Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Scientific Production about Genetically Modified Maize
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Origin of the Information and Data Preparation
2.2. Analysis with Text Mining
2.3. Network Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Scientific Production on GMO Maize in the International Context
3.2. Bibliometric Indicators
3.3. Scientific Production on the Theme of GMO Maize in Mexico
4. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Journals | Number | |||||
Name | Country | Institution | JCR [30] | Language | Articles | Citations |
Journal of economic entomology | UK | Oxford University Press | 1.970/Q2 | English | 34 | 1581 |
PLoS ONE | USA | Public Library of Science | 3.057/Q1 | English | 29 | 1127 |
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas | Mexico | INIFAP | No JCR | Spanish/English | 19 | 92 |
Environmental entomology | USA | Entomological Society of America | 1.802/Q2 | English | 15 | 1038 |
Cultivos Tropicales | Cuba | Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas | No JCR | Spanish | 14 | 56 |
Mundo Agrario | Argentina | Universidad Nacional de la Plata | No JCR | Spanish | 13 | 381 |
Revista Colombiana de Entomología | Colombia | Universidad del Valle | 0.166/Q4 | Spanish | 13 | 106 |
El Cotidiano | Mexico | UAM | No JCR | Spanish | 12 | 67 |
American Journal of Agricultural Economics | UK | Oxford University Press | 1.436/Q2 | English | 10 | 2995 |
Interciencia | Venezuela | Asociación INTERCIENCIA | 0.219/Q4 | Spanish | 10 | 38 |
Revista Colombiana de Biotecnologia | Colombia | UNC | No JCR | Spanish | 10 | 64 |
Agrociencia | Mexico | COLPOS | 0.370/Q3 | Spanish/English | 9 | 73 |
Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana | Mexico | Sociedad Mexicana de Fitogénetica A.C. | 0.326/Q3 | Spanish | 9 | 204 |
Scientific reports | UK | Nature Publishing Group | 5.228/Q1 | English | 9 | 235 |
Southwestern Entomologist | USA | Society of Southwestern Entomologists | 0.478/Q4 | English | 8 | 39 |
Acta Biológica Colombiana | Colombia | UNC | 0.220/Q3 | English | 7 | 29 |
Agronomía Colombiana | Colombia | UNC | 0.180/Q4 | English | 7 | 137 |
Ciencia rural | Brazil | Universidade Federal de Santa Maria | 0.376/Q4 | English | 7 | 95 |
Florida Entomologist | USA | Florida Entomological Society | 0.975/Q3 | English | 7 | 233 |
Agricultura, Sociedad y Desarrollo | Mexico | COLPOS | No JCR | Spanish/English | 6 | 38 |
Others (429) | 669 | 12,369 |
Country | Country from Journal: % (Number of Scientific Articles) | Scientific Production on GMO Maize | ||||||||
Argentina | Brazil | China * | Colombia | Spain | USA ** | Mexico | Sum | Other Country | Total | |
Argentina | 64.71 (33) | 5.88 (3) | 15.69 (8) | 86.27 (44) | 13.73 (7) | 100 (51) | ||||
Brazil | 1.30 (1) | 59.74 (46) | 2.60 (2) | 9.09 (7) | 6.49 (5) | 79.22 (61) | 20.78 (16) | 100 (77) | ||
China | 7.14 (3) | 2.38 (1) | 2.38 (1) | 26.19 (11) | 2.38 (1) | 40.48 (17) | 59.52 (25) | 100 (42) | ||
Colombia | 2.60 (2) | 62.34 (48) | 2.60 (2) | 2.60 (2) | 1.30 (1) | 71.43 (55) | 28.57 (22) | 100 (77) | ||
Spain | 4.08 (2) | 4.08 (2) | 55.10 (27) | 4.08 (2) | 6.12 (3) | 73.47 (36) | 26.53 (13) | 100 (49) | ||
USA | 0.61 (1) | 63.03 (104) | 1.21 (2) | 64.85 (107) | 35.15 (58) | 100 (165) | ||||
Mexico | 2.67 (6) | 0.44 (1) | 3.56 (8) | 2.67 (6) | 4.89 (11) | 78.67 (177) | 92.89 (209) | 7.11 (16) | 100 (225) |
First Author | Journals | ||||||
Author | Institution | Country | Name | Country | Language | Citations | Theme Area |
Lusk, J.L. [32] | Purdue University | USA | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | UK | English | 714 | Public health |
Saxena, D. [2] | New York University | USA | American Journal of Botany | USA | English | 402 | Productivity |
Zwahlen, C. [33] | University of Bern | SW | Molecular Ecology | USA | English | 331 | Productivity |
Jarvis, D.I. [34] | International Plant Genetic Resources Institute | Italy | Molecular Ecology | USA | English | 230 | Productivity |
Zwahlen, C. [35] | University of Bern | SW | Molecular Ecology | USA | English | 224 | Productivity |
Gianessi, L.P. [36] | CropLife Foundation | USA | Pest Management Science | USA | English | 199 | Competitiveness |
Ortiz-García, S. [37] | Instituto Nacional de Ecología | Mexico | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | USA | English | 173 | Productivity |
Dively, G.P. [38] | University of Maryland | USA | Environmental entomology | USA | English | 147 | Pests and diseases |
Lundgren, J.G. [39] | University of Illinois | USA | Environmental entomology | USA | English | 129 | Pests and diseases |
Faria, C.A. [40] | University of Neuchátel | SW | PloS One | USA | English | 116 | Pests and diseases |
Daly, T. [41] | University of Georgia | USA | Environmental entomology | USA | English | 110 | Pests and diseases |
Davis, P.M. [42] | Monsanto Company | USA | Journal of economic entomology | USA | English | 109 | Pests and diseases |
Buntin, G.D. [43] | University of Georgia | USA | The Florida Entomologist | USA | English | 105 | Pests and diseases |
Pilcher, C.D. [44] | Iowa State University | USA | Environmental entomology | USA | English | 103 | Pests and diseases |
Storer, N.P. [45] | North Carolina State University | USA | Journal of economic entomology | USA | English | 103 | Pests and diseases |
Onstad, D.W. [46] | Illinois Natural History Survey | USA | Journal of economic entomology | USA | English | 92 | Productivity |
Dyer, G A. [47] | University of California | USA | PloS One | USA | English | 88 | Productivity |
He, K. [48] | Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences | China | Journal of economic entomology | USA | English | 86 | Pests and diseases |
Pilcher, C.D. [49] | Iowa State University | USA | Journal of economic entomology | USA | English | 82 | Pests and diseases |
Bitzer, R.J. [50] | Iowa State University | USA | Environmental entomology | USA | English | 79 | Pests and diseases |
Journal | First Author Institution | Total | |||||||||
Name | Institution | JCR [30] | Language | UAM | UNAM | COLPOS | CHAPINGO | INIFAP | IPN | Others | |
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas | INIFAP | No JCR | Spanish/English | 10.53 (2) | 15.79 (3) | 10.53 (2) | 36.84 (7) | 26.32 (5) | 100.00 (19) | ||
El Cotidiano | UAM | No JCR | Spanish | 50.00 (6) | 8.33 (1) | 8.33 (1) | 33.33 (4) | 100.00 (12) | |||
Agrociencia | COLPOS | 0.370/Q3 | Spanish/English | 44.44 (4) | 22.22 (2) | 33.33 (3) | 100.00 (9) | ||||
Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana | Fitogenetica A.C.* | 0.326/Q3 | Spanish | 11.11 (1) | 55.56 (5) | 11.11 (1) | 22.22 (2) | 100.00 (9) | |||
Argumentos | UAM | No JCR | Spanish | 100.00 (8) | 100.00 (8) | ||||||
Agricultura, Sociedad y Desarrollo | COLPOS | No JCR | Spanish/English | 50.00 (3) | 33.33 (2) | 16.17 (1) | 100.00 (6) | ||||
Soociologica | UAM | No JCR | Spanish | 80.00 (4) | 20.00 (1) | 100.00 (5) | |||||
Acta Universitaria | UGTO | No JCR | Spanish | 20.00 (1) | 20.00 (1) | 60.00 (3) | 100.00 (5) | ||||
Sociedad y Ambiente | ECOSUR | No JCR | Spanish | 40.00 (2) | 20.00 (1) | 40.00 (2) | 100.00 (5) | ||||
AGROProductividad | COLPOS | No JCR | Spanish | 60.00 (3) | 40.00 (2) | 100.00 (5) | |||||
Revista de Geografía Agrícola | CHAPINGO | No JCR | Spanish/English | 100.00 (4) | 100.00 (4) |
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Santillán-Fernández, A.; Salinas-Moreno, Y.; Valdez-Lazalde, J.R.; Pereira-Lorenzo, S. Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Scientific Production about Genetically Modified Maize. Agriculture 2021, 11, 246.
Santillán-Fernández A, Salinas-Moreno Y, Valdez-Lazalde JR, Pereira-Lorenzo S. Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Scientific Production about Genetically Modified Maize. Agriculture. 2021; 11(3):246.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSantillán-Fernández, Alberto, Yolanda Salinas-Moreno, José René Valdez-Lazalde, and Santiago Pereira-Lorenzo. 2021. "Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Scientific Production about Genetically Modified Maize" Agriculture 11, no. 3: 246.
APA StyleSantillán-Fernández, A., Salinas-Moreno, Y., Valdez-Lazalde, J. R., & Pereira-Lorenzo, S. (2021). Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Scientific Production about Genetically Modified Maize. Agriculture, 11(3), 246.