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Determination of the Optimal Dietary Amino Acid Ratio Based on Egg Quality for Japanese Quail Breeder

Lizia C. Carvalho
Dimitri Malheiros
Michele B. Lima
Tatyany S. A. Mani
Jaqueline A. Pavanini
Ramon D. Malheiros
2 and
Edney P. Silva
Department of Animal Sciences, UNESP—Universidade Estadual Paulista, São Paulo 14883900, Brazil
Prestage Department of Poultry Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27607, USA
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Agriculture 2023, 13(1), 173;
Submission received: 7 November 2022 / Revised: 30 December 2022 / Accepted: 6 January 2023 / Published: 10 January 2023
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Animal Nutrition and Productions)


The objective of this study was to determine the ideal amino acid ratio for Japanese quail based on egg quality. In total, 120 Japanese quail were used. A completely randomized design was used with 12 treatments and 10 replicates per treatment. The treatments consisted of a balanced protein (BP) and the subsequent 11 diets were obtained by the 40% deletion of the BP a specific test for Lys, Met + Cys, Thr, Trp, Arg, Gly + Ser, Val, Ile, Leu, His, and Phr + Tyr. The trial lasted for 25 days. At the end of the trial, egg weight (EW), albumen height, albumen diameter, albumen index, yolk height, yolk diameter, yolk index, Haugh unit, eggshell weight (ESW), and eggshell percentage were measured. The ideal ratio was calculated when a statistical difference was detected using Dunnett’s test. Only the EW and ESW variables differed from those of BP. The ideal amino acid ratios considering Lys as 100 for EW and ESW were Met + Cys 82 and 83, Thr 60 and 68, Trp 18 and 21, Arg 109 and 112, Gly + Ser 99 and 102, Val 77 and 87, Ile 61 and 67, Leu 155 and 141, His 34 and 37, Phe + Try 134 and 133, respectively.

1. Introduction

Egg formation depends on maternal nutrition [1,2]. Some studies have shown that maternal nutrition can modify the composition and characteristics of eggs and consequently affect embryonic development [1,3,4]. Among nutrients, amino acids are essential for egg formation.
The ideal profile of dietary amino acids must support the protein synthesis of target tissues, which in this research consists of proteins that make up eggs, such as low- and high-density lipoproteins, phosvitain and livetin, which make up the yolk, ovoalbumin, ovotransferin, ovomucoid, ovoglubin and ovomucin that form the albumen [5,6]. Glucosamine, glycosaminoglycans, elastin, collagen (I, V, X), osteopontin, and clusterin are present in the eggshell membrane [5,7].
These proteins are synthesized in the liver, magnum, and uterus (or eggshell gland) to form the yolk, albumen, and eggshell, respectively [8], and are related to the dietary supply of amino acids [9,10]. The essential amino acids arginine (Arg), histidine (His), isoleucine (Ile), leucine (Leu), lysine (Lys), methionine (Met), phenylalanine (Phe), threonine (Thr), tryptophan (Trp), and valine (Val) are vital for the constitution of embryonic tissues [11]. The main effects of amino acids are related to production aspects [12], such as the effect of Lys on egg production [12]. Research has linked the effects of Ile and Met on bird fertility [13,14]. Kim et al. [15] and Ullah et al. [16] described the outcomes of imbalances involving Leu, Ile, and Val on egg quality, especially the albumen and eggshell, which are able to regulate protein synthesis [17], and alter the integrity of egg membranes. These findings were corroborated by other studies [18,19,20], which evaluated the effects of Arg, Trp, and Thr.
Several methods are available to determine the daily intake of each essential amino acid based on egg quality assessment to ensure proper embryo formation [14,20,21,22,23]. The ideal amino acid profile is used to establish essential amino acid requirements in proportion to Lys requirements. Nitrogen balance has been established as a criterion commonly used for growing animals [24,25,26], commercial layers [27], and broiler breeders [28]. The deletion technique has been preferred to establish ideal amino acid profiles due to the possibility of studying all essential amino acids concurrently. The challenge in this research was to apply the method to variables related to egg quality, such as egg weight (EW), format index, and yolk and albumen content. All of these variables are sensitive in detecting the effects of limiting a specific amino acid in the diet [2,4,29]. However, no research has been conducted using this information to establish an ideal amino acid profile. The present methodology allows for the establishment of an optimal ratio of all essential amino acids simultaneously, with the same group of animals and employing the same control diet, which attenuates environmental effects [28,30]. Therefore, this study aimed to establish the ideal ratio of essential amino acids (Lys, Met + Cys, Thr, Trp, Arg, Gly + Ser, Val, Ile, Leu, His, and Phe + Tyr) for Japanese quail breeding based on egg quality using the deletion method.

2. Materials and Methods

Location and ethics approval. This study was conducted in the Poultry Sector of the Animal Science Department of the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP/FCAV) in accordance with ethical standards and approved by the Ethics Committee for the Use of Animals under protocol 012203/17.

2.1. Housing, Animals and Experimental Design

Experiments were conducted in a climatic chamber composed of refrigerators and exhausters that maintained the temperature at 24 °C. The birds were housed individually in galvanized wire cages measuring 0.26 m × 0.37 m × 0.36 m, equipped with a linear feeder and nipple drinkers throughout the experimental period. The light program maintained throughout the experimental period consisted of 16 h of light and 8 h of darkness. A total of 120 Japanese quail breeding at 16 weeks of age, during the peak laying period, were used. The birds were standardized by weight and egg production and distributed by experimental units. A completely randomized design was used with 12 treatments and 10 replicates per treatments.

2.2. Experimental Diets

In this study, a control diet was formulated to form a balanced protein (BP) with all of the nutritional requirements for Japanese quail as estimated by Rostagno et al. [31] for commercial Japanese quail since it does not provide nutritional requirements for breeders. Nitrogen and essential amino acids were provided by corn, soybean meal, corn gluten meal, and crystalline amino acids (Table 1).
The other experimental diets, total of 11 diets with different limiting amino acids, were obtained by deletion BP using corn starch (Table 2 and Table 3). The total amino acid contents of the ingredients used in the formulation were analyzed by Evonik Industries AG, São Paulo, Brazil using a near-infrared spectrometer (NIRs) before formulating diets. The values were converted into digestible basis using digestibility coefficients from Rostagno et al. [31]. The deletion was 40% of the amino acid requirement to be evaluated in each treatment, and the other nutrients and energy were recomposed to meet the same BP level, except for the test amino acid, which was depleted by 40%, according to the methodologies described by Dorigam et al. [28]. The nutritional levels of amino acids in experimental diets were described in Table 3.

3. Data Collection

The trial lasted 25 days and was divided into adaptation and egg collection, with 20 days of adaptation and 5 days of egg collection or up to a total of 15 eggs per treatment. The daily amount of feed provided was 24 g per bird and water was ad libitum. Birds were weighed at the beginning and end of experiments to determine their body weights. Feed leftovers were measured at the end of the trial to determine consumption. Egg production was measured daily. The variables evaluated were feed intake (FI. g/bird/day), crude protein intake (CPIntake. g/ave/day), body weight (g), EP (%/bird/day), egg weight (EW. g), egg mass (g/bird/day), and feed conversion by egg mass (FCR. Feed intake g/Egg weight g and Protein intake g/Protein deposition in egg g). During the data collection period and tested were immediately, eggs were collected, weighed, and broken to measure the height, diameter, albumen, and yolk index and Haugh unit. Additionally, the eggshells were evaluated for weight and percentage.

3.1. Egg Quality Analysis

At the end of the trial, egg weight (EW), albumen height, albumen diameter, albumen index, yolk height, yolk diameter, yolk index, Haugh unit, eggshell weight (ESW), and eggshell percentage were measured. Heights of albumen and yolk were measured using a digital micrometer coupled to a tripod base, and diameters were measured using digital calipers. The HU values were calculated from the logarithmic relationship between the height of the dense albumen and the EW. This formula [32] was applied to each egg collected, as described in Equation (1)
HU = 100 log (H + 7.57 − 1.7 W0.37)
where: H = albumen height in mm and W = EW. g
The index yolk (YI) and albumen (AI) were determined by considering the relationship between the height (H) and diameter (D) of the respective components (as described by Funk) [33]. Eggshells were washed with water and dried by forced air circulation at 55 °C for 72 h. After drying. the shell was weighed using a digital scale accurate to 0.01 g. Shell percentage was obtained considering the relation between shell weight (ESW) and EW.

3.2. Statistical Analysis

Data were subjected to homoscedasticity of variance and error normality tests. Upon satisfying the premises, analysis of variance, declared as significant at 0.05, was performed. and when treatment effects were detected. Dunnett’s test was applied for all egg quality variables. All data were analyzed using SAS software (v.9.4; SAS Institute Inc., Cary, CA, USA, 2014).

3.3. Determination of Ideal Amino Acid: Lys Ratios

The ideal proportion of amino acids were determined following the principles of Green and Hardy [34], modified in this study to use egg quality variables.
The calculation consists of four steps: Step 1: Calculate the proportion of reduction (Yr) of the analyzed variables of each experimental unit in relation to BP as follows:
Yr = 100 × (1 − Yi/Ȳ BP)
where Yr is the percentage of reduction in the response of the analyzed variable of each treatment; Yi is the response of each treatment and Ȳ BP is the mean value of the response of the control treatment, which received the BP.
Step 2: The Yr values were standardized considering the percentage of deletion applied in the treatments (40%) as follows: PYr = Yr/40. where PYr is the standardized Yr value for the applied deletion.
Step 3: The treatment’s actual deletion ratio (RDP) was calculated as follows:
RDP = 40 × [1 − (PYri/PYrmax)]
where 40% is the initial deletion value. PYrmax is the maximum PYr of the analyzed variable and PYri is the PYr associated with a deficient diet resulting from the second step.
Step 4: The optimal in-feed amino acid (AAI) was calculated as follows:
AAI = AABP − [AA BP × (RDP/100)]
where AABP represents the concentration of the amino acid in the BP (g/kg) and RDP is the actual deletion ratio resulting from the third step.
Step 5: The ideal ratio of amino acids to Lys (IAAR) is calculated as follows:
IAAR = [AAI/Lys] × 100
where AAI is the value found for each amino acid (Met + Cys. Thr. Trp. Arg. Gly + Ser. Val. Ile. Leu. His. and Phe + Tyr) and Lys is the value found from AAI to Lys.

4. Results

The responses obtained for the productive performance responses were significantly affected by limiting dietary and treatment BP (p < 0.05; Table 4). Based on the results of the Dunnett test for limitation in Lys, Thr, Try, Arg, and Val FI was affected. However, only for Val was there a difference in the intake relative to BP. The lower IF contributed to the lower ME in the Lys, Thr, Try, and Val limiting treatments. Lys limitation still affected FCR and CPCR, by 30% and 34%, respectively, when compared to BP.
The limiting dietary treatments for the respective amino acid and BP treatments are presented in Table 5. According to the ANOVA results (Table 5). Only YH was not affected by the treatments (p > 0.05); for the other variables, it was possible to detect the effect of the treatments (p < 0.05).
Limiting dietary treatments of His, Phe + Tyr, and Leu affected EW and ESW. When the means were compared using Dunnett’s test, considering BP as a reference, only the EW and ESW variables were found to have significant effects on the dietary treatments (p < 0.05) except for the difference between BP and the His-limited dietary treatment (Table 5) which was not significant for ESW (p > 0.05). Therefore, only EW and ESW variables were used to establish the ideal amino acid ratio.
The EW for BP was 10.76 g, while the EW of the other dietary treatments ranged from 9.59 to 8.16 g for the limiting dietary treatments involving His and Leu, respectively. Thus, the minimum reduction was approximately 11% for His and 24% for Leu. For ESW, the mean value for BP was 0.84 g, ranging from 0.73 and 0.54 g for the His and Val limited dietary treatments, respectively, which were equivalent to a reduction of 13% and 36%. when compared to BP.
The His exhibited the least limitation in terms of the two response variables EW and ESW, compared to BP. On the other hand, Leu and Val were amino acids that presented the greatest limitation, with a visible deterioration in egg quality, especially EW and ESW (p < 0.05).
These results were used to calculate the optimal concentration of the respective amino acids using Leu and Val as control standards to calculate the actual deletion. Table 6 presents AAI and IAAR values of the evaluated amino acids. AAI and IAAR values differed between EW and ESW variables. The distance quantified by the standard deviation was 8% for AAI between EW and ESW and 7% for IAAR between EW and ESW.

5. Discussion

Maternal amino acid nutrition is essential for egg formation. which later supports embryonic development [3]. This study aimed to apply the deletion method to establish an ideal amino acid profile using egg quality variables. The results obtained in the present study indicated that the applied deletion of 40% of the studied amino acids (Lys, Met + Cys, Thr, Trp, Arg, Gly + Ser, Val, Ile, Leu, His, and Phe + Tyr) limited the responses of the female breeders of the Japanese quail, verifying the worsening of performance and egg quality variables (Table 4 and Table 5), especially for EW and ESW. These results support the objective proposed in this research, which assumed the existence of a dose-response relationship (Table 5). The only exception was for the amino acid His; although the dose affected the EW response, the reduction found for ESW was not significantly different according to the BP Dunnett’s test, which had no dietary limitation (Table 5). Previously published results [29] validated the limitation of the test amino acid Arg based on its response to EW. According to these authors, EW is the most sensitive response in Japanese quails. The convention proposed by Morris and Gous [35] has prevailed for commercial laying hens, and dietary amino acid limitations primarily affect bird egg production, with little change in EW. This understanding was corroborated by other studies carried out with commercial laying hens [36,37] and broiler breeders [19,38,39]. However, recent Japanese quail results support the fact that these birds are more sensitive to reduced levels of amino acids in their diet, and that a significant reduction in EW occurs [29,40,41,42].
The results of this study indicated that nutritional limitation involving the tested amino acids was able to modify EW. This effect is related to nutritional deficiency imposed on the breeder birds, which decreases embryo birth weights [1]. One hypothesis to explain the reduction in EW is that the weight of the embryo is related to maternal protein loss. causing a decrease in protein synthesis under dietary conditions deficient in essential amino acids [1,4]. The 40% limitation imposed on the diets decreased the supply of amino acids to meet the physiological processes related to the maintenance of body weight, where a small part would be available for processes related to protein deposition in the egg. Therefore. to compensate for the loss of amino acids and to maintain plasma levels [43,44], only muscle protein mobilization remains. In addition to EW, ESW was also significantly affected given the greater thickness of the eggshell membrane protein constitution. which was considered in the ESW computation.
The eggshell is a structure whose function is to protect the interior of the egg from physical and microbial agents, regulate gas, water, and metabolite exchanges, and provide mineralized components for embryo development [45]. The effects of dietary amino acid limitation on ESW have been reported, in particular regarding the protein that composes the protein matrix and influences eggshell texture [45,46]. Mann and Mann [47] identified two proteins from the ovocleidin-17 family as the main components of eggshell protein matrix. In quails, the eggshell membrane is thicker than that found in chicken eggs. This difference lies in the number of protein families in the membrane constitution; in quails, there are two families, while in eggs from chickens, there is only one family Mann and Mann [47].
The YD verified in the limited dietary treatments involving Lys, Met + Cys, Thr, Arg, and Val was significantly lower than the value obtained for BP. El-Tarabany [48] reported that yolk diameter is positively correlated with EW, corroborating the results obtained in this study.
His was the only amino acid that exhibited a difference in EW. His is an essential amino acid [49,50] which does not present immediate signs of deficiency. but a function of protein metabolism that compensates for such deficiency through hemoglobin and carnosine catabolism [51]. Robbins et al. [52] demonstrated that the growth rate of broiler chicks fed His-deficient diets was recovered by intravenous administration of L-carnosine. However, there was no increase in the plasma concentration of His, supporting the hypothesis that muscle carnosine is rapidly metabolized to His and used in priority demands such as the synthesis of regulatory proteins.
The results obtained for AAI revealed a difference of 8% when calculated based on EW and ESW. For IAAR, the difference between EW and ESW variables was approximately 8.4%. The amino acid Leu showed a greater degree of limitation. and one hypothesis may be related to its concentration in egg protein composition [1,53]. In addition, there exists potential antagonism involving Val and Ile [50,54,55]. The amino acid Leu has been considered the most efficient in protein synthesis among BCAAs (Lynch et al. 2006), since Leu induces the activation of the mTOR complex, which stimulates protein synthesis [56]. Our results corroborate the suggestion of Macelline et al. [6], who indicate that farmers should pay attention to dietary Leu levels.
The amino acid profile of the target tissue is usually used when there is no information regarding the ideal amino acid ratio. The ideal relationship obtained considering the composition of the egg presented by Bayomy et al. [57] was as follows: Met + Cys 118%, Thr 52%, Arg 35%, Gly + Ser 75%, Val 69%, Ile 57%, Leu 108%, His 35%, and Phe + Tyr 97%. The ideal ratios obtained based on the composition of meat presented by Bayomy et al. [57], was (Lys 100%) Met + Cys 37%, Thr 29%, Arg 31%, Gly + Ser 33%, Val 48%, Ile 60%, Leu 55%, His 38%, and Phe + Tyr 84%. These values are different when compared to the results obtained in this study. Suggesting that the composition of the target tissue alone may not represent the best option for establishing ideal ratios of amino acids [57,58], since the proportion of dietary amino acids is modified during digestion and absorption processes, which precede deposition in the target tissue [55].
The IAA obtained for EW and ESW estimated by the deletion method (Table 6) showed considerable variation from 0.86 to 19.13% for the same amino acid. The greatest variations were observed for Leu, Phe + Tyr, Lys, Met + Cys, Arg, Gly + Ser, Trp, Ile, His, Val, and Thr, with values of 19.13, 11.65, 11.02, 9.93, 8.97, 8.42, 6.04, 2.60, 2.13, 0.86, and 0.99%. respectively. In addition, only the IAAs of Thr and Val were higher in terms of eggshell weight; however. with a difference of 11.65% in the IAA for Lys between the variables (EW:1.06; ESW:0.94), it was possible to reduce the proportional distance between Lys and the other amino acids. Thus, the amino acid requirements increased for all when the eggshell weight was met, except for Leu and Phe + Thr.
The NRC [59] and Rostagno et al. [60], based their recommendations on compilations of studies. Due to the lack of research for breeders the requirements for breeders and commercial quails were not differentiated. However, it is expected that due to the genetic differences between these birds a modification in IAA and consequently IAAR is likely. The results of Rostagno et al. [60], indicate that IAA for all amino acids studied are higher for commercial quails, when an average was made between the IAA of EW and ESW, with difference ranging from 5.40 (Val) to 35.37% (His). When evaluations between the AAIs are specific for each variable the highest variation was for AAI for ESW, with a difference of up to 37% for the amino acids Gly + Ser and His and the lowest difference was for Val (5%). The observed for IAA of EW with highest difference for His (34%) and lowest for Leu (5%). To compare the results with NRC [59], the IAAs of NRC [59] were transformed considering the digestibility of lysine with an average of 89% [31]. When compared. Less variation was observed with proximity of the estimated results for Arg. Gly + Ser and Val (1.12, 1.04, and 0.82% in feed, respectively) for IAA from EW and Thr. Val and Phe + Try (0.66, 0.82, and 1.25% in feed, respectively) for IAA from ESW. However, for the other amino acids IAA are higher for NRC [59] results, being only for ESW results for Arg. Gly + Ser. Ile and His (1.12, 1.42, 0.80, 0.37% in feed, respectively) IAA were higher.
However, the AAI was estimated based on egg quality to determine the AAI related to Lys. The intake of amino acids by the proportion between them can be modified in relation to the AAI. When comparing the AARI for commercial quails based on the recommendations of Rostagno et al. [60]. NRC [59] and Silva and Costa [61] for Lys at 100%: 82, 70, and 74; 61, 74, and 71; 21, 19, and 19; 115, 126, and 133; 115 and 117; 75, 92, and 92; 65, 90, and 92; 150, 142, and 151; 42, 42, and 44; 135, 140, and 149 for Met + Cys, Thr, Trp, Arg, Gly + Ser, Val, Ile, Leu, His and Phr + Tyr, respectively, except for Gly + Ser from Silva and Costa [61] which was not determined. Lower ratios were observed for the recommendations of NRC [59] and Silva and Costa [61]. Rostagno et al. [60] recommended higher ratios between amino acids and Lys, approaching the IAARs determined in this study. However. the slight increase did not provide ratios close to those found for EW in Trp. Arg. Gly + Ser. Ile and His. with an increase in 19.84, 5.35, 15.93, 6.21, and 23.71% difference in the AA:Lys ratio, respectively. Corroborating with that found for ESW, where differences of 9.63, 12.64, 14.09, 6.24, and 10.69% differed for Thr. Gly + Ser. Val. Leu and His in AA:Lys ratios, respectively, His and Val being the amino acids that differed most when compared with the reference used today for formulation of rations.
The ratios for Met + Cys:Lys (82:100) and Phe + Try:Lys (135:100), did not differ with that recommended by Rostagno et al. [60] for the two IAAR determined in that study (EW and ESW = 82 and 83 for Met + Cys and 134 and 133 for Phe + Try, in percentage, relative to Lys), minimal differences were found for Thr:Lys (61:100) and Val:Lys (75:100) in EW and between Trp:Lys (21:100), Arg:Lys (115:Lys) and Ile:Lys (65:100). However, differences in ratios were found for most amino acids. Previous recommendations used for broilers may have overestimated the IAAR for all amino acids except for Val for birds production. The current IAAR recommendations for broilers in contrast to all previously used techniques apply a target tissue to ensure quality of protein synthesis and minimize lighter EW and ESW during production, thus modifications were noticed when a target trait is selected as a basis.
Understanding how the limitation of essential amino acids influences egg quality is essential for the animal category studied in this work, as the physical quality of eggs can be used as a selection trait directly and indirectly in genetic improvement [62]. Among the characteristics studied (EW and ESW), determining the optimal relationship between essential amino acids presents high heritability [63,64].
In a study by Hegab and Hanafy [65] with Japanese quail breeders, it was observed that EW influenced the hatchability of eggs and increased the weight of chicks at hatch. Regarding the characteristics of ESW, the study also found that larger ESWs have a higher hatchability rate, resulting in greater eggshell volume, pore count, and surface area [65]. Therefore, the contribution of nutrition to maintaining the desired quality of these parameters is extremely important for genetic companies and nutritionally enables animals to express their genetic potential.

6. Conclusions

In conclusions, the application of the deletion method with a limitation of 40% of dietary amino acid deletion, allowed the EW and ESW variables to be sensitive for all tested amino acids. Thus, it was possible to establish the ideal profile of essential amino acids in the diet simultaneously, focusing on a target tissue, (which in this research was EW and ESW).

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, L.C.C. and E.P.S.; Methodology, L.C.C. and E.P.S.; Software, L.C.C. and E.P.S.; Validation, L.C.C., R.D.M. and E.P.S.; Formal Analysis, L.C.C., T.S.A.M. and E.P.S.; Investigation, L.C.C. and E.P.S.; Resources, L.C.C., R.D.M. and E.P.S.; Data Curation, T.S.A.M., L.C.C. and J.A.P.; Writing—Original Draft Preparation, L.C.C., D.M. and E.P.S.; Writing—Review & Editing, L.C.C. and D.M.; Supervision, E.P.S.; Project Administration, M.B.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

The procedures used in this research by the Committen on Animal Use Ethics. under protocol 012203/17.

Data Availability Statement

The data can be requested to the corresponding author.


The first author acknowledges the scholarship by the CAPES Foundation and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) by financial support (grant No. 432588/2016-7). This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior Brasil (CAPES) Finance Code 001.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Table 1. Composition of the control diet (balanced protein).
Table 1. Composition of the control diet (balanced protein).
ItemContent, g/kg
Soyabean meal (47%)120.8
Corn Gluten (60%)52.1
Dicalcium phosphate11.5
Sodium chloride3.4
Potassium chloride3.4
L-lysine (55%)3.8
DL-methionine (99%)9.5
L-threonine (98%)2.7
Choline chloride (60%)1.6
Premix—Vitaminic 10.2
Premix—Mineral 10.2
1 Content per kg of the diet—vit A, 6.668 IU; vit D3, 1.668 IU; vit E, 8 IU; vit K3, 2 mg; vit B1, 1 mg, vit B2, 3.34 mg; vit B6, 2 mg; vit B12, 9 mcg/kg; niacin, 21 mg; chlorine, 0.13 g; pantothenate acid, 8 mg; folic acid, 0.46 mg/kg, biotin, 0.05 mg/kg; 0.46; copper, 8 mg/kg; iron, 6.25 mg/kg; manganese, 70 g; zinc, 25 g; iodine, 6.25 mg; selenium 1.25 mg.
Table 2. Composition of the diet for all tested amino acids.
Table 2. Composition of the diet for all tested amino acids.
ItemDiets, g/kg
LysMet + CysThrTrpArgGly + SerValIleLeuHisPhe + Tyr
Balanced protein600.0600.0596.9598.6596.4590.0600.0596.6597.6600.0600.0
Soy oil11.517.711.611.511.615.111.511.611.511.520.6
Dicalcium phosphate6.
Sodium chloride1.
Potassium chloride4.
DL-methionine (99%)
L-lysine (55%)
L-threonine (98%)
Choline chloride (60%)
Corn starch100.051.3100.0100.0100.054.499.1100.0100.099.148.0
Inert (cellulose)88.8100.086.288.788.2100.089.787.684.388.8100.0
2 Content per kg of the diet—vit A, 6.668 IU; vit D3, 1.668 IU; vit E, 8 IU; vit K3, 2 mg; vit B1, 1 mg, vit B2, 3.34 mg; vit B6, 2 mg; vit B12, 9 mcg/kg; niacin, 21 mg; chlorine, 0.13 g; pantothenate acid, 8 mg; folic acid, 0.46 mg/kg, biotin, 0.05 mg/kg; 0.46; copper, 8 mg/kg; iron, 6.25 mg/kg; manganese, 70 g; zinc, 25 g; iodine, 6.25 mg; selenium 1.25 mg.
Table 3. Nutritional levels of amino acids in experimental diets.
Table 3. Nutritional levels of amino acids in experimental diets.
BPLysMet + CysThrTrpArgGly + SerValIleLeuHisPhe + Tyr
Metabolizable energy (MJ/kg)11.711.711.711.711.711.711.711.711.711.711.711.7
Calcium (g/kg)
Avaliable phosphorus (g/kg)
Crude protein (g/kg)180.1180.1180.1180.1180.1180.1180.1180.1180.1180.1180.1180.1
Crude fiber (g/kg)18.811.311.311.211.311.211.311.
Starch (g/kg)423.3341.7298.3340.4341.1340.2340.9299.3340.3340.7340.9296.1
Crude fat (g/kg)33.931.837.931.731.731.731.837.231.731.731.840.8
NFE (g/kg)663.1675.0668.8675.1675.1675.2675.0679.7675.1675.1675.0665.9
Lysine (g/kg)10.96.610.910.910.910.910.910.910.910.910.910.9
Metionine + Cystine (g/kg)
Threonine (g/kg)
Tryptophan (g/kg)
Arginine (g/kg)12.712.712.712.712.77.612.712.712.712.712.712.7
Glycine + serine (g/kg)12.512.512.512.512.512.57.512.512.512.512.512.5
Valine (g/kg)
Isoleucine (g/kg)
Leucine (g/kg)16.516.516.516.516.516.516.516.516.59.816.516.5
Histidine (g/kg)
Phenylalanine + Tyrosine (g/kg)14.814.814.814.814.814.814.814.814.814.814.88.9
Table 4. Average responses to dietary limited in amino acids.
Table 4. Average responses to dietary limited in amino acids.
Amino AcidFeed Intake (g/Bird Day−1)Protein Intake (g/Bird Day−1)Egg Mass
(g Day−1)
FCR 1 (g/g)FCR 2 (g/g)
Lysine18.62 b2.46 a4.15 b4.90 a1.87 b
Met + Cys21.14 a2.58 a6.94 a3.13 a1.05 a
Threonine18.83 b2.40 a5.09 b4.35 a1.62 a
Tryptophan19.15 b2.56 a4.78 b4.41 a1.78 b
Arginine19.05 b2.42 a5.79 a3.58 a1.17 a
Gly + Ser22.43 a2.84 a6.71 a3.86 a1.28 a
Valine14.78 b1.91 b3.81 b3.92 a2.08 b
Isoleucine20.18 a2.53 a5.29 a3.83 a1.30 a
Leucine21.39 a2.71 a6.66 a3.54 a1.31 a
Histidine22.55 a2.77 a7.18 a3.36 a1.12 a
Phe + Try20.39 a2.51 a6.63 a3.16 a1.24 a
BP21.27 a2.61 a7.14 a3.09 a1.09 a
Mean ± SE19.98 ± 1.822.53 ± 0.255.83 ± 1.793.77 ± 1.301.39 ± 0.42
p value<0.0001<0.0001<0.0001<0.0530<0.0001
FCR 1, feed conversion ratio; FCR 2, crude protein conversion ratio; BW, body weight; BP, balanced protein. a, b, mean values with b within the line were significantly different (p < 0.05) compared with balanced protein, by the Dunnett test.
Table 5. Effects of the dietary amino acid limitation on the egg quality of Japanese quail breeders.
Table 5. Effects of the dietary amino acid limitation on the egg quality of Japanese quail breeders.
Amino AcidVariables
Lysine8.36 b0.64 b8.08 a3.53 a8.27 a0.42 a86.57 a7.40 a20.61 b0.36 a
Met + Cys8.43 b0.64 b7.60 a4.39 a7.28 a0.59 a91.53 a7.97 a22.20 b0.36 a
Threonine8.37 b0.55 b7.27 a4.49 a6.99 a0.62 a92.03 a7.89 a21.13 b0.37 a
Tryptophan9.43 b0.65 b6.83 a4.17 a6.67 a0.54 a89.19 a7.38 a22.49 a0.33 a
Arginine8.71 b0.65 b7.54 a4.00 a7.60 a0.53 a90.56 a7.71 a21.58 b0.35 a
Gly + Ser9.22 b0.71 b7.76 a4.37 a7.59 a0.62 a90.52 a7.64 a22.39 a0.33 a
Valine8.22 b0.54 b6.64 a3.81 a5.53 b0.70 a88.32 a7.76 a21.64 b0.35 a
Isoleucine8.74 b0.62 b6.99 a4.10 a7.92 a0.53 a89.36 a7.85 a23.16 a0.34 a
Leucine8.16 b0.68 b8.38 b4.50 a5.68 a0.79 b92.23 a8.20 a22.73 a0.36 a
Histidine9.59 b0.73 a7.00 a4.05 a7.44 a0.49 a88.36 a7.44 a23.08 a0.32 a
Phe + Try8.46 b0.66 b7.84 a4.29 a6.48 a0.61 a90.78 a7.98 a22.81 a0.36 a
Balanced protein10.76 a0.84 a7.79 a4.07 a7.87 a0.52 a87.69 a8.22 a24.24 a0.34 a
Mean ± SE8.86 ± 1.050.67 ± 0.107.53 ± 1.124.15 ± 0.697.09 ± 1.670.58 ± 0.1989.62 ± 3.947.79 ± 0.6222.34 ± 1.600.35 ± 0.03
p value<0.0001<0.00010.01440.0530<0.00010.00090.01480.5218<0.00010.0176
EW—Egg weight (g); ESW—Egg shell weight (g); ESP—Eggshell proportion (%); AH—Albumen height (mm); AD—Albumen diameter (mm); AI—Albumen index (%); HU—Haugh unit; YH—Yolk height (mm); YD—Yolk Diameter (mm); YI—Yolk index (%). a, b. mean values with b within the line were significantly different (p < 0.05) compared with balanced protein. by the Dunnett test.
Table 6. Summarized results of the individual amino acid deletions for egg weight (EW) and eggshell weight (ESW) of Japanese quail’s breeders.
Table 6. Summarized results of the individual amino acid deletions for egg weight (EW) and eggshell weight (ESW) of Japanese quail’s breeders.
Met + Cys21.694.160.868223.4513.680.7883
Gly + Ser14.3916.221.059914.9023.280.96102
Phe + Tyr21.374.681.4113421.5715.791.25133
Yr = per cent reduction in EW and ESW (%); RDP = real deleted proportion; IAA = amino acid requirement; IAAR = optimal in-feed amino acid ratio (%).
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MDPI and ACS Style

Carvalho, L.C.; Malheiros, D.; Lima, M.B.; Mani, T.S.A.; Pavanini, J.A.; Malheiros, R.D.; Silva, E.P. Determination of the Optimal Dietary Amino Acid Ratio Based on Egg Quality for Japanese Quail Breeder. Agriculture 2023, 13, 173.

AMA Style

Carvalho LC, Malheiros D, Lima MB, Mani TSA, Pavanini JA, Malheiros RD, Silva EP. Determination of the Optimal Dietary Amino Acid Ratio Based on Egg Quality for Japanese Quail Breeder. Agriculture. 2023; 13(1):173.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Carvalho, Lizia C., Dimitri Malheiros, Michele B. Lima, Tatyany S. A. Mani, Jaqueline A. Pavanini, Ramon D. Malheiros, and Edney P. Silva. 2023. "Determination of the Optimal Dietary Amino Acid Ratio Based on Egg Quality for Japanese Quail Breeder" Agriculture 13, no. 1: 173.

APA Style

Carvalho, L. C., Malheiros, D., Lima, M. B., Mani, T. S. A., Pavanini, J. A., Malheiros, R. D., & Silva, E. P. (2023). Determination of the Optimal Dietary Amino Acid Ratio Based on Egg Quality for Japanese Quail Breeder. Agriculture, 13(1), 173.

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