Rural Shrinkage: Depopulation and Land Grabbing in Chilean Patagonia
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Land Grabbing
“the capturing of control of relatively vast tracts of land and other natural resources through a variety of mechanisms and forms that involve large-scale capital that often shifts resource use orientation into an extractive character, whether for international or domestic purposes, as capital’s response to the convergence of food, energy and financial crises, climate change mitigation imperatives, and demands for resources from newer hubs of global capital”.
2.2. Rural Shrinkage and Population Decline
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Study Area
3.2. Settlement Phases in Chilean Patagonia
3.3. Research Methodology
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Rural Decline in the Magallanes Region
4.2. Inequality and Land Grabbing in the Magallanes Region
4.3. Effects of Rural Decline in Relation to Land Grabbing in the Magallanes Region
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Values in 2019 US dollars, obtained from the Central Bank of Chile. |
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Percentage intercensal variation | [(Current Census Population—Previous Census Population)/Previous Census Population] × 100 | The percentage of population that varied between two census periods. The procedure was undertaken for the total population, the rural population and by gender and age groups. |
Population aging | [(People 60 years and older)/(people under 15 years)] × 100 | Measures the number of elderly people for every 100 children and young people. |
MasculinityIndex | [(Total men)/(Total women)] × 100 | Measures the total number of men for every 100 women. |
Territory | Type | Population Density | 1992–2002 | 2002–2017 | 1992–2017 |
Torres Del Paine | Rural | 0.18 | 53.32 | 63.6 | 150.83 |
Natales | Mixed | 0.44 | 10.66 | 12.35 | 24.32 |
Laguna Blanca | Rural | 0.08 | −23.53 | −58.67 | −68.4 |
San Gregorio | Rural | 0.12 | −29.52 | −31 | −51.37 |
Río Verde | Rural | 0.07 | 6.87 | 72.35 | 84.18 |
Primavera | Rural | 0.27 | −37.63 | 13.98 | −28.91 |
Punta Arenas | Mixed | 7.41 | 5.13 | 10.12 | 15.77 |
Porvenir | Mixed | 0.93 | 7.07 | 24.45 | 33.25 |
Timaukel | Rural | 0.04 | 67.86 | −4.26 | 60.71 |
Cabo De Hornos | Mixed | 0.13 | 24.7 | −8.8 | 13.73 |
Region | - | 0.12 | 5.33 | 10.41 | 16.3 |
Country | - | 8.77 | 13.25 | 16.26 | 31.66 |
Territorial Unit | Gini Coefficient | Gini Index |
Cabo de Hornos | 0.8349 | 83.49 |
Laguna Blanca | 0.2723 | 27.23 |
Natales | 0.8216 | 82.16 |
Porvenir | 0.6194 | 61.94 |
Primavera | 0.2581 | 25.81 |
Punta Arenas | 0.8621 | 86.21 |
Río Verde | 0.219 | 21.9 |
San Gregorio | 0.1935 | 19.35 |
Timaukel | 0.115 | 11.5 |
Torres del Paine | 0.3488 | 34.88 |
Región | 0.7851 | 78.51 |
País | 0.8805 | 88.05 |
Territory | Total | 1–100 Ha | 101–1000 | 1001–2000 | Over 2000 | |||||
UPA | Sup Ha | UPA | Ha (%) | UPA | Ha (%) | UPA | Ha (%) | UPA | Ha (%) | |
Punta Arenas | 174 | 460,792.56 | 114 | 0.1715 | 27 | 2.2492 | 8 | 2.62 | 25 | 94.96 |
Laguna Blanca | 32 | 275,505.23 | 1 | 0.0085 | 2 | 0.2254 | 0 | 0 | 29 | 99.77 |
Río Verde | 35 | 263,110.09 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.3801 | 8 | 4.91 | 26 | 94.71 |
San Gregorio | 26 | 597,330 | 1 | 0.0084 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 25 | 99.99 |
Cabo de Hornos | 21 | 1,762,259.7 | 12 | 0.01 | 6 | 0.2126 | 1 | 0.11 | 2 | 99.67 |
Porvenir | 122 | 681,196.49 | 16 | 0.0116 | 19 | 1.4397 | 7 | 1.38 | 80 | 97.17 |
Primavera | 43 | 318,130.96 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0.1194 | 2 | 0.82 | 39 | 99.06 |
Timaukel | 23 | 623,134.9 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.1106 | 1 | 0.3 | 21 | 99.59 |
Natales | 160 | 6,024,668.4 | 79 | 0.017 | 27 | 0.1502 | 10 | 0.23 | 44 | 99.6 |
Torres del Paine | 28 | 497,404.35 | 2 | 0.0092 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 26 | 99.99 |
Region | 583 | 11,503,533 | 220 | 0.018 | 78 | 0.2789 | 26 | 0.32 | 259 | 99.39 |
Territory | Male | Female | ||||||
0–14 | 15–64 | 65+ | Total | 0–14 | 15–64 | 65+ | Total | |
Punta Arenas | −0.54 | 9.17 | 118.18 | 12.17 | 5.53 | 57.31 | 156.67 | 47.43 |
Laguna Blanca | −50 | −78.86 | −8.7 | −74.84 | −38.89 | −23.19 | 166.67 | −23.15 |
Río Verde | −58.33 | 103.73 | 44.44 | 92.62 | 100 | 42.86 | 75 | 48.44 |
San Gregorio | −76.39 | −49.06 | −21.43 | −50.95 | −76.06 | −37.1 | −61.11 | −52.76 |
Cabo de Hornos | 57.14 | −35.98 | 400 | −31.08 | −25 | −16.67 | −14.29 | |
Porvenir | −33.33 | −21.59 | 59.32 | −15.51 | −61.54 | −19.83 | −34.62 | −30.65 |
Primavera | −68.63 | −15.75 | 42.31 | −21.32 | −74.72 | −36.12 | 150 | −48.99 |
Timaukel | −30.77 | 130.3 | 90.91 | 102.96 | −66.67 | −2.04 | 0 | −25.3 |
Natales | −24.67 | −4.38 | 59.14 | −3.53 | −13.07 | 35.63 | 113.33 | 27.73 |
Torres del Paine | −57.14 | 153.52 | 227.78 | 127.92 | −40 | 345.68 | 320 | 212.21 |
Region | −27.79 | −5.35 | 70.02 | −4.85 | −27.65 | 34.78 | 102.99 | 19.14 |
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Mansilla-Quiñones, P.; Uribe-Sierra, S.E. Rural Shrinkage: Depopulation and Land Grabbing in Chilean Patagonia. Land 2024, 13, 11.
Mansilla-Quiñones P, Uribe-Sierra SE. Rural Shrinkage: Depopulation and Land Grabbing in Chilean Patagonia. Land. 2024; 13(1):11.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMansilla-Quiñones, Pablo, and Sergio Elías Uribe-Sierra. 2024. "Rural Shrinkage: Depopulation and Land Grabbing in Chilean Patagonia" Land 13, no. 1: 11.
APA StyleMansilla-Quiñones, P., & Uribe-Sierra, S. E. (2024). Rural Shrinkage: Depopulation and Land Grabbing in Chilean Patagonia. Land, 13(1), 11.