate factor at growth stage 4 (ripening stage) in the research period.
Labour input, indicative of managerial attention to cultivation, had a significantly positive impact on OSR yields in most of the regions. Simple cultivation techniques are needed for OSR production. Nevertheless, the higher the proportion of the OSR area to the total farming area, the lower the rotational possibilities. Fertiliser input elicited the greatest response in the Middle Yangtze Region IV, which produces the most OSR in China. There will of course be limits to the extent that such inputs might mitigate the longer term impact of climate warming.