Collaboration Enables Innovative Timber Structure Adoption in Construction
:1. Introduction
1.1. Defining a Construction Supply Chain
1.2. Defining a Typical Structural Timber Building Supply Chain
2. Methodology
2.1. Research Design and Data Collection
2.1.1. Sample
2.1.2. Semi-Structured Interviews
2.1.3. Participant Observation
2.1.4. Secondary Data
2.2. Qualitative Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Relationships between Stakeholders in a Structural Timber Building Supply Chain
3.1.1. First Level—“Contractual (C)” Relationships
3.1.2. Second Level—“Timber Building Project (P)” Relationships
P1—Relations between Architects and Suppliers
P2—Relations between Structural Engineers and Suppliers
P3—Relations between Architects and Supplier-Builders
3.1.3. Third Level—“Structural Timber Building Industry Development (I)” Relationships
4. Discussion
4.1. A Cultural Mindset Switch Is Needed
4.1.1. From the Linear Construction Supply Chain to a Value Network
4.1.2. From Simple Relations … to Collaboration
4.2. Some Methods for Awarding Contracts Facilitate Collaboration and Innovation
4.3. Prefab: A Collaboration Accelerator
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Building Number | Building Name | Country | Type of Building |
1 | Tamedia Headquarters | Switzerland | Offices |
2 | Esmarchstrasse 3 | Germany | Multi-family |
3 | H8 Bad Aibling | Germany | Multi-family |
4 | Lifecycle Tower One | Austria | Offices |
5 | Stadthaus Murray Groove | England | Multi-family |
6 | Bridport House | England | Multi-family |
7 | Limnologen | Sweden | Multi-family |
8 | Via Cenni | Italy | Social housing |
9 | Forté Building | Australia | Multi-family |
10 | Treet | Norway | Multi-family |
11 | Vannesla Library & Cultural Centre | Norway | Library |
12 | City Academy | England | School |
13 | Dalston Lane | England | Multi-family |
14 | Dougrie Drive | Scotland | Social housing |
15 | Tennishall Södra Climate Arena | Sweden | Tennis hall |
Expert Categories | Number of Interviews |
Architects | 9 |
Structural engineers | 6 |
Builders | 3 |
Timber elements suppliers | 3 |
Suppliers-builders | 3 |
Timber board supplier | 1 |
Timber building technology developers | 2 |
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Share and Cite
Gosselin, A.; Blanchet, P.; Lehoux, N.; Cimon, Y. Collaboration Enables Innovative Timber Structure Adoption in Construction. Buildings 2018, 8, 183.
Gosselin A, Blanchet P, Lehoux N, Cimon Y. Collaboration Enables Innovative Timber Structure Adoption in Construction. Buildings. 2018; 8(12):183.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGosselin, Annie, Pierre Blanchet, Nadia Lehoux, and Yan Cimon. 2018. "Collaboration Enables Innovative Timber Structure Adoption in Construction" Buildings 8, no. 12: 183.
APA StyleGosselin, A., Blanchet, P., Lehoux, N., & Cimon, Y. (2018). Collaboration Enables Innovative Timber Structure Adoption in Construction. Buildings, 8(12), 183.