1. Introduction
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is the ability of a microorganism to develop resistance to antimicrobial agents like antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, and antiparasitics to which they were previously susceptible. The development of AMR is a natural process; however, human action is causing its development to progress at an uncontrolled rate. This process is now destabilising human, animal, and environmental systems. In response, the
World Health Organization (
2022) has now identified AMR as one of the top 10 threats to global health, with the number of deaths due to AMR estimated to exceed 10 million per year by 2050 (
O’Neill 2014).
In this context, recognition of the need for a regulatory response to AMR is growing, with calls for the mobilisation of regulatory tools and techniques now gaining ground (
Katwyk et al. 2019;
Murray et al. 2022;
Ming et al. 2019). This includes calls for macro-scale interventions like international agreements or treaties regarding AMR, while discussion regarding ‘regulatory interventions’ (
Glasziou et al. 2022) at the more micro-scale has also increased.
Primary care is one field where these calls for new or revised regulatory intervention have been active, with antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) a central concern in that discussion. AMS itself is an ‘organisational or healthcare-system-wide approach to promoting and monitoring judicious use of antimicrobials to preserve their future effectiveness’ (
Dyar et al. 2017). Effective AMS is required across all human, animal, and environmental systems for tackling the problem of AMR. However, primary care is a critical site for this work because intervention in this context has the potential to influence a significant amount of antibiotic use (
Hammond et al. 2020), with the primary care setting generating the most antimicrobial prescriptions in human health systems (
Costelloe et al. 2010), particularly where approved prescribers are those empowered to provide access to antibiotics for use in healthcare applications (
Glasziou et al. 2022).
Despite the importance of AMS in primary care for confronting the challenge of AMR, good stewardship continues to be difficult to sustain. In Australia, for example, antibiotics are prescribed for respiratory tract infections at a rate of 4–9 times higher than recommended by relevant guidelines (
McCullough et al. 2017), while management varies for paediatric cases according to the age and sex of the prescribing general practitioner (
Biezen et al. 2015,
2019). Variation like this is seen in both high- and low-income settings globally (
Klein et al. 2018;
Oliveira et al. 2020;
Sulis et al. 2020).
At present, efforts to enhance prescribing-related AMS are ‘still largely focused on finding the right ‘“AMS champions”—the right motivation (the right ‘carrot’ or ‘stick’) to empower clinicians to prescribe judiciously and push antimicrobial use in the right direction’ (
J. Broom et al. 2021, p. 2). Notably, this description of the state of the field regarding AMS uses language employed repeatedly in the field of regulatory theory and practice, with its concern with how to influence the flow of events (‘push…in the right direction’) towards desired ends, while also mirroring the frequent use of ‘carrots’ and ‘sticks’ metaphors in regulatory writing. Moreover, the antibiotic prescribing encounter in the primary care setting has been recently described as ‘regulatory in nature’, with evidence that primary care patients themselves conceive of it in this way (
Carter 2022).
While there is a resonance between the AMS literature and contemporary regulatory writing, there are important differences too. The AMS literature differs from much of contemporary regulatory writing by its holding fast to a strong ‘centre’ in its understanding of how its phenomena of interest (AMS and AMR) are constituted, shaped, and produced. The strong centre of the AMS literature is the prescriber. By contrast, most contemporary regulatory thinking takes an analytic and normative view of how the world is constituted, shaped, and produced through regulatory processes of multisourced social control in ‘a world of distributed regulatory capacities and enforcement’ (
Drahos and Krygier 2017, p. 6). The strong ‘centre’ of the AMS literature contrasts markedly with the ‘polycentric’ and ‘decentred’ (
Black 2008) world of regulatory theory and practice.
While governance is about ‘providing, distributing, and regulating’, regulation is a narrower subset of governance concerned with ‘steering the flow of events and behaviour’ (
Braithwaite et al. 2007, p. 3). Regulatory tools, techniques, and thinking may offer a great deal for meeting the challenge of AMS in primary care by contributing to this task of steering the flow of events towards better futures for AMR. However, this dissonance between a field understood in terms of a strong ‘centre’ and contemporary regulatory thinking that is attentive to multisourced and distributed regulatory capacity must be attended to if we are to get regulation ‘right’ in this setting. This article contributes to this effort. It does so by developing new knowledge regarding the foundational question of who or what regulates antibiotic prescribing in the primary care setting. To advance this aim, it draws on interviews undertaken with primary care patients in Australia regarding their experience of antibiotic prescribing in that setting. It analyses these data from the perspective of contemporary regulatory theory and practice, drawing ‘decentred’ and ‘polycentric’ regulation and governance perspectives into the discussion regarding AMS in primary care and the associated calls for regulatory intervention.
For these reasons, this article adopts a different focus from much of the regulatory governance literature. Instead of emphasising the traditional level of analysis somewhere close to a ‘whole of regulatory system’, it focuses upon the more micro-horizon of the ‘antibiotic prescribing encounter’ itself as experienced by those who are enmeshed in AMR-related regulatory systems: primary care patients. Through analysis of these encounters, it identifies the actors and mechanisms of action that regulate this perhaps most crucial lever in our response to AMR in the human health setting. It describes these regulatory actors and concludes that the regulation of the prescribing encounter is polycentric in nature, marked by the classic characteristics of polycentric arrangements (
Black 2001,
2002): a complexity of interactions between actors and of causation; marked by a fragmentation of knowledge, power, and control; the autonomy and ungovernability of actors; through whose interaction and indep-/inter-dependence regulation is co-produced, marked by a collapse of the public/private distinction.
This analysis provides a new empirical view of the prescribing encounter in the primary care setting. So too does it offer a view of prescribing encounters that differs from much of the existing policy and clinical research that centres prescribers and their behaviour, rendering visible the diverse actors that direct the flow of events in this domain beyond formal regulatory actors who use formal regulatory tools and techniques. It is hoped that this more socially enriched way of seeing and knowing may be useful for both regulatory governance efforts as well as those efforts around quality use of medicines and AMR, sensitising us to the influence of regulatory actors beyond those who have been subject to attention thus far in research and writing on the topic.
2. The Regulatory Field: Antimicrobial Stewardship and the Importance of the Prescribing Encounter in Primary Care
Inappropriate use of antibiotics is the major driver of resistance (
van Driel et al. 2022). In the face of this challenge, AMS aims to optimise the use of antimicrobials, like antibiotics, to ensure that patients receive appropriate therapy while also minimising the development of resistance (
Avent et al. 2020;
Dyar et al. 2017). When sustained, good AMS can significantly reduce inappropriate antibiotic use, applying finite antimicrobial resources in a more optimal manner, and thus reduce the speed at which AMR develops (
Avent et al. 2023).
Enhancing AMS in primary care is a priority area for action to slow the development of AMR. This is because primary care provides the first point of contact with health services and systems for most people with illness and because it is also where most antibiotic prescriptions are issued. As the first point of contact, primary care’s ability to provide early intervention to manage infection can reduce the need for antibiotic therapy overall, potentially preventing escalation of infection that may otherwise require hospitalisation or the use of second- and third-line antibiotics, which are more toxic and are important to preserve and protect from the uncontrolled development of resistance (
Zanichelli et al. 2023). As the generator of most antibiotic prescriptions, any improvement in AMS in primary care influences a significant amount of antibiotic access and use.
At present, however, inappropriate prescribing is prevalent in primary care across the globe. In England, for example, research indicates that ‘most antibiotics are prescribed for conditions that only sometimes require antibiotic treatment’ (
Smith et al. 2018, i11) and that between 9 and 23% of all systemic antibiotic prescriptions issued by the English primary care system are potentially inappropriate (
Smith et al. 2018). Results of expert opinion review of English prescribing indicate overprescribing in respiratory presentations like acute cough (actual consultations resulting in a prescription 41% versus ideal 10%), bronchitis (actual 82% versus ideal 13%), and sore throat (actual 59% versus ideal 13%) (
Smith et al. 2018). Similar practice occurs in Australia, for example, where various studies indicate that a substantial proportion of antibiotics prescribed in primary care settings are unnecessary or inappropriate.
Avent et al. (
2023) report that an estimated 40% of all Australians received an antibiotic prescription in 2019, a rate far higher than in the European Union, with
Andersson et al. (
2022) reporting that an estimated one-third of prescriptions for antibiotics were inappropriate. Clinical guideline-concordant prescribing among general practitioners (GPs) in Australia has been reported to be suboptimal (
McCullough et al. 2017), while approximately 40% of GPs in relevant studies report that they have prescribed antibiotics to meet patient expectations (
Avent et al. 2023). This is compounded by the fact that a significant portion of all antibiotics prescribed in Australian primary care are broad-spectrum agents, which are more likely to contribute to the development of antibiotic resistance (
Avent et al. 2023).
Given the situation described above, the ‘antibiotic prescribing encounter’ is of central importance to achieving good AMS in primary care (
Hawes et al. 2020;
McKay et al. 2016). Prescribing is a core activity in primary care, and in health systems like those in Australia, there remains wide scope for prescribers to select and prescribe antibiotics. This flexibility available to prescribers means that prescription encounters are an important site for influencing the success or otherwise of meeting the challenge of AMR. All manner of other interventions may be successfully implemented further upstream from the prescribing encounter; however, these will be insufficient to achieve quality stewardship if ‘everyday’ or ‘micro-practices’ of prescribing and use are misaligned with macro-prescribing aims (
Grant et al. 2013). For this reason, understanding the nature of the prescribing encounter and the decisions and practices that emerge from it in primary care is important to achieving effective AMS and thus slowing the development of AMR.
Efforts to enhance prescribing-related AMS practices are active but tend to hold fast to a strong ‘centre’—the prescriber and their actions—in understanding and intervening in this field. Recalling the summary provided by
J. Broom et al. (
2021) above, efforts to enhance AMS are ‘still largely focused on finding the right “AMS champions”—the right motivation (the right ‘carrot’ or ‘stick’) to empower clinicians to prescribe judiciously and push antimicrobial use in the right direction’ (
J. Broom et al. 2021, p. 2).
There have been important efforts to criticise this focus on individual prescribers, including critical reformulations of the ‘problem’ of AMR as one of values and culture rather than of individual behaviour (
A. Broom et al. 2021, p. 452). But despite these critical interventions, the prescriber remains the ‘strong centre’ of the human health AMS literature and the systems it describes, including in primary care. This continues to be so even when broader (non-prescriber) components of AMS systems are brought into view, including governance, education, consultation support, pharmacy and nurse-based approaches, monitoring, and research (
Hawes et al. 2020). Patients, for example, are present in AMS models and frameworks and are seen as playing a role in AMS. However, synthesis of AMS systems literature in primary care provided by
Hawes et al. (
2020) demonstrates that this literature conceives of their role primarily as
recipients of education about AMS and AMR. Pharmacists and nurses have a role to play as well in AMS; however, the conception of their influence by the literature is confined to
secondary roles positioned as triaging, educating, or reviewing the prescribing decision through review, advice, and patient education (
Hawes et al. 2020). Governance too has been receiving increasing reference in the AMS literature. Multiple references to strategies, policies, action plans, and rules are now a common feature of the literature, and governance is now recognised as a component of an AMS system in general practice (
Hawes et al. 2020). However, governance is characterised as a ‘support’ to AMS in general practice, which itself remains prescriber-centric in its conception. Even with such a prescriber-centric conception of AMS,
Hawes et al. (
2020, p. 7) rightly note that ‘descriptions of responsibility’ for governance components of AMS in general practice are ‘often generic’ and vague, failing to identify the specific actor(s) responsible for the governance of AMS (
Hawes et al. 2020, p. 7). In other words, even prescriber-centric visions of AMS fail to ascribe responsibility for AMS to prescribers themselves.
Given the importance of primary care and its influence on AMR, this is a site at which regulatory efforts must be focused. There are at least two tasks required to advance a regulatory response to prescribing and AMR: first, an empirical inquiry into the operation of the field that asks, ‘who is regulating’ and ‘how are they regulating’ and second, a more normative task of asking, ‘who
should’ and ‘how
should’ they do so. This study contributes to the first of these tasks. It asks
who the regulatory actors in this field are and
how they regulate the flow of events. As is the case with regulatory research in other fields, this is an effort to view with a regulatory lens ‘worlds that present themselves as given’ and instead to see how they are ‘being constituted through subterranean…[regulatory] processes that have shaped events to produce these worlds’ (
Holley and Shearing 2017, p. 167). To do so, the next section provides an overview of contemporary regulatory theory, which has, over many years, has re-articulated the concept of regulation and what constitutes a regulatory actor in terms that require clarification prior to engaging the empirical question of who is regulating and how they do so.
3. Decentred and Polycentric Regulation
The term ‘regulation’ is often thought to refer to formal (legal) rules and legal techniques. The calls for treaties, law reform, and revision of subordinate legislation that have been the focus of writing on the regulation of AMR so far all sit comfortably with this definition. While these strategies or tools are an important part of regulatory efforts, a focus on formal legal rules or other legal techniques has been described as a ‘narrow’ or ‘juridical’ view of regulation (
Drahos and Krygier 2017, p. 4). For these reasons, contemporary regulatory theory and practice regard ‘regulation’ to be far broader (
Koop and Lodge 2017). Regulation includes legal and non-legal forms of norm-making, use, and enforcement (
Drahos and Krygier 2017), with regulation often described by the shorthand of attempts to influence the flow of events towards desired ends (
Parker and Braithwaite 2003;
Corbett 2016).
While the contemporary conception of regulation takes an expansive view beyond the narrow confines of the juridical, in like ways do they expand the regulatory vision beyond the state and formal regulators. Both positive and normative writing on regulation recognises a ‘redistribution’ (
Drahos and Krygier 2017, p. 14) of regulatory tasks and power across a multitude of state and non-state actors in the task of ‘flexible, imaginative, and innovative forms of social control’ (
Gunningham and Sinclair 2017, p. 133). As Julia Black put it, ‘[t]hus regulation is a mode of governance not just of government’ (
Black 2024, p. 24).
These perspectives are often expressed as forms of ‘decentred’ and ‘polycentric’ regulation or governance; ‘synonyms’ that ‘draw attention in different directions’ (
Black 2008, p. 140).
1 Descriptions of ‘decentred’ regulation seek to draw attention away from the state as an ‘exclusive command centre’ (
Drahos and Krygier 2017, p. 14;
Black 2001, p. 104), while ‘polycentric’ regulation draws attention towards the multisource nature of regulation, marked by a rising ‘interconnectedness’ among many ‘centres and sources of regulation’ (
Drahos and Krygier 2017, p. 14).
These decentred or polycentric visions of contemporary regulation have come to now appear in relation to contemporary challenges in health (
Ashworth 2024) and in relation to AMR specifically (
Carter 2022).
Blair and Petrik (
2021), for example, have recently described the production of AMR as emerging from polycentric field conditions.
2 In their description, AMR is a challenge produced by multiple actors that includes the state, but also individuals and organisations who direct the flow of events regarding AMR through independent decision-making and ‘cumulative actions’ that affect everyone (
Blair and Petrik 2021, p. 2). In light of these polycentric field conditions, they ask, ‘how an external authority can influence [these] collective action issues regarding AMR’? (
Blair and Petrik 2021, p. 2). In so doing, they summon the great ‘other’ (
Black 2001, pp. 105–6) of polycentric regulatory theory, that of regulation by the state as an exclusive command centre, thought to be reliant primarily upon tools of juridical technique and authority. In response, they suggest that given the field’s polycentrism, polycentric approaches to regulation ‘could ensure the necessary progress in this critical area’ (
Blair and Petrik 2021, p. 5).
Despite the potential of polycentric or decentred perspectives for understanding and action regarding AMR, the influence of these perspectives remains limited. As indicated above, one reason for this is that in the broader human health literature, considerations of AMR remain marked by a strong ‘centre’ and, with it, an emphasis on technocratic and juridical technologies of rule, features that are otherwise de-emphasised in decentred and polycentric conceptions of regulation. In that literature, the prescriber and their actions are given the central role in the dominant conception of how AMR is produced in human health settings. This centring of the prescriber brings with it an allied focus on technocratic and often juridical technique, seen in the ever-present polarity of compliance vs. non-compliance with prescribing guidelines or rules. From this polarity then follows efforts to develop surveillance capabilities regarding both resistance and antimicrobial prescription and use, including in the primary care context (
Hawes et al. 2020), often accompanied by the figure of educational interventions as a path to identifying, judging, and thereby influencing ‘correct’ and ‘incorrect’ prescribing behaviour (
Hawes et al. 2020;
A. Broom et al. 2021); all regulatory governance techniques that are juridical in nature.
Considering the calls to direct the flow of events towards better futures for AMR by way of regulatory means, urgent work is required to interrogate the seeming dissonance between contemporary regulatory thinking that emphasises decentred and polycentric arrangements and a view of AMR that holds fast to the strong ‘centre’ of the prescriber and associated juridical techniques of governance.
5. Regulators of Antibiotic Prescribing and Use in the Primary Care Setting
Participants identified eight distinct regulatory actors in their interviews (
Table 1). These are presented in approximate descending order of the frequency with which participants referenced each actor:
The ‘regulatory actors’ identified by participants include both state, non-state, institutional, individual, and non-human actors, who participants identified as having a strong influence over the flow of events in the prescribing encounter.
‘Regulatory actors’ are identified in this analysis by the presence of a strong influence or direct agency ascribed by participants. These actors were described by participants as influencing the flow of events. In contrast, other factors were described as having indirect influence over the encounters they describe. By way of illustration, many participants described gender as a significant influence on the prescribing encounter. Whether it was poor cultural and medical attitudes towards women and pain, intergenerational memory of poor medical treatment suffered by women in a participant’s family, or the straightforwardly sexist views or behaviour of prescribers, participants cited gender and gender-related practices as influencing the flow of events in a prescribing encounter. However, the influence of gender was always expressed in and through a particular regulatory actor. For example, one participant spoke about their selection of a GP as based on the practitioner’s gender, or that another participant’s reasons for acting in the prescribing encounter were motivated by gender-related poor medical treatment experienced by the participant. Given pluralistic approaches to regulation, there is scope to consider the inclusion of these regulatory influences as regulatory actors in their own right. However, what was finally determinative in this analysis was the respondent’s own construction of each potential regulatory actor or influence coupled with regulatory theory; in short, if a potential actor was ascribed the sort of strong influence over the flow of events, it was classified as a regulatory actor, while those more ‘cross-cutting’ influences over the flow of events were categorised as regulatory influences.
This approach to the identification of regulatory actors differs in one regard from many of the definitions used in regulatory theory—the question of intentionality. Julia Black’s well-regarded definition of regulation includes reference to intentionality as a defining feature of regulation.
Black (
2002, p. 26) writes that regulation is a
…sustained and focused attempts to alter the behaviour of others according to defined standards and purposes with the
intention of producing a broadly identified outcome or outcomes, which may involve mechanisms of standard-setting, information-gathering, and behaviour modification (emphasis added).
There is some debate regarding intentionality and its place in definitions of regulation (
Kingsford-Smith 2002;
Ashworth 2024), with some writers regarding goal-directedness or intentionality as a necessary limit on the concept in order to make it a useful one. The approach outlined above prioritises participant’s own views of the key influences on the flow of events regarding prescribing and follows in a line of regulatory scholarship that recognises that ‘fixed notions of who counts as a regulator and regulatee have been shaken’ (
Ashworth 2024) by a thoroughgoing decentering of formal regulators and formal techniques of regulation. This decentering includes a re-thinking of intentionality and goal-directedness, where regulation can be something that ‘quite simply “happens” through interactions of social actors, sometimes even regardless of subjective intentions’ (
Ashworth 2024, p. 866).
Intentionality, or goal-directedness, is, however, not entirely absent in this study. The intentionality or goal-directedness of regulatory actors identified by participants in this study can be inferred in some instances, but in others it cannot be known without further research. The identification of employers and family and friends as regulatory actors is a useful illustration of this question of intentionality. These actors act with intentionality and goal-directedness and so meet even the more traditional view of a regulatory actor that centres intentionality. Naturally, their goals may differ from those of other actors and indeed may differ from the goals of good AMS. They may have no intention to ‘regulate’ antibiotic prescribing. However, they act with intention, and such diversity of actors and intention/goals is a feature and challenge of polycentric regulatory arrangements and approaches to regulation, often described as the challenge of harnessing (
Gunningham and Sinclair 2017;
Gunningham et al. 1998) or enrolling (
Black 2003,
2024) regulatory capacities of multiple regulatory actors (
Gunningham 2017).
As outlined in further detail below, the inclusion of the patient’s somatic and emotional experience of illness is perhaps the clearest outlier in the list of regulatory actors examined here. The emphasis placed on the somatic and emotional experience of illness itself—rather than on the person who experiences these aspects of illness—is novel. These are experiences of the patient/participant produced as they make contact with illness and other actors. These somatic and emotional experiences are matters that therefore influence a patient’s own self-regulation and through this the patient’s own influence on the prescribing encounter. On this view, it would be defensible to render the somatic and emotional experience of illness as a regulatory influence on the patient (as a regulatory actor). However, strikingly absent from the interviews themselves is any clear sense that patients/participants regard themselves in a manner that would justify their classification as a regulatory actor, including but beyond the specific question of the influence of the somatic and emotional experience of illness. I hypothesise that this occurs for at least two reasons. First, the influence of the somatic and emotional experience of illness was central to the experience of the prescribing encounter as described by participants. Illness—and its emotional and embodied experience—was required for patients to seek a consultation, let alone an antibiotic prescription, and the somatic and emotional experiences were a significant influence over events for the patient. In short, the somatic and emotional experiences of illness were a very strong figure for participants, clear and sharp and at the forefront of their experience set against a more diffuse (back)ground that included their own role as a regulatory actor. Second, participants described the influence of this experience in terms that indicated a ‘gap’ between their own self and the illness and its somatic and emotional experience. Signals of this ‘gap’ between the patient’s own self and illness and its experience included descriptions of illness where a patient had ‘a[n] illness’ (not, ‘I was ill’) or ‘I was addressing the [illness]’. This seems to indicate that the phenomenon of illness is experienced phenomenologically as somewhat separate from the self, contrasted with language that may have been used to indicate psychological ownership and integration indicated by language like ‘my throat was sore’ or ‘I was ill’ or ‘I was in pain’. This is perhaps, in part at least, an effect of the distance in time between the interview and the prescribing encounter they were describing, with the ‘gap’ in time reinforced by the request to recall and narrate an experience from the past rather than one in the present moment. So too is it likely an effect of the interview task itself, asking participants to narrate and describe the prescribing encounter and associated questions ‘from their perspective’, an approach that may render invisible some aspects of the participant’s own action. In the end, the somatic and emotional experience of illness was ascribed such significance as an influence over the flow of events that it has been included here, accompanied by further discussion regarding that inclusion below.
The following sections provide an overview of each of the regulatory actors identified by participants. This includes a description of their role in the prescribing encounter itself, mechanisms of influence over the encounter, and related antibiotic decision-making or use.
5.1. Prescribers
Participants described prescribers as exerting a strong influence over the prescribing encounter. However, their role was by no means universally described as the primary regulator of the flow of events, nor as one able to exert or exercise their will in isolation from other regulatory actors. Instead, a multitude of other regulatory actors were seen to influence the flow of events in the prescribing encounter and indeed restrain and influence the prescriber’s own action.
There were three primary mechanisms of prescriber influence over the flow of events. First, that the prescriber possessed and applied a particular ‘style’ that included cultural and interpersonal features. Second, that they inhabited and exercised a form of ‘office’ as a medical practitioner and prescriber, situated within a set of legal and professional duties, powers, and responsibilities, some ascribed to them by the patient, others referenced in encounters by the prescriber themselves as justification for their action. Finally, the prescriber’s mobilisation of their ‘belief in their patient’ was a significant mechanism for their influence over the flow of events. This included a mobilisation of mutual trust and practices of joint decision-making regarding prescription and use, as well as mobilisation of ‘real’ and ‘worthy’ suffering, the ignoring of women’s experience and pain, and the application of private standards (including beauty standards) to antibiotic decision-making, all steering the flow of events toward or away from better AMS practices.
The ‘style’ of the prescriber was a matter of significant focus for participants. These ‘styles’ were the cause of a range of reflections; however, participants were able to articulate clearly connections between style and the co-creation (‘it is almost a mutual situation’) of the prescribing encounter. Style influences the selection of prescribers (‘…there’s another GP at the practice, the only one that I will never see. She has absolutely no cotton wool. There is no filter, and she can be quite judgmental’) as well as the nature of the prescribing encounter as more or less consultative and co-created (‘…She has her own views on how things should be done [about prescribing antibiotics]’). Selection and style were most frequently described as influencing practitioner selection towards those who were able to co-create a prescribing encounter marked by a ‘negotiation’ between medical knowledge and skill, the various needs of the patient, as well as support for the patient’s experience of illness and suffering: ‘I want to know the truth…but I also want a little bit of kindness.’
Multiple prescribers featured in the experience recounted by participants. However, in all instances, prescribers were general practitioners working in community general practice. In the Australian primary care system, general practice is predominantly a private sector service, where eligible patients receive a fixed fee remittance related to the provision of a recognised service by Australia’s universal health insurance system, Medicare. There are very few restrictions on the selection and engagement of general practitioners by patients, with no compulsory enrolment system or similar mechanism restricting choice of practitioner.
For some, their engagement with multiple prescribers was a strategy used to seek high-quality information and support. For others, this was a feature of having a regular engagement with different prescribers as a negotiation between the quality of prescriber and their services, cost considerations, accessibility, as well as those who were identified as particularly skilled in different areas of practice (e.g., mental health services). When asked, few participants interpreted these multiple relationships as problematic in terms of AMS, assessing this practice in more positive terms, for example:
I don’t even know if it its doctor shopping… When you see a specialist, getting a second opinion is not necessarily a bad thing. When you’re in a hospital, they’ll have a whole team of doctors who will come [and see you], and they’ll all have their own opinion, and they’ll work it out together. Sometimes medicine’s easy, but a lot of the time it is not.
5.2. A Patient’s Somatic and Emotional Experience of Illness: Pain, Suffering, Desire, Fear
Illness, together with its embodied and emotional aspects, is an important regulator of the prescribing encounter. Fundamentally, this is because participants in this study did not narrate considering or seeking out antibiotics unless it was in response to the appearance of symptoms and illness.
What is termed ‘illness’ here includes a range of conditions and experiences at the centre of participant accounts: acute conditions that necessitated inpatient admission, chronic and recurrent infections like UTIs or dermatological infections treated in the community, and less defined bacterial or viral infections associated with fever, pain, and malaise. Despite this variety, a common theme was the power of illness as a regulator of prescribing encounters. Illness and its lived experience were ascribed causal and instrumental power in relation to the prescribing encounter. Illness experiences were expressed holistically, with integration between emotional and physical aspects surfacing together in accounts of illness. Broader cultural aspects of illness and embodiment, particularly regarding women’s experience and the gender of practitioners, formed a leitmotif in the accounts provided by many participants.
The mechanism of action ascribed to the experience of illness as a regulator of the prescribing encounter was seen primarily in the motivational power ascribed to illness. When describing prescribing encounters, participants positioned illness as chronologically prior to the prescribing encounter, with the experience of illness a motivator for initiating a prescribing encounter: ‘I had a sore throat and went to the doctors…’; ‘I had rosacea [or acne]…for the last sort of five or six years…I finally did see someone about it’; ‘I was addressing the upper-respiratory tract infection and not letting it drag on’.
In describing their experience of illness and its influence on the prescribing encounter, participants presented rich contextual material regarding the emotional and physical aspects of illness. They repeatedly provided clear and sustained accounts that emphasised symptoms experienced at the time of onset, linking this experience with antibiotic prescribing encounters: ‘people feel as though if they’ve gone to the doctor and said, “Look I’ve got the sore throat.” You know, “I haven’t come to just have a chat. What are you going to do for me?”’ These illness experiences, including their emotional aspects, were key influences over the prescribing encounter, primarily as a motivation for patient-initiated action. In the three encounters referenced immediately above, for example, pain, the emotional experience of judgement and stigma from others and a prescriber, as well as the experience of somatic and emotional ‘relief’ from initiation of antibiotic therapy, motivated these participants to initiate the prescribing encounter as well as subsequent antibiotic-related behaviours like following through with a referral to a specialist medical practitioner or managing illness with the support of sick leave from work.
Emotion featured frequently in the description of illness and symptoms, including the experience of what participants described as physical symptoms, in their description of prescribing encounters themselves and the experience of the days following the encounter. So too did it arise in the ‘here and now’ of the research interview, as participants expressed emotion during reflections on prescribing for themselves, for others, or more generally in relation to views and discussion regarding AMR, AMS practices, and the health and medical system. This was particularly pronounced regarding women’s experience. One participant expresses the tenor of this theme well with her statement that ‘We don’t want to talk about women’s bodies. We don’t let women talk about women’s bodies’. That women have ‘bad experiences with doctors’ featured regularly in recounting beliefs about the prescribing encounter and why the flow of events took different paths or why participants themselves decided to exert influence over the flow of events. These were related to antibiotic prescribing but also about wider experiences of medical treatment, including pain management and pregnancy and childbirth. Words like ‘dismissive’, and ‘bullshit’, peppered these accounts, with a failure to spend sufficient time with patients and a failure to pay attention to concerns and experiences of women, the result of such dismissiveness. These experiences led to changes in the knowledge, beliefs, and practices of participants. These experienced thus generating a new influence over the prescribing encounter. This included a desire or need for prescribers to build and deserve trust following these experiences, a desire or need that seemed to be stronger in relation to male prescribers who had to earn and maintain trust with women participants due to poor historical experiences with prescribers. In light of these experiences, female participants attempted to redirect the flow of events around prescribing by selection of practitioners based on gender or other characteristics in response to these experiences and to avoid further gender-based harm or poor treatment.
The gender of prescribers was a characteristic that was frequently mentioned and, for many participants, a factor that they believe influences their practice in positive or negative terms: for example, ‘I gave him more of an “in” into [the] female world that was not comfortable for him, and he wanted it to go away.’ Beyond individual practitioners, the profession and practice groups as a collective also received a gendered-analysis, in one case a male participant describing the profession in a process of change from a ‘boy’s club’, which influenced how the profession behaved clinically: ‘they were taught to be cohesive…Don’t betray the [boy’s] club.’
5.3. Family and Friends
Family and friends have one of the most significant influences over prescribing. They stand as trusted and accessible sources of quality advice regarding antibiotic use, shaping knowledge regarding infection and health-seeking behaviours, including decisions to seek a consultation or prescription. So too do caring responsibilities for dependent family members, particularly children, influence the flow of events regarding prescribing and antibiotic use.
The lived experience of family and friends regarding their own health and illness is a significant mechanism of influence over the flow of events regarding prescribing. This was due to more advanced age and ‘because they are more experienced’. Family and friends’ first-hand experience with illness was frequently signalled as a central influence on the prescribing encounter:
‘Well, I did talk to my family members because they’re more experienced, especially the first time it happened. So, I’m like, “oh, it is burning”… So, then I went back again [to the doctor], and also the [pathology and imaging] results did come back. Apparently, I don’t have a UTI at all! What I’ve got now is diverticulitis [laughter]’.
This mechanism of lived experience transmission includes the transmission of multi-generational memory of medical knowledge and poor medical treatment. This was a significant mechanism of influence over the flow of events regarding the prescribing encounter. As to medical knowledge, inter-generational (often parental) advice was a strong influence over choices to seek formal healthcare, and specifically about whether an antibiotic may be needed. For example, when recounting a choice not to seek a prescription: ‘…my mother said I wouldn’t have even bothered…It would just go away by itself.’
As to the transmission and influence of knowledge regarding poor medical treatment, women participants particularly reflected on changes in women’s access to and experience of primary healthcare over generations and described the effect of receiving transmission of these experiences or memories as being present in the decision-making in the ‘here and now’ of a prescribing encounter. They were also present in the auto-interpretation of their actions in interviews: ‘fundamentally, women aren’t taken seriously…What we say is given less weight than what men say at a base level in our culture’.
Participants reflected on their own participation in the transmission of knowledge as a mechanism that shaped their children’s approach to prescribing decisions: ‘Fortunately, my ex-partner is very much on the same page with how [our children are] raised as women. We’ve been very much about bodily autonomy forever.’ This included awareness of differences in attitudes to prescribing practices through a lens of generational differences within family:
…I think younger generations understand the dangers of over abusing antibiotics. But I think a lot of people in my [older] age group, if they want to teach their kids to go to the antibiotics, go to the antibiotics, maybe there is a problem, but I don’t think it is prevalent in older age groups because I think that they’re used to old ways of doing things.
Caring responsibilities for family members—not limited to, but frequently centred on children—feature as an important regulator of the prescribing encounter. This includes prescribing for dependents and children, but also for adult carers/parents of dependent children for whom the pressures and responsibilities of caring alter the stakes and expectations present in a prescribing encounter:
It was a bit off-putting, like, I’ve gone [to] all this effort, I’ve got [my children] up here, and you’re saying you’re not going to give me anything? The first couple of times I [experienced this], I [found] that off-putting…You know, they literally did “bed rest and chicken soup”. It was just something. I did find that disconcerting… I felt like [the prescriber wasn’t] doing the job properly.
Others reflected on the relationship between parents and prescribers, with a mix of positive experiences and others less so: ‘[Prescribers] almost expect mothers of my age to walk in and go, “My child needs antibiotics” right there…I’ve been guilty of that…[Prescribers] see that as [think], “Oh, here we go”’.
This relationship between parents and prescribers was often characterised through the lens of a duty to care for children’s well-being. This emphasised the difficulty of discerning the experience of children around pain and illness as a significant challenge and motivator for action regarding prescribing: ‘you just don’t know how they’re feeling…You know how you’re feeling, and you know your tolerance… You don’t know their tolerance…and you can ask them, “Is that hurting?”’.
5.4. Work and Employers
Work and employment practices exert a significant influence on the prescribing encounter and antibiotic usage. This occurs in two ways. First, the need for patient-participants to work functioned as a strong mechanism of influence on antibiotic decision-making. Second, workplace policies and practices influence the flow of events regarding the management of illness through access to sick leave, the need for medical certificates, as well as more general cultures regarding illness and the legitimacy of seeking care.
In relation to the necessity of work, participants described work commitments as a significant factor influencing how they approach the management of illness both for themselves and dependents. Managing set working hours/shifts, availability, and access to prescribers outside of work hours and the need to resolve illness for self or dependents around those constraints featured regularly as influences over prescribing encounters and decision-making. Frequently, participants described accessing prescribers who were not a person’s regular practitioner due to barriers to accessing care outside of work hours. Participants described strategically negotiating ‘trade-offs’ between ‘watchful waiting’ regarding symptoms and illness versus seeking an antibiotic immediately in the context of upcoming work commitments. This process of negotiation applied to the management of a participant’s own illness, but particularly so when exercising caring responsibilities for dependent children.
Workplace policies and practices, most notably regarding the availability and governance of sick leave, were a repeated feature of discussions by participants. Sick leave and attendant cultures regarding the legitimacy of seeking care were positioned as a major influence over the prescribing encounter. Sick leave was often described as governed by a workplace demand for a ‘medical certificate’ issued by a prescriber or other health practitioner to validate leave: ‘They’re pretty hard on sick leave; you need to validate it and get a certificate’. These workplace governance arrangements became a regulatory mechanism as they drove patients to prescribers who could issue medical certificates and, in so doing, influenced decision-making regarding antibiotic use: ‘when I had an [upper-respiratory tract infection]…with antibiotics I’d still be able to work…I might take the first day off or something; otherwise, though, I wouldn’t stay home for that.’ For some, this relationship was quite direct, with the prescription and usage of antibiotics justifying time off work for recovery: ‘I could have antibiotics or not, and I just thought I’ll take them because it’ll mean a day off’.
The availability of leave in some workplace contexts was a particularly significant factor for those who had experience of casual work, a form of employment contract where no sick leave is available under Australian law (‘as soon as I walked into the office job [with permanent continuing employment and sick leave benefits], I just relaxed’), or other roles where leave was impractical: ‘When you’re sick, nobody’s around to cover you. You’ll end up having to come back and fix it up yourself, so why would you put that pressure on yourself?’
5.5. Publishers and Other Information Sources
Publishers and information sources were repeatedly cited by participants as important regulators of the prescribing encounter through influence over antibiotic seeking, decision-making, and use behaviour.
Information regarding the suitability of antibiotics for specific symptoms or illnesses featured frequently in participants descriptions of demand-side pressures on prescribing:
I went [to the GP]. I had a fair idea I’d be on antibiotics, which is usually the first line [treatment] … I just went in there, [the GP] gave me options on antibiotics…And yeah, I got the script, and I was out… [Interviewer: How did you know antibiotics were the ‘first line treatment’?] Just a simple Google search and it’ll tell you that [antibiotics] are generally the first line.
The use of handwashing, social distancing, and background knowledge regarding the appropriateness of antibiotics for bacterial versus viral infections were key practices that participants referenced as shaping the occurrence of infection and subsequent demand for antibiotics:
I suppose it is a lack of understanding of what infection prevention is. Like how disease spreads. Like how bacteria’s and viruses spread. And that there’re often modes of transmission. With one virus, it might be sort of on surfaces that you pick up and then don’t wash your hands, etc., without inhalation through the air….Aerosol… But I don’t think the public generally has a good understanding because of the way they behave. Like in supermarkets, they’ll come up within two inches of you: “Excuse me, can you back off a little bit?”
Many participants described a lack of concerted public information or campaigns as reasons for a failure to generate appropriate urgency regarding AMR and the stakes of good AMS (‘people only deal with what’s in front of their nose’). However, there was also recognition of varying degrees of quality of information: ‘I definitely just took my information from the government website. So, I made sure to sort of just weigh up information from the government site or from a health website, like a .gov or.org site, because I wanted to make sure that the information [was good]’.
Finally, the intersection between anxiety about symptoms or illness, the availability of internet-based information sources, and its role in driving demand for antibiotics featured frequently as a mechanism by which information sources and publishers were seen to steer the flow of events regarding AMS and demand for antibiotics:
Yeah, you are just Googling. Of course, you’re going to be anxious…You’re going to be, you know, kind of looking for the worst-case scenario because …one [option] is cancer, instead of, you know …just a “skin thing” …it is anxiety driven …Yeah, I think people need to remember…that just because you saw it on Google doesn’t mean it is correct …I personally do always Google these kind of things.
5.6. Insurers and Corporate Entities
Many participants identified a set of regulatory actors that included private sector insurers and corporate actors. This included pharmaceutical companies that featured regularly as influencing the prescribing encounter.
Participants generally described the influence of pharmaceutical companies in negative terms, with concern they had a ‘philosophy’ that one participant described as ‘making pharmaceutical [companies] really rich’. This influence was, on one extreme, seen to be a very strong influence on prescribing decisions through a ‘commission’ or other financial benefit earned by the prescriber for issuing a prescription. In this case, this view was associated with descriptions of prescribers failing to ‘really investigate or ask questions or take a look at you’, but just ‘basically typ[ing] up the [antibiotic prescription] before [a patient] even got into the room’. More moderate reflections on the relationship between prescribers, decision-making, and pharmaceutical companies sounded notes of concern: ‘that whole pharmaceutical company is right behind the doctors, they must be’, with questions about ‘what are the motivations? … [are they] about my health? or are they about making some money?’
Insurers and insurance-generated related influences over prescribing, with recognition that ‘even insurance companies’ are ‘getting involved in…programs for wellness’ and preventive medicine. These insurer-provided wellness and preventive programmes were contrasted with prescribing encounters that focused on ‘restoring people who are sick’ while preventive medicine did not ‘attracting as much funding’ as the alternative.
In this context of wellness and prevention, participants frequently signalled concerns regarding data collection that occurred in the prescribing encounter and its potential use by insurers and pharmaceutical companies: ‘Look, how private is the information [being collected]? How is the information being shared, and where is it going?’ There was almost universal knowledge regarding the practice of data collection and a very frequent reference to the potential benefits or risks to data sharing or use around prescription decisions, however, where addressed, this was almost universally one where openness to use relied on beneficial improvement to ‘policies and things like that’, otherwise, ‘I don’t know if I’d want my insurance company to have access’ to prescription data.
For both pharmaceutical and insurance actors, the overarching mechanism of influence over the prescribing encounter was one of an outright conflict, or more moderate tension, between financial imperatives on the one hand and a faithful loyalty to patients and to quality prescribing on the other. Prescribing encounters and associated decision-making were regulated through the working out of these tensions between financial imperatives, loyalty to patients, and quality prescribing. Regardless of the strength of the influence achieved by pharmaceutical or insurance actors, they influenced both the perception and action of patients and so influenced the encounter through this mechanism of action.
5.7. Health System Operators: Organisational and System Practices and Cost-Related Aspects
Health system operators and their organisational and cost-related practices were a major influence on antibiotic prescribing encounters and decision-making. The mechanism of their influence was complex. Delays, ‘wait times’ and cost-related factors appeared most frequently. These factors were most often described as a barrier to accessing a trusted or sufficiently skilled general practitioner, which subsequently influenced the prescribing encounter and outcome.
As Australian primary care operates in a predominantly private practice model, practitioners are free to set their own fees for services. This causes a significant issue where a private fee for service and the Medicare benefit paid for that service differ, causing a ‘gap’ that the patient must fund. These ‘gap’ and other cost-related aspects caused many participants to maintain relationships with multiple general practitioners. Practices of self-triage were described by patients, where evaluation of urgency and the risk that symptoms or illness presented influenced their choice regarding which general practitioner to access. Cost-related delays or inaccessibility of accessing diagnostic procedures and imaging were also frequently cited as reasons for initiating antibiotic therapy to manage risks that the illness presented. Accessibility of care for participants or their dependents ‘out of hours’ influenced their decision to seek or begin antibiotic therapy, which turned out later to have been unnecessary.
Cost-related influences were positioned by participants in relation to other aspects of urgency and risk. While urgency and risk were discussed as if they were awarded priority and the greatest influence for participants exercising choice, participants also described in detail the assessment and enactment of a range of trade-offs between cost, risk, and urgency of treatment. In general, high or unacceptable costs foreclosed access, frustrated access, and diverted access from preferred prescribers for many participants. These cost-related aspects influence the quality of the prescribing encounter that participants experienced, with frequent reflections provided by participants on the perceived influence of cost-related factors on the quality of AMS:
[this general practitioner] wasn’t a ‘bulk biller’ [a practitioner that accepts the scheduled fee provided by Medicare for their services without an ‘out-of-pocket’ fee, gap, or copay], she charged us extra, and we always found that you do get better service, more personal services… and, like, generally caring, if we had trouble with the kids, she’d often ring up. We’d been to the doctor, and she’d given them something, she’d often ring up and see how it was going. [For my] daughter… [she would ask] “how she’s recovering” or… “going with the…antibiotics.” So, it makes a tremendous difference, and you’ve got to have confidence in your doctor as well, I think.
Even just sitting in the waiting room [of a bulk billing practice] you feel like a second-class citizen almost.
Organisational practices and health systems operations featured as influences over the prescribing encounter beyond selection and access to a prescriber of choice. This included the role of diagnostics and decisions to initiate antibiotic therapy, considering access to diagnostic testing and the timeliness of results: ‘I think most bloodwork can come back within 24 h so doctors can understand what’s going on and go from there. And if you do have a bacterial infection, then why wait?’
Health systems operations similarly influenced the flow of events of the prescribing encounter, with a strong awareness by participants of the influence of health system functioning as a key field condition influencing prescribing encounters. This mechanism was described as an important influence on prescribers and their behaviour: ‘Doctors are completely “under the pump”. You just go into a doctor’s waiting room and see how long people are waiting for, and the doctors don’t look happy, they don’t look healthy, and they look tired.’ The most frequent outcome of these health system conditions was shorter than ideal consultation times, which participants recognised as less ideal for the purposes of quality AMS, a feature that one extended analysis by a participant puts in detailed terms:
Well, I think a mechanic would be the same. They’ll check, they will fix what is wrong, but usually, a good mechanic would say “Okay, I’ve looked over your car, and also maybe we can also work on X, Y, Z.” Where I think the difference for a plumber is that it is much harder to review a whole house. But a mechanic would be very similar. In that, they’ll fix a problem but also have a look at everything how the whole car was going. That was ideal. I know they only have 15 min, and they have their own thing, and it is tough. Especially in the medical clinics where there are a lot of people.
5.8. Formal Regulators and Authorities
Formal state regulators and authorities appear less frequently in responses by participants than other regulatory actors. However, there were references to these actors and their regulatory practices as shaping the flow of events around the encounter, nonetheless.
When explicitly referenced, participants identified formal regulators and authorities as ‘government’ (e.g., ‘the states are involved and the federal government [is] involved.’). as well as authorities or programs, namely Medicare and, less frequently, ‘the PBS’—the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme—one of the pillars of Australia’s financing of primary care services and medicines that provides subsidised prescription medication.
There was more frequent and consistent reference to meta-regulatory practices that influence the structure of the prescribing encounter prior to the individual encounter itself. Governmental regulators and authorities were seen to influence the prescribing encounter through these meta-regulatory practices using juridical mechanisms, including formal rules and practices of audit and surveillance. Regarding these juridical mechanisms of regulation, the primary reference was to the ‘need’ for a prescription as a formal legal requirement to access antibiotics, as well as referrals to access specialist medical practitioners or diagnostics (‘I got a prescription, got a referral…so I could…’). This extended to awareness of the effects of prescribing and poisons law that classifies some antibiotics as available only on prescription: ‘oh, you don’t need a prescription for these antibiotics [anymore]’, in reference to chloramphenicol (‘Chlorsig’), which formerly required a prescription in Australia. This extended awareness of meta-regulatory influences on the prescribing encounter included influence over processes of dispensing and use: ‘of course, if I run out of a prescription, because [the pharmacist] knows you, they’ll give you the prescription [medication], and then they expect you to…give [them a prescription] to them within about a week. I can do that. It may not be legal by the government…’
Other regulatory techniques, like that of audit and surveillance of prescribing, were seen as a key mechanism of influence used by state and formal regulatory actors. These worked by influencing prescriber and other health practitioner action and thus antibiotic access, supply, and use. In relation to audit and surveillance-based regulatory mechanisms, governmental programs for improving the quality use of medicines were referenced frequently by participants. This included references that referenced such programs that had an effect on prescribing: ‘[government] programs [have] probably created a bit of impetus for doctors to pay more attention to [AMS]’. These programs were referenced by participants alongside broader references to audit and surveillance practices that also influence the flow of events, including ‘governance meetings’ and ‘forums for doctors and other healthcare practitioners where they tell patient stories’. Most frequently, however, were references to audit and surveillance-based regulatory mechanisms used by state and other quasi-governmental authorities framed in reference to data, statistics, and systems and processes of data sharing:
It is terrific these days [with] Medicare, that can come up with those statistics. You know that this doctor down the road, ‘Dr. John’ is issuing so many scripts…and then probably you’ll find that this [other] doctor issues x number of penicillin [prescriptions] or something …down the road, is in a similar sort of practice [but that practice] is issuing something else or half the [pre]script[ions] at this place [for] the same number of patients…
6. Polycentricity and the Prescribing Encounter
AMR presents one of the most pressing challenges to human, animal, and environmental systems. Prescribing of antimicrobials, and particularly antibiotics in primary care settings, has been identified as a central modifiable driver of AMR and so a key target in efforts to more effectively meet the challenge of AMR. In response, there have been calls for the application of regulatory responses to prescribing, with a desire to see realised the focused and sustained attempts to alter the behaviour of others that regulatory approaches can provide.
As shown above, however, the regulation of antimicrobial prescribing in the primary care setting is a complex undertaking in a regulatory field marked by multiple regulatory actors. Contrary to the centrality awarded to prescribers by existing AMS frameworks, from the perspective of patients, the prescriber is decentered, and multiple sources of power and control each direct the flow of events regarding antibiotic prescription and use. Put in regulatory terms, from the perspective of primary care patients, the prescribing encounter and its AMR-related outcomes are a process produced through polycentric regulatory processes.
Julia Black (
2001) identifies five aspects or characteristics of polycentricity as it relates to regulation. These are complexity, fragmentation, autonomy and ungovernability of actors, interdependency, and the rejection of a clear distinction between public and private (
Black 2001,
2002). While these are something akin to an ideal type (
Black 2001, p. 105), reading the accounts of the prescribing encounter through these features assists in rendering visible the particular form that polycentric regulation takes to produce the prescribing encounter and its outcomes.
First, the prescribing encounter is produced in and through layers of complexity. There are numerous, overlapping, and complex interactions between the actors involved in the prescribing encounter and decision. While prescribers retain a command-and-control power to issue a prescription in the jurisdiction studied here, patients, family and friends, health system features, alongside work and employers all radically alter whether a patient presents for a prescription to a prescriber in the first place, to which prescriber they present, and how the prescribing encounter progresses. This arrangement of the regulatory field speaks to a question of the regulatory capacity of prescribers and their place in a polycentric regulatory field. Polycentric and decentered approaches are, in part, interested in harnessing (
Gunningham and Sinclair 2017;
Gunningham et al. 1998) or enrolling (
Black 2003,
2012) various actors into the regulatory project. These actors, however, must have the capacity to influence the flow of events for their enrolment to be beneficial. While prescribers do have the capacity to influence the flow of events, noting particularly their ‘gatekeeping’ role bestowed by the legal controls on the dispensing of antibiotics by way of a prescription, the capacity to exercise this function is attenuated by the influence of other regulatory actors. Amongst other things, the complex, overlapping interactions between various actors mean that various events, influences, and choices occur up to the point of prescription decision by a prescriber. As is well known in the AMS literature, patient, clinician, environmental, and other factors all determine the prescribing decision (
Avent et al. 2023;
Lum et al. 2018;
Sydenham et al. 2022;
van der Zande et al. 2019). Clinician-related determinants and patient-related determinants are mediated by practice environments and patient-clinician interactions that together determine antibiotic prescribing decision-making in primary care settings like Australia (
Sijbom et al. 2023). These interactions between actors are complex and, at times, intricate. Take, for example, the interaction between the prescribing encounter and work and employers described in this study. Workplace policies and practices regarding certification of illness for the purposes of sick leave influence the flow of events regarding prescription, while a patient’s own employment conditions change their ability and willingness to forego a prescription, to take time off in the face of illness, or to access prescribers of different quality, each of which participants describe as materially influencing the flow of events regarding the prescribing encounter. The prescribing decision is a result of this mixture of factors and complex interactions, generating a causal complexity that prescriber-centric visions cannot capture. Given this, sole or strong reliance on prescribers to exercise a complete and total gatekeeping role to achieve regulatory aims regarding AMS and AMR is likely an ineffective regulatory tactic, with circumvention and other influences in the regulatory field reducing the ability for this single mechanism to meet the regulatory goals regarding AMR.
So too is the prescribing encounter marked by fragmentation. This includes fragmentation of the exercise of power and control, but also of knowledge itself. Fragmentation of these types are signal features of decentred or polycentric arrangements, and it is clear from the description provided by participants that multiple actors operate to produce the regulatory outcome regarding an antibiotic prescription, with power and control shared between various actors and notably between the state, its agents, and non-state actors. Prescribers are one of many actors who share power and control over the encounter. Notably, family and friends, state regulators and authorities, health system organisations, as well as employers and workplace culture, each exercise power and control over the encounter. Agency is also ascribed to actors like the somatic and emotional experience of illness itself—where illness that produces symptoms of a certain form is the signal to engage in a prescribing encounter. So too are the medical cultures and histories that patients have been formed by ascribed influence, with poor medical treatment based on gender a significant feature of accounts of how the flow of events is shaped for participants in the here-and-now of a prescribing encounter. Not only is power and control fragmented in this regulatory field, but so too is knowledge. An asymmetry of knowledge between prescribers and patients is certainly present; however, the patient brings to the encounter knowledge(s) from a variety of sources, each of which shapes their approach to the encounter and interaction with the prescriber. In such a fragmented field, regulation certainly ‘occurs in many locations [and] in many fora’ (
Black 2002, p. 6).
While the degree of fragmentation is relatively high in this setting, there is also a relatively high level of disconnection between actors in this polycentric arrangement. The actors identified by participants as directing the flow of events each display a significant level of autonomy. Employers, for example, seem to act entirely in their own way and for their own reasons in this domain, influencing the flow of events in relation to antibiotic seeking and use as a byproduct of their seeking to meet other objectives. In like manner, the influence of family and friends over the encounter is highly autonomous, extending to histories and family lore regarding medicine and its practices that are formed prior to the encounter and which intervention in the here-and-now of a prescribing encounter may have limited success in discerning or altering. In this polycentric arrangement, prescribers, in whom a form of command-and-control power over antibiotic access rests in Australia, are decentred by the autonomous activity of other actors. These other actors redirect patients to different prescribers, arm patients with information about what symptoms and conditions are worthy of seeking antibiotic therapy for, steering the flow of events in ways that no single prescriber could fully meet and influence. Indeed, given this collection of highly autonomous actors, there is little chance a single regulatory actor could decisively control nor strongly influence the flow of events. Even the power of prescribers, armed with their monopolistic control of antibiotic access through prescription, is severely curtailed.
The autonomy and ungovernability of regulatory actors mean that no single regulatory actor completely dominates the process of prescribing, at least at the micro-scale of this regulatory field. Instead, independent agents unilaterally influence the flow of events—influenced by varying normative systems and goals—and are likely to be restricting the ability of other actors to act and potentially to reach their own objectives. This includes influence exerted by some actors unintentionally, or at least without intentionality regarding AMR. The totality of whatever configuration these forces take on in a particular time and place influences the flow of events either towards or away from desirable goals regarding AMR. Given these conditions, only by understanding this regulatory field as a whole system, and one that is greater than its component parts, will be adequate to understand and influence prescribing and its AMR-related outcomes in the primary care setting.
7. Implications for AMS and AMR
There are two high-level implications of this analysis for theory and practice in this domain. First, the existence of polycentric field conditions means that understandings of how prescribing works and indeed how it contributes to AMR-related outcomes should become more sensitive to the polycentricity of these processes. Second, associated policy, regulatory design, and regulatory efforts should thus be reoriented in order that they respond in ways that are able to meet the reality of a polycentric regulatory field.
What follows from these implications is that regulating in a polycentric field may require specifically polycentric regulatory strategies. Polycentric regulatory strategies are those that emphasise regulation as a ‘process of coordinating, steering, influencing, and balancing interactions between actors/systems’ (
Black 2002, p. 10). In other polycentric fields, regulatory intervention of this style is marked by the hybridity of both state and non-state actors, is multifaceted, and operates indirectly to steer the flow of events towards desired ends (
Black 2005, pp. 105–6).
Polycentric regulation, however, can present significant challenges, perhaps most especially for policy makers (
Black 2005, p. 106). In relation to AMR and its regulation, one significant challenge is the sheer number of actors whose actions influence the flow of events, many of whom lack intentionality regarding the regulation of AMR. This leads to further difficulties regarding the regulatory capacity of some actors, particularly where those are not organisational or institutional, and the influence of the high levels of autonomy and disconnection between actors.
As to each challenge in turn, intentionality remains central to many conceptions of regulatory design and work, including in approaches that explicitly account for polycentricity. To take just one such regulatory approach, nodal approaches to regulation and governance, for example, speak of ‘governing nodes…where attempts are made to intentionally shape the flow of events’ (
Wood and Shearing 2007 cited in
Holley and Shearing 2017, p. 165). However, in the regulatory field described here, many actors lack intentionality with regards to their shaping of the flow of events around prescribing and AMR, at least. How such non-intentionality can be accounted for in regulatory design presents a challenge for efforts to steer the flow of events, especially without resorting to state-centric command-and-control interventions as a forcing function to direct the action of regulatory actors who at present do not consider AMR in their own autonomous action.
So too are organisational characteristics important to regulatory design where, again thinking specifically of nodal approaches, ‘nodes are organisational sites’ or ‘institutional settings that bring together and harness ways of thinking and acting’ (
Wood and Shearing 2007 cited in
Holley and Shearing 2017, p. 166). Whether a non-institutional or non-organisational actor has the regulatory capacity to contribute to a more optimal regulatory effort presents a challenge for regulatory design. Prescribers, formal regulators, and health system operators may well have the character and capacity to participate in more effective regulatory efforts, but family and friends, publishers, employers, and the somatic experience of illness present more complex challenges for the policymaker tasked with regulatory design, where the character of the actor may well reduce their capacity to regulate or be enrolled in the task of regulating more effectively.
Finally, the relations between actors in this field are often highly disconnected and autonomous. Some actors are more connected than others, like health system operators and prescribers. Others, however, such as employers and prescribers, are highly disconnected, and indeed this may be a desirable situation in support of an appropriate distance between employers and healthcare decision-making. In many conceptions of regulatory design and strategy, a relationship between actors is an important feature. To take nodal approaches as an example again, the network relationship is an important feature of this approach, although some have recognised that so-called ‘Robinson Crusoe’ nodes can operate ‘in relative isolation from other sites’ (
Holley and Shearing 2017, pp. 164–65) of regulation and governance. What to do about highly disconnected but still influential actors is a challenge for responding to the regulatory challenge of prescribing and AMR.
These challenges regarding non-intentionality, non-organisational character, and disconnection between regulatory actors are a problem for the policymaker charged with improving the regulation of antimicrobial prescribing and no doubt a problem for AMR more broadly. However, part of this challenge may be a product of perspective. Seen ‘from above’, the regulatory field of antibiotic prescribing is indeed marked by a set of actors marked by non-intentionality, lower regulatory capacity, and disconnection from one another. However, from the patient’s perspective, things look somewhat different. The actors that patients describe as influencing the flow of events do so with intention, exhibiting strong regulatory capacities regardless of their organisational character, and they are connected to one another, at least in the moment of the prescribing encounter itself and most of all in the life of the patient-as-lived.
Finding a path towards connection and recruitment of these actors is essential. Part of this effort may well be to adopt a different standpoint—that of the patient. Failing to do so risks that the regulatory field is inaccurately characterised as a set of
discrete regulatory systems and influences with a subsequent focus on the technocrats charged (or not charged) with administering each (
McDermont and the Productive Margins Collective 2018;
McDermont 2019). If we arrive at this point, we have failed to see regulatory systems as they actually are, by failing to see how they ‘enmesh’ the lives of individuals and communities (
McDermont and the Productive Margins Collective 2018, p. 173). In so doing, there is a chance that we collectively miss the opportunity to support more effective regulatory responses to AMR.