The SHAPE Project: An Innovative Approach to Understanding Seasonal and Diel Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics in the Marano and Grado Lagoon (Adriatic Sea) under the WFD/2000/60/CE
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Environmental Settings
2.2. Multiparameter Probe Characteristics
2.3. Sampling Design
2.4. Statistical Assessment and Mapping
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Complementary Parameters
3.2. Dissolved Oxygen
3.3. Influence of Solar Radiation and Tides on DO Content
3.4. Dissolved Oxygen Content and Management in the Context of WFD
4. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Site | DO (%) | DO (mg L−1) | References |
Ria de Aveiro (Portugal) | n.a. | <1–12 | [8] |
Fogliano Lagoon (Italy) | n.a. | 2–11.5 | [32] |
Ria Formosa Lagoon (Portugal) | 30–140 | 1.9–10.9 | [35] |
Korissia Lagoon (Greece) | n.a. | 3.5–11.2 | [61] |
Orbetello Lagoon (Italy) | 26.39–144 ± 44.0 | n.a. | [64] |
Orbetello Lagoon (Italy) | n.a. | 0.2–8.65 | [65] |
Foz de Almargem Lagoon (Portugal) | 69.88–121.8 | 5.49–12.65 | [66] |
Orbetello Lagoon (Italy) | 20.10 ± 9.30/89.60 ± 9.00 (mean ± s.d) | n.a. | [67] |
Varano Lagoon (Italy) | 77.46 ± 4.40/95.48 ± 6.39 (mean ± s.d) | n.a. | [67] |
Venice Lagoon (Italy) | 112±34.5/133 ± 36.6 (mean ± s.d) | n.a. | [68] |
Akgöl Lagoon (Turkey) | n.a. | 7.5–8.2 (mean) | [69] |
Berre Lagoon (France) | 40–100 | n.a. | [70] |
Marano and Grado Lagoon (Italy) | <5–155 | <0.5–17.99 | This work |
Site | <2 mg L−1 | <5 mg L−1 | 5%ile | Salinity | Classification |
M1 | 35 | 464 | 5.6 | 12.6 | Good |
M2 | 3 | 855 | 4.7 | 21.5 | Good |
M3 | 3 | 148 | 6.1 | 8.9 | Good |
M4 | 2 | 504 | 4.5 | 17.7 | Moderate |
M5 | 21 | 763 | 4.1 | 13.6 | Moderate |
M6 | 16 | 1721 | 4.2 | 17.9 | Moderate |
M7 | 40 | 847 | 4.6 | 9.4 | Moderate |
M8 | 1 | 151 | 5.7 | 17.8 | Good |
M9 | 6 | 457 | 5.2 | 28.5 | Good |
M10 | 141 | 1295 | 4.1 | 28.0 | Moderate |
M11 | 44 | 1859 | 4.3 | 13.0 | Moderate |
G1 | 195 | 3057 | 3.2 | 28.4 | Moderate |
G2 | 1545 | 3197 | 0.1 | 26.5 | Bad |
G3 | 2 | 652 | 5.0 | 31.3 | Good |
G4 | 14 | 518 | 3.8 | 29.4 | Moderate |
G5 | 50 | 4431 | 3.8 | 25.8 | Moderate |
G6 | 3 | 1386 | 4.5 | 31.5 | Moderate |
G7 | 1510 | 6919 | 1.1 | 30.4 | Bad |
Water Body | Phytoplankton | Macrophyte | Benthos | Fish Fauna | Nutrients | Chemical | DO |
TEU 1 | Good | High | Good | Good | Moderate | Poor | n.c. |
TEU 2 | High | High | Moderate | High | Moderate | Good | n.c. |
TEU 3 | High | High | Good | High | Moderate | Poor | n.c. |
TEU 4 | High | High | Moderate | Good | Moderate | Good | Good |
TPO 1 | Good | Moderate | Good | Good | Moderate | Good | n.c. |
TPO 2 | High | Good | Good | Good | Moderate | Good | Good |
TPO 3 | Good | Moderate | High | Good | Moderate | Good | Moderate |
TPO 4 | Good | Moderate | Good | High | Moderate | Poor | n.c. |
TPO 5 | Good | Poor | Good | Good | Moderate | Poor | Good |
TME 1 | Good | Poor | Good | Good | Good | Poor | n.c. |
TME 2 | Moderate | Poor | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate | Good | n.c. |
TME 3 | Good | Poor | Good | Moderate | Moderate | Good | Moderate |
TME 4 | Good | Poor | Good | Moderate | Moderate | Poor | Good |
FM 1 | Good | Poor | Moderate | n.c. | Good | Good | n.c. |
FM 2 | High | High | Moderate | Moderate | Good | Poor | n.c. |
FM 3 | High | Good | Good | Moderate | Good | Poor | Moderate |
FM 4 | High | High | Poor | High | Moderate | Poor | n.c. |
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Pittaluga, F.; Aleffi, I.F.; Bettoso, N.; Blasutto, O.; Celio, M.; Codarin, A.; Cumani, F.; Faresi, L.; Guiatti, D.; Orlandi, C.; et al. The SHAPE Project: An Innovative Approach to Understanding Seasonal and Diel Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics in the Marano and Grado Lagoon (Adriatic Sea) under the WFD/2000/60/CE. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 208.
Pittaluga F, Aleffi IF, Bettoso N, Blasutto O, Celio M, Codarin A, Cumani F, Faresi L, Guiatti D, Orlandi C, et al. The SHAPE Project: An Innovative Approach to Understanding Seasonal and Diel Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics in the Marano and Grado Lagoon (Adriatic Sea) under the WFD/2000/60/CE. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022; 10(2):208.
Chicago/Turabian StylePittaluga, Federico, Ida Floriana Aleffi, Nicola Bettoso, Oriana Blasutto, Massimo Celio, Antonio Codarin, Francesco Cumani, Lisa Faresi, Denis Guiatti, Claudia Orlandi, and et al. 2022. "The SHAPE Project: An Innovative Approach to Understanding Seasonal and Diel Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics in the Marano and Grado Lagoon (Adriatic Sea) under the WFD/2000/60/CE" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10, no. 2: 208.
APA StylePittaluga, F., Aleffi, I. F., Bettoso, N., Blasutto, O., Celio, M., Codarin, A., Cumani, F., Faresi, L., Guiatti, D., Orlandi, C., Zanello, A., & Acquavita, A. (2022). The SHAPE Project: An Innovative Approach to Understanding Seasonal and Diel Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics in the Marano and Grado Lagoon (Adriatic Sea) under the WFD/2000/60/CE. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(2), 208.