2. Preliminaries
be (the set of objects in) a given pattern to be colored and let
G be a group acting on
. If
, the
G-orbit of
x is the set
, while the
stabilizer of
is given by
. Throughout this paper, we observe the coloring setting considered in [
G acts transitively on
, and for all
. With this, we obtain a one-to-one correspondence between
G and
given by
. As a consequence, we can associate a partition
G with the partition
. If
is a set of
k colors, the bijection
is called a
k-coloring of
that corresponds to the partition
G. We can therefore regard a coloring of a pattern as a partition
G with every element of
representing a unique color. This allows us to make the following natural definition. A
coloring of a group
G is an onto function from
G to a set
k colors where
is the color assigned to an element
. Simply speaking, a
k-coloring of a group
G is just a partition of
G into
k subsets where
is the set of elements of
G assigned the color
Let be the set of all partitions of G. Then the group G acts on by left multiplication. If , let H be the stabilizer of . Then . The partition is referred to as an H-invariant partition of G. The coloring of G is called perfect if , that is, if . Whenever , the coloring is called semiperfect. As regards the pattern , an element permutes the colors in the coloring of that correspond to the partition of G. A perfect coloring of is one for which every element of G effects a permutation of . If the only elements of G that permute the colors in the coloring of belong to an index-2 subgroup H of G, the coloring is semiperfect. We emphasize that the definitions of perfect and semiperfect colorings of patterns are old notions. What is new here are the concepts of perfect and semiperfect colorings of groups. These arise from the equivalence among the three sets considered in the previous paragraph given our coloring setting.
Perfect colorings of patterns have been characterized in [
8] where sufficient and necessary conditions for a coloring to be perfect are determined. In particular, Theorem 5 of the said article shows that a coloring of a set
forming only one
G-orbit is perfect if and only if it is given by the partition
, where
, and
. Since we require that
for all
, then any subgroup of
G can be used to come up with a perfect coloring of
. This translates to the following result regarding perfect colorings of groups.
Theorem 1. Let G be a group. A coloring of G is perfect if and only if it is given by the partition where J is any subgroup of G.
By the above theorem, every perfect group coloring is always a partition of G by left cosets of a subgroup J. In the case where , the coloring given by is a perfect k-coloring of G. If , we obtain a trivial coloring of G using only one color. If , then all the elements of G obtain distinct colors.
Semiperfect colorings of patterns are studied in [
9] where it was shown that every such coloring falls under one of two possible types of partition of a group
G. The next two theorems are restatements of results of [
9] on semiperfect colorings.
Theorem 2 (Type I Semiperfect Coloring). Let with , , and . The partition of G given by is a semiperfect coloring of G if and only if or .
Theorem 3 (Type II Semiperfect Coloring). Let with , , and . The partition of G given by is a semiperfect coloring of G if and only if .
Note that both and are H-invariant partitions of G, that is, and . corresponds to a perfect coloring of G if and only if (or , the normalizer of J in G) and . Moreover, if , the partition will yield a coloring of G with only one color and thus be perfect. For the partition , a perfect coloring of G is obtained whenever .
Next, we define what it means for a coloring of a group to be symmetric. Given a group
G, the mappings
are called
symmetries of
G [
11]. In [
16] and other related articles by the same author, a
k-coloring of a group
G is defined as any map
without the condition of being surjective. We adhere to our previous definition so that a
k-coloring remains as a partitioning of
G into
k subsets. Now, we say that a coloring of
G is
symmetric if there is a
such that
for all
. In essence,
is symmetric if the elements
x and
have the same color.
We say that
equivalent colorings of
G if
for some
. The following result from [
9] gives all equivalent
H-partitions of a group
G if
Theorem 4. Let G be a group and an H-invariant partition of G. If then there are only two partitions of G that are equivalent to , namely, and , for some . Moreover, the stabilizer of in G is also H.
Note that in listing symmetric colorings of groups, we do not distinguish between partitions and which are equivalent colorings.
In this paper, we are interested in determining which perfect colorings and semiperfect colorings of a group G are symmetric with respect to some element . We first consider perfect colorings of G and derive conditions for this coloring to be symmetric. Next, we consider the two types of semiperfect colorings of G described in Theorems 2 and 3. We give conditions for a Type II semiperfect coloring of G to be symmetric. We also show that no Type I semiperfect colorings of G are symmetric. Lastly, we give actual symmetric perfect colorings and symmetric semiperfect colorings of some groups that can be represented by planar patterns.
3. Results
We start this section by describing symmetric perfect colorings. Note that from Theorem 1, the coloring of a group G given by the partition where gives a perfect coloring. The next theorem gives the condition for a perfect coloring to be symmetric.
Theorem 5. Let G be a group and let J be a subgroup of G. The coloring of G given by the partition yields a symmetric perfect coloring with respect to some if and only if J contains .
Proof. Suppose the coloring of G induced by the left cosets of J is symmetric with respect to some . Then , , implying that . Thus .
On the other hand, if then for all . Thus for all , . Hence, the coloring is symmetric with respect to any . □
Using Theorem 5, we may obtain symmetric perfect colorings of a group G by observing the following procedure:
Form the group .
Choose a subgroup J of G such that .
Form the partition .
We note that if the left coset coloring of G induced by J is symmetric with respect to some , then the coloring is symmetric with respect to every element of G. By Theorem 5, the number of proper subgroups of G that contain the set is the number of inequivalent symmetric nontrivial perfect colorings of G. Let and consider the partitions and . If and are equivalent, then there exists such that . This implies that for some . As both J and are subgroups of G, we must have . We have therefore shown that distinct subgroups of G containing give rise to inequivalent symmetric perfect colorings of G.
Moreover, we note that is a normal subgroup of G and that the quotient is an abelian group whose non-identity elements are of order 2. Thus, can be viewed as a vector space over and each subgroup J containing is a lifting of a subspace of . This implies that the number of such J (and thus the number of symmetric perfect colorings of G) is a sum of 2-binomial coefficients.
Theorem 5 has many other consequences. For instance, a group G of odd order has only the trivial coloring which is symmetric perfect since . For a cyclic group G of order n, either G has exactly one or no nontrivial symmetric perfect coloring depending on whether n is even or odd. Also, a finite non-abelian simple group has only the trivial coloring as a perfect symmetric coloring.
Next, we derive conditions such that a semiperfect group coloring is also symmetric. For now, we postpone our search for symmetric Type I semiperfect colorings and proceed to identifying Type II semiperfect group colorings that are symmetric. By Theorem 3, recall that the partition is a semiperfect coloring of G if and only if where are subgroups of an index-2 subgroup H of G and .
Suppose is a symmetric coloring with respect to and let
If , then for some . That is, . Since the coloring is symmetric with respect to g, we have . Since , we have for all . Thus, for all .
If , then for some . That is, . Since the coloring is symmetric with respect to g, we have . Since , we have for all . Thus, for all .
We formalize these results below.
Theorem 6. Let G be a group and let such that . Fix and choose subgroups of H. The partition given by corresponds to a symmetric semiperfect coloring of G with respect to if and only if the following conditions are satisfied:
If a semiperfect coloring of Type II is symmetric with respect to some , then conditions (2) and (3) of the theorem above give the following cases: (i) the coloring is symmetric with respect to all ; (ii) the coloring is symmetric with respect to all ; and (iii) the coloring is symmetric with respect to all . The following result is immediate from Theorem 6.
Corollary 1. Consider the partition of G where , , and . Then, the following hold:
is symmetric with respect to an element if and only if for all and for all .
is symmetric with respect to an element if and only if for all and for all .
Certainly, if and both contain , then the coloring is symmetric with respect to every element .
Similar to what was done for symmetric perfect colorings of G, we give a method on how to obtain symmetric semiperfect colorings of a group G. The following steps need to be carried out to attain the required colorings:
Choose a subgroup H of G such that .
Compute and .
Find with and with where .
Form the partition where .
In [
9], it was established that the number of inequivalent semiperfect colorings of Type II for a given index-2 subgroup
H is equal to
n is the number of subgroups of
H. With the conditions imposed in Theorem 6 on the subgroups
, it is reasonable to expect that for most groups, the number of symmetric Type II semiperfect colorings of a group is less than
. An illustration will be given in the next section.
We now show that there exists no nontrivial symmetric Type I semiperfect coloring of any group.
Let G be a group and let such that . Fix and let J be a proper subgroup of H. Suppose that the partition given by corresponds to a symmetric coloring of G with respect to some .
Let . Then for some . This implies that either or . Now, since the coloring is symmetric with respect to g, then or . We consider two cases.
If , then and either or . If , it follows that and its inverse are in J. Meanwhile, or . We thus obtain or . Hence, for all .
If , then and either or . If , then and its inverse are in J. Similar computations yield for all x not in H.
By the computations above, the partition given by corresponds to a symmetric coloring of G with respect to if and only if the following conditions are satisfied:
- (1)
for all ;
- (2)
for all .
Now, so for all . Since and , the cosets and are both outside H. Hence, (1) can be rewritten as for all while (2) becomes for all . Depending on whether g is found in H or not, conditions (1) and (2) give the following possibilities:
- (a)
for all and for all ;
- (b)
for all and for all .
Suppose that (a) holds. Since y is outside H, then . So we have for all . It follows that . But are all the elements outside H as h runs through all the elements of H. This implies that the squares of all the elements of are also in J. Thus, J contains the squares of all the elements of G. If (b) is assumed to be true, then similar arguments imply that J also contains the set . In particular, . Moreover, since , then J is normal in G, which implies that and thus . But Theorem 2 requires that or so that corresponds to a semiperfect coloring of G. We have therefore proved the following theorem.
Theorem 7. Let H be an index-2 subgroup of G, , and . No partition of G of the form yields a symmetric semiperfect coloring, that is, there exists no symmetric Type I semiperfect group coloring for any group G.