Prevalence of Overweight, Obesity, and Abdominal Obesity in Polish Adults: Sociodemographic Analysis from the 2016–2020 National Health Program
:1. Introduction
2. Material and Methods
2.1. Study Design and Patients Selection
2.2. Data Collection and Instruments
2.3. Statistical Analysis
2.4. Ethical Considerations
3. Results
Chances of Developing Overweight or Obesity
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Variable | Women | Men | Total | χ2 | p-Value a | ||
n | % | n | % | n | |||
Age group | |||||||
19.0–34.9 | 241 | 22.4 | 245 | 24.9 | 486 | 14.830 | 0.011 |
35.0–44.9 | 204 | 19.0 | 231 | 23.5 | 435 | ||
45.0–54.9 | 199 | 18.5 | 164 | 16.7 | 363 | ||
55.0–64.9 | 131 | 12.2 | 107 | 10.9 | 238 | ||
65.0–74.9 | 235 | 21.8 | 202 | 20.5 | 437 | ||
≥75.0 | 66 | 6.1 | 36 | 3.7 | 102 | ||
Place of residence | |||||||
Village | 319 | 29.7 | 347 | 35.2 | 666 | 22.914 | 0.003 |
Towns to 10,000 | 89 | 8.3 | 76 | 7.7 | 165 | ||
Towns 10–19 thousand | 76 | 7.1 | 60 | 6.1 | 136 | ||
Towns 20–49 thousand | 130 | 12.1 | 112 | 11.4 | 242 | ||
Towns 50–99 thousand | 93 | 8.6 | 99 | 10.1 | 192 | ||
Cities 100–199 thousand | 93 | 8.6 | 68 | 6.9 | 161 | ||
Cities 200–499 thousand | 90 | 8.4 | 91 | 9.2 | 181 | ||
Cities 500 thousand–1 million | 95 | 8.8 | 89 | 9.0 | 184 | ||
City > 1 million | 91 | 8.5 | 43 | 4.4 | 134 | ||
Education | |||||||
Primary/junior high school/vocational | 342 | 31.8 | 424 | 43.1 | 766 | 43.337 | <0.001 |
Secondary | 518 | 48.1 | 450 | 45.7 | 968 | ||
Tertiary | 216 | 20.1 | 111 | 11.3 | 327 | ||
Financial situation | |||||||
Good | 205 | 19.1 | 292 | 29.6 | 497 | 32.631 | <0.001 |
Average | 763 | 70.9 | 619 | 62.8 | 1382 | ||
Poor | 108 | 10.0 | 74 | 7.5 | 182 | ||
Marital status | |||||||
Unmarried | 136 | 12.6 | 226 | 22.9 | 362 | 85.213 | <0.001 |
Married/a cohabitation relationship | 742 | 69.0 | 685 | 69.5 | 1427 | ||
Divorced/separated | 68 | 6.3 | 41 | 4.2 | 109 | ||
Widow(er) | 130 | 12.1 | 33 | 3.4 | 163 | ||
Professional situation | |||||||
Retired/disability pensioner | 379 | 35.2 | 279 | 28.3 | 658 | 11.259 | 0.001 |
Parental leave, unemployed, runs the house | 86 | 8.0 | 27 | 2.7 | 113 | 27.366 | <0.001 |
Casual employment | 47 | 4.4 | 49 | 5.0 | 96 | 0.426 | 0.514 |
Permanent employment | 551 | 51.2 | 620 | 62.9 | 1171 | 28.868 | <0.001 |
Studies | 27 | 2.5 | 22 | 2.2 | 49 | 0.169 | 0.681 |
Cardiovascular diseases b | |||||||
No | 927 | 86.2 | 882 | 89.5 | 1809 | 5.509 | 0.019 |
Yes | 149 | 13.9 | 103 | 10.5 | 252 |
Females (n = 1076) | Males (n = 985) | t | p-Value a | Cohen’s d (95% CI) | |||
M (95% CI) | SD | M (95% CI) | SD | ||||
BMI | 26.56 (26.26; 26.86) | 3.71 | 26.40 (26.18; 26.62) | 5.17 | 0.804 | 0.421 | 0.034 (−0.048; 0.115) |
BMI Categories | Females (n = 1076) | Males (n = 985) | z | p-Value a | η2 | ||
n | % (95% CI) | n | % (95% CI) | ||||
<18.5 | 30 | 2.8 (1.8; 3.8) | 1 | 0.1 (0.0; 0.3) | 1.866 | 0.062 | 0.001 |
18.5–24.9 | 468 | 43.5 (40.5; 46.5) | 393 | 39.9 (36.8; 43.0) | |||
25.0–29.9 | 363 | 33.7 (30.9; 36.5) | 469 | 47.6 (44.5; 50.7) | |||
≥30.0 | 215 | 20.0 (17.6; 22.4) | 122 | 12.4 (10.3; 14.5) |
Age Group | BMI Category | Women | Men | Total | z | p-Value a | η2 | |||
n | % (95% CI) | n | % (95% CI) | n | % (95% CI) | |||||
19.0–34.9 | <18.5 | 15 | 6.2 (3.2; 9.3) | 0 | 0.0 (0.0; 1.5) | 15 | 3.1 (1.4; 4.8) | −3.746 | <0.001 | 0.014 |
18.5–24.9 | 152 | 63.1 (57.0; 69.2) | 132 | 53.9 (47.7; 60.1) | 284 | 58.4 (54.0; 62.8) | ||||
25.0–29.9 | 53 | 22.0 (16.8; 27.2) | 98 | 40.0 (33.9; 46.2) | 151 | 31.1 (27.0; 35.2) | ||||
≥30.0 | 21 | 8.7 (5.1; 12.3) | 15 | 6.1 (3.0; 9.2) | 36 | 7.4 (5.2; 9.6) | ||||
35.0–44.9 | <18.5 | 7 | 3.4 (0.5; 6.3) | 0 | 0.0 (0.0; 1.6) | 7 | 1.6 (0.5; 3.7) | −1.270 | 0.204 | 0.003 |
18.5–24.9 | 103 | 50.5 (43.9; 57.1) | 104 | 45.0 (38.6; 51.4) | 207 | 47.6 (42.9; 52.3) | ||||
25.0–29.9 | 67 | 32.8 (26.6; 39.0) | 95 | 41.1 (34.8; 47.4) | 162 | 37.2 (32.6; 41.8) | ||||
≥30.0 | 27 | 13.2 (8.5; 17.9) | 32 | 13.9 (9.6; 18.2) | 59 | 13.6 (10.4; 16.8 | ||||
45.0–54.9 | <18.5 | 3 | 1.5 (0.0; 3.2) | 0 | 0.0 (0.0; 2.3) | 3 | 0.8 (0.1; 2.5) | −2.323 | 0.020 | 0.009 |
18.5–24.9 | 92 | 46.2 (39.3; 53.1) | 60 | 36.6 (29.5; 43.7) | 152 | 41.9 (36.9; 46.9) | ||||
25.0–29.9 | 76 | 38.2 (31.5; 44.9) | 83 | 50.6 (43.2; 58.0) | 159 | 43.8 (38.8; 48.8) | ||||
≥30.0 | 28 | 14.1 (9.5; 18.7) | 21 | 12.8 (7.8; 17.8) | 49 | 13.5 (10.2; 16.8) | ||||
55.0–64.9 | <18.5 | 3 | 2.3 (0.0; 5.4) | 0 | 0.0 (0.0; 3.4) | 3 | 1.3 (0.0; 3.1) | 2.014 | 0.044 | 0.010 |
18.5–24.9 | 29 | 22.1 (15.0; 29.2) | 32 | 29.9 (21.2; 38.6) | 61 | 25.6 (20.1; 31.1) | ||||
25.0–29.9 | 52 | 39.7 (31.4; 48.0) | 59 | 55.1 (45.7; 64.5) | 111 | 46.6 (40.2; 53.0) | ||||
≥30.0 | 47 | 35.9 (27.7; 44.1) | 16 | 15.0 (8.4; 21.6) | 63 | 26.5 (21.0; 32.0) | ||||
65.0–74.9 | <18.5 | 2 | 0.9 (0.0; 2.7) | 1 | 0.5 (0.0; 2.6) | 3 | 0.7 (0.0; 1.8) | 2.209 | 0.027 | 0.004 |
18.5–24.9 | 72 | 30.6 (24.7; 36.5) | 55 | 27.2 (21.2; 33.2) | 127 | 29.1 (24.8; 33.4) | ||||
25.0–29.9 | 93 | 39.6 (33.6; 45.6) | 112 | 55.5 (48.6; 62.4) | 205 | 46.9 (42.3; 51.5) | ||||
≥30.0 | 68 | 28.9 (23.2; 34.6) | 34 | 16.8 (11.7; 21.9) | 102 | 23.3 (19.3; 27.3) | ||||
<22.0 | 18 | 7.7 (4.5; 10.9) | 9 | 4.5 (1.7; 7.3) | 27 | 6.2 (4.0; 8.4) | 0.894 | 0.371 | 0.001 | |
22.0–27.0 | 95 | 40.4 (34.2; 46.6) | 91 | 45.1 (38.3; 51.9) | 186 | 42.6 (38.0; 47.2) | ||||
>27.0 | 122 | 51.9 (45.6; 58.2) | 102 | 50.5 (43.6; 57.4) | 224 | 51.3 (46.7; 55.9) | ||||
≥75.0 | <18.5 | 0 | 0.0 (0.0; 5.5) | 0 | 0.0 (0.0; 9.7) | 0 | 0.0 (0.0; 3.6) | 3.258 | 0.001 | 0.014 |
18.5–24.9 | 20 | 30.3 (19.0; 41.6) | 10 | 27.8 (13.3; 42.3) | 30 | 29.4 (20.4; 38.4) | ||||
25.0–29.9 | 22 | 33.3 (21.7; 44.9) | 22 | 61.1 (45.5; 76.7) | 44 | 43.1 (33.5; 52.7) | ||||
≥30.0 | 24 | 36.4 (24.6; 48.2) | 4 | 11.1 (1.0; 21.2) | 28 | 27.5 (18.6; 36.4) | ||||
<22.0 | 2 | 3.0 (0.0; 8.8) | 1 | 2.8 (0.0; 8.2) | 3 | 2.9 (0.0; 7.0) | 1.712 | 0.087 | 0.004 | |
22.0–27.0 | 28 | 42.4 (30.4; 54.4) | 19 | 52.8 (36.5; 69.1) | 47 | 46.1 (36.6; 55.6) | ||||
>27.0 | 36 | 54.6 (42.2; 67.0) | 16 | 44.4 (28.3; 60.5) | 52 | 51.0 (41.3; 60.7) | ||||
Total | <18.5 | 30 | 2.8 (1.8; 3.8) | 1 | 0.1 (0.0; 0.4) | 31 | 1.5 (1.0; 2.0) | 1.866 | 0.062 | 0.001 |
18.5–24.9 | 468 | 43.5 (40.5; 46.5) | 393 | 39.9 (36.9; 42.9) | 861 | 41.8 (39.7; 43.9) | ||||
25.0–29.9 | 363 | 33.7 (30.9; 36.5) | 469 | 47.6 (44.6; 50.6) | 832 | 40.4 (38.3; 42.5) | ||||
≥30.0 | 215 | 20.0 (17.6; 22.4) | 122 | 12.4 (10.4; 14.4) | 337 | 16.4 (14.8; 18.0) | ||||
<22.0 | 20 | 6.6 (4.0; 9.2) | 10 | 4.2 (1.7; 6.7) | 30 | 5.6 (3.7; 7.5) | 1.780 | 0.075 | 0.002 | |
22.0–27.0 | 123 | 40.9 (35.3; 46.5) | 110 | 46.2 (40.0; 52.4) | 233 | 43.2 (39.0; 47.4) | ||||
>27.0 | 158 | 52.5 (46.8; 58.2) | 118 | 49.6 (43.4; 55.8) | 276 | 51.2 (47.0; 55.4) |
Age Group | WC Category | Women | Men | Total | z | p-Value a | η2 | |||
n | % (95% CI) | n | % (95% CI) | n | % (95% CI) | |||||
19.0–34.9 | W < 80.0 M < 94.0 | 146 | 60.6 (54.4; 66.8) | 183 | 74.7 (69.1; 80.3) | 329 | 67.7 (63.5; 71.9) | 6.194 | <0.001 | 0.035 |
W 80–87.9 M 94–101.9 | 44 | 18.3 (13.4; 23.2) | 41 | 16.7 (12.1; 21.3) | 85 | 17.5 (14.0; 21.0) | ||||
W ≥ 88.0 M ≥ 102.0 | 51 | 21.2 (16.0; 26.4) | 21 | 8.6 (5.2; 12.0) | 72 | 14.8 (11.5; 18.1) | ||||
35.0–44.9 | W < 80.0 M < 94.0 | 80 | 39.2 (32.6; 45.8) | 156 | 67.5 (61.4; 73.6) | 236 | 54.3 (49.5; 59.1) | 8.130 | <0.001 | 0.103 |
W 80–87.9 M 94–101.9 | 39 | 19.1 (13.6; 24.6) | 47 | 20.4 (15.1; 25.7) | 86 | 19.8 (16.1; 23.5) | ||||
W ≥ 88.0 M ≥ 102.0 | 85 | 41.7 (35.0; 48.4) | 28 | 12.1 (7.8; 16.4) | 113 | 26.0 (22.0; 30.0) | ||||
45.0–54.9 | W < 80.0 M < 94.0 | 64 | 32.2 (25.8; 38.6) | 93 | 56.7 (49.0; 64.4) | 157 | 43.3 (38.2; 48.4) | 5.712 | <0.001 | 0.057 |
W 80–87.9 M 94–101.9 | 59 | 29.7 (23.4; 36.0) | 33 | 20.1 (13.9; 26.3) | 92 | 25.3 (20.8; 29.8) | ||||
W ≥ 88.0 M ≥ 102.0 | 76 | 38.2 (31.5; 44.9) | 38 | 23.2 (16.5; 29.9) | 114 | 31.4 (26.8; 36.0) | ||||
55.0–64.9 | W < 80.0 M < 94.0 | 17 | 13.0 (7.2; 18.8) | 59 | 55.1 (45.4; 64.8) | 76 | 31.9 (25.9; 37.9) | 7.500 | <0.001 | 0.141 |
W 80–87.9 M 94–101.9 | 31 | 23.7 (16.4; 31.0) | 26 | 24.3 (16.1; 32.5) | 57 | 24.0 (18.6; 29.4) | ||||
W ≥ 88.0 M ≥ 102.0 | 83 | 63.3 (55.0; 71.8) | 22 | 20.6 (12.9; 28.3) | 105 | 44.1 (37.9; 50.3) | ||||
65.0–74.9 | W < 80.0 M < 94.0 | 38 | 16.2 (11.5; 20.9) | 110 | 54.5 (47.7; 61.3) | 148 | 33.9 (29.5; 38.3) | 15.331 | <0.001 | 0.173 |
W 80–87.9 M 94–101.9 | 54 | 23.0 (17.7; 28.3) | 33 | 16.3 (11.3; 21.3) | 87 | 19.9 (16.2; 23.6) | ||||
W ≥ 88.0 M ≥ 102.0 | 143 | 60.9 (54.8; 67.0) | 59 | 29.2 (22.9; 35.5) | 202 | 46.2 (41.5; 50.9) | ||||
≥75.0 | W < 80.0 M < 94.0 | 11 | 16.7 (8.2; 25.2) | 22 | 61.1 (44.5; 77.7) | 33 | 32.4 (23.2; 41.6) | 8.966 | <0.001 | 0.097 |
W 80–87.9 M 94–101.9 | 16 | 24.2 (14.0; 34.4) | 5 | 13.9 (1.8; 26.0) | 21 | 20.6 (12.8; 28.4) | ||||
W ≥ 88.0 M ≥ 102.0 | 39 | 59.1 (47.0; 71.2) | 9 | 25.0 (10.5; 39.5) | 48 | 47.0 (37.3; 56.9) | ||||
Total: | W < 80.0 M < 94.0 | 356 | 33.1 (30.3; 35.9) | 623 | 63.2 (60.2; 66.4) | 979 | 47.5 (45.4; 49.6) | 23.071 | <0.001 | 0.115 |
W 80–87.9 M 94–101.9 | 243 | 22.6 (20.1; 25.1) | 185 | 18.8 (16.4; 21.2) | 428 | 20.8 (19.1; 22.5) | ||||
W ≥ 88.0 M ≥ 102.0 | 477 | 44.3 (41.3; 47.3) | 177 | 18.0 (15.6; 20.4) | 654 | 31.7 (29.8; 33.6) |
OR | −95% CI | +95% CI | Wald Stat. | p-Value | |
0.263 | 0.209 | 0.332 | 127.175 | <0.001 | |
Sex (W vs. M) | 1.288 | 1.126 | 1.473 | 13.620 | <0.001 |
Age | 1.029 | 1.025 | 1.033 | 228.830 | <0.001 |
OR a | −95% CI | +95% CI | Wald stat. | p-value | |
0.166 | 0.077 | 0.358 | 20.988 | 0.000 | |
Sex (W vs. M) | 1.278 | 1.101 | 1.484 | 10.341 | 0.001 |
Age | 1.020 | 1.011 | 1.028 | 21.407 | 0.000 |
Profile of an Overweight Woman/Man: BMI 25.00–29.90 [n = 863, 41.9% of the Population] | |||||||
Variable | Women | Men | Total | χ2 | p-Value a | ||
n | % | n | % | n | |||
Place of residence | |||||||
Village | 99 | 27.1 | 176 | 35.4 | 275 | 37.428 | <0.001 |
Towns to 10,000 | 20 | 5.5 | 25 | 5.0 | 45 | ||
Towns 10–19 thousand | 29 | 7.9 | 32 | 6.4 | 61 | ||
Towns 20–49 thousand | 48 | 13.1 | 50 | 10.1 | 98 | ||
Towns 50–99 thousand | 25 | 6.8 | 57 | 11.5 | 82 | ||
Cities 100–199 thousand | 42 | 11.5 | 22 | 4.4 | 64 | ||
Cities 200–499 thousand | 29 | 7.9 | 48 | 9.7 | 77 | ||
Cities 500 thousand–1 million | 33 | 9.0 | 60 | 12.1 | 93 | ||
City > 1 million | 41 | 11.2 | 27 | 5.4 | 68 | ||
Age group | |||||||
19.0–34.9 | 53 | 14.5 | 107 | 21.5 | 160 | 9.082 | 0.106 |
35.0–44.9 | 67 | 18.3 | 100 | 20.1 | 167 | ||
45.0–54.9 | 77 | 21.0 | 85 | 17.1 | 162 | ||
55.0–64.9 | 53 | 14.5 | 66 | 13.3 | 119 | ||
65.0–74.9 | 94 | 25.7 | 115 | 23.1 | 209 | ||
≥75.0 | 22 | 6.0 | 24 | 4.8 | 46 | ||
Education | |||||||
Primary/junior high school/vocational | 126 | 34.4 | 213 | 42.9 | 339 | 20.593 | <0.001 |
Secondary | 164 | 44.8 | 234 | 47.1 | 398 | ||
Tertiary | 76 | 20.8 | 50 | 10.1 | 126 | ||
Financial situation | |||||||
Good | 60 | 16.4 | 153 | 30.8 | 213 | 26.232 | <0.001 |
Average | 263 | 71.9 | 310 | 62.4 | 573 | ||
Poor | 43 | 11.8 | 34 | 6.8 | 77 | ||
Marital status | |||||||
Unmarried | 32 | 8.7 | 89 | 17.9 | 121 | 32.003 | <0.001 |
Married/a cohabitation relationship | 263 | 71.9 | 365 | 73.4 | 628 | ||
Divorced/separated | 25 | 6.8 | 19 | 3.8 | 44 | ||
Widow(er) | 46 | 12.6 | 24 | 4.8 | 70 | ||
Professional situation | |||||||
Retired/disability pensioner | 147 | 40.2 | 165 | 33.2 | 312 | 4.429 | 0.035 |
Parental leave, unemployed, runs the house | 22 | 6.0 | 10 | 2.0 | 32 | 9.440 | 0.002 |
Casual employment | 14 | 3.8 | 13 | 2.6 | 27 | 1.017 | 0.313 |
Permanent employment | 183 | 50.0 | 308 | 62.0 | 491 | 12.318 | <0.001 |
Studies | 4 | 1.1 | 5 | 1.0 | 9 | 0.015 | 0.901 |
Cardiovascular diseases b | |||||||
No | 308 | 84.2 | 436 | 87.7 | 744 | 2.264 | 0.132 |
Yes | 58 | 15.9 | 61 | 12.3 | 119 | ||
Profile of a woman/man with obesity bmi ≥30 [n = 350, 17.0% of the population] | |||||||
Variable | Women | Men | Total | χ2 | p-Valuea | ||
n | % | n | % | n | |||
Place of residence | |||||||
Village | 62 | 28.31 | 43 | 32.8 | 105 | 17.799 | 0.023 |
Towns to 10,000 | 16 | 7.31 | 11 | 8.4 | 27 | ||
Towns 10–19 thousand | 13 | 5.94 | 3 | 2.3 | 16 | ||
Towns 20–49 thousand | 17 | 7.76 | 12 | 9.2 | 29 | ||
Towns 50–99 thousand | 23 | 10.50 | 13 | 9.9 | 36 | ||
Cities 100–199 thousand | 20 | 9.13 | 9 | 6.9 | 29 | ||
Cities 200–499 thousand | 16 | 7.31 | 17 | 13.0 | 33 | ||
Cities 500 thousand–1 million | 27 | 12.33 | 21 | 16.0 | 48 | ||
City > 1 million | 25 | 11.42 | 2 | 1.5 | 27 | ||
Age group | |||||||
19.0–34.9 | 21 | 9.59 | 17 | 13.0 | 38 | 20.046 | 0.001 |
35.0–44.9 | 27 | 12.33 | 34 | 26.0 | 61 | ||
45.0–54.9 | 31 | 14.16 | 23 | 17.6 | 54 | ||
55.0–64.9 | 48 | 21.92 | 18 | 13.7 | 66 | ||
65.0–74.9 | 68 | 31.05 | 35 | 26.7 | 103 | ||
≥75.0 | 24 | 10.96 | 4 | 3.1 | 28 | ||
Education | |||||||
Primary/junior high school/vocational | 104 | 47.49 | 63 | 48.1 | 167 | 2.112 | 0.348 |
Secondary | 92 | 42.01 | 48 | 36.6 | 140 | ||
Tertiary | 23 | 10.50 | 20 | 15.3 | 43 | ||
Financial situation | |||||||
Good | 28 | 12.79 | 42 | 32.1 | 70 | 19.447 | <0.001 |
Average | 164 | 74.89 | 79 | 60.3 | 243 | ||
Poor | 27 | 12.33 | 10 | 7.6 | 37 | ||
Marital status | |||||||
Unmarried | 12 | 5.48 | 22 | 16.8 | 34 | 27.385 | <0.001 |
Married/a cohabitation relationship | 144 | 65.75 | 96 | 73.3 | 240 | ||
Divorced/separated | 16 | 7.31 | 7 | 5.3 | 23 | ||
Widow(er) | 47 | 21.46 | 6 | 4.6 | 53 | ||
Professional situation | |||||||
Retired/disability pensioner | 122 | 55.71 | 43 | 32.8 | 165 | 17.225 | <0.001 |
Parental leave, unemployed, runs the house | 19 | 8.68 | 5 | 3.8 | 24 | 3.030 | 0.082 |
Casual employment | 7 | 3.20 | 4 | 3.1 | 11 | 0.005 | 0.941 |
Permanent employment | 72 | 32.88 | 82 | 62.6 | 154 | 29.381 | <0.001 |
Studies | 1 | 0.46 | 0 | 0.0 | 1 | 0.600 | 0.439 |
Cardiovascular diseases b | |||||||
No | 163 | 74.43 | 100 | 76.3 | 263 | 0.160 | 0.690 |
Yes | 56 | 25.57 | 31 | 23.7 | 87 |
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Traczyk, I.; Kucharska, A.; Sińska, B.I.; Panczyk, M.; Samel-Kowalik, P.; Kłak, A.; Raciborski, F.; Wyleżoł, M.; Samoliński, B.; Szostak-Węgierek, D. Prevalence of Overweight, Obesity, and Abdominal Obesity in Polish Adults: Sociodemographic Analysis from the 2016–2020 National Health Program. Nutrients 2024, 16, 4248.
Traczyk I, Kucharska A, Sińska BI, Panczyk M, Samel-Kowalik P, Kłak A, Raciborski F, Wyleżoł M, Samoliński B, Szostak-Węgierek D. Prevalence of Overweight, Obesity, and Abdominal Obesity in Polish Adults: Sociodemographic Analysis from the 2016–2020 National Health Program. Nutrients. 2024; 16(23):4248.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTraczyk, Iwona, Alicja Kucharska, Beata I. Sińska, Mariusz Panczyk, Piotr Samel-Kowalik, Anna Kłak, Filip Raciborski, Mariusz Wyleżoł, Bolesław Samoliński, and Dorota Szostak-Węgierek. 2024. "Prevalence of Overweight, Obesity, and Abdominal Obesity in Polish Adults: Sociodemographic Analysis from the 2016–2020 National Health Program" Nutrients 16, no. 23: 4248.
APA StyleTraczyk, I., Kucharska, A., Sińska, B. I., Panczyk, M., Samel-Kowalik, P., Kłak, A., Raciborski, F., Wyleżoł, M., Samoliński, B., & Szostak-Węgierek, D. (2024). Prevalence of Overweight, Obesity, and Abdominal Obesity in Polish Adults: Sociodemographic Analysis from the 2016–2020 National Health Program. Nutrients, 16(23), 4248.