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Do Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Developments Expand Neighborhood Opportunities?

School of Architecture, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul 01811, Republic of Korea
Department of Urban Design and Planning, Hongik University, 94, Wausan-ro, Mapo-Gu, Seoul 04066, Republic of Korea
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Buildings 2024, 14(12), 3719;
Submission received: 23 September 2024 / Revised: 15 November 2024 / Accepted: 18 November 2024 / Published: 21 November 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Real Estate, Housing and Urban Governance)


Living in deprived neighborhoods not only reflects a lack of social networks, role models, and safety, but also indicates limited access to local establishments that provide daily necessities—all of which are crucial for residents’ social mobility. The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program—the most influential place-based housing assistance initiative in the United States (U.S.)—is one such program that strives to achieve this challenging goal. However, studies have shown that LIHTC units are often constructed in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods. Therefore, this study investigates the spillover effects of LIHTC developments on neighborhood resource availability that is essential not only for immediate well-being but also for fostering long-term social mobility. This study employed the propensity score method, the inverse probability treatment weight, and weighted linear regression to address the selection bias problem of developers’ site decision. This study finds that a neighborhood that received LIHTC development between 2010 and 2015 experienced a greater increase in the number of employees in grocery stores, healthcare providers, job-training centers, libraries, pharmacies, and recreational centers from 2010 to 2016 than neighborhoods without LIHTC developments during the same time. The significance of this study lies in its analysis of the effects of LIHTC projects on physical facilities while accounting for self-selection bias.

1. Introduction

Having access to secure and affordable housing is fundamental for individuals’ current well-being and future opportunities [1]. Decent housing does not only indicate the physical condition of the housing unit itself but also encompasses its surrounding neighborhoods [2,3]. It is well known from numerous neighborhood research studies that residing in unsafe and low-opportunity neighborhoods often negatively affects individuals through high levels of violence, inadequate public services, a lack of positive role models, and various forms of social exclusion [2,3,4]. These concerns have contributed to the ongoing demand for developing policies aimed at addressing the concentration of poverty.
Traditional neighborhood studies have primarily focused on individual social relationships, the socioeconomic contexts of neighborhoods, and their social impacts. However, there is a growing awareness among scholars regarding the role of local or community resources that offer access to daily needs and services in shaping disparities in social mobility [3,5]. In this context, numerous studies have investigated how sociodemographic environments are linked to the geographical pattern or accessibility of local or neighborhood resources [3,5,6,7].
This study, therefore, aims to explore whether the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program—a United States (U.S.) housing policy that supplies affordable rental units—increases access to neighborhood resources, such as grocery stores, healthcare providers, job-training centers, pharmacies, and recreation centers. Specifically, it investigates whether neighborhoods—located within the 101 largest metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) as of 2010 in the U.S. that received LIHTC developments from 2010 to 2015—experienced an increase in neighborhood resources from 2010 to 2016.
Since the Housing Act of 1949, the U.S. government has strived to provide “a decent home and a suitable living environment for every American family”. One such housing initiative is the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program, launched after the Tax Reform Act of 1986. The primary aim of this program is to produce affordable rental housing units for low-income groups. One noticeable attribute of this program is the engagement of diverse actors, including governments, private or non-private agencies, investors, and developers, in supplying affordable rental housing units. Specifically, each state-level agency receives federal tax credits from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) based on each state’s population size and has an authority to select development proposals submitted by developers for awarding the credits. Then, the awardees, mostly private developers, can obtain equity for developing rental units by selling the tax credits to private investors. Developers, who either redevelop or rehabilitate housing units, are required to comply with several conditions, often related to affordability, to receive the maximized annual credits. Through this complex mechanism, the program has efficiently supplied more than 3.5 million rental units from 1987 to 2023, making the LIHTC program as the U.S. “largest federal subsidy for place-based housing assistance” [8] (p. 572).
State-level agencies also establish their own preferences in regard to the developments by designing qualified allocation plans (QAPs) annually, outlining the specific priorities of each state that developers are expected to conform to. Developers are incentivized to align their projects with these QAPs, as state agencies prioritize projects that reflect their QAP guidelines. While variations exist between states’ QAPs, governments often prefer developing LIHTC units in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods. For example, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allows developers to receive up to an additional 30% tax credit if LIHTC projects are developed in Qualified Census Tracts (QCTs)—defined as “areas where 50% or more of the households have incomes below 60% of the area median income (AMI), or where the poverty rate is 25% or higher” [9] (pp. 153–154). This suggests that the LIHTC program intentionally promotes the supply of affordable rental units in disadvantaged areas.
Scholars have indeed provided evidence that QCTs are more likely to receive LIHTC projects than non-QCTs [10,11]. In addition, it is also found that LIHTC units are predominantly situated in distressed areas considering poverty, job access, and environmental quality [8,12]. Such consistent findings related to the siting pattern of LIHTC developments have raised a concern that the provision of affordable rental units through the LIHTC program may not significantly improve LIHTC tenants’ living environment in the early stage [13].
In this context, the long-term and spillover effects of LIHTC developments have been widely studied. Scholars have found that LIHTC developments increase housing prices [10,14,15,16] and decrease poverty rates [17], especially in low-income neighborhoods. One study suggests that LIHTC developments, on average, attract residents with higher incomes than the average household income of poor neighborhoods, explaining the positive spillover effects of LIHTC developments in disadvantaged and high-poverty neighborhoods [18].
Despite such extensive literature on socioeconomic status related to LIHTC developments, the spillover effects of LIHTC developments on local or neighborhood resources remain relatively understudied. Some studies on place-based housing expanded neighborhood quality metrics by assessing employment accessibility, crime levels, school quality, transportation costs, and environmental quality [8,12,19,20,21,22]. Moreover, only a few studies explored the walkability environment of subsidized housing [23,24,25]. Table 1 provides a summary of prior research examining the relationship between neighborhood opportunity—which extends beyond sociodemographic indicators—and the presence of LIHTC developments.
Therefore, it is also crucial to investigate how LIHTC developments influence surrounding local establishments that provide daily needs to residents. This study focuses on the fact that LIHTC developments can improve the physical environment by providing new units or rehabilitating old units, which could revitalize the surrounding neighborhood. At this point, an important question arises: What are the spillover effects of providing LIHTC units on the change of neighborhood resource availability? To address this question, this study relied on diverse datasets related to local establishments, socioeconomic status (SES), and LIHTC units. Table 2 provides basic information about the variables used in this study, which will be discussed in detail in later sections.
With these variables at the neighborhood level, this study employed the propensity score method (PSM) to create the inverse probability of treatment weights (IPTWs) and utilized those for conducting weighted linear regression analyses to address the selection bias on the projects’ locations. This process is to identify the consequences of neighborhood resource levels shaped by LIHTC developments.

2. Research Background

The LIHTC program is the main effort of the U.S. federal government to provide affordable rental housing units for economically disadvantaged populations [8]. The program basically subsidizes projects of developing or substantially rehabilitating old units. Given the primary aim of the program was to construct affordable units by leveraging the private sector—a different approach compared to other types of subsidized housing—one of the scholars’ main interests has been focused on the SES environments in which LIHTC units are supplied. This is because the location of these developments is influenced by both governments and private developers’ decision, unlike public housing, which is mainly supplied and managed by the public sector. Since the government incentivizes the placement of LIHTC developments in poor neighborhoods, such as QCTs, evidence suggests that developers have largely chosen socioeconomically disadvantaged areas for their projects [8,18,26]. Moreover, the developments also have shown spatially clustering patterns in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas [18,27].
While criticism of place-based housing initiatives exists, the LIHTC program also indirectly aims to revitalize communities by redeveloping or rehabilitating older housing units [28]. In this context, the spillover effects of providing LIHTC units on surrounding environments has been another key area of research. Therefore, previous research has widely explored how LIHTC developments impact housing prices or SES. In general, studies have suggested that LIHTC developments can increase housing prices or decrease poverty rates. One strand of studies found a positive influence of LIHTC developments on housing price, such as single-family units, especially in poor neighborhoods [10,14,29,30]. However, it is also important to note that these results were not consistent in high-income areas [16,31]. Additionally, scholars found that the clustering of LIHTC developments in a specific area can negatively affect housing prices [31]. In terms of the SES of neighborhoods, studies have revealed that LIHTC developments generate a decrease in poverty rates and an increase in minority proportions [10,16,17].
In addition to the traditional SES measure of neighborhood characteristics, accessibility to local businesses and other nearby resources is crucial. For example, given that LIHTC tenants are predominantly from low-income backgrounds, it is likely that a significant proportion will rely on public transportation for their daily commutes. This emphasizes the importance of having neighborhood resources within a reasonable distance. In this context, some studies have employed additional measures for assessing neighborhood opportunity, such as the quality of local schools and the surrounding environment. The existing evidence is not consistent. While one study found that LIHTC developments were often constructed near jobs and schools with higher proficiency rates compared to other forms of subsidized housing and voucher holders [21,32], other scholars have argued that LIHTC units are situated in neighborhoods with an unsafe, poorer environmental quality, limited access to transportation, and lower-performing schools [8,20,33].
These findings raise concerns that the provision of LIHTC units may not offer environments with better opportunity for accessing neighborhood resources to their tenants. Moreover, it has been suggested that LIHTC tenants tend to move into areas with higher poverty rates, lower-quality schools, and limited job access [20]. Since HUD has strived to not only secure enough affordable rental housing but also to promote community development, enhance access to opportunity, and foster social integration through housing policy [34], it is timely to expand the neighborhood metrics by focusing on local establishments and other neighborhood resources.
Establishments or local places that provide essentials services and quality goods—such as large supermarkets, healthcare providers, pharmacies, recreational centers, and job-training facilities—that are closely related to everyday life activities fundamentally influence individuals’ life chances. Specifically, scholars have theorized that engaging with neighborhood resources through their physical presence can improve both physical and mental health, form social networks, and enhance the likelihood of securing stable employment [3,5]. That is, neighborhood resources serve as vital platforms that connect individuals to the broader society. For example, scholars have found that having access to grocery stores that have fresh foods lowers the probability of having disease and obesity [35]; the presence of educational resources contributes to better parenting skills [36]; the physical proximity to healthcare providers reduces residents’ stress [37]; educational organizations—such as junior colleges, business and secretarial schools, computer training, cosmetology and barber schools, or other technical or trade schools—are crucial for social mobility [38]; recreational resources not only improve physical and mental health but also reduce neighborhood violence [37,39]; and attention skills can be enhanced by enjoying green spaces [40].
Therefore, this study aims to expand the measures of neighborhood opportunity by focusing on neighborhood resources. Although research has shown that LIHTC units tend to be sited in poorer and socially disadvantaged neighborhoods, the introduction of new physical environments through LIHTC developments may have the potential to improve the surrounding environment for tenants. By controlling the selection bias in developers’ decisions regarding their project locations, this study explores whether local business has been boosted from 2010 to 2016 following the LIHTC developments between 2010 and 2015.

3. Materials and Methods

3.1. Study Area and Datasets

To explore the spillover effects of LIHTC units’ provision from 2010 to 2015 on the availability of community resources measured in 2016, we focused on neighborhoods within the U.S. metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) that have a population of more than 500,000. These large MSAs, which consists of 101 neighborhoods, contained approximately 200 million people, representing over 60% of the total U.S. population in 2010. Following the previous work found in the neighborhood change and residential segregation literature, we define and measure neighborhood characteristics by using census tract-level data. Figure 1 presents the general location of 101 MSAs used in this study.
The unit of analysis used in this study is census tract—a statistical subdivision of a county with about 4000 people on average [41]. This spatial unit has been widely used by scholars as a proxy for a neighborhood to explore neighborhood change, neighborhood effects, and concentrated poverty largely due to the availability of socioeconomic data in relatively constant boundaries over time [17,38,42,43,44]. Moreover, its smaller geographic scale enables a more precise focus on areas where specific interventions are needed [45]. For example, HUD designates certain census tracts as a qualified census tracts (QCTs) if they have a lower median income or a poverty rate higher than 25%. This designation aims to incentivize developers to build LIHTC units in socioeconomically disadvantaged tracts by allowing for an increased eligibility basis. Notably, studies on the location of LIHTC units have widely relied on census tract level analyses. Scholars have explored the effects of QCT designation or socioeconomic status (SES) related to the location of LIHTC developments [10,11,20,46], while some scholars focused on census block groups, on a finer spatial level [47]. Following this tradition, this research utilized census tract level data to explore the effects of LIHTC developments on surrounding local establishments.
This study primarily relies on three datasets. First, from the 2006–2010 American Community Survey (ACS), diverse SES, racial, and physical environment variables were obtained at the census tract: population size, population density per square mile, percentage of non-Hispanic black residents, percentage of Hispanic residents, percentage of unemployed population, percentage of population whose income is below poverty level, and percentage of housing units by built years. This data proxies the SES environments of each neighborhood in 2010.
Second, this study utilizes the ReferenceUSA dataset to measure the availability of neighborhood resources at the census tract level for the years 2010 and 2016. This dataset provides the information of individual business establishments across the U.S., including the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code, the number of employees, the latitude, and the longitude—which indicate the location of each establishment. This study used the size of employees to not only measure the existence of establishment in a neighborhood but also to consider its size.
Given that neighborhood resources are essential for individual opportunities by providing access to daily basic needs, this study focused on local establishments related to education, food, health, and recreation: grocery stores, healthcare providers, job-training centers, libraries, pharmacies, and recreational centers. These resources, which have been extensively studied for their spatial patterns through longstanding research, are interconnected, each playing a critical role in fostering a supportive environment for residents. Therefore, ensuring access to these resources is vital for improving living standards and enabling residents to pursue future opportunities [3,5,18]. Table 3 outlines the types of establishments classified into these four categories.
The third dataset—HUD’s LIHTC Database—also provides each LIHTC projects’ detailed information, which includes the location, the number of units, and the year placed in service. This dataset contains the record of LIHTC developments from 1987 to 2023. Since this study is focused on developments from 2010 to 2015, 7874 projects—placed in service from 2010 to 2015—were retrieved from the total 53,032 observations, LIHTC developments from 1987 to 2023. The total number of LIHTC units provided through the 7874 projects from 2010 to 2015 in the 101 MSAs was 418,304, comprising approximately 70% of the total LIHTC units provided from the LIHTC program across the whole nation between 2010 and 2015.
With the location information—latitude and longitude—each observation from the ReferenceUSA and LIHTC databases was spatially joined to its representative census tract, assigning its census tract code. This study also excludes census tracts that have small data, having a population of less than 100 in 2010 or 2016, which can be considered as “uncommon and not generalizable”, to reduce any possible biased result [43] (p. 327). The final dataset for the analysis in this study consists of 44,092 census tracts. This combined dataset of SES variables, neighborhood resources, and LIHTC developments allows us to explore whether LIHTC developments from 2010 to 2015 increased the availability of neighborhood resources in their surrounding neighborhoods from 2010 to 2016.

3.2. Propensity Score Method

This study aims to identify the spillover effects of LIHTC developments on surrounding local establishments, which are termed as neighborhood resources in this study. However, the longstanding evidence on the siting patterns of LIHTC developments indicates that developers’ locational decisions are not random and present a systematic pattern, generating the self-selection bias issue [16,47]. In other words, specific characteristics or expected changes in neighborhoods will entice developers to decide on their projects’ location. For example, developers who pursue profit maximation may prefer to target neighborhoods that are expected to decrease in poverty or are already socioeconomically improving. As a result, the general patterns of sociodemographic characteristics between LIHTC and non-LIHTC neighborhoods at the initial stage (baseline covariates)—which are also theoretically influential on local business patterns—will show significant differences. This suggests that, without accounting for developers’ selection bias, investigating the effects of LIHTC units through ordinary least squares (OLS) regressions may lead to downward estimates [47].
However, achieving the randomized environment is mostly not feasible in many situations [48]. Therefore, to address the issues, scholars have employed the regression discontinuity approach [10] or utilized instrumental variable [47]. Another way of addressing endogeneity is by utilizing the propensity score method (PSM), which allows studies using observational data to create a pseudo-randomized sample [49,50]. This is “a technique that allows researchers to reconstruct counterfactuals using observational data”, and can reduce bias of observational data caused by the different distribution between the treatment and the control groups [51] (p. 192). A propensity score measures the conditional probability (whether receiving LIHTC developments between 2010 and 2015 in this study) of an observation (a neighborhood in this study) assigned to a treatment (neighborhood that received LIHTC developments between 2010 and 2015 in this study) by using the baseline (or observed) covariates (sociodemographic variables of neighborhoods measured in 2010 in this study). This indicates that if a treated observation and a controlled observation have the same propensity score, their baseline covariates will theoretically present a similar pattern [49]. Therefore, with the calculated propensity score for each observation, the aim of the PSM is to create a modified sample where the systematic differences of baseline covariates between the untreated and treated groups become negligible. Ultimately, this technique restructures our dataset into a pseudo-randomized sample, allowing this research to examine the effects of treatment on an outcome variable in an experiment manner.
While there are several methods to adjust the different distribution of covariates, this study utilized the inverse probability of treatment weights (IPTWs). First, this study divided neighborhoods into two groups: neighborhoods that received LIHTC developments between 2010 and 2015 and neighborhoods with no LIHTC developments during the same period. Second, the propensity score e = P(Z = 1|X) is calculated where e is the propensity score, Z defines whether an observation i received the treatment or not (Z = 0 for non-LIHTC neighborhoods—control group—and Z = 1 for LIHTC neighborhoods—treatment group), and X is a vector of sociodemographic baseline covariates (sociodemographic characteristics of neighborhoods in 2010) that have been associated with LIHTC developments. Third, the IPTW is derived as follows:
I P T W = Z e + 1 Z 1 e
Equation (1) indicates that the IPTW of each observation is “equal to the inverse of the probability of receiving the treatment that the subject received” [49] (p. 3663). This is because if a neighborhood j is in the control group, 1 − Z becomes 1 as Z j equals to 0 and e j indicates the probability of not receiving LIHTC developments, which leads to 1 − e j as the probability of receiving LIHTC developments.
In this study, the propensity score e was derived by employing a logistic regression, a valid and widely used method for this approach [52,53]. In general, it is recommended to include variables that theoretically influence the process of treatment assignment [49]. Studies on LIHTC have found that LIHTC developments are disproportionately located in areas with lower incomes, higher poverty rates, greater population density, and a higher proportion of black and Hispanic residents [16,20,27,30]. This study, therefore, incorporated several sociodemographic variables identified by previous research as influential factors in developers’ determining the LIHTC location: the natural log of population size, natural log of population density per square mile, percentage of non-Hispanic black residents, percentage of Hispanic residents, percentage of unemployed population, percentage of population whose income is below poverty level, percentage of housing units by built years, and a dummy variable for LIHTC developments located prior to 2010. The inclusion of the housing unit age variable reflects the tendency for central areas to have older housing stock. Some variables, such as median income and percentage of educated residents, were excluded due to high correlations with the selected variables. The model specification is as follows:
L I H T C 2010 2015 ,   i = α + β X 2010 ,   i + γ L I H T C p r e v i o u s ,   i + ε
where L I H T C 2010 2015 ,   i is a dummy variable, indicating whether a neighborhood i received LIHTC developments between 2010 and 2015 (yes = 1, no = 0), X 2010 ,   i denotes a vector of the baseline covariates in 2010 listed above, and L I H T C p r e v i o u s ,   i is a dummy variable in which 1 indicates that neighborhood i received LIHTC developments prior to 2010, and vice versa for 0. When employing the logistic regression, MSA-level fixed effects were also incorporated in the model.
After deriving the propensity score e, the IPTW for each neighborhood was simply calculated through Equation (1). To assess the efficiency of applying the IPTW, this study also compared how baseline covariates’ means are different between the treated and controlled groups for both before and after applying the IPTW: the standardized difference [49]. For unweighted sample, before applying the IPTW, the standardized difference for each covariate k can be calculated as follows by utilizing each group’s mean and variance:
S t a n d a r d i z e d   d i f f e r e n c e   k = 100 × ( X ¯ k ,   t r e a t m e n t X ¯ k , c o n t r o l ) S k ,   t r e a t m e n t 2 + S k ,   c o n t r o l 2 2
For the weighted sample where the IPTW was applied, the sample mean for each covariate is calculated as follows [49]:
X ¯ w e i g h t = I P T W i x i I P T W i
The sample variance for each covariate is calculated as follows [49]:
  S w e i g h t 2 = I P T W i ( I P T W i ) 2 I P T W i 2 I P T W i x i x ¯ w e i g h t 2
Then, the weighted mean and variance, derived from Equations (4) and (5), were applied to Equation (3) again. The standardized difference aims to understand the difference in observed covariates between treated and control neighborhoods not only for the original data but also for the weighted sample adjusted by IPTW. Since this measure uses each covariate’s standard deviation as the denominator, scholars have reported the difference in percentage terms [48,49,54]. As a result, the comparison across different variables that have different units is allowed. Presenting a lower level of the standardized difference is preferrable. That is, the standardized difference in absolute term would be 0% if the means of covariates are indistinguishable between treated and controlled neighborhoods. It is generally suggested that lower than 10% of the standardized difference is often used as “indicative of negligible imbalance” [49] (p. 3669).

3.3. Weighted Linear Regression

With the IPTW calculated from the previous section, a weighted linear regression model was employed to explore the effect of LIHTC developments between 2010 and 2015 on the availability of neighborhood resources from 2010 to 2016. The model specification is as follows:
N e i g h b o r h o o d   r e s o u r c e 2016 ,   i ,   k = α + β L I H T C 2010 2015 ,   i + γ C o v a r i a t e s 2010 ,   i + N e i g h b o r h o o d   r e s o u r c e 2010 ,   i ,   k + ε f
where N e i g h b o r h o o d   r e s o u r c e 2016 ,   i is the number of employees per 1000 residents of neighborhood resource k in neighborhood i in 2016, L I H T C 2010 2015 ,   i denotes a dummy variable indicating whether a neighborhood i received LIHTC units between 2010 and 2015 (equals to 1) or not (equals to 0), C o v a r i a t e s 2010 ,   i is the baseline covariates measured in 2010—the natural log of population size, natural log of population density per square mile, percentage of non-Hispanic black residents, percentage of Hispanic residents, percentage of unemployed population, percentage of population whose income is below poverty level, and percentage of housing units by built years. N e i g h b o r h o o d   r e s o u r c e 2010 ,   i ,   k indicates the number of employees per 1000 residents in neighborhood resource k in neighborhood i in 2010. Using this lagged variable enables us to interpret coefficients as the influence of the LIHTC variable on the neighborhood resource availability, while controlling the availability in 2010 [6]. In other words, the reason for controlling the neighborhood resource level in 2010 (the initial study year) is to identify whether developing LIHTC has changed the level of neighborhood resources at the neighborhood level compared to that of neighborhoods without LIHTC developments. In addition, MSA-level fixed effects were also incorporated in the model.

4. Results

4.1. Descriptive Analysis

Table 4 presents the general pattern of SES and neighborhood resources in 2010 between two types of neighborhoods: those that received LIHTC developments during 2010–2015, and those without LIHTC units during 2010–2015. Since this study explores data from 2010 and 2016, using variables from 2010 allows for an understanding of the characteristics of neighborhoods at the initial year of this study. The results show that the number of neighborhoods with LIHTC developments between 2010 and 2015—3184 neighborhoods, representing about 7% of total neighborhoods in this study—is fewer than those which did not receive LIHTC units during the same time—40,908 neighborhoods.
The neighborhoods with LIHTC developments descriptively have larger populations and denser environments at the initial stages of this study period. Socioeconomically, the LIHTC neighborhoods (neighborhoods that received LIHTC developments between 2010 and 2015) have lower percentages of non-Hispanic white residents and homeownership rates compared to non-LIHTC neighborhoods, whereas the opposite was shown for percentages of non-Hispanic black residents, Hispanic residents, and unemployment rates in 2010. The results were corroborated by the statistically significant t-statistics. This aligns with the previous findings that the locations of LIHTC developments generally have socioeconomically disadvantaged characteristics at the initial stage.
However, the descriptive statistics on neighborhood resources reveal interesting results. The availability of neighborhood resources, measured by the number of workers for each establishment per 1000 residents at each census tract, is descriptively higher in LIHTC neighborhoods than non-LIHTC neighborhoods for all resources in 2010: grocery stores, healthcare providers, job-training centers, libraries, pharmacies, and recreational centers.
For example, in non-LIHTC neighborhoods, the average of the employees in grocery stores per 1000 residents in 2010 was 170.03, while that of LIHTC neighborhoods was about 137.12. The number for healthcare providers, job-training centers, libraries, pharmacies, and recreational centers were 663.01, 55.18, 133.73, 72.5, and 45.18, respectively, for non-LIHTC neighborhoods. However, those number were 426.18, 35.66, 70.13, 48.02, and 32.08, respectively, for LIHTC neighborhoods. The t-statistics suggest that the difference between non-LIHTC neighborhoods and LIHTC neighborhoods in terms of the availability of neighborhood resources is statistically significant for all resources.
The significant differences in baseline covariates (sociodemographic characteristics in 2010) between LIHTC and non-LIHTC neighborhoods suggest that LIHTC developers exhibit specific preferences when selecting site locations. Additionally, the findings related to the availability of neighborhood resources indicate that these developments are likely concentrated in denser areas. This is because local businesses require a certain population size to economically sustain themselves [3,6]. Furthermore, as LIHTC site selection is primarily determined by developers, it is highly possible that they may favor locations where commercial activities are already well-established.

4.2. Logistic Regression Analysis

Table 5 indicates the results of logistic regression analyses that calculate the probability of receiving LIHTC developments for each neighborhood: the propensity score e. The calculated score e was utilized to derive the IPTW for the weighted regression analysis. The percentage of non-Hispanic white residents was not included in the model due to the high correlations with the percentage of non-Hispanic black residents and that of Hispanic population.
Specifically, developers tend to locate their projects in neighborhoods with a higher population size, higher percentage of non-Hispanic black residents, higher percentage of Hispanic residents, higher level of poverty rates, and lower percentage of housing units aged between 30 and 40 years. Moreover, a neighborhood that had at least one LIHTC development before 2010 were likely to have more LIHTC developments between 2010 and 2015 than neighborhoods that had never received LIHTC developments previously. These results generally correspond to the previous findings, suggesting the close relationship between the locations of LIHTC developments and sociodemographically disadvantaged neighborhoods. The results of the logistic regression analysis were used to derive the IPTW (see Equation (1)). In Appendix A, Table A1 presents the correlation table between the sociodemographic variables used in this study.

4.3. Comparison of Means of Baseline Covariates Between Weighted and Unweighted Groups

The reason for utilizing the PSM is to minimize any selection bias from developers’ decision on their LIHTC projects’ locations. Since this study applied the IPTW for exploring the spillover (or long-term) effects of constructing LIHTC units on neighborhood resources, it is also important to assess whether the IPTW from the PSM create a balanced sample (a pseudo-randomized sample) in which baseline covariates measured in 2010 are not systematically different based on treatment.
This study, therefore, assesses the quality of the IPTW by comparing the standardized difference (see Equations (3)–(5)) between the weighted and unweighted samples. Figure 2 presents how the absolute standardized differences for each baseline covariates measured in 2010 have been revised after applying the IPTW. For all seven covariates, the results suggests that the absolute standardized differences in the weighted sample were significantly reduced compared to those in the unweighted sample. That is, those diagnostics were below 10%, which indicates a commonly accepted threshold indicating a negligible difference between the treated and controlled groups in terms of sociodemographic characteristics.
To be specific, the absolute standardized differences of the weighted sample were 1.45%, 1.24%, 5.36%, 0.12%, 3.64%, 6.44%, and 4.11% for the natural log of population size, natural log of population density per square mile, percentage of non-Hispanic black residents, percentage of Hispanic residents, percentage of unemployed population, percentage of population whose income is below poverty level, and percentage of housing units aged between 30 and 40 years, respectively. In contrast, those of unweighted sample, in which the IPTW were not applied, show 10.52%, 27.35%, 41.05%, 24.65%, 44%, 62%, and 11.68% for the same variables.
Theses diagnostics indicates that the weighted sample, generated by using the IPTW in this study, presents similar baseline covariate means between the treated (having LIHTC developments) and the controlled neighborhoods. In other words, the systematic differences in sociodemographic characteristics between the treated and controlled neighborhoods have been significantly lessened by utilizing the IPTWs, suggesting that the treated assignment (locating LIHTC projects) is less influenced by the sociodemographic variables.

4.4. Multivariate Analysis

Table 6 and Table 7 present the results of weighted regression analyses by applying the IPTW, which explores the effect of LIHTC developments on the availability of neighborhood resources. The results generally suggest the positive spillover effects of developing LIHTC units in a neighborhood in terms of neighborhood resources, while some models of neighborhood resources did not show a statistically significant coefficient of LIHTC developments. Since each model in our study controls for the availability of neighborhood resources in 2010, the coefficient of the dummy variable (indicating whether a neighborhood received LIHTC units between 2010 and 2015) reflects how LIHTC developments contribute to the change in resource availability differently compared to neighborhoods without LIHTC developments.
Table 6 presents the weighted linear regression analysis of grocery stores, healthcare providers, and job-training centers. For the model of healthcare providers (model 2), the coefficient of the LIHTC variable presents a positive sign that is statistically significant. This result suggests that neighborhoods that had LIHTC developments between 2010 and 2015, on average, experienced an increase of 93.25 more employees per 1000 residents in healthcare providers compared to neighborhoods without LIHTC developments from 2010 to 2015, holding all other variables constant. For the model of job-training centers (model 3), the coefficient of LIHTC variable is 12.2. This statistically significant coefficient suggests that neighborhoods with LIHTC developments between 2010 and 2015 had, on average, a 12.2-fold greater increase in employees per 1000 residents of job-training centers from 2010 to 2016 than neighborhoods without LIHTC development, ceteris paribus. However, the coefficient of the presence of LIHTC developments between 2010 and 2015 was not statistically significant for the grocery stores model (model 1).
Table 7 presents the weighted linear regression analysis of libraries, pharmacies, and recreational centers. For the model of pharmacies (model 5), the coefficient of the LIHTC variable was statistically significant. To be specific, when the previous size of employees in 2010 is controlled, neighborhoods that received LIHTC developments between 2010 and 2015 experienced an increase of about 14.54 more employees in pharmacies, on average, than neighborhoods that did not have any LIHTC projects during the same period. For the model of recreational facilities (model 6), the dummy variable of LIHTC developments, whether a neighborhood received LIHTC developments between 2010 and 2015, indicates statistical significance with a positive sign. This result suggests that compared to neighborhoods that did not receive LIHTC developments between 2010 and 2015, neighborhoods with LIHTC developments between 2010 and 2015 had, on average, an increase of 9.51 more employees per 1000 residents from 2010 to 2016, all else being equal. For the model of libraries, the coefficient of LIHTC developments was not statistically significant (model 4).
In addition to analyzing all neighborhoods, this study also conducted additional analyses, focusing on high-poverty neighborhoods, which had a poverty rate of more than 20%. This focus stems from research on LIHTC location patterns, which has demonstrated that LIHTC projects have been disproportionally located in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas, suggesting that the dispersal of poverty may not be achieved in the early stages of developments. While the results reported in Table 6 and Table 7 indicate that the provision of LIHTC units has influenced the neighborhood resource availability in a positive way, it is also crucial to explore whether these findings are generalizable to high-poverty neighborhoods.
This study, therefore, subsampled the 44,092 neighborhoods into 7239 high-poverty neighborhoods with poverty rates that exceed 20%. While there is no consensus on the standard for defining high-poverty neighborhoods, some scholars have used a 30% threshold [17]. To retain a larger sample and include more cases, this study adopted a 20% threshold to determine whether a neighborhood is classified as a high-poverty neighborhood.
Among the 3184 neighborhoods that received LIHTC developments between 2010 and 2015, 1199 neighborhoods were high-poverty neighborhoods. This represents approximately 37% (1199/3184) of the neighborhoods that received LIHTC developments during that period. The PSMs were re-conducted for this subsample, and the IPTWs for the subsample were calculated again. Figure A1 in Appendix A shows that the systematic differences between the treated and controlled neighborhoods’ SES contexts within the high-poverty sample became negligible after applying the new IPTWs. That is, the absolute standardized differences for all covariates were reduced to below 10% (see Figure A1).
The weighted linear regression analyses for high-poverty neighborhoods, presented in Table 8 and Table 9, yield different results from those shown in Table 6 and Table 7. Specifically, all models for high-poverty neighborhoods (Models 7–12) indicate that the coefficient for the dummy variable—whether a neighborhood received LIHTC developments between 2010 and 2015—was not statistically significant. These findings suggest that the positive influence of LIHTC developments on changes in neighborhood resource availability, as shown in Table 6 and Table 7, do not extend to the models with high-poverty neighborhoods. Scholars suggest that local establishments require a certain level of economic vitality of neighborhoods for their survival [3]. In this context, LIHTC developments, which typically attract tenants with incomes lower than the average household income of their MSAs but higher than those in high-poverty neighborhoods [18], may not be sufficient to stimulate economic activity in high-poverty areas.

5. Discussions

Living in deprived neighborhoods not only reflects a lack of social networks, role models, and safety, but also indicates limited access to local establishments that provide daily necessities—all of which are crucial for residents’ social mobility, particularly for socioeconomically disadvantaged groups [3,55]. Theoretical frameworks suggest that consistent access to these neighborhood resources is essential not only for well-being but also for fostering long-term social mobility. Consequently, providing decent and affordable housing in a neighborhood with opportunities has long been a primary goal of housing policies across countries.
The LIHTC program—the most significant place-based housing assistance initiative in the U.S. since 1987—is one such program that strives to achieve this challenging goal. Although this initiative has provided a sufficient number of affordable rental housing units for lower-income groups, studies have also shown that LIHTC units are often constructed in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods. While this is partly driven by governmental policy, the consistent pattern has raised concerns that LIHTC developments may not offer access to neighborhoods of opportunity and may not contribute to the long-term dispersion of poverty. That is, federal regulations have stimulated developers to provide in QCTs that are generally poorer tracts. However, recently, some states, such as California, have recognized the importance of adding incentives into the QAP related to opportunity. While “opportunity” can be defined in various ways, the concept considers education, health care, and transportation [56].
Therefore, this study investigates the spillover effects of LIHTC developments on neighborhood resource availability, an area largely overlooked in previous research. Specifically, it examines local establishments—such as grocery stores, healthcare providers, job-training centers, libraries, pharmacies, and recreational centers—that support daily activities at the neighborhood level. Given the systematic location patterns of LIHTC developments across space identified by numerous scholars, this study calculated the propensity score of receiving LIHTC developments for each neighborhood through a logistic regression analysis. Then, this study employed weighted linear regression by applying the IPTW to mitigate the selection bias inherent in developers’ site selection. The effectiveness of the IPTW was assessed through comparing the standardized differences between the treated and controlled samples.
As the analyses of this study demonstrate, LIHTC projects are having a positive impact on expanding neighborhood resources at the census tract level. Specifically, utilizing the pseudo-randomized sample created by applying the IPTW, this study finds that a neighborhood that received LIHTC development between 2010 and 2015 experienced greater increase in the number employees in healthcare providers, job-training centers, pharmacies, and recreational centers from 2010 to 2016 than neighborhoods without LIHTC developments during the same time.
LIHTC developments, in general, either develop new housing units or substantially rehabilitate old housing units. Consequently, the improved physical environment resulting from LIHTC projects in a neighborhood can foster increased demand for local services and businesses, thereby attracting new establishments to the area. Moreover, LIHTC units are not exclusively designated for extremely low-income tenants; they also target for residents that have relatively moderate low income, such as those earning below 60% of the area median family income (AMFI). Therefore, the influx of new residents, indicating a new growing demand of daily needs, can boost economic activity in the neighborhood.
However, it is important to note that these findings of the positive spillover effects of LIHTC developments on neighborhood resource availability were not generalizable to high-poverty neighborhoods. This result contrasts with the results of previous research, which have generally suggested that LIHTC developments in high-poverty neighborhoods can reduce poverty rates or increase the neighborhood income level [16,18]. One possible explanation for this discrepancy is that adding lower-income tenants, whose income is generally lower than the median income at the MSA level, into a high-poverty neighborhoods may not enough to attract local establishments that need a certain level of consumers for their survival. Additionally, high-poverty neighborhoods may inherently lack the supportive environment needed for businesses to thrive. This highlights the importance of developing targeted strategies to ensure access to local establishments for projects in high-poverty neighborhoods, such as facilitating access to capital specifically for these areas.

6. Conclusions

Previous research on the effects of LIHTC projects has focused primarily on racial and economic outcomes such as racial composition, housing prices, and neighborhood average incomes. Therefore, the significance of this study lies in its analysis of the effects of LIHTC projects on enhancing neighborhood resource availability, focusing on grocery stores, healthcare providers, job-training centers, libraries, pharmacies, and recreational centers that are crucial for residents to meet their daily basic needs. Specifically, this research used the PSM to calculate the IPTWs to account for self-selection bias of developers on the location of LIHTC developments.
Our weighted regression analyses revealed that providing LIHTC units developed from 2010 to 2015 in a neighborhood within the 101 largest MSAs as of 2010 can improve the availability of healthcare providers, job-training centers, pharmacies, and recreational centers at the neighborhood level from 2010 to 2016. However, our results also indicated that the positive impacts of LIHTC projects are not applicable to all types of disadvantaged neighborhoods, such as high-poverty neighborhoods. In high-poverty neighborhoods, simply providing new or substantially rehabilitated housing units through LIHTC developments is insufficient to enhance local environments for establishments. This underscores the necessity for tailored and comprehensive approaches that not only provide affordable housing units but also create conducive living environments in which local businesses can settle. For example, offering some incentives for establishments to locate themselves in high-poverty neighborhoods with LIHTC developments can improve the accessibility to opportunities for LIHTC neighborhoods.
The following points provide suggestions for future research. First, this study focuses on the size of the facilities, as measured by the establishments’ employees per 1000 residents, to measure the neighborhood-level availability on resources. However, it is also important to assess the qualitative aspects of each local establishment and neighborhood resource. For example, in lower-income neighborhoods, grocery stores may be limited to lower-cost, less diverse food options, whereas food establishments in more advantaged neighborhoods may have larger chain grocery stores with more diverse and healthier food options. Additionally, a higher number of employees could also indicate congestion that can diminish the quality of service. For example, if schools are already at capacity or underfunded, an influx of students could result in overcrowding, strained resources, and a reduced quality of education unless further investments are made.
Second, it would also be important to focus on LIHTC-related policies that can revitalize high-poverty neighborhoods. Through QAP or QCT, it is often encouraged by the governments to develop LIHTC projects in high-poverty neighborhoods. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the characteristics of LIHTC developments and their impact on high-poverty neighborhoods. For example, future studies can expand the scope of neighborhoods’ resources by including public services, such as police, fire stations, or other services, which would improve our understanding of the long-term impacts of LIHTC developments. It would be also interesting to explore the optimal combination of QAPs and local establishments that promotes poverty dispersion—the fundamental goal not only for the LIHTC program but also for society as a whole.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, Y.A. and J.W.; methodology, Y.A. and J.W.; software, Y.A.; validation, J.W.; formal analysis, J.W.; investigation, J.W.; resources, J.W.; data curation, Y.A. and J.W.; writing—original draft preparation, J.W.; writing—review and editing, Y.A.; visualization, J.W.; supervision, Y.A.; project administration, Y.A. and J.W.; funding acquisition, J.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was supported by 2023 Hongik University Research Fund.

Data Availability Statement

The original data of LIHTC presented in the study are openly available in, accessed on 1 August 2024.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Appendix A

Table A1. Correlation matrix for socio-demographic variables (measured in 2010).
Table A1. Correlation matrix for socio-demographic variables (measured in 2010).
Population (Logged)Density in sq Miles (Logged)% Non-Hispanic Black Residents% HispanicUnemployment RatesPoverty Rates% of Housing Units 30–40 Years Old
Population (logged)1.00
Density in sq miles (logged)0.12 1.00
% non-Hispanic black residents−0.03 −0.25 1.00
% Hispanic residents0.19 0.33 −0.64 1.00
Unemployment rates−0.04 −0.18 0.47 −0.28 1.00
Poverty rates0.07 −0.17 0.19 −0.02 0.35 1.00
% of Housing units 30–40 years old−0.19 0.17 −0.12 0.08 −0.16 −0.07 1.00
Figure A1. The comparison between treated and control groups with the absolute standardized differences (for high-poverty neighborhood sample).
Figure A1. The comparison between treated and control groups with the absolute standardized differences (for high-poverty neighborhood sample).
Buildings 14 03719 g0a1


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Figure 1. The largest 101 MSAs (which have more than 500,000 residents in 2010) in the U.S. used in this study.
Figure 1. The largest 101 MSAs (which have more than 500,000 residents in 2010) in the U.S. used in this study.
Buildings 14 03719 g001
Figure 2. The comparison between treated and control groups with the absolute standardized differences.
Figure 2. The comparison between treated and control groups with the absolute standardized differences.
Buildings 14 03719 g002
Table 1. Previous research on neighborhood opportunity.
Table 1. Previous research on neighborhood opportunity.
ArticleMeasures of Neighborhood Opportunity
Deng (2007) [19]School quality
Lens (2014) [21]Job accessibility
Talen and Koschinsky (2014) [24]Walkability index
Koschinsky and Talen (2016) [23]Walk score
Lens and Reina (2016) [12]Crime rate, school quality, transportation costs, job accessibility
Ellen et al. (2018) [8]Environmental quality, job accessibility, transportation costs, school quality
Reid (2019) [22]Environmental quality
Reina and Aiken (2022) [25]Health index, walkability index
Table 2. Basic description of variables used in this study.
Table 2. Basic description of variables used in this study.
Grocery storesThe number of workers employed at grocery stores per 1000 residents within a neighborhood
Healthcare providersThe number of workers employed at healthcare providers per 1000 residents within a neighborhood
Job-training centersThe number of workers employed at job-training centers per 1000 residents within a neighborhood
LibrariesThe number of workers employed at libraries per 1000 residents within a neighborhood
PharmaciesThe number of workers employed at pharmacies per 1000 residents within a neighborhood
Recreational centersThe number of workers employed at recreational centers per 1000 residents within a neighborhood
LIHTC unitsA dummy variable indicating whether a neighborhood received LIHTC projects between 2010 and 2015
Previous LIHTC unitsA dummy variable indicating whether a neighborhood received LIHTC projects before 2010
PopulationThe natural logarithm of the population
DensityThe natural logarithm of the population density in sq miles
% non-Hispanic whitePercentage of non-Hispanic white population
% non-Hispanic blackPercentage of non-Hispanic black population
% HispanicPercentage of Hispanic population
Unemployment ratesPercentage of population aged 16 years and over who are unemployed
% of Housing units 30–40 years oldPercentage of housing units built between 1970–1980
Poverty ratesPercentage of families whose income is below poverty level
Table 3. Definition of community resources by NAICS code.
Table 3. Definition of community resources by NAICS code.
Resource CategoryNAICS CodesDescription
Grocery stores44511Supermarkets and other grocery (except convenience) stores
Healthcare providers62110, 62120Offices of physicians, offices of dentists, other ambulatory health care services
Educational facilities61140, 61150, 61160Business schools and computer and management training, technical and trade schools, other schools and instruction
Libraries51912Libraries and archives
Pharmacies44611Pharmacies and drug stores
Recreational center71394Fitness and recreational sports centers
Table 4. Mean difference between LIHTC neighborhoods and non-LIHTC neighborhoods.
Table 4. Mean difference between LIHTC neighborhoods and non-LIHTC neighborhoods.
VariableNon-LIHTC NeighborhoodsLIHTC Neighborhoodst-Statistics
(Non-LIHTC Neighborhoods − LIHTC Neighborhoods
6.19 ***
Population4392.874625.586.19 ***
Density7022.9411,581.7512.31 ***
% non-Hispanic white residents60.2643.8827.62 ***
% non-Hispanic black residents13.8324.48−20.27 ***
% Hispanic residents17.6023.53−12.66 ***
Unemployment rates8.1610.74−21.74 ***
% of Housing units 30–40 years old15.4914.067.00 ***
Poverty rates9.9517.80−30.71 ***
Grocery stores137.12170.03−4.75 ***
Healthcare providers426.18663.01−4.01 ***
Job-training centers35.6655.18−3.32 ***
Libraries70.1352.96−3.54 ***
Pharmacies48.0272.50−2.52 *
Recreational centers32.0845.18−5.14 **
Note. All variables are measured in 2010. *** significance at the 0.1% level; ** significance at the 1% level; * significance at the 5% level.
Table 5. Logistic regression analysis.
Table 5. Logistic regression analysis.
Population (logged)0.321 ***0.044
Density in sq miles (logged)−0.0310.016
% non-Hispanic black residents0.008 ***0.001
% Hispanic residents0.006 ***0.001
Unemployment rates0.0070.003
% of Housing units 30–40 years old−0.003 *0.001
Poverty rates0.027 ***0.002
LIHTC developments before 2010 (yes = 1, no = 0)1.183 ***0.009
Constant−5.681 ***0.396
−2 Log Likelihood of tested model20,968.44
Model   X 2
Note. *** significance at the 0.1% level; * significance at the 5% level.
Table 6. Weighted regression analysis results: grocery stores, healthcare providers, and job-training centers.
Table 6. Weighted regression analysis results: grocery stores, healthcare providers, and job-training centers.
Model 1:
Grocery Stores
Model 2:
Healthcare Providers
Model 3:
Job-Training Centers
The presence of LIHTC development between 2010 and 2015 (Yes = 1, No = 0)7.96 (6.17)93.25 *** (25.13)12.2 *** (2.8)
Population (logged)41.44 *** (9.47)130.84 *** (35.02)−1.09 (4.28)
Density in sq miles (logged)7.47 *** (2.17)51.56 *** (10.07)6.25 *** (0.99)
% non-Hispanic black residents−0.53 ** (0.18)−1.14 (0.89)−0.22 ** (0.07)
% Hispanic residents−0.65 *** (0.14)−3.55 *** (0.7)−0.61 *** (0.12)
Unemployment rates0.15 (1.27)−6.87 (4.21)−0.41 (0.44)
Poverty rates−0.39 (0.26)1.14 (1.85)0.01 (0.16)
% of Housing units 30–40 years old0.05 (0.2)0.73 (1.04)−0.04 (0.09)
The number of employees per 1000 in 2010 (lagged)0.47 *** (0.06)0.5 *** (0.06)0.11 (0.08)
Intercept−355.32 *** (79.21)−1231.17 *** (296.74)7.6 (36.19)
MSA-level fixed effectsYes
Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** significance at the 0.1% level; ** significance at the 1% level.
Table 7. Weighted regression analysis results: libraries, pharmacies, and recreational centers.
Table 7. Weighted regression analysis results: libraries, pharmacies, and recreational centers.
Model 4:
Model 5:
Model 6:
Recreational Centers
The presence of LIHTC development between 2010 and 2015 (Yes = 1, No = 0)13.37 (7.21)14.54 * (6.12)9.94 *** (2.74)
Population (logged)−10.13 (8.07)−4.13 (13.45)8.54 * (4.3)
Density in sq miles (logged)3.38 * (1.49)4.25 (2.65)4.97 *** (1.22)
% non-Hispanic black residents−0.06 (0.08)−0.12 (0.13)−0.18 ** (0.06)
% Hispanic residents−0.41 * (0.19)−0.0512−0.39 *** (0.08)
Unemployment rates−1.12 (1.58)−1.33 (0.89)−0.57. (0.32)
Poverty rates0.3 (0.42)0.31 (0.78)−0.23 (0.14)
% of Housing units 30–40 years old−0.54 (0.35)0.06 (0.14)−0.04 (0.12)
The number of employees per 1000 in 2010 (lagged)0.24 ** (0.09)0.34 * (0.14)0.6 *** (0.1)
Intercept79.01 (69.07)30.65 (109.42)−72.65. (42.44)
MSA-level fixed effectsYes
Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** significance at the 0.1% level; ** significance at the 1% level; * significance at the 5% level.
Table 8. Weighted regression analysis results for high-poverty neighborhoods (poverty rates exceeding 20%): grocery stores, healthcare providers, and job-training centers.
Table 8. Weighted regression analysis results for high-poverty neighborhoods (poverty rates exceeding 20%): grocery stores, healthcare providers, and job-training centers.
Model 7:
Grocery Stores
Model 8:
Healthcare Providers
Model 9:
Job-Training Centers
The presence of LIHTC development between 2010 and 2015 (Yes = 1, No = 0)−0.42 (5.4)59.61 (66.32)−14.66 (43)
Population (logged)31.46 *** (6.66)68.77 (74.14)2.7 (4.4)
Density in sq miles (logged)0.38 (2.82)−8.48 (19.48)1.51 (1.32)
% non-Hispanic black residents−0.39 ** (0.14)−1.51 (2.51)−0.24 *** (0.07)
% Hispanic residents−0.28 (0.17)−1.07 (1.86)−0.44 *** (0.1)
Unemployment rates−0.26 (0.45)−9.37 (5.86)0.02 (0.27)
Poverty rates−0.36 (0.27)−0.73 (3.33)0.23 (0.18)
% of Housing units 30–40 years old−0.29 (0.29)5.48 (4.07)0.39 * (0.19)
The number of employees per 1000 in 2010 (lagged)0.41 *** (0.05)0.39 *** (0.1)0.34 *** (0.08)
Intercept−190.1 ** (66.22)−122.12 (620.25)−14.66 (43)
MSA-level fixed effectsYes
Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** significance at the 0.1% level; ** significance at the 1% level; * significance at the 5% level.
Table 9. Weighted regression analysis results for high-poverty neighborhoods (poverty rates exceeding 20%): libraries, pharmacies, and recreational centers.
Table 9. Weighted regression analysis results for high-poverty neighborhoods (poverty rates exceeding 20%): libraries, pharmacies, and recreational centers.
Model 10:
Model 11:
Model 12:
Recreational Centers
The presence of LIHTC development between 2010 and 2015 (Yes = 1, No = 0)1.32 (3.17)10.77 (6.35)1.34 (2.35)
Population (logged)−1.15 (4.43)−6.25 (8.94)−3.07 (3.4)
Density in sq miles (logged)−2.26 (2.5)−7.56 (6.71)−3.08 ** (1.12)
% non-Hispanic black residents−0.18 * (0.08)−0.49 ** (0.17)−0.0072
% Hispanic residents−0.24 ** (0.08)−0.45. (0.23)−0.0144
Unemployment rates−0.21 (0.42)−0.71 (0.67)−0.23 (0.21)
Poverty rates0.15 (0.19)0.3 (0.57)0.03 (0.1)
% of Housing units 30–40 years old−0.08 (0.1)0.47 * (0.24)−0.03 (0.09)
The number of employees per 1000 in 2010 (lagged)0.23 *** (0.07)0.03 (0.03)0.14. (0.08)
Intercept58.57 (48.71)193.39 (142.02)87.15 ** (33.54)
MSA-level fixed effectsYes
Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** significance at the 0.1% level; ** significance at the 1% level; * significance at the 5% level.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Ahn, Y.; Won, J. Do Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Developments Expand Neighborhood Opportunities? Buildings 2024, 14, 3719.

AMA Style

Ahn Y, Won J. Do Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Developments Expand Neighborhood Opportunities? Buildings. 2024; 14(12):3719.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Ahn, Yongjin, and Jongho Won. 2024. "Do Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Developments Expand Neighborhood Opportunities?" Buildings 14, no. 12: 3719.

APA Style

Ahn, Y., & Won, J. (2024). Do Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Developments Expand Neighborhood Opportunities? Buildings, 14(12), 3719.

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