Shoreline Changes on the Wave-Influenced Senegal River Delta, West Africa: The Roles of Natural Processes and Human Interventions
:1. Introduction
2. The Senegal River and Delta
3. Results
3.1. Wave Climate and Alongshore Sediment Transport
3.2. LST and Growth Dynamics of the Langue de Barbarie Spit
3.3. Historical and Recent Changes of the Langue de Barbarie Spit Prior to the 2003 Artificial Breach
3.4. The Artificial Breach in 2003 and Post-Breach Spit and River-Mouth Evolution
4. Discussion
5. Materials and Methods
5.1. Waves and Wave-Induced Longshore Transport
5.2. Shoreline Change and Spit and River-Mouth Dynamics
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Sadio, M.; Anthony, E.J.; Diaw, A.T.; Dussouillez, P.; Fleury, J.T.; Kane, A.; Almar, R.; Kestenare, E. Shoreline Changes on the Wave-Influenced Senegal River Delta, West Africa: The Roles of Natural Processes and Human Interventions. Water 2017, 9, 357.
Sadio M, Anthony EJ, Diaw AT, Dussouillez P, Fleury JT, Kane A, Almar R, Kestenare E. Shoreline Changes on the Wave-Influenced Senegal River Delta, West Africa: The Roles of Natural Processes and Human Interventions. Water. 2017; 9(5):357.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSadio, Mamadou, Edward J. Anthony, Amadou Tahirou Diaw, Philippe Dussouillez, Jules T. Fleury, Alioune Kane, Rafael Almar, and Elodie Kestenare. 2017. "Shoreline Changes on the Wave-Influenced Senegal River Delta, West Africa: The Roles of Natural Processes and Human Interventions" Water 9, no. 5: 357.
APA StyleSadio, M., Anthony, E. J., Diaw, A. T., Dussouillez, P., Fleury, J. T., Kane, A., Almar, R., & Kestenare, E. (2017). Shoreline Changes on the Wave-Influenced Senegal River Delta, West Africa: The Roles of Natural Processes and Human Interventions. Water, 9(5), 357.