Lessons Learned for Pre-Emptive Capture Management as a Tool for Wildlife Conservation during Oil Spills and Eradication Events
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. Case Studies—Oil Spills
3.1.1. Australia MV Iron Barron Oil Spill 1995
3.1.2. South Africa MV Treasure Oil Spill 2000
3.1.3. USA Deepwater Horizons Oil Spill 2010
3.1.4. New Zealand MV Rena Oil Spill 2011
3.2. Case Studies—Island Eradications
3.2.1. New Zealand—Mice and Rat Eradication/Poisoning, Kapiti Island 1996
3.2.2. New Zealand—Rat Eradication/Poisoning, Whenua Hou Nature Reserve/Codfish Island 1998
3.2.3. Seychelles—Cat, Rabbit, Rats and Mice Eradication 1996–2000
3.2.4. California, USA—Rat Eradication/Poisoning, Anacapa Islands 2001–2002
3.2.5. Galapagos—Rat Eradication/Poisoning, Pinzón Island 2012
3.2.6. Australia—Rat Eradication/Poisoning, Lord Howe Island 2019
3.2.7. United Kingdom/South Atlantic—Mouse Eradication, Gough Island 2021
4. Discussion
- Before a spill or eradication—determine potential species at risk: consider the numbers and species of wildlife, their threat classification and geographic extent, the animals’ behaviour (seasonal, feeding, breeding), response options available for each species, and whether it is practical for the species to be kept in captivity or if capture and translocation are more appropriate [13]. For eradication activities, this includes developing an inventory of non-target species, including bait-competitors, and a simple food web model to try and understand all possible primary and secondary poison routes pathways (e.g., [40]). Both laboratory and field trials are recommended.
- Conduct applicable capture planning (techniques and personnel) to ensure animal welfare, i.e., conduct site assessment for capture and housing: consider site accessibility and the prioritisation of locations (accessibility, tide, weather), and have knowledge of species behaviour and the geographical area, and lists of experts and pertinent contacts.
- Plan for appropriate captive care arrangements (housing, husbandry, personnel expertise, etc.).
- Plan and possibly trial relocation solutions (release location, transport, site fidelity, predicted time to return, energetic costs of return, etc.).
- Ensure the plans for aviculture can logistically be undertaken given the species, scale of operation, and numbers of individuals or species that need to be held.
- Critically, gain approvals from relevant government agencies and first nations groups, where applicable, for the capture, handling, and holding and transfer/release of wildlife.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Case Study (Reference) | Species Protected | Control | Outcome | Lessons |
Oil Spill Response | ||||
MV Iron Barron, Tasmaina, 1995 [15,16] | Little blue penguins (Eudyptula minor) | Translocation 480 km from spill after wildlife cleaned and rehabilitated to allow time for area to be cleaned before wildlife returns | 863 translocated, 56% reported returned within 4 months, no difference in survival rates recorded between translocated and non-translocated wildlife | Translocation considered effective, recommend trialing distances before being implemented |
MV Treasure, South Africa, 2000 [17,18,19] | African Penguins (Spheniscus demersus) | 19,506 penguins were pre-emptive captured and translocated ~700 km away to allow time for area to be cleaned before wildlife returns. 3350 orphaned chicks captured and hand reared | One year after the spill, 84% of the translocated birds were re-sighted, compared with 55% of the captured, cleaned, and released birds. Of the 3350 chicks collected approximately 2300 were fledged and released | Translocations considered effective however greater consideration of conditions prior to and during transport needed. Preemptive capture and hand rearing of chicks was a successful conversation practice which can be used for oil spills, droughts and other human and natural impacts. |
Deepwater Horizons, USA 2010 [20] | Brown Pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis) | Translocation and supplementary feeding away from spill area after wildlife cleaned and rehabilitated to allow time for area to be cleaned | No morality of translocated birds reported, birds mixed with local flock and stayed for 4 to 6 weeks | Translocations and supplementary feeding considered successful. Shorter time period of feeding suggested and tracking of translocated individuals |
MV Rena, New Zealand, 2011 [21] | Northern New Zealand dotterels (Charadrius obscurus aquilonius) | 60 dotterels pre-emptively caught and held for 60 days | 90% survival to release | Critical to have a dedicated captive management team. Strong recommendation that if shorebirds are preemptively captured, that the clean-up of their habitat is prioritised to enable as early release as possible. |
Eradication Operation | ||||
Kapiti Island, New Zealand 1996 [22] | North Island weka (Gallirallus australis grey) | Capture and transfer of 243 weka to mainland NZ | Some Weka not transferred survived the aerial poisoning and no reintroduction back to the island was made. Weka now breed prolifically on the island and are fully recovered | Species at risk should be identified through both non-toxic bait trials and knowledge from species at risk from previous operations |
Whenua Hou/Codfish Island 1998 [23] | Fernbirds (Bowdleria punctata wilsoni), Short-tailed bats (Mystacina tuberculatus tuberculatus) | Fernbirds—21 birds transferred to a nearby rat-free island and poison placed in bait stations in highest density fernbird habitat instead of aerial spread Bats—captured and translocated onto another island and 386 held in captivity on island for ~90 days | Fernbirds—transferred birds successfully translocated, established, and bred and have not been transferred back. Most fernbirds on the island were thought to be killed. However enough survived or naturally reintroduced to recover and expanded their range without rats. Bats—capture and release unsuccessful, none know to survive. Capture and hold on the island was considered successful | Dedicated husbandry teams are needed for the pre-emptive capture of species during eradication projects. The additional cost of an additional rat eradication and transfer of a security population to another island was considered warranted even though not needed in the end. |
Seychelles 2000 [24,25] | Seychelles magpie-robins (Copsychus sechellarum), Seychelles fodys (Foudia sechellarum), Aldabran giant tortoises (Geochelone gigantea) | 590 individuals from the 3 species were held in captivity on the island for up to 90 days during eradication | All individuals survived capture and were released. Magpie robins breed in captivity | Dedicated husbandry teams are essential for success and allow for increased knowledge and capability for the aviculture of species |
Anacapa Islands, California 2001 and 2002 [26] | Anacapa deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus anacapae), Peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) | Aerial poisoning was conducted over two years. Pior to each drop deer mice were live captured and held in captivity or before the second application mice (from the soon to be poisons island) were transferred into the wild on the now rat-free island Raptors were live captured prior to rodenticide applications (peregrine falcons, red-tailed hawks, barn owls, and burrowing owls). Most were released on the mainland in suitable habitat; peregrine falcons were held and released back onto Anacapa 3 weeks after rodenticide applications | There were no signs of rats or wild deer mice on the islands after poison applications. Deer mice that had been captured were released back onto rat-free islands 5 months after applications. In both years, >90% of the deer mice taken into captivity were released. Captive holding and translocation significantly reduced raptor mortality. One granivorous bird species, rufous-crowned sparrow, Aimophila ruficeps Obscura ,showed an unexpected significant decline | This was the first recorded rodent eradication that ensured a native endemic rodent, which showed to be equally susceptible to the bait as the rats, to survive. Eradication showed the importance of learning from previous operations, particularly based on species similar to raptors, as some granivorous birds may require captive-holding efforts or no-drop zones to minimize risk for non-target impacts as seen on Codfish Is, NZ. Demonstrates the need for well-designed data-driven mitigations. |
Galapagos 2012 [27] | Pinzón giant tortoise (Chelonoidis duncanensis), Pinzón lava lizards (Microlophus duncanensis), Galapagos hawks (Buteo galapagoensis) | 15 tortoises captured and held on another island for 2 years 40 lizards held in captivity until 10 days after second bait spread 60 hawks were captured and held in captivity until 12–14 days after second bait spread | All tortoises survived, were released, and have since bred 87% survival rate of lizards in captivity Unfortunately, 22 hawks died 12 to 170 days after the release of secondary poisoning therefore 10 were recapture treated with Vit K and not released until poison levels known to reduce | Rodenticide lasted longer in the environment than expected. Lizards did not eat bait in laboratory trials, but did in the field, emphasising both laboratory and field trials should be undertaken to determine species at risk |
Lord Howe Island, Australia 2019 [28,29] | Lord Howe woodhen (Gallirallus sylvestris) and pied currawong (Strepera graculina crissalis) | Trial preemptive capture of both species prior to poison spread. 85% of woodhen population and 50% of currawong population captured before eradication operation and held until one month after. | All woodhen and currawong survived capitivity and woodhen population now quadruple pre-eradication population size | Importance of pre-emptive capture trials to understand how to manage wildlife in captivity Eradication also showed the importance of learning from previous operations particularly based on similar species |
Gough Island, Tristan da Cunha, UK 2021 [30,31,32,33,34] | Gough bunting (Rowettia goughensis) and moorhen (Gallinula comeri) | Bunting and moorhens were trial preemptively captured and held before poison spread 84 moorhens and 100 buntings captured and held during poisoning | 80 moorhens and 103 bunting released Buntings continue to do well; however, the status of moorhens is unknown Unfortunately, the rodent eradication was not a success | Recommended that the avicultural project be run separately but parallel to the eradication operation A dedicated husbandry team with a comprehensive plan was essential |
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Chilvers, B.L.; McClelland, P.J. Lessons Learned for Pre-Emptive Capture Management as a Tool for Wildlife Conservation during Oil Spills and Eradication Events. Animals 2023, 13, 833. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13050833
Chilvers BL, McClelland PJ. Lessons Learned for Pre-Emptive Capture Management as a Tool for Wildlife Conservation during Oil Spills and Eradication Events. Animals. 2023; 13(5):833. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13050833
Chicago/Turabian StyleChilvers, B. Louise, and Pete J. McClelland. 2023. "Lessons Learned for Pre-Emptive Capture Management as a Tool for Wildlife Conservation during Oil Spills and Eradication Events" Animals 13, no. 5: 833. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13050833
APA StyleChilvers, B. L., & McClelland, P. J. (2023). Lessons Learned for Pre-Emptive Capture Management as a Tool for Wildlife Conservation during Oil Spills and Eradication Events. Animals, 13(5), 833. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13050833