Dissolved Oxygen Control in Activated Sludge Process Using a Neural Network-Based Adaptive PID Algorithm
:Featured Application
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Activated Sludge Process (ASP) and Benchmark Simulation Model No. 1 (BSM1)
2.2. A Neural Network Based Adaptive PID Algorithm
2.2.1. Radial Basis Function (RBF) Neural Network
2.2.2. Design of the RBF Neural Network Based Adaptive PID (RBFNNPID) Algorithm
- Step 1:
- Initializing the network parameters, including the number of nodes in input layers and hidden layers, learning rate, inertia coefficient, the base width vector and the weight vector.
- Step 2:
- Sampling to get input rin and output y, calculating error in terms of Equation (18).
- Step 3:
- Calculating the output u of regulator according to Equation (22).
- Step 4:
- Calculating network output ym, adjusting center vector C, base width vector B, weight vector W and the Jacobian matrix in terms of Equations from (10) to (17) to obtain network identification information.
- Step 5:
- Adjusting parameters of regulator in terms of Equations (25)–(27).
- Step 6:
- Back to Step 2 and repeat the subsequent steps until the end of the simulation time.
3. Results
3.1. Tracking Performance Test 1
3.2. Tracking Performance Test 2
3.3. Anti-Disturbance Performance Test
3.4. Controller Performance Evaluation Index
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Appendix B
function [sys, x0, str, ts] = nnrbf_pid(t,x,u,flag,T,nn,K_pid, eta_pid, xite, alfa, beta0, w0) |
switch flag, |
case 0, [sys, x0, str, ts] = mdlInitializeSizes(T,nn); |
case 2, sys = mdlUpdates(u); |
case 3, sys = mdlOutputs(t, x, u, T,nn, K_pid,eta_pid, xite, alfa, beta0, w0); |
case {1, 4, 9}, sys = []; |
otherwise, error (['Unhandled flag = ' , num2str(flag)]); |
end |
function [sys,x0,str,ts] = mdlInitializeSizes(T, nn) |
sizes = simsizes; |
sizes. NumContStates = 0; |
sizes.NumDiscStates = 3; |
sizes. NumOutputs = 4 + 5* nn; |
sizes.NumInputs = 9 + 15* nn; |
sizes. DirFeedthrough = 1; |
sizes. NumSampleTimes =1; |
sys = simsizes(sizes) ; |
x0 = zeros(3, 1); |
str = []; |
ts = [T0]; |
function sys = mdlUpdates(u) |
sys = [ u(1) − u(2); u(1); u(1) + u(3) − 2* u(2)]; |
function sys = mdlOutputs(t, x, u,T, nn, K_pid, eta_pid, xite, alfa, beta0, w0) |
% Initialization of the radial basis centers |
ci3 = reshape(u(7: 6 + 3* nn), 3, nn); |
ci2 = reshape(u(7 + 5* nn: 6 + 8* nn), 3, nn); |
ci1 = reshape(u(7 + 10* nn: 6 + 13* nn), 3, nn); |
% Initialization of the radial basis width |
bi3 = u(7 + 3* nn: 6 + 4* nn); |
bi2 = u(7 + 8*nn: 6 + 9* nn); |
bi1 = u(7 + 13* nn: 6 + 14* nn); |
% Initialization of the weights |
w3 = u(7 + 4* nn: 6+ 5* nn) ; |
w2 = u(7 + 9* nn: 6+ 10* nn) ; |
w1 = u(7 + 14* nn: 6+ 15* nn) ; |
xx = u([6; 4; 5]); |
if t = 0 |
% Initialize the PID parameters |
ci1 = w0(1) * ones(3, nn); |
bi1 = w0(2) *ones(nn, 1); |
w1 = w0(3) * ones(nn, 1); |
K_pid0 = K_pid; |
else |
% Update the PID parameters |
K_pid0 = u(end-2: end); |
end |
for j = 1: nn |
% Gaussian |
h(j, 1) = exp(−norm(xx−ci1( : , j))^2/(2* bi1(j) * bi1(j))); |
end |
% Dynamic of gradient descent method |
dym = u(4) − w1'* h; |
W = w1 + xite* dym* h + alfa* (w1 − w2) + beta0*(w2 − w3) ; |
for j = 1: nn |
dbi(j,1) = xite* dym* w1(j) * h(j) * (bi1(j) ^(−3)) * norm(xx − ci1(:,j))^2; |
dci( : ,j) = xite*dym* w1(j)* h(j) * (xx − ci1(:,j)) * (bi1(j)^(−2)); |
end |
bi = bi1 + dbi + alfa* (bi1 − bi2) + beta0*(bi2 − bi3) ; |
ci = ci1 + dci + alfa* (ci1 − ci2) + beta0*(ci2 − ci3) ; |
% Jacobian |
dJac = sum(w.*h.*(−xx (1) + ci (1,:)') ./bi.^2); |
% adjustments of the PID parameters |
KK(1) = K_pid0(1) + u(1) * dJac* eta_pid(1)* x(1); |
KK(2) = K_pid0(2) + u(1) * dJac* eta_pid(2)* x(2); |
KK(3) = K_pid0(3) + u(1) * dJac* eta_pid(3)* x(3); |
sys= [ u(6) + KK* x; KK'; ci( : ) ; bi( : ) ; w( : ) ] ; |
Appendix C
- (i)
- V(x) > 0 is positive definite or V(x) < 0 is negative definite, x ∈ Ω and x ≠ 0;
- (ii)
- V(x) > 0 is positive semi-definite or V(x) < 0 is negative semidefinite, x ∈ Ω;
- (i)
- If V(x) is positive (or negative) definite, and if derivation is negative (or positive) semi-definite, the system is said to be Lyapunov stable at the equilibrium of the origin;
- (ii)
- If V(x) is positive (or negative) definite, and if derivation is negative (or positive) definite, the system is said to be exponentially stable at the equilibrium of the origin;
- (iii)
- If V(x) is positive (or negative) definite, and if derivation is also positive (or negative) definite, the system is said to be unstable at the equilibrium of the origin;
Appendix D
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Weather | Method | ISE | IAE | Devmax | Vare |
Dry | RBFNNPID | 1.64× 10−2 | 2.08× 10−1 | 1.89× 10−1 | 2.10× 10−3 |
PID | 4.44× 10−2 | 4.03× 10−1 | 3.43× 10−1 | 6.30× 10−3 | |
Rain | RBFNNPID | 2.50× 10−3 | 9.47× 10−2 | 6.94× 10−2 | 3.53× 10−4 |
PID | 3.59× 10−2 | 3.61× 10−1 | 2.95× 10−1 | 5.10× 10−3 | |
Storm | RBFNNPID | 5.70× 10−3 | 1.39× 10−1 | 1.46× 10−1 | 8.16× 10−4 |
PID | 1.38× 10−2 | 2.27× 10−1 | 1.97× 10−1 | 2.00× 10−3 |
Weather | PID (kWh/d) | RBFNNPID (kWh/d) |
Dry | 7149.9 | 7032.1 |
Rain | 6955.8 | 6805.8 |
Storm | 7199.6 | 6971.8 |
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Share and Cite
Du, X.; Wang, J.; Jegatheesan, V.; Shi, G. Dissolved Oxygen Control in Activated Sludge Process Using a Neural Network-Based Adaptive PID Algorithm. Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 261. https://doi.org/10.3390/app8020261
Du X, Wang J, Jegatheesan V, Shi G. Dissolved Oxygen Control in Activated Sludge Process Using a Neural Network-Based Adaptive PID Algorithm. Applied Sciences. 2018; 8(2):261. https://doi.org/10.3390/app8020261
Chicago/Turabian StyleDu, Xianjun, Junlu Wang, Veeriah Jegatheesan, and Guohua Shi. 2018. "Dissolved Oxygen Control in Activated Sludge Process Using a Neural Network-Based Adaptive PID Algorithm" Applied Sciences 8, no. 2: 261. https://doi.org/10.3390/app8020261
APA StyleDu, X., Wang, J., Jegatheesan, V., & Shi, G. (2018). Dissolved Oxygen Control in Activated Sludge Process Using a Neural Network-Based Adaptive PID Algorithm. Applied Sciences, 8(2), 261. https://doi.org/10.3390/app8020261