Both the building industry and the building stock are energy-intensive sectors and cause significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Production, installation, transportation and disposal of building materials, and energy use are the main forces driving the current energy consumption rate. The building sector in the European Union (EU) accounted for 42% of total primary energy use in 2017 [
1]. To pursue the planned reduction of GHG emissions in the EU industrial sectors [
2], the European Commission set an ambitious energy performance for new buildings in the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive [
3] and the 2016 Commission Recommendation [
4] by defining nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEBs) and promoting their implementation in new buildings construction and renovation activities. nZEBs are defined as very energy efficient buildings whose low energy demand is to be covered by renewables. The quantification of the buildings’ energy demand is left to each Member State (MS) to decide according to climatic conditions and national methods for the energy calculations. This led to a variety of nZEB definitions across the MSs in terms of building categories, boundaries for calculating the energy inflows/outflows, and national input data used in the energy calculation [
5]. The European Commission highlighted that the national definitions of the nZEB are to implement levels of energy efficiency which should not be below the cost-optimal level of minimum requirements [
4]. The cost–optimal level is defined as “the energy performance level which leads to the lowest cost during the estimated economic lifecycle” [
3] from a financial perspective (lowest cost by considering the operational energy cost, the energy-related investment cost, and maintenance costs) and a macro-economic perspective (lowest costs and highest benefits for society as a whole). Cost-optimality of nZEB designs and solutions has been widely discussed in literature. An overview of publications on this topic is presented by Ferrara et al. [
6]. In this review, a cost-optimal primary energy performance of multi-family buildings is found between 120 kWh/m
2 years and 140 kWh/m
2 year for a global cost ranging from 250 EUR/m
2 and 400 EUR/m
2, for the regions in Europe with a humid continental climate according to the Köppen–Geiger climate classification. For such buildings, the U-value of external walls and roof vary between 0.12 W/m
2 K and 0.4 W/m
2 K, and between 0.09 W/m
2 K and 0.13 W/m
2 K, respectively. Most employed energy systems in residential (single-family and multi-family) and non-residential buildings falling in this climatic region rely on photovoltaic systems coupled with ground-source heat pumps. Kurnitski et al. [
7] determined the cost-optimality of a reference nZEB office in Estonia and found that the cost-optimal design was achieved by district heating and yielded 140 kWh/m
2∙y of annual primary energy use and negative Net Present Value (NPV) in comparison to the business-as-usual (BAU) scenario. This was achieved by reducing the building’s specific heat loss coefficient from 0.55 W/K∙m
2 to 0.25 W/K∙m
2 for the BAU and nZEB scenario, respectively. Hamdy et al. [
8] developed an optimization method for finding cost-optimal solutions of nZEBs. They applied their method of analysis to a single-family house in Finland and found that higher energy-price-increase scenarios make investments in renewables more favorable than increasing insulation towards passive-house solutions. However, on-site renewables come with the drawback of a high investment cost and thus small photovoltaic (PV) systems can compete with other energy saving strategies for reaching cost-optimality. Arumägi and Kalamees [
9] calculated the cost-optimality of a wooden nZEB kindergarten in Estonia. They showed that the most cost-effective solution for improving the insulation level of the building envelope is given by installing more energy-efficient windows first (max investment of EUR 13 per kWh/m
2∙y), and then by increasing the insulation thickness in the rest of the envelope (max investment EUR 80 per kWh/m
2∙y). Installation of PV panels gives the lowest investment per kWh of annual primary energy use. Niemelä et al. [
10] investigated the cost optimality of different renovation measures applied to a building in Lappeenranta University of Technology to reach the national nZEB requirements. They calculated the cost optimality by varying the power output of a Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP), the area of an on-site PV system, the thickness of insulation of the building envelope, and the insulation value of the windows. They found that a cost-optimal solution is given for a primary energy use of 95 kWh/m
2 year. By reducing the building’s target of primary energy use below 65 kWh/m
2, the increase in NPV is higher than the improvement of the building’s energy performance. They found that increasing the thermal insulation of the building envelope alone is not a cost-effective measure, whereas the largest improvement of the building’s energy performance is shown to be given by the on-site PV system.
To achieve the highest ZEB ambition levels (ZEB-COM and ZEB-COME), the GHG emissions-credit generated from the on-site renewables have to counterbalance the embodied emissions from materials production and their replacement. Therefore, moving from a nZEB to a ZEB requires an increased effort on energy saving measures and technologies and a holistic approach to reduce the building’s embodied GHG emissions. Moreover, given the GHG emission balance is based on the energy-to-emission conversion factor, high ZEB ambition levels (ZEB-COM and ZEB-COME) would be difficult to reach with a low-carbon-intensity electricity grid [
15]. Therefore, the large use of wood-based materials in substitution of concrete and other emission-intensive materials [
16] helps reducing the impact of one building’s embodied emissions to reach more easily such ZEB ambition levels. As occurred in many European countries [
17], the Norwegian building regulation (TEK) became more stringent in relation to buildings’ energy use and requirements for insulation values [
18]. As an example, the TEK 1997 defined an insulation values of 1.6 W/m
2 K for windows of rooms at temperature higher than 20 °C, and in its revision of 2007, a limit of 165 kWh/m
2 year of net energy need was defined for office buildings. The currently enforced TEK17 [
19] defines a maximum net energy need of 115 kWh/m
2 year and an insulation value of 1.2 W/m
2 K for windows in any room. However, as described in Sartori et al. [
20], the path towards ZEBs requires both better than BAU energy efficiency measures and the installation of on-site renewables. Environmental impact analyses of buildings are typically performed on a time-horizon of 50–60 years, which considers the average service life of buildings and of most of their components [
21]. Moreover, the impact of GHGs on the radiative forcing in the Earth atmosphere is typically calculated for a 100-year time-horizon [
22]. In such a perspective, buildings designed to target zero GHG emissions during their service lives sport solutions that are optimized for long-lasting environmental effects. On the other hand, most of non-residential buildings’ cost optimization analyses are performed with a time-horizon of 20 years [
6], which is in line with the recommendation of the Delegated Regulation (EU) No 244/2012 of the European Commission [
23]. This may lead to cost-optimized results that do not reflect the environmental benefits for which these buildings were designed.
This paper presents the results of a cost analysis of one of the demonstration buildings investigated in NERO. NERO is a Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action [
24] which aims at demonstrating technical solutions for the cost reduction in wooden nZEBs, compared to BAU practices. The Norwegian demonstration building investigated in NERO is a ZEB office building recently completed in Trondheim, the ZEB Lab [
25]. The ZEB Lab was designed to be a zero-emission building, and specifically a ZEB-COM office. For this reason, additional measures of thermal insulation and a large array of PV panels were implemented in the building to reach an energy performance lower than the requirements of the currently enforced Norwegian building code, the TEK17. The scope of this paper is to investigate if the energy efficiency measures used in the ZEB-COM design are profitable in relation to the minimum requirements of TEK17 standard, by extending the time-horizon beyond the recommended 20 years.