Multi-Physics Ensemble versus Atmosphere–Ocean Coupled Model Simulations for a Tropical-Like Cyclone in the Mediterranean Sea
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1. COAWST Model
2.2. Experimental Design
2.3. Uncoupled Simulations (WRFUNCP1-15)
2.4. Coupled Simulations (AO1-2)
2.5. Ocean Spin-Up
2.6. Data
3. Results
3.1. Microphysics Schemes
3.2. PBL Schemes
3.3. Role of SST and Coupled Simulation
3.4. Sensitivity Analysis of the Coupled Simulations
4. Conclusions and Remarks
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- a sensitivity to the microphysics and boundary layer schemes was observed, which may significantly affect the track, even more than the intensity, of the cyclone;
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- the sensitivity to coupling time is limited compared to do that to physics parameterizations and is dependent on the set of schemes considered;
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- the 1D ocean model, although it suffers from limited flexibility (MLD set in the model namelist), is able to reproduce pretty well the evolution of the cyclone, given a high-resolution initial SST field produced by ROMS after a long spin-up time;
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- air–sea interaction processes are fundamental for the proper numerical simulation of the cyclone, and substituding the real SST with an average field may dramatically affect the intensity of the cyclone;
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- atmosphere–ocean coupled systems are the best way to take into account realistically and in a consistent way the exchange of heat and momentum between the atmosphere and the ocean.
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- A multi-physics ensemble, using different PBL and microphysical parameterization schemes, produces a large spread, especially in terms of cyclone track.
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- The spread of a multi-physics ensemble is too large to provide any useful information about the detailed areas possibly affected by the cyclone, and this is probably a consequence of the fact that some physical schemes are not specifically tuned for the Mediterranean area.
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- A comprehensive study, including a large of number of cases of Mediterranean cyclones, should be performed, in order to identify the parameterization(s) that perform better in the region for these specific features; in search of the best configuration, one probably will not find that a certain numerical setup is the best for all cases (Pytharoulis et al., 2018), but it is plausible that that a few implementations will work reasonably well for all cyclones.
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- After an “optimal” setup is identified, a coupled numerical simulation after a long spin up time should provide a high-resolution SST field as a lower boundary to the atmospheric model.
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- If the computational resources are sufficient, a coupled numerical simulation should be performed, since only this strategy allows one to correctly reproduce the exchange of heat and momentum between the ocean and the atmosphere. Although the advantage in terms of cyclone track and intensity is limited in the present case, we reasonably expect that a great benefit in terms of the operational prediction of wind speed, surface fluxes, and precipitation (Ricchi et al., 2016) can be achieved.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Runs | MP | MP | PBL | PBL | SST |
WRFUNCP-CTL | 8 | Thompson | 2 | MYJ | 3 km Spinup |
WRFUNCP-1 | 1 | Kessler | 2 | MYJ | 3 km Spinup |
WRFUNCP-2 | 2 | Lin | 2 | MYJ | 3 km Spinup |
WRFUNCP-3 | 3 | WSM3 | 2 | MYJ | 3 km Spinup |
WRFUNCP-4 | 4 | WSM5 | 2 | MYJ | 3 km Spinup |
WRFUNCP-5 | 5 | Eta (Ferrier) | 2 | MYJ | 3 km Spinup |
WRFUNCP-6 | 6 | WSM6 | 2 | MYJ | 3 km Spinup |
WRFUNCP-7 | 14 | WDM5 | 2 | MYJ | 3 km Spinup |
WRFUNCP-8 | 16 | WDM6 | 2 | MYJ | 3 km Spinup |
WRFUNCP-9 | 14 | WDM5 | 1 | YSU | 3 km Spinup |
WRFUNCP-10 | 14 | WDM5 | 2 | MYJ | 3 km Spinup |
WRFUNCP-11 | 14 | WDM5 | 4 | QNSE | 3 km Spinup |
WRFUNCP-12 | 14 | WDM5 | 5 | MYNN2 | 3 km Spinup |
WRFUNCP-13 | 14 | WDM5 | 8 | BouLac | 3 km Spinup |
WRFUNCP-14 | 14 | WDM5 | 2 | MYJ | OML-1D |
WRFUNCP-15 | 14 | WDM5 | 2 | MYJ | FLAT-SST |
AO1 | 14 | WDM5 | 2 | MYJ | AO-1800s |
AO2 | 14 | WDM5 | 2 | MYJ | AO-600s |
Pbl1 Mp8 dt600 | Pbl1 Mp8 Dt1800 | Pbl1 Mp14 Dt600 | Pbl1 Mp14 Dt1800 | Pbl2 Mp8 Dt600 | Pbl2 Mp8 Dt1800 | Pbl2 Mp14 Dt600 | Pbl2 Mp14 Dt1800 | Pbl5 Mp8 Dt600 | Pbl5 Mp8 Dt1800 | Pbl5 Mp14 Dt600 | Pbl5 Mp14 Dt1800 | Pbl8 Mp8 Dt600 | Pbl8 Mp8 Dt1800 | Pbl8 Mp14 Dt600 | Pbl5 Mp14 Dt1800 |
30.12 | 36.81 | 43.89 | 44.25 | 34.65 | 36.6 | 33.9 | 35.2 | 47.4 | 37.5 | 38.8 | 37.7 | 31.7 | 39.9 | 47.9 | 38.01 |
26.84 | 27.49 | 46.24 | 45 | 27 | 27.13 | 28.8 | 27.7 | 32.41 | 26.79 | 25.97 | 27.1 | 35.22 | 39.22 | 49.31 | 47.7 |
27.6 | 33.33 | 40.22 | 41.02 | 31.28 | 31 | 30.8 | 31.5 | 45 | 35.28 | 36.43 | 35.25 | 32 | 35.9 | 44.6 | 38.5 |
Pbl1 Mp8 dt600 | Pbl1 Mp8 Dt1800 | Pbl1 Mp14 Dt600 | Pbl1 Mp14 Dt1800 | Pbl2 Mp8 Dt600 | Pbl2 Mp8 Dt1800 | Pbl2 Mp14 Dt600 | Pbl2 Mp14 Dt1800 | Pbl5 Mp8 Dt600 | Pbl5 Mp8 Dt1800 | Pbl5 Mp14 Dt600 | Pbl5 Mp14 Dt1800 | Pbl8 Mp8 Dt600 | Pbl8 Mp8 Dt1800 | Pbl8 Mp14 Dt600 | Pbl5 Mp14 Dt1800 |
30.12 | 36.81 | 43.89 | 44.25 | 34.65 | 36.6 | 33.9 | 35.2 | 47.4 | 37.5 | 38.8 | 37.7 | 31.7 | 39.9 | 47.9 | 38.01 |
26.84 | 27.49 | 46.24 | 45 | 27 | 27.13 | 28.8 | 27.7 | 32.41 | 26.79 | 25.97 | 27.1 | 35.22 | 39.22 | 49.31 | 47.7 |
27.6 | 33.33 | 40.22 | 41.02 | 31.28 | 31 | 30.8 | 31.5 | 45 | 35.28 | 36.43 | 35.25 | 32 | 35.9 | 44.6 | 38.5 |
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Share and Cite
Ricchi, A.; Miglietta, M.M.; Bonaldo, D.; Cioni, G.; Rizza, U.; Carniel, S. Multi-Physics Ensemble versus Atmosphere–Ocean Coupled Model Simulations for a Tropical-Like Cyclone in the Mediterranean Sea. Atmosphere 2019, 10, 202.
Ricchi A, Miglietta MM, Bonaldo D, Cioni G, Rizza U, Carniel S. Multi-Physics Ensemble versus Atmosphere–Ocean Coupled Model Simulations for a Tropical-Like Cyclone in the Mediterranean Sea. Atmosphere. 2019; 10(4):202.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRicchi, Antonio, Mario Marcello Miglietta, Davide Bonaldo, Guido Cioni, Umberto Rizza, and Sandro Carniel. 2019. "Multi-Physics Ensemble versus Atmosphere–Ocean Coupled Model Simulations for a Tropical-Like Cyclone in the Mediterranean Sea" Atmosphere 10, no. 4: 202.
APA StyleRicchi, A., Miglietta, M. M., Bonaldo, D., Cioni, G., Rizza, U., & Carniel, S. (2019). Multi-Physics Ensemble versus Atmosphere–Ocean Coupled Model Simulations for a Tropical-Like Cyclone in the Mediterranean Sea. Atmosphere, 10(4), 202.