1. Introduction
Phosphorous (P), located in the 15th position of the periodic table, is one of the most indispensable non-metal elements in life. Its oxidized form, phosphates (PO
43−), plays essential roles in DNA, RNA and ATP structural building, which are vitally important for the growth and development of each and every organism on the planet Earth [
1]. One of the principal industrial applications of phosphorous is the manufacture of fertilizer for the agricultural sector [
2]. As it cannot be replaced by other nutritional elements in plant growth, phosphorous is an essential component of global food security and related world affairs [
3]. As a result, phosphate minerals have been recognized as a critical and strategic natural resource by the European Union and United States [
Phosphorous occurs naturally as phosphate due to its high reactivity [
6]. Its natural sources include igneous apatite, sedimentary phosphorite, biogenic, and their weathering residuum [
7]. Sedimentary phosphorite accounts for over 80% of global production while the remainder comes from igneous rocks and other subordinate sources [
8]. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, although there are no imminent shortages of phosphate rocks globally, the high-grade and easy-to-process phosphate reserves are highly segregated geographically [
9]. For example, Morocco and its occupied Western Sahara alone controls about 71% share of phosphate reserves. This is followed by China, Algeria, Syria, Brazil, South Africa and Saudi Arabia, which account collectively for 17% global phosphate reserves. Such an uneven distribution of such a critical resource could pose significant risks and uncertainties to other countries. Canada has a few known phosphate deposits and occurrences, including Lac à Paul, Wapiti, Fernie, and Mactung [
10]. Although recognized as one of the largest agriculture producers and a top fertilizer manufacturer, Canada has been depending solely on imports of phosphate rocks from other countries after the only operating phosphate mine in Kapuskasing was shut down in 2013 [
12]. To secure a domestic supply chain of phosphorous for her fertilizer industry, this paper describes a study of a phosphate mineralization spatially associated with the Mactung tungsten deposit.
The Mactung tungsten deposit is geographically located at latitude 63°17′ N and longitude130°10′ W, in the Selwyn Mountain Range, along the Yukon/Northwest Territories border. It is one of the world’s largest tungsten deposits, with an estimated indicated mineral resource of 33.0 Mt grading 0.88% WO
3 and 11.9 Mt grading 0.78% WO
3 in the inferred category [
13]. The current mine plan targets the extraction of only scheelite-hosted tungsten, with no plan of processing the associated phosphate. The phosphate mineralization in Mactung is of sedimentary origin, formed by the precipitation of apatite from phosphorus rich water, mediated by microbial activity. The mineralization consists of nodular breccia clasts of cryptocrystalline apatite (“collophane”) in a limestone unit known as Unit 3D (highlighted in
Figure 1). The phosphate mineralization spatially overlaps and extends beyond the skarn tungsten deposit. More than 50 million tons of phosphate resources grading at 10 wt% P
5 on average has been estimated in Unit 3D within a 4 km
2 area around the tungsten deposit.
The phosphate coinciding spatially with the skarn tungsten deposit was thermally and metasomatically altered by subjacent Cambrian to Devonian igneous intrusions that formed the tungsten deposit; and it is thus referred to as skarn phosphate and is the focus of this study. Unlike typical sedimentary phosphorite that are associated mainly with sedimentary carbonate minerals, skarn phosphate deposits contain significant non-carbonate minerals with diverse textures [
14]. The alteration of the phosphorite in Mactung resulted in the recrystallization of both the phosphate and carbonate minerals as well as the introduction of new mineral phases including calc-silicates and sulfides [
13]. The challenges associated with the presence of these ‘exotic’ mineral phases are probably some of the key reasons the mine is not envisaging processing the phosphorite even though it would be mined together with the tungsten ore. This makes the study interesting both scientifically and economically.
Retaining the phosphate in the mine tailings, however, could result in future environmental liabilities from any leakage into the aquatic ecosystem. Although hydroxyapatite is considered the most stable phosphate salt under most conditions in nature, its solubility can be significantly enhanced by acid mine drainage from the supergene oxidative breakdown of iron sulfides in the tailings [
15]. The presence of enhanced phosphorous concentration in drainage systems has been associated with many negative environmental impacts including eutrophication of lakes and algae bloom that may cause fish die-offs, which is strictly prohibited by environmental regulations [
16]. In addition, the current mineral beneficiation infrastructures setup for the tungsten concentration at Mactung could substantially reduce the financial cost for phosphate project. Flotation reagents, such as fatty acids, soda ash, sodium silicate and frother, which are used in scheelite flotation can be used in phosphate flotation as well [
18]. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a management plan for phosphate at Mactung property, which could involve phosphate ore processing for downstream industrial applications.
Flotation is the common technique widely used in the industry for the beneficiation of phosphate rock [
19]. Based on the types of collectors (anionic fatty acids or cationic amines) used in the process, the phosphate flotation techniques can be divided into (1) all-cationic flotation [
20]; (2) all-anionic flotation [
21] and (3) cationic-anionic (or anionic-cationic) flotation [
24]. These flotation methods were technically known, respectively, as direct flotation, reverse flotation, direct-reverse flotation or reverse-direct flotation, depending on the types of ores and nature of gangue minerals [
25]. Direct and reverse flotation processes have been successfully applied in the beneficiation of siliceous and calcareous phosphate rocks, respectively [
26]. A direct-reverse flotation process has been suggested for low-grade phosphate rocks containing both silicate and carbonate gangue minerals [
25]. In this process, the first step is designed to float as much phosphate as possible using anionic fatty acid salts as a collector, with the slurry pH maintained at 9–10 using soda ash, and water glass as a silicate depressant. In the second step, i.e., reverse flotation, carbonate gangues (mostly calcite and/or dolomite) is selectively floated off the phosphate concentrate from the first stage to obtain a qualified final phosphate product [
27]. Although the separation efficiency has been a scientific challenge due to their similar physiochemical properties [
29], research has shown that slightly acidic conditions adjusted by combined sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid could enhance the flotation efficiency [
The aim of the current study was to examine the feasibility of beneficiating the skarn phosphate mineralization associated with Mactung tungsten deposit into a concentrate that could be used to manufacture fertilizer (>30% P2O5, CaO/P2O5 < 1.6, and MgO < 1%). Given the low-grade nature of the ore and its mineralogical composition, a flowsheet comprising both direct and reverse flotation was used. Other parameters evaluated include the Bond Work Index, grinding test and mineralogical composition.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Ore Samples
A composite skarn phosphate rock sample was collected from cores of drill holes MS164 and MS211 that intercepted mine Unit 3D containing skarn phosphate mineralization. The samples were selected based on assay results from prior exploration programs and visual observation because phosphatic clasts are visible on cores and outcrops (
Figure 2). The sample was crushed in a Retsch model BB200 laboratory jaw crusher to −6 mesh (−3.35 mm), riffled into 500-g charges and stored in sealed plastic bags for beneficiation and analysis.
2.2. Reagents
Sodium oleate (NaOl; ≥82% oleic acid basis) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Saint Louis, MO, USA) and was used as an anionic collector in the phosphate flotation without any further purification. Potassium amyl xanthate (PAX) at 80% purity was obtained from Prospec Chemicals (Fort Saskatchewan, AB, Canada) and was used as a sulfide mineral collector to remove sulfide minerals. Methyl isobutyl carbinol (MIBC) bought from Sigma-Aldrich was also used as a frother in sulfide flotation stage. Sodium silicate solution (water glass) with a modulus of 1.82 from Sigma-Aldrich was used to depress quartz and silicate minerals. Analytical grade sodium carbonate, sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid were purchased from Fisher Chemical (Waltham MA, USA) and used to adjust the pulp pH.
2.3. Bond Work Index
The Bond Work Index (grindability) of skarn phosphate rock sample was determined in a laboratory 8″ × 8″ ball mill using a 100 mesh (150 μm) test sieve, with proper scaling factors for the standard 12″ × 12″ ball mill.
The Bond Work Index was calculated using the following equation:
Wi is the Bond Work Index for a given material (kWh/t);
P1 is the test sieve opening size in μm;
F is the size in μm at which 80% of feed passes;
P is the size in μm at which 80% of the last cycle sieve undersize product passes;
f is the scale up factor from 8″ × 8″ to a standard 12″ × 12″ ball mill,
G is the ball mill grindability (gram/revolution), which was averaged from the last three grinding cycles (equilibrium grinding condition) to simulate 250% circulation load, at equilibrium grinding condition. The equilibrium condition was usually achieved after 6–12 cycles until a constant grindability value was reached.
2.4. Grinding
A grinding test was carried out using a Titan 8 × 16-inch stainless steel laboratory rod mill, with 24 stainless steel rods of various diameters having a total weight of 15.8 kg. The phosphate rock sample was ground in batches of 500 g with 200 mL of tap water. A slurry was washed into a 1.5 L flotation tank with 800 mL tap water after grinding for 2, 4, 6, and 7 min, and agitated at 800 rpm. About 100 mL sample of each slurry was wet sieved using 140, 200, 325, 400 mesh sieves (105 μm, 75 μm, 45 μm and 38 μm, respectively) to obtain the grind size distribution.
2.5. Froth Flotation
The phosphate rock sample was subjected to a direct flotation step followed by a reverse flotation step in a Denver D-12 laboratory flotation machine with a 1.5 L stainless steel flotation cell. A schematic flowsheet of the flotation process is shown in
Figure 3. In each flotation test, 500 g of sample were added together with 1 L tap water, and operated at 800 rpm impeller speed and 3 L/min aeration rate during the flotation scraping. The first step in the flotation was the removal of sulfide minerals using potassium amyl xanthate (PAX) as a collector. This was followed by the direct flotation of apatite and carbonate minerals in alkaline condition using an anionic sodium oleate collector and water glass as a quartz/silicate depressant. Subsequently, a reverse flotation step was carried out on the direct flotation concentrate to float carbonate gangue minerals in acidic conditions adjusted by sulfuric and phosphoric acids. To acquire a higher P
5 grade in the phosphate concentrate, in some tests, a bulk cleaner flotation was performed after the direct flotation.
2.6. Sample Analysis
A pulverized head sample of the skarn phosphate rocks was analyzed for major elements at Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Ltd. (Richmond, BC, Canada), a Vancouver-based commercial assay laboratory. The mineralogical composition of the sample was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) using a Rigaku Ultima IV operated at 38 kV, 38 mA and 2 degree/min scan rate at the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta. The flotation products were analyzed in-house using a Bruker CTX800 countertop X-ray Fluorescence analyzer (Bruker, Kennewick, WA, USA), with calibration packages provided by Bruker. Samples of selected products were also analyzed at Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Ltd. The assay results in the text are identified as “XRF” or “BV” to differentiate those analyzed in-house (XRF) from those analyzed at Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Ltd. (BV).
4. Conclusions and Recommendations
A skarn phosphate rock sample from the Mactung tungsten deposit characterized by cryptocrystalline apatite (collophane) containing carbonate, sulfides, quartz and other silicates gangue minerals and assaying 12.65% P2O5, 1.75% MgO, 31.71% CaO and 35.46% SiO2 was upgraded into a phosphate concentrate assaying 28.68% P2O5, 12.06% SiO2, 0.72% MgO and 46.98% CaO, at a P2O5 recovery of 70.9%. The ore is hard with a Bond Work Index of 19.04 kWh/t.
Instead of allowing the phosphate in the mine waste and tailings, the phosphate resources can be recovered by a flowsheet comprising both direct and reverse flotation, which is a standard industry method for processing phosphate ores with a high carbonate content. The extraction would not only promote the local economy, but also protect the aquatic ecosystem from any phosphorous leakage that may otherwise cause algae bloom and eutrophication of lakes.
Although the final concentrate does not meet the fertilizer requirement of >30% P2O5 and CaO/P2O5 < 1.6, it is possible that further optimization of reagent dosages and grind or re-grind sizes in a flowsheet involving both direct and reverse flotations could produce an acceptable concentrate.
In addition, the phosphate rock may contain recoverable trace metals including rare earth elements that could further improve the economics of processing the phosphate. However, these were not evaluated in this study and we recommend an evaluation of their content in future studies.
The current reagent dosages were very high (several kilograms per ton), which would have negative impact on the profitability of the project. It is, therefore, recommended that further research should be carried out including reagents optimization, use of non-polar oil and new collectors and/or other phosphate depressants, as well as grinding or re-grinding sizes.