Assessment of Cyber-Physical Inverter-Based Microgrid Control Performance under Communication Delay and Cyber-Attacks
:1. Introduction
- Implementing an innovative cyber-physical co-simulation platform that integrates OPAL-RT, the network simulator ns3, and Docker containers into a unified, sophisticated platform, providing a sustainable tool to pursue various research studies within cyber-physical power systems applications.
- Proposing an experimental study targeting the sustainability challenges in cyber-physical inverter-based microgrids through an innovative way of assessing the frequency stability in different real-world scenarios.
- Developing an innovative ns3-based communication model that adequately represents the communication infrastructure between the primary and secondary control layers within the islanded inverter-based microgrid.
- Proposing a distributed denial of service (DDoS) model in real-time operation within the ns3-based communication surface for assessing sustainable MG operation in different cyber scenarios regarding communication delays and DDoS attacks.
2. The Proposed Architecture of the Cyber-Physical Co-Simulation Platform
2.1. Modeling and Control of an Inverter-Based Microgrid
2.2. Modeling of the Communication Network Infrastructure
Algorithm 1. Modeling of the ns3-based communication network. |
2.3. The Interface between the Communication Network and the Physical System
3. Modeling of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack
Algorithm 2. DDoS attack using UDP flooding |
4. Implementation of a Cyber-Physical Co-Simulation Platform in the FIU Smart Grid Testbed
- Machine 1: OPAL-RT, simulator for real-time simulation of the inverter-based MG, including all the local controllers of the physical system.
- Machine 2: Linux OS contains ns3 for communication network emulation, shared memory, and Docker containers to transfer data between OPAL-RT and network nodes in ns3. Two containers are created to connect to the two communication nodes of inverters. The UPD/IP protocol is used for interfacing between the communication model in machine 2 and the physical system that runs on OPAL-RT in machine 1.
- Machine 3: MATLAB/Simulink is used to implement the centralized secondary controller and a Modbus TCP server, then connect to the two developed containers in machine 2, representing the clients.
5. Cyber-physical inverter-based Microgrid Implementation and Experimental Results
5.1. Evaluating the MG Performance with the Primary Control Layer
5.2. Assessing the MG’s Stability with the Secondary Control
- Phase 1 (0–36.5 s): The primary control only (based on droop control).
- Phase 2 (36.5–71 s): The activation of the ns3-based communication model and the secondary controller are working.
- Phase 3 (71–100 s): A step-up change in the total connected load with a value of 5.8 kW.
- Phase 4 (100–120 s): A step-down change with a value of 5.8 kW.
5.3. Scrutinizing the Impact of Communication Delay on Frequency Response
- Delay (0–100 ms): The frequency response is stable and can track the reference value effectively without steady-state errors.
- Delay (100–120 ms): The frequency is critically stable; it oscillates around the reference value and cannot reach a steady-state value.
- Delay (>120 ms): The frequency response is unstable.
5.4. Examining the MG’s Frequency Performance under the DDoS Attack
- At t = 0 s, the physical system typically starts in OPAL-RT without the secondary control.
- At t = 36.5 s, the centralized secondary controller connects to the physical system via the proposed communication model.
- Zone A (0–36.5 s): The MG worked based on primary control only; thus, the frequency was stable but deviated from its nominal value.
- Phase B (36.5–45 s): The established communication model connected the secondary control layer to the physical layer, eliminating the frequency deviation. At tattack = 40 s, the DDoS attack commenced; however, it did not impact the system, as it was in a steady state.
- Zone C (45–70 s): The emulated attack hacked the communication surface, leading to central controller corruption, as described in Figure 20. However, the absence of secondary control signals within this zone did not affect the system, as no operating conditions change needed a control action.
- Zone D (70–100 s): A step-up change occurred at t = 70 s, while the central controller cannot sense this variation as it is under attack. Consequently, the frequency cannot remain constant at 60 Hz, and there is a frequency deviation. The system remains stable but with a frequency deviation value depending on the load change amount, the same as operation with droop control only.
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Docker Container Name | IP Address | Device | Signals | Modbus Space on the Server | Position in Memory | |
Name | Data Type | |||||
Node 1 | | VSI-1 | Meas f1 | float | 0–1 | Output 0 |
Meas v1 | float | 2–3 | Output 1 | |||
Ctrl f | float | 4–5 | Input 0 | |||
Ctrl v | float | 6–7 | Input 1 | |||
Node 2 | | VSI-2 | Meas f2 | float | 0–1 | Output 2 |
Meas v2 | float | 2–3 | Output 3 | |||
Ctrl f | float | 4–5 | Input 2 | |||
Ctrl v | float | 6–7 | Input 3 |
Parameters | Symbol | Value |
Filter inductance | 3.5 mH | |
Filter capacitance | 50 μf | |
Coupling inductance | 0.35 mH | |
Coupling resistance | 0.05 Ω | |
Inner voltage controller proportional gain | 0.285 | |
The microgrid voltage | 110 V | |
The reference frequency | 60 Hz | |
Inner voltage controller integral gain | 590 | |
Inner current controller proportional gain | 55 | |
Inner current controller integral gain | 1570 | |
Secondary controller proportional gain | 0.08 | |
Secondary controller integral gain | 7 | |
The total connected load | 13.9 kW |
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Ali, O.; Nguyen, T.-L.; Mohammed, O.A. Assessment of Cyber-Physical Inverter-Based Microgrid Control Performance under Communication Delay and Cyber-Attacks. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 997.
Ali O, Nguyen T-L, Mohammed OA. Assessment of Cyber-Physical Inverter-Based Microgrid Control Performance under Communication Delay and Cyber-Attacks. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(3):997.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAli, Ola, Tung-Lam Nguyen, and Osama A. Mohammed. 2024. "Assessment of Cyber-Physical Inverter-Based Microgrid Control Performance under Communication Delay and Cyber-Attacks" Applied Sciences 14, no. 3: 997.
APA StyleAli, O., Nguyen, T.-L., & Mohammed, O. A. (2024). Assessment of Cyber-Physical Inverter-Based Microgrid Control Performance under Communication Delay and Cyber-Attacks. Applied Sciences, 14(3), 997.