RbfDeSolver: A Software Tool to Approximate Differential Equations Using Radial Basis Functions
:1. Introduction
2. Detailed Description
2.1. Main Algorithm
- Initialization step
- (a)
- Setiter = 0, as the current number of generations.
- (b)
- Set, as the total number of chromosomes.
- (c)
- Setn, the number of weights in the RBF network.
- (d)
- Initialize randomly the chromosomes .
- (e)
- Set ITERMAX as the maximum number of generations.
- (f)
- Set as the selection rate and the mutation rate.
- (g)
- Set, the best fitness in the population.
- (h)
- Set , the number of generations to run before applying the local optimization method
- (i)
- Set the number of chromosomes that will involved in the local search procedure.
- Termination check. If ITERMAX OR terminate.
- Calculate the fitness for every chromosome . The calculation procedure is described in Section 2.2.
- Genetic Operators
- (a)
- Selection procedure: During selection, the chromosomes are classified according to their suitability. The best chromosomes are transferred without changes to the next generation of the population. The rest will be replaced by chromosomes that will be produced at the crossover.
- (b)
- Crossover procedure: During this process, chromosomes will be created. Firstly, for every pair of produced offspring, two distinct chromosomes (parents) are selected from the current population using tournament selection: First, a subset of randomly selected chromosomes is created and the chromosome with the best fitness value is selected as parent. For every pair of parents, two new offsprings and are created through the following:
- (c)
- Mutation procedure: For every element of each chromosome, select a random number and alter the corresponding chromosome if .
- Setiter = iter+1
- Local Search Step
- (a)
- IfThen
- Select a subset of randomly chosen chromosomes from the genetic population. Denote this subset with .
- For every chromosome in
- Start a local search procedure
- Set
- (b)
- Endif
- Denote with the best fitness value for the corresponding chromosome
- Goto step 2.
2.2. Fitness Evaluation
2.3. Ode Case
- Create a set of equidistant points.
- Create the RBF network for the the chromosome g.
- Calculate the value
- Calculate the penalty value for the initial conditions:
- Return
2.4. Systems of ODEs Case
- Create a set of equidistant points.
- Split the chromosome g into k parts and create the corresponding RBF networks
- Calculate the errors:
- Calculate the penalty values:
- Calculate the total fitness value:
2.5. Pde Case
- Construct the set uniformly sampled points in .
- Construct the set equidistant points in .
- Construct the set equidistant points in .
- Set the RBF network for the chromosome g.
- Calculate the quantity as
- Calculate the following penalty values:
- Calculate the total fitness as
3. Software Details
3.1. Installation
- unzip RbfDeSolver-master.zip.
- cd RbfDeSolver.
- qmake.
- make clean.
- make.
- SOURCES=ode1.cc
- qmake ode1.pro.
- make.
3.2. Command Line Options
- help. Prints a help screen and terminates.
- kind = DE_KIND. The string value DE_KIND determines the kind of differential equation to be used and the accepted values are: ode, sysode, pde.
- problem = FILE, the string parameter file determines the path to the differential equation to be solved.
- count = K, set as K, the number of chromosomes in the genetic population. The default value is 500.
- random = R, set as R, the seed for the random number generation.
- generations = G, set as G, the maximum number of generations allowed. The default value is 2000.
- epsilon = E, set as E, a small positive value used in the comparisons as well as the termination criterion of the genetic algorithm. The default value is
- weights = W, set as W, the number of weights for the RBF network. The default value is 1.
- srate = S, set as S, the selection rate (parameter of the genetic algorithm. The default value is 0.1
- mrate = M, set as M, the mutation rate (parameter ) of the genetic algorithm. The default value is 0.05
- lg = G, set as G, the number of generations that should be passed in the genetic algorithm before the local search method is applied. The default value is 100.
- li = I, set as I, the number of chromosomes that will participate in the local search procedure. The default value is 20.
- threads = T, set as T, the number of OpenMp threads. The default value is 1.
3.3. Format for ODEs
- getx0(): Returns the lower boundary point, .
- getx1(): Returns the upper boundary point, .
- getkind(): Returns 1, 2 or 3:
- (a)
- If the value is 1 then the ODE is of first order and the boundary condition is of the form: .
- (b)
- If the value is 2 then the ODE is of second order with boundary conditions of the form: .
- (c)
- Code 3 indicates that the ODE is of second order with boundary conditions of the form: .
- getnpoints(): Returns the number of equidistant training points (value N in Section 2.3)
- getf0(): Returns the boundary condition on the left, .
- getf1(): Returns the boundary condition on the right, .
- getff0(): Returns the left boundary condition for second order ODEs .
- ode1ff(x,y,yy): If the ODE is of first order, then the purpose of the tool is to minimize the function ode1ff, for different values of x in the range . The parameter y represents and the parameter yy represents .
- ode2ff(x,y,yy,yyy): If the ODE is of second order, then the tool tries to minimize the function ode2ff, for different values of x in the range The parameter y represents , the parameter yy represents and the parameter yyy represents .
3.4. Format for System of ODEs
- getx0(): returns the left boundary, .
- getx1(): returns the right boundary, .
- getnode(): returns the number of ODEs in the system (parameter k in Section 2.4).
- getnpoints(): R returns the number of equidistant training points (value N in Section 2.4)
- systemfun(k,x,y,yy): For the SYSODE case, the aim of the RbfDeSolver is to minimize the function systemfun for values of x in the range , where k is the total number of equations in the system, Y is the vector of Rbf networks and is a vector with elements the first derivative of these k equations evaluated at x. The double precision array y stands for the vector Y and similar the double precision array yy represents the vector .
- systemf0(node,f0): the argument node stands for the number of differential equations in the system and the double precision array f0 with node elements represents the vector holding the boundary conditions for each equation in the system (vector of Equation (8)).
3.5. PDE Format
- getx0(): returns the left boundary .
- getx1(): returns the right boundary .
- gety0(): returns the left boundary .
- gety1(): returns the right boundary .
- getnpoints(): returns the amount of interior training points for the PDE.
- getbpoints(): returns the amount of training points across each boundary of the PDE.
- f0(y): returns the boundary condition across .
- f1(y): returns the boundary condition across
- g0(x): returns the boundary condition across .
- g1(x): the function returns the boundary condition across .
- pde(x,y,v,x1,y1,x2,y2): For the PDE case RbfDeSolver minimizes the function , where and The argument v corresponds to The argument x1 corresponds to the first derivative of with respect to x, y1 corresponds to the first derivative of with respect to y, x2 corresponds to the second derivative of with respect to x and the y2 corresponds to the second derivative of with respect to y.
4. Experiments
4.1. Linear ODEs
- ODE1
- ODE2
- ODE3
- ODE4
- ODE5
4.2. Non-Linear ODEs
4.3. Systems of ODEs
4.4. PDEs
- PDE1
- PDE2
- PDE3
- PDE4
4.5. Experimental Results
4.6. Some Practical Problems
4.6.1. Hires Problem
4.6.2. Rober Problem
4.6.3. Orego Problem
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Sample Availability
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Parameter | Value |
1000 | |
ITERMAX | 5000 |
0.1 | |
0.05 | |
100 | |
20 | |
100 |
Equation | w = 5 | w = 10 | w = 15 |
ODE1 | |||
ODE2 | |||
ODE3 | |||
ODE4 | |||
ODE5 | |||
NLODE1 | |||
NLODE2 | |||
NLODE3 | |||
NLODE4 | |||
SYSODE1 | |||
SYSODE2 | |||
SYSODE3 | |||
SYSODE4 | |||
PDE1 | |||
PDE2 | |||
PDE3 | |||
PDE4 |
Problem | w = 10 | MEM |
Hires | ||
Rober | ||
Orego |
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Share and Cite
Tsoulos, I.G.; Tzallas, A.; Karvounis, E. RbfDeSolver: A Software Tool to Approximate Differential Equations Using Radial Basis Functions. Axioms 2022, 11, 294. https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms11060294
Tsoulos IG, Tzallas A, Karvounis E. RbfDeSolver: A Software Tool to Approximate Differential Equations Using Radial Basis Functions. Axioms. 2022; 11(6):294. https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms11060294
Chicago/Turabian StyleTsoulos, Ioannis G., Alexandros Tzallas, and Evangelos Karvounis. 2022. "RbfDeSolver: A Software Tool to Approximate Differential Equations Using Radial Basis Functions" Axioms 11, no. 6: 294. https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms11060294
APA StyleTsoulos, I. G., Tzallas, A., & Karvounis, E. (2022). RbfDeSolver: A Software Tool to Approximate Differential Equations Using Radial Basis Functions. Axioms, 11(6), 294. https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms11060294