“Location, Location, Location”: Fluctuations in Real Estate Market Values after COVID-19 and the War in Ukraine Based on Econometric and Spatial Analysis, Random Forest, and Multivariate Regression
:1. Introduction
1.1. Fixed Effects and Market Value
1.2. Choosing the Econometric Model among the Multi-Parametric Value Assessment Methods
2. Purpose and Materials and Methods
2.1. A Diachronic Analysis Related to Major Anomalous Events
2.2. Methodological Approach and Workflow
- In STEP 1, the exemplary case study is defined, i.e., the real estate market in Padova. The case study is described based on three databases (DBs) collected at different times. The first database is dated 2019, II semester, representing the pre-COVID-19 situation. It is named DB2019 for the sake of simplicity. The second database is dated 2021, II semester, portraying the market two years after the first COVID-19 alert but before the outbreak of the War. It is called DB2021. The third database is dated 2023, I semester, depicting the market changes one year after the outbreak of the War in Ukraine. This last database is named DB2023.
- As far as STEP 2 is concerned, a set of construction and neighbourhood descriptive features of the buildings are selected and discussed as the independent regressors in the econometric models. In contrast, the market value of the property is the dependent variable.
- In STEP 3, the authors develop an automated procedure to download data and information about the buildings for sale in Padova. This step is carried out in Python® computer language, producing a web-crawling software to browse and extract information from web pages according to a predefined path. The web crawler has been used three times (2019, II semester; 2021, II semester; 2023, I semester) to read and download information from specific Italian selling websites regarding properties for sale, monitoring market changes in asking prices over time.
- Before producing the regression models, in STEP 4, a feature selection process is conducted to understand how each predictor variable influences the response variable and eliminate the less significant regressors. The feature selection procedure helps to simplify the model outcome, reduces computational time, and overcomes the overfitting problem. The Random Forest (RF) regressor is used to test the variable importance, leading to exclude some predictors from the regression models. The RF procedure is again conducted in Python code.
- STEP 5 produces the spatial-econometric models as Multivariate Regressions (MRs). The econometric model MR2019 is developed based on the dataset DB2019, the MR2021 refers to the dataset DB2019, and the MR2023 corresponds to DB2023. The spatial analyses are conducted using the GeoDa® software, while the stepwise analysis produced to define the MRs is developed with the help of the IBM SPSS 29® software.
3. The Case Study
4. A Discussion of Construction and Neighbourhood Variables
4.1. Construction Parameters
4.2. Neighbourhood Parameters
5. A Web Crawler to Download Data
5.1. Developing the Web Crawler
5.2. Measuring the Observations
6. The Random Forest as Feature Importance
6.1. Analysis of the Databases
6.2. Feature Importance Analysis
7. A Spatial and Econometric Analysis
7.1. The Multivariate Regressions
- Y is the dependent variable (i.e., the market value measured in €/sqm);
- a0 is the constant;
- βr are the coefficients of the regressors Xr, 1 ≤ r ≤ R;
- Xr are the dependent variables 1 ≤ r ≤ R (i.e., the characteristics of the buildings);
- R is the total number of dependent variables (Xr);
- 𝜑 is the error.
- X1 = Building internal services (Ʃ 0/1 of lift, private garden, private garage, shared parking space, cellar, terrace, building automation, central heating, photovoltaic system, MCV, air conditioning, optical fibre, and fireplace);
- X2 = Floor area (sqm);
- X3 = Energy class (from 10 to 1, where 10 represents the highest class A4, and 1 the lowest, i.e., class G);
- X4 = City centre straight line distance (km);
- X5 = Urban amenities and leisure (total n. of services in 1 km ring buffer of cultural facilities, museums, art galleries, theatres, cinemas, and libraries);
- X6 = Commercial services (total n. of services in 1 km ring buffer of big shopping malls, big commercial facilities, and small supermarkets);
- X7 = Bus and tram stop (total n. of services in the Ped shed of bus stop and tram stop).
- 1 ≤ i ≤ N
- 1 ≤ j ≤ N
- −1 ≤ I ≤ 1
7.2. Discussing Fluctuations in Market Preferences
8. Discussion and Conclusions
- Before the first COVID-19 pandemic alert;
- Two years after the first COVID-19 alert but before the outbreak of the War in Ukraine;
- One year after the outbreak of the War in Ukraine.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
ao | constant (intercept of the regression) |
DB | database |
DB2019 | database dated 2019, II semester |
DB2021 | database dated 2021, II semester |
DB2023 | database dated 2023, I semester |
DBs | databases |
GIS | geographic information system |
I | Univariate Moran I index |
I2019 | Moran I index developed on DB2019 |
I2021 | Moran I index developed on DB2021 |
I2023 | Moran I index developed on DB2023 |
MR | Multivariate Regression |
MR2019 | Multivariate Regression developed on DB2019 |
MR2021 | Multivariate Regression developed on DB2021 |
MR2023 | Multivariate Regression developed on DB2023 |
MRs | Multivariate Regressions |
N | number of observations |
POI | Point of Interest |
POIs | Points of Interest |
R | total number of predictors |
RF | Random Forest |
U.o.M. | unit of measure |
Wij | the weights matrix |
Xi | the variable that describe the phenomena |
Xmed | the sample mean |
Xr | dependent variables 1 ≤ r ≤ R (i.e., the characteristics of the buildings) |
Y | dependent variable (i.e., the market value) |
Y2019 | dependent variable (i.e., the market value 2019) |
Y2021 | dependent variable (i.e., the market value 2021) |
Y2023 | dependent variable (i.e., the market value 2023) |
βr | coefficients of the regressors Xr, 1 ≤ r ≤ R |
𝜑 | error |
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Transaction Prices in PADOVA (€/sqm) | |||||||||
Semester, Year | Maintenance Conditions | Prestigious Areas | Centre | Semi-Centre | Suburbs | ||||
Min | Max | Min | Max | Min | Max | Min | Max | ||
I 2022 | New constructions | 3532 | 4290 | 2964 | 3659 | 1910 | 2254 | 1214 | 1547 |
Good maintenance conditions | 2655 | 3221 | 2119 | 2579 | 1322 | 1739 | 945 | 1212 | |
Poor maintenance conditions | 1632 | 2160 | 1462 | 1790 | 858 | 1180 | 623 | 851 | |
I 2021 | New constructions | 3482 | 4209 | 2793 | 3518 | 1846 | 2159 | 1192 | 1496 |
Good maintenance conditions | 2583 | 3038 | 2041 | 2496 | 1273 | 1685 | 925 | 1197 | |
Poor maintenance conditions | 1573 | 2062 | 1442 | 1707 | 835 | 1140 | 608 | 824 | |
I 2020 | New constructions | 3520 | 4323 | 2761 | 3440 | 1857 | 2168 | 1201 | 1507 |
Good maintenance conditions | 2612 | 3170 | 2075 | 2524 | 1285 | 1664 | 901 | 1183 | |
Poor maintenance conditions | 1571 | 2155 | 1440 | 1718 | 847 | 1154 | 603 | 835 | |
I 2019 | New constructions | 3451 | 4226 | 2745 | 3485 | 1848 | 2175 | 1212 | 1542 |
Good maintenance conditions | 2571 | 3108 | 2042 | 2583 | 1307 | 1672 | 919 | 1194 | |
Poor maintenance conditions | 1577 | 2142 | 1483 | 1788 | 855 | 1147 | 618 | 841 |
INTRINSIC FEATURES: Construction Characteristics | ||
Building construction characteristics | Terrace Area | Energy Class |
Floor area | Top Floor | Construction year |
no. of bathrooms | Fireplace | Typology of the building |
no. of rooms | Maintenance level | Apartment |
Floor | Building installations | Apartment in a Villa |
no. of internal floors | Building Automation | Penthouse |
Common garden | Central Heating | Farmhouse |
Private Garden | Photovoltaic System | Loft |
Private Garden Area | Mechanical Ventilation | Attic |
Private Garage | Air Conditioning | Multi-storey single-family home |
Private Garage Area | Optical Fiber | Single-family home |
Common Parking Space | Lift | Terraced house |
Basement | Solar Panels | Two-family villa |
Basement area | Heat Pump | Multi-family villa |
Terrace |
EXTRINSIC FEATURES: Neighbourhood and Accessibility | ||||
Point of Interest (POI) | Point of Interest (POI) | |||
market segment | City Centre | commercial facilities | Shopping malls | |
central train station | Big commercial areas | |||
accessibility to trsnsports | minor train stops | Small-supermarkets | ||
Bus stop | natural amenities | Urban Parks | ||
Tram stop | Public gardens | |||
education facilities | nursery | modern amenities | Sport facilities | |
kindergarten | Hospitals | |||
primary school | Pharmacies |
INTRINSIC FEATURES: Construction Characteristics | |||||
Variable | Unit | Variable | Unit | Variable | Unit |
Floor area | sqm | Terrace Area | sqm | Energy Class | 10 ->1 (A4 -> G) |
no. of bathrooms | number | Top Floor | 0/1 | Construction year | Year (number) |
no. of rooms | number | Building Automation | 0/1 | Apartment | 0/1 |
Floor | number | Central Heating | 0/1 | Apartment in a Villa | 0/1 |
no. of internal floors | number | Photovoltaic System | 0/1 | Penthouse | 0/1 |
Common garden | 0/1 | Mechanical Ventilation | 0/1 | Farmhouse | 0/1 |
Private Garden | 0/1 | Air Conditioning | 0/1 | Loft | 0/1 |
Private Garden Area | sqm | Optical Fiber | 0/1 | Attic | 0/1 |
Private Garage | 0/1 | Lift | 0/1 | Multi-storey single-family home | 0/1 |
Private Garage Area | sqm | Solar Panels | 0/1 | Single-family home | 0/1 |
Common Parking Space | 0/1 | Heat Pump | 0/1 | Terraced house | 0/1 |
Basement | 0/1 | Fireplace | 0/1 | Two-family villa | 0/1 |
Basement area | sqm | Maintenance level | 1/2/3/4 | Multi-family villa | 0/2 |
Terrace | 0/1 |
EXTRINSIC FEATURES: Localization and Accessibility | ||
Variable | Unit | |
position | Latitude of the building (observation) | coordinate |
Longitude of the building (observation) | coordinate | |
distance | Straight line distance from POI | Km |
Actual travel distance from POI by car | Km | |
time | Travel time from POI by car | min |
Travel time from POI on foot | min | |
Travel time from POI by public transports | min | |
proximity | N. of POI in the Ped shed (400 m) | n. |
N. of POI in a 1 Km ring buffer | n. |
INTRINSIC FEATURES: Construction Characteristics | |||||
Variable | Unit | Variable | Unit | Variable | Unit |
Building construction characteristics | Maintenance level | 1/2/3/4 | Typology of the building | ||
Floor area | sqm | Energy Class | 10 ->1 (A4 -> G) | Apartment | 0/1 |
no. of bathrooms | number | Construction year | Year (number) | Apartment in a Villa | 0/1 |
no. of rooms | number | Building Installations | Penthouse | 0/1 | |
Floor | number | Building Automation | 0/1 | Farmhouse | 0/1 |
no. of internal floors | number | Central Heating | 0/1 | Loft | 0/1 |
Common garden | 0/1 | Photovoltaic System | 0/1 | Attic | 0/1 |
Private Garden | 0/1 | Mechanical Ventilation | 0/1 | Multi-storey single-family home | 0/1 |
Private Garage | 0/1 | Air Conditioning | 0/1 | Single-family home | 0/1 |
Common Parking Space | 0/1 | Optical Fiber | 0/1 | Terraced house | 0/1 |
Basement | 0/1 | Lift | 0/1 | Two-family villa | 0/1 |
Terrace | 0/1 | Solar Panels | 0/1 | Multi-family villa | 0/1 |
Top Floor | 0/1 | Heat Pump | 0/1 |
Class Element or Function | RF Coefficients | ||
Intrinsic | 2019 | 2021 | 2022 |
Typology of the building | 1.24% | 0.94% | 0.80% |
Building construction characteristics | 31.49% | 38.23% | 74.67% |
Building installations | 2.13% | 1.53% | 0.42% |
Extrinsic | 2019 | 2021 | 2022 |
City centre proximity | 35.70% | 12.88% | 4.81% |
Transports accessibility | 3.36% | 3.60% | 1.80% |
Health services proximity | 4.72% | 4.40% | 2.98% |
Urban amenities and leisure | 11.95% | 28.19% | 8.73% |
Commercial areas | 3.46% | 4.61% | 2.71% |
Education facilities proximity | 5.95% | 5.61% | 3.07% |
100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% |
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© 2023 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Gabrielli, L.; Ruggeri, A.G.; Scarpa, M. “Location, Location, Location”: Fluctuations in Real Estate Market Values after COVID-19 and the War in Ukraine Based on Econometric and Spatial Analysis, Random Forest, and Multivariate Regression. Land 2023, 12, 1248. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12061248
Gabrielli L, Ruggeri AG, Scarpa M. “Location, Location, Location”: Fluctuations in Real Estate Market Values after COVID-19 and the War in Ukraine Based on Econometric and Spatial Analysis, Random Forest, and Multivariate Regression. Land. 2023; 12(6):1248. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12061248
Chicago/Turabian StyleGabrielli, Laura, Aurora Greta Ruggeri, and Massimiliano Scarpa. 2023. "“Location, Location, Location”: Fluctuations in Real Estate Market Values after COVID-19 and the War in Ukraine Based on Econometric and Spatial Analysis, Random Forest, and Multivariate Regression" Land 12, no. 6: 1248. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12061248
APA StyleGabrielli, L., Ruggeri, A. G., & Scarpa, M. (2023). “Location, Location, Location”: Fluctuations in Real Estate Market Values after COVID-19 and the War in Ukraine Based on Econometric and Spatial Analysis, Random Forest, and Multivariate Regression. Land, 12(6), 1248. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12061248