Improved Vehicle Vibration Control through Optimization of Suspension Parameters Using the Response Surface Method and a Non-Linear Programming with a Quadratic Lagrangian Algorithm
:1. Introduction
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- An efficient vehicle dynamics model was developed using a semi-recursive multi-body dynamics approach, enabling an accurate description of the longitudinal and vertical dynamic response of the vehicle. Building upon this model, an optimal control algorithm for reducing vibrations when driving over frequent speed bumps was devised.
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- A Latin hypercube experimental design was utilized to increase the efficacy of simulation data collection and reduce the number of required simulations. This method assures efficient sampling across the input parameter space, enabling a thorough investigation of suspension design possibilities. In addition, the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was applied to simulation data to construct a surrogate model for the design optimization (vibration control) problem.
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- Leveraging the quadratic RSM model developed in the previous step, a non-linear programming using a quadratic Lagrangian algorithm was applied to determine an optimal solution for the suspension parameters. The identification of the most suitable suspension parameters that meet the intended performance criteria is allowed by taking into account both the goal of minimizing vibrations and the constraints imposed by the vehicle’s maneuverability in this algorithm.
2. Vehicle-Vibration Suppression Using an Optimal Control Algorithm
2.1. Multibody Model of the Vehicle
2.2. Optimal Control Algorithm
3. Metamodels Based on the Response Surface Method
3.1. Optimal Latin Hypercube for the Metamodels
3.2. RSM Model for the Vibration Control
4. Optimization of the Suspension
4.1. Non-Linear Programming Using the Quadratic Lagrangian (NLPQL) Algorithm
Algorithm 1 Design optimization. |
Require: Minimize vibration acceleration (, ) Ensure: 4400 Nm/rad ≤ ≤ 5300 Nm/rad 3400 N/(m/s) ≤ ≤ 5400 N/(m/s) 5800 N/(m/s) ≤ ≤ 9000 N/(m/s) ≤ + = 0.05 + 0.003 = 0.053 m (Note: represents the average peak of the vibration displacements, represents the threshold of the vibration displacements.) |
4.2. Vibration-Control Results
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- Intricate coupling effects are exhibited by the three suspension parameters when the vehicle traverses a series of speed bumps.
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- One peak value is insufficient to characterize the vibration performance. Instead, the average acceleration of the five shocks is a more appropriate metric for describing vibration control.
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- Consistent with real-world observations, opposing trends are displayed via the results for vehicle accelerations and displacements. To optimize the design, vehicle displacements are therefore converted into constraints.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | Value |
Degrees of freedom | 16 |
Vehicle mass | 2519 kg |
Front suspension mass | 38.78 kg |
Rear suspension mass | 188.53 kg |
Tire rolling radius | 0.3495 m |
Distance from center of gravity (C.G.) to front axle | 1767 mm |
C.G. height | 1200 mm |
Distance from C. G. to rear axle | 2333 mm |
Wheelbase | 4100 mm |
Stiffness of front absorber | (4400, 5300) Nm/rad |
Damping of front absorber | (3400, 5400) N/(m/s) |
Damping of rear absorber | (5800, 9000) N/(m/s) |
Factor | Number of Levels | Levels (mm) | Original Level (mm) |
(Nm/rad) | 40 | 4400, 4422.5, 4445, …, 5255, 5277.5, 5300 | 4900 |
(N/(m/s)) | 40 | 3400, 3450, 3500, …, 5300, 5350, 5400 | 4400 |
(N/(m/s)) | 40 | 5800, 5880, 5960, …, 8840, 8920, 9000 | 7400 |
Run | Variables | Responses (Vibration) | |||
(Nm/rad) | (N/(m/s)) | (N/(m/s)) | Acceleration (m/s2) | Displacement (m) | |
1 | 5046.154 | 3502.564 | 6866.667 | 20.967 | 0.043 |
2 | 4492.308 | 4374.359 | 7523.077 | 20.788 | 0.05 |
3 | 4746.154 | 4938.462 | 8917.949 | 21.124 | 0.044 |
4 | 5207.692 | 4476.923 | 6292.308 | 20.921 | 0.042 |
5 | 4815.385 | 3451.282 | 7605.128 | 20.93 | 0.045 |
6 | 4700 | 4015.385 | 6948.718 | 20.771 | 0.048 |
7 | 4907.692 | 4425.641 | 5882.051 | 20.68 | 0.047 |
8 | 4792.308 | 4066.667 | 7933.333 | 20.981 | 0.045 |
9 | 5184.615 | 5143.59 | 6374.359 | 20.891 | 0.043 |
10 | 4446.154 | 4835.897 | 8425.641 | 20.944 | 0.049 |
… | … | … | … | … | … |
40 | 4538.462 | 4169.231 | 7523.077 | 20.988 | 0.047 |
Linear | Quadratic | |||
First peak | 0.999 | 0.999 | 0.999 | 0.998 |
Second peak | 0.994 | 0.994 | 0.999 | 0.998 |
Third peak | 0.973 | 0.970 | 0.999 | 0.998 |
Fourth peak | 0.537 | 0.484 | 0.960 | 0.942 |
Fifth peak | 0.890 | 0.878 | 0.995 | 0.992 |
Average peak | 0.981 | 0.979 | 0.999 | 0.998 |
Average displacement | 0.999 | 0.999 | 0.999 | 0.999 |
Method | Stiffness of Front Absorber (Nm/rad) | Damping of Front Absorber (N/(m/s)) | Damping of Rear Absorber (N/(m/s)) |
Initial parameters | 4901 | 4400 | 7400 |
NLPQL method | 4607 | 4270 | 5800 |
Full-factor method | 4550 | 4200 | 5800 |
25 km/h | Control Method | |||
A | B | C | D | |
First peak | 14.60 | 13.92 (↓ 4.61%) | 13.56 (↓ 7.09%) | 13.39 (↓ 8.29%) |
Second peak | 15.72 | 13.44 (↓ 14.49%) | 14.10 (↓ 10.31%) | 13.36 (↓ 14.99%) |
Third peak | 15.68 | 9.73 (↓ 37.93%) | 11.75 (↓ 25.04%) | 10.44 (↓ 33.43%) |
Fourth peak | 15.65 | 9.73 (↓ 37.78%) | 8.52 (↓ 45.42%) | 8.54 (↓ 45.42%) |
Fifth peak | 15.24 | 7.53 (↓ 50.55%) | 8.92 (↓ 41.45%) | 7.46 (↓ 51.03%) |
Mean value | 15.38 | 10.87 (↓ 29.28%) | 11.33 (↓ 26.33%) | 10.64 (↓ 30.82%) |
45 km/h | Control Method | |||
A | B | C | D | |
First peak | 17.93 | 18.46 (↑ 2.92%) | 17.20 (↓ 4.11%) | 17.51 (↓ 2.35%) |
Second peak | 21.48 | 19.63 (↓ 8.62%) | 19.54 (↓ 9.00%) | 18.59 (↓13.44%) |
Third peak | 24.49 | 23.85 (↓ 2.63%) | 26.44 (↓ 7.95%) | 24.58 (↑ 0.37%) |
Fourth peak | 22.00 | 22.34 (↑ 1.53%) | 20.72 (↓ 5.80%) | 21.55 (↓ 2.03%) |
Fifth peak | 22.58 | 20.38 (↓ 9.75%) | 21.94 (↓ 2.84%) | 20.10 (↓ 11.00%) |
Mean value | 21.70 | 20.93 (↓ 3.54%) | 21.17 (↓ 2.43%) | 20.47 (↓ 5.67%) |
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Share and Cite
Dai, W.; He, L.; Pan, Y.; Zhang, S.-P.; Hou, L. Improved Vehicle Vibration Control through Optimization of Suspension Parameters Using the Response Surface Method and a Non-Linear Programming with a Quadratic Lagrangian Algorithm. Actuators 2023, 12, 297.
Dai W, He L, Pan Y, Zhang S-P, Hou L. Improved Vehicle Vibration Control through Optimization of Suspension Parameters Using the Response Surface Method and a Non-Linear Programming with a Quadratic Lagrangian Algorithm. Actuators. 2023; 12(7):297.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDai, Wei, Liuqing He, Yongjun Pan, Sheng-Peng Zhang, and Liang Hou. 2023. "Improved Vehicle Vibration Control through Optimization of Suspension Parameters Using the Response Surface Method and a Non-Linear Programming with a Quadratic Lagrangian Algorithm" Actuators 12, no. 7: 297.
APA StyleDai, W., He, L., Pan, Y., Zhang, S.-P., & Hou, L. (2023). Improved Vehicle Vibration Control through Optimization of Suspension Parameters Using the Response Surface Method and a Non-Linear Programming with a Quadratic Lagrangian Algorithm. Actuators, 12(7), 297.