Evolution and Collapse of Ejidos in Mexico—To What Extent Is Communal Land Used for Urban Development?
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Framework—Stakeholders as Agents of Socio-Spatial Change
3. Historical Background—the Ejido Land Tenure System Approach
- Communal land—the pre-Hispanic ejido and Altépetl (“Water-mountain” in Náhuatl language, was a complex socio-spatial and political system that gave order to former Mesoamerican cities. Each Altépetl had its own government as a City state and its own communal land outside the core areas for agricultural purposes. This was the primordial land tenure system in Mesoamerica and one of the factors influencing modern ejido implementation) system;
- Public land—owned by the Spanish Crown;
- Private land—owned by the Church and property owners or hacendados, which represented the new upper-middle-agrarian class.
4. Methods—Quantification and Analysis of Case Study Areas
4.1. Case Study Descriptions
4.2. Geo-Visual Analysis from Satellite Images
5. Results and Discussion
5.1. First Statement—Ejido Land Was and Still Is Potential Privately Developable Land
5.2. Second Statement—Land Tenure Changes Benefit Private Developers
5.3. Third Statement—Spatial Segregation beyond Peri-Urban Morphology
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Agrarian System Features | Hacienda System 19th Century | Agrarian Reform 20th Century | Post-NAFTA 21th Century |
Land tenure | Large estates | Ejido, land distribution policies | Private ownership and urbanization of communal and ejido land |
Ancestral communal land | Small private properties | ||
Population concentrated in small villages and towns | Restrictions from ejidos regarding the open-land market | ||
Capital | Agro-industrial production | Public capital, subsidy policies to ejidos, public loans | Subsidies to the agrarian sector |
Landlord investment | Protection of the National market | International and private investment for the agrarian industry | |
Rise and fall of agrarian productivity | Importation of corn, grains and agricultural commodities from the USA and other countries | ||
International exportation of agricultural commodities | Beginning of the importation of grains and goods from the USA | ||
Labor | Cheap farming and peasant labor for Haciendas | Self-consumption and individual production | Agro-industrial production, self-production |
“Wage slavery” system | Rural–urban migration | Rural labor migration to the USA | |
Abandonment of agricultural activities in Mexico | |||
Technology | Hacienda’s technology for agro-industrialization | Free distribution of farm equipment, livestock and farm goods to ejidatarios by subsidies | Private development for agro-companies |
Technical training from the State to the ejidatarios | Distribution of farm goods from the State to small farmers | ||
Subsidies through rural and agricultural development projects | |||
Organization | Landlords controlled the economy, commerce, transportation and labor structure. | Rural collectives | Rural–local collectives, small producers, the association of small producers and rural cooperatives with big agro-industries |
Family labor organization inside and outside the ejidos for survival | “Employees in their own land” through a Neo-Latifundium system based on private investment and development. Peasants and farmers produce for big companies | ||
Ejidatarios’ labor unions |
Municipality | 1990 | 2000 | 2010 | 2015 | DENSITY |
San Andrés Cholula (77.182 km2) | 37,788 | 56,066 | 100,439 | 137,290 | 2171.7 pop/km2 |
Pop. Growth | 2.5% | 5.8% | 7% | ||
Santa Clara Ocoyucan (120.165 km2) | 17,708 | 23,619 | 25,720 | 28,220 | 214 pop/km2 |
Pop. Growth | 2.9% | 0.8% | 2.0% | ||
Puebla (Capital) (548.889 km2) | 1,057,454 | 1,346,916 | 1,539,819 | 1,576,259 | 2805.34 pop/km2 |
Pop. Growth | 2.5% | 1.3% | 0.6% | ||
Metropolitan Area of Puebla-Tlaxcala (2394.4 km2) | 1,776,884 | 2,269,995 | 2,728,790 | 2,941,989 | 76.6 pop/Ha |
Pop. Growth | 2.5% | 1.8% | 1.6% |
Municipality and Ejidos before 1995 | Total Hectares of Ejidos in 1995 | Urban Development after 1995 | Total Hectares of Ejidos Transformed into Urban Areas From 1995 to 2018 |
Ejido San Andrés Cholula | 1986.00 | Land Reserve Atlixcáyotl—PSDMU | 1222.00 |
Ejido San Bernardino Tlaxcalancingo | Several gated communities, high-towers and retail areas | ||
Ejido Emilio Portes Gil | 3614.50 | Lomas de Angelópolis (gated community developed by Grupo Proyecta) | 4204.00 |
Ejido Santa Clara Ocoyucan | ||||
STRATA | Hectares | Land use development | 95% confidence interval | 95% confidence interval |
Cultivation area | ||||
1995 | 6665 | 41.70% (Overall Average) | 562 Hectares | 8% |
2018 | 4012 | 25% | 255 | 6% |
Urban | ||||
1995 | 1230 | 7.7% | 203 | 16% |
2018 | 4204 | 26.30% | 343 | 8% |
Soil (vacant) | ||||
1995 | 1756 | 11% | 234 | 13% |
2018 | 1032 | 6.5% | 264 | 26% |
Vegetation | ||||
1995 | 6336 | 39.63% | 563 | 9% |
2018 | 6739 | 42.20% | 383 | 6% |
TOTAL | 15,987 | 100% | ||
Atlixcáyotl-Quetzalcóatl Land Reserve | ||||
STRATA | Hectares | Land use development | 95% confidence interval | 95% confidence interval |
Cultivation area | ||||
1995 | 811 | 66% (Overall Average) | 31 Hectares | 4% |
2018 (Vacant Land) | 447 | 36% | 46 | 10% |
Urban | ||||
1995 | 410 | 33% | 31 | 7% |
2018 | 775 | 63% | 46 | 6% |
Total | 1222 | 100% |
Key Aspects and Stakeholders | San Andrés Cholula | Santa Clara Ocoyucan | ||
Positive aspects | Negative aspects | Positive aspects | Negative aspects | |
PSDMU (urban plan) → Local authorities | Plan that managed urban growth | Did not consider local needs | New urban land uses for tax collection. | Urban plan made to benefit urban developers and urban sprawl beyond land reserve |
Regulations were updated according to private needs. | ||||
Private master plans → Private investors | National investment | Land use change to benefit land speculation | Local and National investment in infrastructure and housing | Construction of gated communities and luxury buildings that isolate local communities |
Cadastral and market values → Local authorities and real estate developers | Higher market value, more taxation | Speculation with land market value | Added value through land use change | Cheap ejido and rural land in the borders |
Rural communities → Ejidatarios and land owners | Added value to land | Expropriation, migration to the USA and abandonment of agricultural activities | Added value to land | Land speculation and intimidation by developers Abandonment of agricultural activities |
Socio-spatial segregation | Socio-spatial segregation | |||
New incomers → New inhabitants and local population | Modern areas to live and work in with private security | Very expensive area to buy or live in | Residential areas with new houses, parks, schools, leisure and entertainment areas with private security | Not integrated with local communities |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Schumacher, M.; Durán-Díaz, P.; Kurjenoja, A.K.; Gutiérrez-Juárez, E.; González-Rivas, D.A. Evolution and Collapse of Ejidos in Mexico—To What Extent Is Communal Land Used for Urban Development? Land 2019, 8, 146. https://doi.org/10.3390/land8100146
Schumacher M, Durán-Díaz P, Kurjenoja AK, Gutiérrez-Juárez E, González-Rivas DA. Evolution and Collapse of Ejidos in Mexico—To What Extent Is Communal Land Used for Urban Development? Land. 2019; 8(10):146. https://doi.org/10.3390/land8100146
Chicago/Turabian StyleSchumacher, Melissa, Pamela Durán-Díaz, Anne Kristiina Kurjenoja, Eduardo Gutiérrez-Juárez, and David A. González-Rivas. 2019. "Evolution and Collapse of Ejidos in Mexico—To What Extent Is Communal Land Used for Urban Development?" Land 8, no. 10: 146. https://doi.org/10.3390/land8100146
APA StyleSchumacher, M., Durán-Díaz, P., Kurjenoja, A. K., Gutiérrez-Juárez, E., & González-Rivas, D. A. (2019). Evolution and Collapse of Ejidos in Mexico—To What Extent Is Communal Land Used for Urban Development? Land, 8(10), 146. https://doi.org/10.3390/land8100146