1. Introduction
The sowing crops in Poland are predominantly represented by cereals. Wheat and other basic grains such as rye, barley, or oats can be grown in any part of Poland owing to the favorable climatic conditions [
1]. Among about 20 subspecies of wheat, the cultivation in Poland is dominated by common wheat (
Triticum aestivum ssp.
vulgare), which belongs to a profitable crop [
2]. ‘Bogatka’ is a bread variety of common wheat belonging to the technological group B. ‘Bogatka’ is characterized by a very good yielding potential under Polish climatic conditions, is characterized by high weight of a thousand grains, frost tolerance, and gluten content, as well as good resistance to fungal pathogens and lodging [
Plants grown under natural environmental conditions are exposed to the adverse effects of many stress factors. One of such most common abiotic stress factors is drought [
7]. Water deficit in plants is caused by atmospheric drought, which may derive from high temperature, low air humidity, or increased water transpiration. The dates of agrotechnical treatments should be adapted to the prevailing climatic conditions, as a result of which the conditions for growing thermophilic plants may be improved [
8]. It is also recommended to use biologically active substances, including fertilizers, plant protection products, and biostimulants. The use of plant biostimulants can improve flowering, fruit setting, and nutrient use efficiency, as well as stimulate plant growth and increase tolerance to abiotic stresses [
10]. Biostimulants are classified as per the biologically active substances present, which are to improve the tolerance of plants to abiotic environmental stresses [
11]. Biostimulants act on plants’ metabolic and enzymatic processes to improve productivity and crop quality as well as assist plants to cope with abiotic stress [
12]. The effects of the biostimulators may be multifaceted and the effects of their activities vary depending on the type of biostimulant used and the plant variety, but in the end most of them have a beneficial effect on crops [
13]. There is no legal or regulatory definition of plant biostimulants anywhere in the world, which precludes a categorization of the substances and microorganisms covered by the concept. However, some major categories are widely recognized by scientists, regulators, and stakeholders [
14]. According to the same study, the main categories of plant biostimulants include humic and fulvic acids, protein hydrolysates and other N-containing compounds, seaweed extracts and botanicals, chitosan and other biopolymers, inorganic compounds, and beneficial fungi and bacteria.
One of the biostimulants used in the experiment was the ‘Naturvital
®-Plus’, a preparation containing humic substances of equal proportions and purity. The content of this biostimulator is 21% of total humic extract, or 14% of humic acids and 7% of fulvic acids. Humic and fulvic substances are the main components of lignites, soil, and peat, which are produced by the biodegradation of organic matter resulting in a mixture of acids and carboxyl groups. Fulvic acids are humic acids with a higher oxygen content and lower molecular weight [
15]. As a biostimulant, humic acids exert many effects on plant growth, yield, and protection under several analyzed abiotic stresses [
16]. The key mechanisms targeted by humic and fulvic acids contain preparates which are roots targets; nutrient availability and metal chelation, as well as whole plant responses; reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging, osmoprotection, membrane stability, and ion homeostasis [
Another two preparations used in our experiment were from the bacterial group of biostimulants. Bacteria with the capacity to fix atmospheric nitrogen (N
2) symbiotically belong to many different genera,
Bacillus being only one of those potentially used in biostimulation. Several mechanisms have been reported for how specific microbial inoculants stimulate plant growth and nutrient uptake, including asymbiotic nitrogen fixation, solubilization of nutrients, sequestering of iron by production of siderophores, and production of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) [
18]. ‘BaktoKompleks’ is a natural biopreparation composed of five strains of soil bacteria of the
Bacillus genus (1,000,000,000 in mL) selected from Polish soils. The use of bacterial strains from the place/climate where they will be used is extremely important for the effectiveness of the preparation. Moreover, the use of bacteria in the form of spores enables a wide spectrum of product activity and achieves a rapid effect. According to the manufacturer’s information, the ‘BaktoKompleks’ preparation accelerates the decomposition of organic matter, as it catches crops, manure, or harvest residues in the soil. It affects the production of plant hormones and stimulates the development of microflora accompanying root growth. Its application improves the soil structure, allows plants to use previously unavailable nutrients present in the soil and is a catalyst for soil-localized biochemical reactions that affect the balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur compounds. The second bacterial biostimulator used in our experiment was the ‘Biomega’ preparation, containing strains of
Bacillus velezensis bacteria. These bacteria create biofilms, are responsible for the production of antimicrobial metabolites, and induce plant immunity.
Bacillus velezensis has been shown to be active against fungal pathogens [
20]. Moreover, similar to other
Bacillus sp. species, they produce endospores that are highly resistant to adverse environmental conditions and support the survival of vegetative cells under field conditions [
21]. According to the manufacturer’s information, ‘Biomega’ provides nitrogen bound from the atmosphere, supports the metabolic activity of plants at the root level, and unlocks phosphorus in the soil.
Another biostimulator used in our experiment was the ‘Raiza-Mix’, a preparation that contains brown algae (
Ascophyllum nodosum) in which the presence of cytokinins, gibberellins, and auxins was observed. Phytohormones derived from algae stimulate the production of amylase and the seed germination process, induce root formation, and stimulate cell growth [
14]. According to OOsten et al. Ref [
17], the key mechanisms targeted by algal-based preparations focus at the same time on root targets (root zone water availability and root ethylene and auxin levels), shoot targets (stomatal regulation and xylem hydraulic conductance), as well as on whole plant responses (ROS scavenging, membrane stability, and osmoprotection). In addition, the preparation contains free amino acids, including proline and serine, as well as macro- and micronutrients. There is considerable evidence that the exogenous application of a number of structural and non-protein amino acids, including glutamate, histidine, proline, and glycine betaine, can provide protection from environmental stresses or are active in metabolic signaling and have roles in plant defense [
18]. Biostimulants containing free amino acids, including glutamine, betaine, or proline, increase the nitrogen assimilation and stimulate the plant metabolism of carbon and nitrogen [
11]. The micronutrients contained in the preparation, such as zinc, molybdenum, manganese, copper, iron, or boron, affect the proper development of the root system and improve nitrogen management, the efficiency of the photosynthesis process, and pathogen resistance.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and compare the effects of the selected preparations based on the following biological active substances: soil bacteria, strains Bacillus sp., free amino acids, and humic substances, to enhance the winter wheat tolerance to drought stress.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Plant Material and Growing Condition
The pot experiment was carried out in the garden (the periods from sowing seeds to the induction of drought stress and from the end of physiological measurements to harvest), as well as in the greenhouse (during drought stress) and phytotron (during physiological measurements) that belong to the Department of Agronomy at the University of Life Sciences (Poznań, Poland). The experiment was carried out in 2021 as a two-factor experiment with three replications. The first analyzed factor was presence of drought stress. Control plants were kept at optimal hydration of 20–22% of soil volumetric moisture, whereas in the drought-stressed plants soil moisture was reduced to 6–8% of soil volume moisture. The second analyzed factor was the use of biostimulants (
Table 1).
Pots with a capacity of 6 L were filled with the ready substrate, KRONEN
® BIO soil for herbs and vegetables. A ready-made, commercial medium, which was used in many previous experiments, was used [
23]. Soil quality specification: pH (5.2–6.3); Electrical conductivity (EC): below 90 mS·m
−1; Particle size: fraction 0–5 mm. Seeds were treated before sowing with ‘Raiza-Mix’ and ‘
Bacillus velezensis’ at a dose of 200 mL·100 kg
−1 of seeds in a standard water dose. Then, 10 grains per pot of winter wheat of the ‘Bogatka’ variety were sown. The ‘Bogatka’ wheat used in the experiment is a Polish variety bred by DANKO Hodowla Roślin sp.z o.o. and registered with KRO in 2004. After sowing, the soil was sprayed with the ‘BaktoKompleks’ preparation at the dose of 1 L·ha
−1. At the tillering stage, foliar spray was applied with the preparation ‘Naturvital
®-Plus’ at the dose of 3 L·ha
−1. The treatment was carried out using a Kwazar Venus Space 2 L pressure hand sprayer, at a working pressure of 0.2 MPa. At the end of tillering stage, the seedlings were thinned, leaving 5 plants per pot with the greatest morphological uniformity assessed visually.
Abiotic stress was carried out in the BBCH 69 phase in the greenhouse (60% to 80% relative humidity, 20 to 25 °C, 16 h day and 8 h night). The soil volume moisture content was monitored daily using ThetaProbe probe (Eijkelkamp, Giesbeek, The Netherlands). At 12 days after the abandonment of watering, the soil humidity of the drought-treated pots was at the level of 6–8% by volume. That humidity makes the water difficult for plants to access, resulting in a visible loss of turgor in the leaves. For the control plants, an even, optimal soil humidity of 20–22% was maintained.
2.2. Physiological State of Plants
The physiological status of wheat plants after the application of selected biostimulants was assessed both in plants that were exposed to drought stress and in plants that grew under optimal hydration (
Figures S1 and S2).
Measurements of the physiological status of plants were made after placing them in a phytotron (at a constant air temperature of 25 °C and 70 ± 5% relative humidity), in the dark for 6 h in order to suppress photosynthesis. The measurement was carried out in the same order of objects and repetitions. Control plants were measured alternately with the stressed plants. Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured on the same, youngest, and fully developed leaf.
2.2.1. Gas Exchange
Photosynthetic activity was assessed by measuring gas exchange with the instrument LCpro-SD (ADC BioScientific Ltd., Hoddesdon, UK) using the parameters: A—CO2 Assimilation Level (μmol·m−2s−1), E—Transpiration Level (mmol·m−2s−1), Gs—Stomatal Conductance (mol·m−2s−1), Ci—Intercellular CO2 Concentration (vpm).
The LCpro-SD instrument settings were matched to the experiment according to the manufacturer’s instructions [
24]. The air flow to the measuring chamber (u) was kept at 200 μmol s
−1. The concentration of H
2O (reference H
2O) was set to ambient, i.e., the concentration actually encountered in the environment. The PPFD-photosynthetic photon flux density, which is the light intensity in the measuring chamber emitted by the red and blue LEDs of the spectrum in the proportion of 10:1, respectively, was 400 μmol·m
−1 (LCP Narrow Lamp, ADC BioScientific Ltd., Hoddesdon, UK). Gas exchange measurements were run in triplicate.
2.2.2. Plant Chlorophyll Fluorescence
A score of parameters related to fluorescence were measured with a Fluorometer OS5p (Optisciences Inc., Hudson, NH, USA) using a PAR clip. In the experiment, a kinetic protocol was chosen that combines measurements in light with measurements of dark-adapted plants. It allows for the determination of parameters confirming the occurrence of stress in plants. We measured the following indices: F0—minimum fluorescence, Fm—maximum fluorescence, Fv/Fm—maximum PSII quantum yield in the dark-acclimated state, Y (PSII)—PSII quantum yield in the light-acclimated state, ETR—electron transport rate. The fluorimeter settings were selected for the experiment according to the manufacturer’s instructions (OS5p User’s Guide, The standard in Plant Stress Measurement, Opti-Sciences, 040113), and our previous experiments on wheat plants [
23]. Fluorescence measurement was performed in triplicate, analogous to the measurement of photosynthetic activity.
2.3. Relative Water Content (RWC)
f.m. (i.e., fresh mass of the leaves), the
RWC measurements were carried out in accordance with the Weatherly method [
RWC was calculated based on the formula:
f.m. = fresh mass of leaves,
d.m. = drought mass of leaves.
Two-centimeter cuttings of leaves were sampled both from drought-stressed and control (optimally hydrated) plants and weighed thrice. The first weight assessment was conducted immediately after sampling (f.m.). After distilled water soaking at room temperature for 4 h, a second weighing was made (f.m. in full turgor). Subsequently, the plant samples were dried for 4 h at 70 °C and the last weighing was carried out (d.m.). Measurements were made in triplicate per pot.
2.4. Estimation of Drought Resistance Index (DRI)
Using the results of physiological measurement parameters, an equation using a 0 to 1 scale was developed for all biostimulants, based on which the plant tolerance to drought stress was assessed. The following input data were used in the following equation: A—CO
2 assimilation level, E—transpiration level, Yield—quantum yield of the photochemical reaction in PSII, all weighted equally [
The plant physiological activity (PPA) index was calculated from the following equation:
Based on the
PPA index calculated for the control plants and for the drought-stressed plants,
DRI was calculated as per the following formula:
2.5. Yield and Yield Parameters
The collection of spikelets and the cuttings from plants were carried out after the wheat plants reached physiological maturity (BBCH 92). Then, the following yield and yield components were determined: grain yield (g per pot), spikelets yield (g per pot), mass of thousand grains (MTGs; g), plant height (cm), and spikelets length (cm). The height of the plants and the length of the spikelets were measured using a tape measure and expressed in centimeters. The cleaned spikelets were weighed, and the spikelet yield was determined; then, they were threshed, and the grain yield was determined using an analytical balance. The MTGs was determined by taking a sample, which was divided into three samples of 100 grains. The samples were weighed. The final value was the product of the average weight of the samples and 10.
2.6. Statistical Analysis
The experiment was conducted once, from 19 April 2021 to 29 July 2021. Throughout the experiment, the data were collected based on three biological replicates (pots) and 3 technical replicates (measurements), unless stated otherwise. We collected the data at germination stage, at application of the drought stress stage, at post-drought recovery, and at full turgor. To analyze the effects of drought presence/absence and of biostimulant formulation on the physiological status of the seedlings, we applied the two-way ANOVA, type I, on the data for each parameter whose methods of assessment are described above. Both ANOVA and the subsequent Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD) test at α = 0.05 were implemented in Statistica 13.3 (Dell Software Inc., Round Rock, TX, USA) and were used to assess the significance of differences among the means. For each given parameter, if the means differed at the significance level of 0.05, they are marked using different letters. The values of the LSD α = 0.05 are presented for each parameter with single-factor effects disregarded, as we detected the factorial interactions throughout.