When the ’tHooft coupling for the gauge theory is large, which can be achieved, for example, with large
M, we can obtain a classical gravitational description for the gauge theory arising from the above brane setup. The gravity action arises from the low energy limit of type IIB critical superstring action with localised sources given as:
is number of
is the metric in the Einstein frame. Also
. Note that
is the world volume flux,
being the NS-NS two form and
is raised or lowered with the pullback metric
. The background warped metric takes the following familiar form
and the internal unwarped metric is given by
. Here,
describes the base of a deformed cone with or without resolution or squashing, while
is the perturbation due to the presence of fluxes and localised sources (The resolved deformed cones, with or without squashing, are not Calabi-Yau manifolds but more general non-Kähler manifolds.). A resolved-deformed cone refers to the base where cycles never go to zero size and squashing describes the deviation of shapes from an ordinary
n-sphere. The resolution, deformation and squashing parameters are a dual description of a particular expectation value of the gauge-invariant combinations of bifundamental matter fields at the far IR of the gauge theory. The right figure in
Figure 1 is a sketch of a warped resolved-deformed and sqaushed conifold which captures the most general dual gravity corresponding to a confining gauge theory with some expectation value of baryonic operators. When resolution and squashing are set to zero, we also have non-zero expectation values, provided we consider a deformed cone just like Klebanov–Strassler [
2]. When we are away from the resolved-deformed tip of the cone and there is no squashing,
is the metric of
The action (
1) in the absence of any localised sources can describe the gauge theory arising from the brane setup of
Figure 1, provided
. When
, one can obtain an
geometry which describes a CFT [
4]. The presence of localised sources allows us to patch together a warped deformed conifold geometry with
at small radial distances to an asymptotically
geometry. The localised sources have to alter
, so we look for
or anti-
branes. We can also dissolve these branes as gauge fluxes on
branes. We take the latter approach since it is easier to find stable
brane embeddings.
branes fill up Minkowski space
, stretching along the radial
r direction and filling up
inside the
. In the absence of resolution and squashing, ref. [
5] proposed D7 branes embeddings that source the world volume fluxes
, inducing the anti-D5 charge. There were two branches of the
brane and the world volume flux on each branch modifies the background RR and NS-NS three-form flux, resulting in the following fluxes
is the hodge star for the metric
. The definitions of the three forms
and of the scalar functions
can be found in [
5] (see also earlier works [
8]). The effective number of
branes in the dual gauge theory can be obtained using Gauss’ law:
3.1. Confinement and Meson Spectrum
The form of the metric (
2) describes a manifold
X with or without a black hole. When
, we have a geometry without a black hole, while in the presence of a black hole, we have a horizon with radial location
such that
. The temperature of the gauge theory dual to
X is determined by the singularity structure of
X in the following way: analytically continue
to obtain the Euclidean metric where
. Then, the temperature is given by
. In the presence of a black hole,
X is singular and removing the singularity fixes the period
. Thus, for a black hole geometry, the temperature is related to the horizon. On the other hand, in the absence of a black hole, we pick any value of
since we consider warp factors
to be regular on
X. If we denote the ‘vacuum’ geometry without a black hole by
with on-shell action
and black hole geometry by
with on-shell action
, then at a given temperature, the geometry with a smaller value of the on-shell action will be preferred. At
and we have a phase transition. At
is preferred [
11]. Since there is no black hole,
corresponds to zero entropy and confinement. On the other hand, for
and black hole geometry is preferred. Since the black hole has non-zero entropy, the gauge theory is in the deconfined phase and
corresponds to the confinement/deconfinement transition temperature.
Thus, at small temperatures
, we can consider the ‘vacuum’ geometry without a black hole since it describes the confined phase. We can obtain the meson spectrum by introducing additional
branes embedded as probes in the geometry with metric (
2) in the limit
. Note that these probe
branes differ from the
branes considered in [
5]. The additional probe branes with world volume fluxes in Minkowski directions give rise to QCD-like vector mesons. The world volume fluxes on the background
branes have no legs in the Minkowski directions and they represent dissolved anti-
branes necessary for a UV complete theory.
Before going into the details of the probe brane embedding, observe that the energy scale
corresponding to
provides us a notion of UV and IR energies. Since mesons appear at low energies, we expect the spectrum to be sensitive to Region I with
and the characteristic mass scale for the mesons to be set by
. This mass scale manifests itself in the dual geometry via D7 embedding that stretches from
. Now, if we consider the trivial embedding where the pull back metric is the spacetime metric and the brane is a point in the transverse directions with the embedding function being constant, then the brane will slide down to the region
due to gravitational pull. If we consider the brane to have some shape, i.e., the embedding function is not a constant, then it will be possible for it to end at
, just like the U-shaped embedding in [
12]. However, the spectrum analysis becomes quite involved for a non-trivial embedding, since the gauge fluxes and embedding will be coupled.
One alternative to avoid such complications is to cut off the geometry at
and only consider the
region. In this scenario, the constant embedding
brane will extend from
will provide the characteristic scale of the mesons. For instance, all the meson masses will be expressed in units of
. In the following analysis, we will introduce
as a cutoff in the geometry, which essentially acts as an IR cutoff in the gauge theory. The cutoff geometry will have the same form (
1) as its action with the boundary condition for metric and fluxes at
consistent with the bulk solution without the cutoff.
To draw a parallel with the celebrated Sakai–Sugimoto model [
14], we T-dualise the metric (
2) along the
coordinate of the conifold geometry and analyse the DBI action of a single D6 brane. We pick world volume parametrisation
and the brane is a point inside
with the embedding:
. The induced metric and
B-field on the D6 world volume are:
u is a
squashing parameter describing a squashed sphere at the base of the cone. Since we will only consider
, we do not show its dependence on the RR fields; and
are kept independent of
u. Also, note that the warp factor
above is only valid for Region I and we are considering a region away from the resolved/deformed base. Thus, essentially, we consider the T-dual of the warped squashed
. Solving the embedding equation for
, one finds that
is a solution [
3]. For the study of the meson spectrum, one needs to study fluctuations of embedding for which the more convenient coordinates are
In this new coordinate system, the constant embedding is described by . Also note that the coordinate transformation makes the IR cutoff manifest since the new coordinate spans the entire cutoff geometry. Finally, if is bigger than the deformation parameter that appears in Klebanov–Strassler theory (The deformed conifold is characterized by non-zero size of at base of the conifold, which in turn determines the scale of confinement. The size corresponds to expectation values of gauge invariant combinations of bifundamental fields and gives a length scale. If is bigger than this length scale, then the cutoff geometry can be identified with regions of deformed cone.), we effectively consider mesons heavier than the confinement scale.
3.1.1. Vector Mesons Action
The vector mesons arise by considering the gauge flux (
) along the Minkowski (
)- and
Looking at the terms quadratic in
in the DBI action, we have:
; and
are even functions of
Z, which also have non-trivial dependence on
M. The algebraic expressions of these functions can be found in [
We now expand
in eigenmodes using two sets of eigenfunctions
Focusing on terms proportional to
, we obtain terms reminiscent of the vector mesons terms of QCD.
We will now impose the following conditions on
is the effective squared-mass of each vector meson and
is the eigenvalue of the corresponding mode. As expected, the mass scale
is given by
. From the last two equations, we can derive the following identity:
Using the above relation, the action (
11) takes the form resembling QCD.
and thus
can indeed be identified with the vector meson mass.
3.1.2. Vector Mesons Spectrum
We now solve the eigenvalue Equation (
12) by using simple perturbation techniques with
as the controlling parameter. We introduce some notation to write the problem in terms of a differential operator
acting on its eigenfunctions
We can now solve Equation (
16) up to the first order in
obtaining the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues [
3]. We impose that the eigenfunctions be normalisable so that the orthogonality condition in (
16) is satisfied. At zeroth order in
, the eigenfunctions are given in terms of Bessel’s functions of the first kind.
C is determined by using the zeroth-order normalisation condition. The eigenvalues are obtained by solving the following equations, which we expect for odd and even functions. These conditions also guarantee perfect orthonormality of the eigenfunctions:
For odd functions, we also add an extra
to make them truly odd. Using the same indexing as Sakai and Sugimoto, the eigenfunctions are summarised as follows:
Now, the first-order correction to the eigenvalues of Equation (
16) is given by the well-known formula in perturbation theory and is expressed here as [
Thus, the first-order Hamiltonian and the zeroth-order eigenfunctions are sufficient to determine the eigenvalue and hence the mass up to the first order in .
Note that the determination of mass requires us to solve (
14) for which we need to perform an integral over all
Z. However, due to normalisability of the eigenfunctons, the integrand contributes insignificantly for large
Z. On the other hand, by taking
Z integration will be dominated by Region I. Thus, we conclude that choosing IR cutoff
arbitrarily small, the meson spectrum can be made independent of Region II and Region III and thus insensitive to UV modes of the gauge theory. Now, of course, we cannot choose
arbitrarily small, since then we need to consider a deformed, resolved cone and our analysis does not apply. However, the normalisability of eigenmodes suggests that even for reasonably large
, the mass computation will be dominated by Region I. This is not surprising since meson physics is a low-energy affair and UV effects can leave the IR intact.
3.1.3. Mesons Identification
We would like to verify if this effective model of large
N QCD shares even more similarities with the experiments by comparing the ratios of
of well-known vector mesons. In order to do so, we must first identify which kind of mesons are present in this effective theory by looking at their behaviour under charge conjugation (
) and parity (
). The parity operator is a Lorentz transformation flipping the space-like coordinates while charge conjugation corresponds to a flip of the
Z coordinate [
13]. Looking at the expansion of the four-dimensional gauge potential (
10), we conclude that
must be odd (resp. even) under parity/charge conjugation when
is even (resp. odd) in order for
to behave as a 4-vector and acquire an overall sign under charge conjugation.
Knowing the eigenvalues of each vector mesons under
, we can identify them using the Particle Data Group (PDG) database [
15], where we use their mass measurements
for comparison. Also, we concentrate on fields that are vectors of the approximate isospin
symmetry as was clarified in [
16]. In
Table 1, we summarise our knowledge of each of the vector mesons
both at the zeroth and first order in
Although the results to the first order in
presented in
Table 1 are slightly better than the ones of Sakai–Sugimoto [
13] and others [
19], so far the discussions have been confined to the massive KK modes of the
massless open string sector of the theory. However, open strings also have massive modes, and in principle, these modes can also be identified as mesons. As an example, in
Table 1, the
could also appear from the massive stringy sector of the model. For the AdS space, an analysis has been performed in [
20], where it was shown that the vector meson spectra do get contributions from the massive stringy modes. A similar analysis for our case is rather hard to perform because RR states do not decouple in the simple way as in [
20], rendering the quantisation procedure highly non-trivial. This means definite predictions cannot be made at this stage. Thus, for our case, we will continue to use the massless open string sector to study the vector mesons. The other three states appearing in
Table 1, namely,
, are only from the massless open string sector. In addition to that, the massless open string sector cannot be identified with scalar mesons of QCD, since a certain
symmetry is not shared by the theories, as pointed out in [
20]. Thus, our analysis is limited to the study of vector mesons. More details on the scalar meson including its spectrum have appeared in [