5.1. Responses
The heave and pitch responses of the vessel are computed and reported in
Figure 7. As seen, the resonance in the heave response occurs for all cases at wavelengths ranging between 1.4
L to 2
L. As it is observed, at the three lower speeds, resonance occurs at a wavelength of 1.4
L, while it occurs at a longer wavelength at the highest Froude number (5.6). The wetted surface pattern of the vessel is expected to be the main reason for such behavior which needs to be studied in the future. The response is intensified by the increase in the speed and can reach up to 3.2
in the resonance zone. For all cases, long waves induce the non-dimensional response of ~1.0., which agrees with physics, i.e., at very long waves, the vessel follows the wave motion of the water. When the incident waves are much shorter than the length of the vessel, insignificant motion is induced.
Compared to Model A, the heave response of Model B is smaller. A simulation was run for Model A for the case of a smaller beam Froude number (2.1). The resonance of heave motion was seen to occur at a wavelength of ~3.8L. But the heave response, corresponding to the resonance of Model A, was seen to be ~2Ain. For the case of Model B, the heave response, corresponding to beam Froude numbers of 3.1 and 3.9 is smaller than ~2Ain. It confirms that Model B performs better in water waves compared with Model A. This may be due to the different designs of these two hulls. As it was mentioned before, Model B has a convex bottom shape which can direct the water toward the transom by decreasing the pressure. This can decrease the pressure near the transom of the vessel and modifies the heave response.
The pitch response of Model B, right panel, is seen to be overdamped at the small Froude numbers, i.e., no resonance occurs at the two smaller speeds, showing that the entrapped air can strongly damp the pitch motions of a vessel at a mild planing speed. At a higher speed, the wetted surface of the vessel remarkably decreases, and the volume of air supporting the vessel decreases noticeably. As a result, less pitching moment damps the angular motion of the vessel. When the speed of the vessel reaches the highest value, the pitch response emerging in the resonance zone exceeds 2. The vessel has been seen following the wave slope at long waves, while short waves cannot induce any noticeable motion.
The pitch response of Model A was previously presented in
Figure 5. The pitch of Model A was seen to resonate at a wavelength of ~4.5
L. The maximum pitch response of Model A was observed to be ~3
. The results of the tests that are presented in
Figure 5 correspond to the Froude number of 2.1. For the case of Model B, it was seen that the pitch response is overdamped at the Froude numbers of 3.1 and 3.9, both of which are greater than 2.1. This provides evidence that the pitch responses of Model B are smaller than that of Model A. These observations demonstrate that Model B has a greater level of performance in head sea conditions. The pressure distribution pattern over the bottom surface of Model B is the likely reason for its better performance in water waves. It is interesting to note that the performance of Model A may be modified by adding one step, which can distribute the pressure over the surface by balancing its value between the front and rear body. However, it is not the aim of the present paper to investigate the effects of steps on wave-induced motion of a planing trimaran vessel. Readers who are interested in the stepped design of planing trimarans are referred to [
The time-averaged values of the heave and pitch motions of the vessel are computed. These values inform the mean heave/pitch displacement around which the vessel oscillates.
Figure 8 shows the mean value of the heave and pitch of Model B in different wave conditions. The error bars show the amplitudes of the motion.
The mean heave of the vessel is seen to be larger than that of the calm-water condition, the dashed red line, in all cases. This means that when a tunneled planing vessel operates in waves, the nonlinear effects of water waves give rise to an extra hydrodynamic force, which pushes the vessel up. Under the action of this force, the vessel is positioned at a mean heave value, which is higher than the CG rise-up of the vessel in the calm-water conditions.
The mean values of pitch displacement are seen to be smaller than the dynamic trim angles of the vessel in the calm-water conditions. As seen, the mean pitch angle is significantly affected in the resonance zone. Interestingly, the value of pitch turns negative in some cases. For example, when the vessel operates with a Froude number of 5.6 in waves with
, the lower error bar reaches a negative value. In some cases, the negative value for the pitch displacement is likely to be caused by the occurrence of fly-over motion. When the planing vessel re-enters the water, a large negative pitching moment occurs, leading to a pitched-down motion. Note that after flying over the air-water interface, the stern of the vessel enters the water, causing a large negative pitching moment. An example can be observed in the
Supplementary File named LF_56. In the related video, the negative pitch displacement, pitched-down motion, can be viewed after the re-entry phase.
In addition, it can be seen that in some other cases, the pitch angle turns negative however, the fly-over motion is not observed. For example, the pitch angle of the vessel might turn negative when its Froude number is 3.1 and the waves are 2
L long. No fly-over motion occurs in this condition. This can be seen in the related video file (LF_31). Also, the time history of vertical acceleration of this case is presented later, showing that no fly-over motion occurs. When the vessel advances in waves with a wavelength of 2
L, a large negative pitching moment emerges. The tunneled design of a planing hull distributes the pressure over the bottom of the vessel in a way that a large negative pitch moment might emerge when the wave crest reaches the stern of the vessel. Thus, the negative pitching moment pushes the bow of the vessel down. Note that the pressure distribution over the bottom surface of the vessel is discussed in
Section 5.3.
The vertical acceleration at CG is computed for different wave conditions and is reported in
Figure 9. The vertical acceleration that is caused by the long and short waves, is seen to increase by the increase in the Froude number from 2.8 to 4.3. The speed of the vessel is higher, and thus, larger vertical forces may act on its bottom surface, resulting in a larger acceleration. The amplitude of acceleration is seen to reach up to 3
g at a Froude number of 4.7. This peak value, corresponding to a beam Froude number of 4.7, occurs when the waves are 2
L long. In the case where the vessel operates at the highest Froude number, 5.6, the acceleration is seen to be smaller compared to the Froude number of 4.7 in some forcing conditions. The example can be seen in the case of the peak value of vertical acceleration.
The maximum values of acceleration are seen to occur under the excitation of waves that are Froude number, 5.6. However, the acceleration that us related to the smaller Froude Number, 4.7, is larger when waves are 2L long. This is linked to the dynamic behavior of the vessel when fly-over motion occurs. For the case of the highest speed, the second harmonic pitch motion is relatively energetic causing two consecutive fly-over movements with different periods. This modifies the amplitude of the vertical acceleration of the boat at the highest speed. However, the vessel experienced a greater number of fly-over motions in this condition. Note that it is later shown that two consecutive fly-over motions occur at the highest speed when the incoming waves are 2L long.
The maximum value of acceleration emerges at longer waves as the speed is increased. At very long waves and very short waves, the vertical acceleration of the vessel converges to zero.
5.3. Fly-Over Motion
As was discussed earlier, the fly-over motion may occur when the tunneled vessel advances in a head sea condition. It was observed that the fly-over motion may lead to the generation of large induced drag forces as the vessel penetrates the water. To understand this problem more deeply, time histories of vertical acceleration are sampled and plotted. When the vessel comes out of the water, its CG has a constant vertical acceleration, which equals as weight is the only force that is acting on it. Also, time histories of drag force are plotted to check whether the fly-over motion-induced extra drag force emerges or not.
Time histories of the resistance as well as the vertical acceleration of the vessel’s left panels, and drag force, right panels, operating in waves with a length of 2
L are displayed in
Figure 12. The data that are shown in
Figure 12 demonstrates that the vertical acceleration of the vessel reaches
at three higher speeds, corresponding to Froude numbers of 3.9, 4.7, and 5.6. When the vertical acceleration reaches
, it does not vary over time for a very short period, e.g.,
for a beam Froude number of 3.9. This confirms that the vessel is above the water surface, and fly-over motion has occurred, and thus only the weight force acts on it. Therefore, the vertical acceleration at CG is
. Besides, the presented data for resistance confirms the occurrence of fly-over motion. It can be seen that when vertical acceleration is
, the drag force is zero, i.e., the vessel is above the water and water cannot cause any friction/pressure force.
Interestingly, when the vessel operates at the highest speed, it has two different fly-over motions. One fly-over motion occurs just after a very large acceleration, which is around ~, and the second one occurs soon after when the vessel experiences a vertical acceleration of ~. The second fly-over motion is seen to last for a shorter time. This means that a higher frequency, which can be identified as the second harmonic, strongly involves the motion.
It seems that a higher speed can strongly affect the nonlinear behavior of the vessel that is operating in waves, and thus the acceleration energy is narrowed around two different harmonics. When the vessel operates at the highest speed (Fr = 5.6), the crest to trough distance of the first fly-over motion is near ~5g, and the crest to trough distance of the first fly-over motion is near ~3g. Therefore, the average value of the CG acceleration that is found through the zero-crossing method gives a value of ~2g, which is smaller compared to what was found for a Froude number of 4.7. It was previously observed that the vertical acceleration corresponding to a beam Froude number of 5.6, is smaller than that of a Froude number of 4.7 when the waves are 2L long. It was explained that the reason for it is the two consecutive fly-over motions that are occurring in a single exciting period.
In addition, the resistance force is affected, and thus, the pressure drag can cause two sudden increases in the time-history of the resistance. A comparison between the resistance forces of the highest speed with the other ones, confirms that the two-consecutive fly-over motions occur over a period of time.
It is very interesting to investigate the flow pattern around the vessel as it goes through the fly-over motion. It can help us to understand the physics of this phenomenon in detail. Therefore, the wetted area of the vessel, skin friction coefficient, and the pressure coefficient distribution over the bottom surface of the vessel is sampled at four different time steps. These time steps cover the different stages. The sampling is performed for four different speeds, corresponding to beam Froude numbers of 3.1, 3.9, 4.7, and 5.6. All of the results are related to the wavelength of . Note that for the case of the lowest speed, fly-over does not occur.
Figure 13,
Figure 14,
Figure 15 and
Figure 16 show the results corresponding to beam Froude numbers of 3.1, 3.9, 4.7, and 5.6, respectively. The first row of each figure shows the position of the vessel. The second row shows the wetted area. The wetted surface pattern is identified by the distribution of volume fraction. A volume fraction of 0.0 refers to water and a volume fraction of 1.0 refers to air. A volume fraction between these two numbers includes a mixture of water and air, which mainly refers to water spray.
The third row shows the skin friction coefficient distribution over the bottom surface. This coefficient refers to the shear stresses that are generated by the effective viscosity that is acting on the wall of the vessel. It is computed through:
is the shear stress that is caused by the air-water flow.
On the dried areas of the vessel, the coefficient is nearly zero, and on the washed areas, its value is non-zero. At the points where turbulence is stronger, the skin friction coefficient is expected to be larger.
The last row of the presented figures shows the hydrodynamic pressure, which is higher when the vessel impacts the free surface as it penetrates the water. This coefficient is calculated through:
As observed in
Figure 13, when the vessel operates at the slowest speed, no fly-over motion occurs. This can also be seen in the
Supplementary Material (LF_31). Large hydrodynamic pressure might emerge on the bow of the vessel. The skin friction coefficient is seen to be increased when the bow of the vessel comes out of the water. Its value is seen to be higher in the side bodies, where the water flow is strongly turbulent. Note that similar behavior was observed in the CFD simulations of [
47]. At
t =
T/2, the crest of the wave has reached under the bow of the vessel causing noticeable hydrodynamic pressure. This results in a negative pitch motion. Then, the crest passes the transom and the wetted surface becomes smaller. The vessel is pitched down, and a negative pitch angle occurs; it is obvious in the
Supplementary Material (LF_31).
Figure 14 shows the snapshots corresponding to the Froude number of 3.9 and incoming wave with
. As was previously mentioned, the fly-over motion occurs at this speed. The occurrence of this phenomenon is obvious. The video that is presented in the
Supplementary Material (LF_39) also proves that the fly-over motion occurs.
Figure 13.
Snapshots of Model B motion during different stages. The first, second, third, and fourth rows, receptively, show the snapshots of the vessel’s position to the water surface, volume fraction over, skin friction coefficient, and the hydrodynamic pressure coefficient. The results correspond to the wavelengths of 2L and a beam Froude number of 3.1.
Figure 13.
Snapshots of Model B motion during different stages. The first, second, third, and fourth rows, receptively, show the snapshots of the vessel’s position to the water surface, volume fraction over, skin friction coefficient, and the hydrodynamic pressure coefficient. The results correspond to the wavelengths of 2L and a beam Froude number of 3.1.
Figure 14.
As in
Figure 13, but for a beam Froude number of 3.9.
Figure 14.
As in
Figure 13, but for a beam Froude number of 3.9.
At the first snapshot, the first column, the vessel positions itself above the water surface. The surface is nearly dry and there is a low volume of the air-water mixture near the stern. The skin friction is observed to be zero on the whole body of the vessel, which agrees with the observations that were made in
Figure 10. Interestingly, the hydrodynamic pressure on the whole body of the vessel is zero, which matches with the physics of the problem, i.e., no water flows under the body at this instant and thus the hydrodynamic pressure is zero over the entire bottom surface.
It can be seen that the vessel re-enters the water at the next stage, the second column. The water washes the bottom surface, mainly the stern of the vessel. A large hydrodynamic pressure emerges, and the skin friction coefficient becomes large on the side hulls, where the shear stresses are larger as turbulence kinematic energy is larger on the side bodies. The hydrodynamic pressure reaches a very large peak value at the point near the transom, which matches with previous observations (e.g., in [
49]). Such a larger pressure is expected to be caused by the rigid body movement when the vessel falls (related discussions on water entry and the related high hydrodynamic pressure can be found in [
51]. Note that the rear part of the vessel enters the water first.
At the next time step, the third column, the pitch angle of the vessel decreases, the heave position decreases, and the vessel skims on the water surface. In this condition, the hydrostatic pressure converges to zero. The skin friction coefficient is seen to be decreased at this stage. The hydrodynamic pressure becomes very large on the bow of the vessel. This large pressure prepares the vessel to exit the water.
At the final stage, the vessel jumps out of the water. Its bow is highly pitched up and the CG is high above the water surface. Only the rear area of the bottom is washed by water, and the skin friction is nearly zero over the bottom surface. A large pressure that was observed in the previous stage, the third column, has vanished.
The sampled data corresponding to the beam Froude number of 4.7 are displayed in
Figure 15. The
Supplementary file (LF_47) also shows the motion of the vessel as it is exposed to water waves. Snapshots are presented with a shorter time step as Doppler effects lead to a shorter encounter period at this speed. The fly-over motion is observed to occur at this speed. It can also be seen in the video file that is presented in the
Supplementary files (LF_47).
Figure 15.
As in
Figure 13, but for a beam Froude number of 4.7.
Figure 15.
As in
Figure 13, but for a beam Froude number of 4.7.
It can be seen that the vessel is above the water surface at the first and last time-steps, first and fourth columns. At the first time-step, the first column, the vessel is advancing above the water. The skin friction is zero on the surface of the vessel, signifying that no shear stress emerges on the body of the vessel as it is moving above the air-water interface. Similarly, the hydrodynamic pressure is zero on the whole body of the vessel.
As the vessel re-enters water, high pressure is seen to emerge near the bow of the vessel. This can be seen in the second column of
Figure 15. The vessel is entering the water and its bow is washed by the water. Interestingly, the skin friction coefficient gets relatively large near the bow of the vessel and on the side hulls. Such a distribution of the skin friction coefficient over the bottom of the vessel is different from what was observed at two previous speeds. This implies that the gradient of the velocity near the bow of the vessel and on the side-walls is higher compared to the rear part of the vessel. The vessel enters the water with its bow, and the turbulence is strong there. In addition, water flow is prone to move toward the side hulls, which leads to the generation of vortices between the main hull and side bodies. Such a motion may result in strong skin friction on the side-bodies.
The large pressure emerging on the bow of the vessel, bounces the vessel back. Thus, its bow is highly pitched up, and the rear part of the body remains partially submerged. This can be seen in the third snapshot. The rear part of the body is wet, and the skin friction is non-zero around there.
Eventually, the vessel comes out of the water and a fly-over motion occurs; this can be observed in the fourth column of
Figure 15. The vessel is located above the water surface. A small proportion of it is washed by the mixture of water-air, which is the water spray that is trapped between the tunnels and the main hull. The third and fourth rows show that the skin friction and hydrodynamic pressure are zero on the whole body of the vessel.
Figure 16 demonstrates the snapshots that are related to the highest Froude number. The waves with
are generated, causing unsteady vertical motions for the vessel. Again, the snapshots are sampled with a time-step of T/8 as the speed of the vessel is relatively high. As is apparent, the fly-over movement occurs during the unsteady motion of the vessel at this speed. This can be also seen in the related
Supplementary file (LF_56).
Figure 16.
As in
Figure 13, but for a beam Froude number of 5.6.
Figure 16.
As in
Figure 13, but for a beam Froude number of 5.6.
The first snapshot shows the vessel’s movement above the water surface. Its bow is pitched up, and its stern is located above the water. Compared to the Froude number of 4.7, the pitch angle of the vessel during the fly-over motion is higher. The skin friction and hydrodynamic pressure are both zero at this stage.
The vessel then enters the water. This can be seen in the second column of
Figure 16. The interesting point is that the stern of the vessel enters the water first. This is in contrast with what was observed for the previous Froude numbers. The hydrodynamic pressure is zero near the bow of the vessel, but it is non-zero near the stern. As a result, a large negative pitching moment is caused.
This phenomenon lasts over two time-steps as seen. Besides, the outer edges of the side bodies are only washed. The hydrodynamic pressure emerges on the washed area on the main body, but its value is not significant. Meanwhile, the skin friction coefficient on the washed area of the side bodies becomes very high.
First, its stern is partially washed, as can be seen in the second column of
Figure 16. Clearly, only two small areas that are located near the stern of the vessel are partially washed by the water. The fall of the vessel into the water then continues for one more time-step,
t = 3
T/8. The bow of the vessel is pitched down, compared to the previous time-step, and then the vessel impacts the water surface. A high volume of spray water flows toward the surrounding free surface where large shear stresses emerge. At this time-step, an extremely high hydrodynamic pressure emerges on the bow of the vessel. Also, high hydrodynamic pressure appears on the front area of the side bodies. This leads to a fly-over motion (the last column of
Figure 16), and the cycle occurs again.
It was previously mentioned that two fly-over motions occur when the vessel operates with a Froude number of 5.6 in waves that are 2L long. The evidence was observed in the presented time history for the vertical acceleration of the vessel (
Figure 12). The vertical acceleration was seen to equal −
g over two different periods and the resistance was also seen to be zero over those periods. The snapshots that are shown in
Figure 16, are presented with a time step of
T/4. Such a time interval was not able to help us to capture the second fly-over motion properly. It was mentioned that the second fly-over motion corresponds to the second harmonic of the motion or a larger frequency. This means that the second fly-over motions last for a very short time, in comparison with the first one. Therefore, for the case of the highest speed, snapshots with a very small time interval are presented in
Figure 17. Clear support for the second fly-over motion is seen in the presented snapshots. This fly-over motion is observed to occur between two time-steps,
. This supports the hypothesis that the second fly-over movement occurs in a short period of time, which is around 0.1
Interestingly, high pressure occurs near the transom before and after fly-over. As the vessel enters the water, its bow is pitched down and a large skin friction emerges near the transom. The pressure is non-zero on the side hull. When the vessel is pitched down, the pressure noticeably decreases. The skin friction gets larger on the main hull, and the fluid motion around the vessel leads to larger skin friction on the side hulls compared to the main hull. Then, the vessel locates at a negative pitch angle, which is not shown in
Figure 17. The snapshots that are presented in
Figure 17 can fit between time-steps
T/8 and 3
T/8 in
Figure 16. This means that the presented snapshots demonstrate that a second fly-over motion occurs after the first fly-over motion, happening before the vessel reaches a negative pitch displacement.
To improve the understanding of fluid flow around the hull during the unsteady motion of the vessel, streamlines are also sampled and presented in
Figure 18. The presented results correspond to a Froude number of 5.6 and waves with a wavelength of 2
L. The snapshots that are shown in
Figure 18 cover the wave-induced motion of the vessel in a wave period. Streamlines of air and water flow are marked with red and blue colors. This helps to understand the flow behavior.
As is evident in
Figure 18, when the vessel flies over the water surface, only airflow streamlines exist (
Figure 18a,b). This again confirms that the vessel’s bottom surface is dry during the fly-over motion. During the fly-over motion when the vessel moves downward, the streamlines deviate from the center-line (
Figure 18b). This is more significant in the near transom region. The vessel is close to the water surface and moves forward at high speed. Hence, the bottom surface drives the airflow toward the edges of the vessel. This can be also viewed as a preparation stage for the vessel to re-enter water (pre-water entry stage).
After flying over the water surface, the vessel re-enters the water surface with a positive pitch angle (it was previously observed before). As the water enters, high-pressure areas emerge in the middle part and near transom regions (
Figure 18c). This makes the fluid flow strongly turbulent and also causes the development of air vortex flow in the tunnels. The high pressure near the transom, as explained earlier, causes a large negative pitch motion. Hence, the vessel is pitched down at the next stage (
Figure 18d). High pressure emerges near the bow of the vessel. Interestingly, the air vortex disperses at this stage. The vessel is pitched down and a large pressure occurs near the bow. Thus, air can flow under the vessel and the airflow vortex vanishes.
When the vessel re-positions itself at a positive pitch angle, a large pressure emerges near the transom (
Figure 18e). The vessel is moving upward with a relatively large acceleration at this stage. No air vortex emerges in this case. Note that the vessel experiences a water-exit stage, and the large pressure shifts toward the transom while the vessel moves upward. Thus, an air vortex is not generated.
Later, the vessel comes out of the water and flies over the water surface (
Figure 18f,g). No water streamlines can be detected in this case. Also, no air vortex is observed. The vessel re-enters the water and again a large pressure near the transom and in the middle part of the body emerges (
Figure 18h). This again leads to the generation of an air vortex in tunnels. The bow is then pitched down, and a large pressure occurs near the bow. The air vortex disperses at this stage (
Figure 18i). This is exactly similar to what was observed before (in
Figure 18d). The vessel locates at a positive pitch angle and is again ready to jump out of the water (
Figure 18j).
Generally, we expect the airflow to damp the motion of the vessel. However, when the air vortex occurs, air cannot contribute to the damping of the motion. Instead, the vortex power might trigger a larger motion and increase the pitch motion. The air vortex is expected to occur when the vessel enters the water at a relatively large speed. At this time, a large pressure area emerges near the transom. When the vessel is pitched down, a large pressure might emerge near the bow of the vessel, which pushes the vessel up and might decrease the wave forces instantly.
All in all, the presented sampled data in this section showed that as the speed increases, the fly-over motion becomes more severe, i.e., the vessel is positioned at a higher level with a higher pitch angle as it flies over the air-water interface. The higher longitudinal speed of the vessel causes the bow of the vessel to be pitched down, and it slams into the water as its stern reaches water again. A very large hydrodynamic pressure emerges on the sides and bow of the vessel, leading to very large acceleration. Thus, a second fly-over motion occurs, during which the vessel is located at a lower level, compared to the previous fly-over movement. This movement confirms that the motion of the tunneled hulls becomes strongly non-linear and the energy of motion is divided between two dominant harmonics. When fly-over motion occurs two times with different frequencies, the hydrodynamic pressure can lead to a very large drag force. Although a tunneled vessel is subjected to a significant value of the added resistance during the fly-over motion at high speeds, it has a superiority in comparison to the conventional hard chine planing vessels that have a lower vertical acceleration at the same speed (see [
34]) and an overall reduction of the resistance, at least in calm-water at very high speed, as mentioned by [
52]. The air flow between the tunnels cannot damp the motion of the vessel properly during the water entry stage. The air vortex is likely to be caused by large hydrodynamic pressure emerging near the transom. A stepped bottom design might distribute the hydrodynamic pressure more evenly. This might lead to modulating the motion of the vessel by decreasing the occurrence probability of the fly-over motion. Therefore, it is highly recommended to consider the dynamic response of the stepped hull design of tunneled planing craft in future studies.