Interspecies Retinal Diversity and Optic Nerve Anatomy in Odontocetes
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Tissue Collection and Storage
2.2. Sampling and Histological Processing
2.2.1. Optic Nerve Cross-Sections
2.2.2. Retinal Cross-Sections
2.3. Immunohistochemistry
2.4. Image Acquisition and Analyses
2.4.1. Optic Nerve Cross-Sections
2.4.2. Retinal Cross-Sections
3. Results
3.1. Optic Nerve
3.2. Retina
3.2.1. Retinal Thickness and Ganglion Cell Linear Density
3.2.2. Retinal Ganglion Cell Measurements
3.3. Immunohistochemistry
3.3.1. Neurofilament 200
3.3.2. Calretinin
4. Discussion
4.1. Optic Nerve
4.2. Retina
4.3. Immunohistochemistry
4.4. Limits of the Present Study
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Species | Peak RGC Density (Cells/mm2) | RGC Diameter Range (in µm) | Mean Fibre Density of ON (Axons/mm2) | Axon Diameter Range (in µm) | Data from |
Bos taurus | 4300–6300 | 3.5–35 | [24] | ||
Globicephala melas | 241–294 | 10–75 | [22] | ||
Grampus griseus | No data available | ||||
Hippopotamus amphibius | 1800 | [25] | |||
Pseudorca crassidens | 475 | [26] | |||
Stenella coeruleoalba | 24,100 | 0.5–15.2 | [27] | ||
Tursiops truncatus | 460–826 | 9–60 | 19,053–77,000 | 0.27–25.6 | [19,28,29,30] |
Ziphius cavirostris | No data available |
Species | Common Name | Sex | Age | Cause of Death | Use | PMI/DCC |
Artiodactyls | ||||||
Bos taurus | Bovine | Unknown | Adult | Commercial slaughter | R + O | 4 h |
Hippopotamus amphibius | Common hippopotamus | M | 46 | Cardiac arrest | ON | <24 h |
Odontocetes | ||||||
Globicephala melas | Long-finned pilot whale | F | Newborn | Unknown | R + O | DCC 1 |
Grampus griseus | Risso’s dolphin | F | Adult | Septic shock | R + O | DCC 1 |
Pseudorca crassidens | False killer whale | F | Newborn | Unknown | R + O | DCC 2 |
Stenella coeruleoalba | Striped dolphin | M | Juvenile | Caudal fin lesion | R + O | DCC 1 |
Tursiops truncatus | Common bottlenose dolphin | F | Adult | Unknown | R + O | DCC 1 |
Ziphius cavirostris | Cuvier’s beaked whale | M | Juvenile | Unknown | ON | DCC 2 |
Antibody | Production Method | Product Details | Dilution |
Anti-CR | Produced by immunisation of mice with recombinant human calretinin-22 k (identical with calretinin up to Arg178) | Swant, mouse monoclonal, Cat# 6B3, Lot n° 010,399, RRID: AB_10000320 | 1:500 |
Anti-N200 | Produced by fusion of mouse myeloma cells and splenocytes from a mouse immunised with neurofilament 200 from porcine spinal cord | Sigma-Aldrich, mouse monoclonal, Cat# N5389, Lot n° 050M4779, RRID: AB_260781 | 1:500 |
Anti-mouse | Horse anti-mouse antibodies directed at both heavy and light chain | Vector Laboratories, Cat# BA-2000, RRID: AB_2313581 | 1:400 |
Species | Total Nerve Surface Area (in mm2) | Total Fascicular Surface Area (in mm2) | Amount of Nerve Bundles | Percentage of Fascicular Surface to Total |
Bos taurus (left eye) | 3.973 | 3.138 | 329 | 78.98 |
Bos taurus (right eye) | 3.796 | 3.059 | 393 | 80.58 |
Hippopotamus amphibius | 2.174 | 1.777 | 92 | 81.74 |
Globicephala melas | 1.591 | 1.195 | 54 | 75.11 |
Grampus griseus | 3.241 | 2.586 | 167 | 79.79 |
Pseudorca crassidens | 2.527 | 1.916 | 108 | 75.82 |
Stenella coeruleoalba | 2.014 | 1.937 | 1 | 96.18 |
Tursiops truncatus | 2.986 | 2.795 | 4 | 93.60 |
Ziphius cavirostris | 3.450 | 2.959 | 49 | 85.77 |
Species | Mean Thickness (in µm) | Thickness Range (in µm) | Total RGCs | Mean LD (per mm) | Range LD (per mm) | N200+ Ratio | CR+ Ratio |
Bos taurus (left eye) | 183.5 | 183.5–270.1 | 563 | 15 | 3–61 | 49.41 | 11.16 |
Bos taurus (right eye) | 263.8 | 180.6–387.4 | 402 | 20 | 10–53 | 53.66 | 10.57 |
Globicephala melas | 204.9 | 83.7–293.7 | 158 | 4 | 1–9 | 69.59 | 0 |
Grampus griseus | 140.2 | 58.1–345.1 | 171 | 5 | 2–9 | 51.66 | 0 |
Pseudorca crassidens | 228.7 | 93.7–358.3 | 231 | 6 | 1–12 | 31.42 | 0 |
Stenella coeruleoalba | 160.2 | 55.7–247.8 | 87 | 4 | 1–9 | 65.69 | 0 |
Tursiops truncatus | 192.5 | 81.3–277.7 | 103 | 6 | 0–12 | 79.81 | 9.13 |
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De Boeck, M.W.E.; Cozzi, B.; Graïc, J.-M. Interspecies Retinal Diversity and Optic Nerve Anatomy in Odontocetes. Animals 2023, 13, 3430.
De Boeck MWE, Cozzi B, Graïc J-M. Interspecies Retinal Diversity and Optic Nerve Anatomy in Odontocetes. Animals. 2023; 13(21):3430.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDe Boeck, Michiel W. E., Bruno Cozzi, and Jean-Marie Graïc. 2023. "Interspecies Retinal Diversity and Optic Nerve Anatomy in Odontocetes" Animals 13, no. 21: 3430.
APA StyleDe Boeck, M. W. E., Cozzi, B., & Graïc, J.-M. (2023). Interspecies Retinal Diversity and Optic Nerve Anatomy in Odontocetes. Animals, 13(21), 3430.