Divine Logos and Translation among Iberian Muslims: From Ibn Ḥazm (d. 456H/1064CE) to Aḥmad al-Ḥanafī (d. 1049H/1650CE)
:You certainly know how Allah blessed Ishmael. The term “baraka” [blessing] is a nobler and more universal term than “ʿahd” [covenant]. This is abundantly clear. “Baraka” is nobler than “ʿahd” because the etymology of “baraka” is derived from the attributes of the Creator, praised be He.
Ave Maria gracia plena dominus tequm bendita tu inna mulleribus y benditos fruitos ventris tu y quiere decir Dios te salve Maria plena eres de gracia y el creador es contigo bendicha eres entre las mujeres y bendicho el fruito de tu vientre” it means: God save you, Mary full of grace, the creator is with you, blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb (MS Biblioteca Nacional de España, BNE 4944, ff. 46v–47r).28
Ave Maria gracia plena dominus tekum beneḏita tu in mulleribus bendītos frutos ventris tuis, que quiere dezir Dios te salve Maria llena eres de graçia el señor es contigo bendīta eres entre todas las mujeres y bendīto es el fruto de tu vientre (MS Escuelas Pías de Zaragoza 11 No. 26, Olim. D, f. 391r).29
Our Lord who is in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom may come to light. May thy will be pleasant. As you are in heaven, so are you [also] on earth. Give us our food and our sustenance every day. And forgive us our sins so that we may forgive each other [as well]. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the Cursed Devil. For thine is the glory forever (MS BNA 1557, f. 56).40
And when thou shalt pray, say Pater Nostre: Our Father who art in heaven and thy name be holy and thy kingdom blessed; thy will on earth as it is in heaven. Give us our daily bread today and every day and forgive us our sins, as we forgive others and do not bring us into temptation and deliver us from evils (MS Escuelas Pías de Zaragoza 11 No. 26, Olim. D, f. 390r).41
Let us say then that the book of the Metagrapho, or transcript, is a depository ark in which something is deposited by things or by figures of that which is convenient for the illustration and clarity of the understanding. This book of translation, although it is taken from the book Archetype, which is the divine book, it does not follow that it has so much value, or that it contains everything that is contained in the book from which it was transferred, because the translator of this book did not take out more than what he saw that it was suitable for the lesson of those for whom it was written. If God were to give the saints everything that they will read in the beatitude written and spelled out in this translation, they would have their glory here, and they would not give themselves much trouble to read it in heaven.
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1 | She further claims, “[l]anguage provides basic metaphorical mappings and strong dichotomies to oppose the idea of the Self to that of the Other” (Alfonso 2008, p. 31). |
2 | |
3 | “Lo que expresáis mediante tal palabra, expresadlo mediante tal otra”. |
4 | Asín Palacios rightly problematizes Ibn Ḥazm’s views on the purported unanimity of opinion among Christians on this issue. See p. 10 n. 5 in the same volume. |
5 | Although Ibn Ḥazm’s knowledge of the Torah and the Gospels appears to be uneven, and maybe defective, too, he demonstrates a relatively greater proficiency with the Hebrew Bible. He offers literal translations and, as one of the first, paraphrases large sections of the Bible. It is obviously important to consider the importance of the oral transmission of the texts to the manner in which they were represented, as well as the possibility that non-biblical sources might also have been introduced into the text. (Lazarus-Yafeh 1992, pp. 78, 136; Adang 1994, pp. 66–67). |
6 | Similar claims about the authenticity of the text in connection to translation are made in Christian polemics against Islam, such as Riccoldo da Monte di Croce’s Confutatio Alcorani. See Da Monte di Croce and Ensis (2010). |
7 | Yet the claim has been made and expounded in many other places. |
8 | With regard to the translation of their own Qur’ānic revelation, some scholars (e.g., Iça Gidelli) embarked on the task of translating it into Romance and Latin in collaboration with the Christian theologian Juan de Segovia. |
9 | |
10 | For an English translation of this polemic, see Kassin (1969). For a recent study of the Ta’yīd and of anti-Jewish and anti-Christian polemics by Muslims in the Christian territories, see Colominas Aparicio (2018). |
11 | For an example of these Jewish practices, see Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī 4215 on the authority of Abū Hurayra and commenting on sūrat al-Baqara 136: كان أهل الكتاب يقرؤون التوراة بالعبرانية، ويفسرونها بالعربية لأهل الإسلام، فقال رسول الله ﷺ :(لا تصدقوا أهل الكتاب ولا تكذبوهم، وقولوا: {آمنا بالله وما أنزل إلينا} الآية This tradition from Bukhārī is also recalled for example by the well-known Andalusī scholar Shams al-Dīn ibn Farḥ al-Anṣārī al-Qurṭubī (d. 671H/1273CE) in his commentary of the Qur’ān Tafsīr al-Qur’ān (al-Qurṭubī n.d.a) on this sūra and on sūrat al-͑Ankabūt 46, https://quran-tafsir.net/qortoby/sura2-aya136.html. https://quran-tafsir.net/qortoby/sura29-aya46.html, accessed on 1 June 2021. |
12 | Samir Qaddūrī has discussed the possibility that the biblical quotations in the Ta’yīd are taken from versions of Saadia Gaon’s Arabic Pentateuch derived from the Peshitta and a Coptic version of it found in a number of manuscripts (Qaddūrī 2014). |
13 | Copied in the 14th century and once owned by the 16th-century Dutch orientalist, Joseph Scaliger. See Qaddūrī (2014, at 12). |
14 | Pieter Sjoerd van Koningsveld places the circulation of this manuscript among Muslim circles of Christian Spain and, with Gerard Wiegers, counts it among the Arabic books that were found in the Morisco village of Pastrana in the early 17th century. See, Van Koningsveld (1992, p. 99). And, Van Koningsveld and Wiegers (2019, p. 209 n. 26). |
15 | One must apparently refer to differences between the Jewish communities of the various Christian peninsular territories, as well as differences between these communities and their co-religionists in other regions (e.g., France) with respect to the adoption of Hebrew. Scholars have also adopted different positions concerning the exact knowledge of Arabic existing among Jews at that time, as well as about how the language was used in daily life. See (Colominas Aparicio 2018, 164 and the references on n. 38). |
16 | One superb illustration is provided by a recent publication of Arabic poetry by Valencian Mudejars and Moriscos. See: Barceló and Labarta Gómez (2016). |
17 | For example, in the Our Father and other quotations from the Gospels in the Aljamiado adaptation MS RAH 11/9416 (Olim. V6). See Van Koningsveld and Wiegers (1994, p. 189). |
18 | Kitāb al-I ͑lām bi-mā fī dīn al-naṣārā min al-fasād wa-l-awhām wa-iẓhār maḥāsin dīn al-islām wa-ithbāt nubuwwat nabīnā Muḥammad ῾alaihi al-salām. The work has been recently edited and prefaced by Samīr Qaddūrī (al-Qurṭubī 2020). |
19 | al-Qurṭubī’s al-I ͑lām edited by Qaddūrī (al-Qurṭubī 2020, pp. 107–16, particularly pp. 111–12), the following fragment: ثم قد نَهَى عن إطلاقها في الإنجيل: الحواریینَ. قال في إنجيل لوقا للحواریین: «ما تقولون أنتم فأجابه سمعون بیطر وقال له أنت المسيح ابن الله فنهاهم» وكذلك كان يقول إذا كان يخرج الجنون عن المجانين فكانت تخرج، وهي تقول: «أنت ابن الله» فكان ينتهرهم ويمنعهم من هذا القول. فهذا يدل دلالة بينة على أن المسيح كان يطلق لفظ الأب على الله تعالى بالمعنى الذي يطلق على إبراهيم عليه السلام أنه: أب. وذلك بمعنى المعلم الشفيق وكذلك جاء اللفظ في كتابنا: «مِّلَّةَ أَبِيكُمْ إِبْرَاهِیمَ» وبذلك المعنى تقول اليهود والنصارى في إبراهيم أب وليس على حقيقة الأبوة. ومع ذلك فـ: «مَا كَانَ إِبْرَاهِيمُ يَهُودِيًّا وَلَا نَصْرَانِيًا وَلَـٰكِن كَانَ حَنِيفًا مُسْلِمًا، وَمَا كَانَ مِنَ ٱلْمُشْرِكِينَ» See also the edition by Aḥmad al-Ḥajāzī al-Saqqā’ (al-Qurṭubī n.d.b, Vol. 1, pp. 63–70, and pp. 66–67 for this quotation). |
20 | My reading of the term “mudajjan” in al-Khazrajī’s work is different from that offered by Van Koningsveld, who understands it as “subjected”, in the sense of captive. See, al-Khazrajī and Sharfī (1975, pp. 30–39); cf. Van Koningsveld (1995, p. 12 n. 52). |
21 | See the introductory study in Kassin (1969, Vol. 1, pp. 1–101, particularly pp. 4–24). |
22 | See note 14 above. |
23 | “Lo primero el aṭ-ṭahūr que les fue mandado en la ley en la sūrat que dizen hay surāḥ que dize asi en ebraico” Colominas Aparicio (2018, p. 336). All translations are mine unless stated otherwise. The text seems to follow in a relatively faithful way the standard reading of Lev. 15:16: “we-‘iš ki ṭeṣe’ mimenu šiḵvat-zera ͑ we-raḥaz ba-mayim ‘et kol besaro we-ṭame’ ͑ad ha- ͑erev”. Kittel et al. (1997, p. 184). (And if any man’s seed of copulation goes out from him, then he shall wash all his flesh in water, and be unclean until the even). For a discussion of the polemical uses of this verse, see Colominas Aparicio (2014, p. 133 n. 54). |
24 | Colominas Aparicio provides this and another instance of the same phenomenon in the following text: The Religious Polemics, 2018, p. 337 n. 223. |
25 | Copies of the Viddui among Spanish Jews in Amsterdam in the period after the expulsions seem to have contained similarly worded Romance translations. See the remarks in this regard by Colominas Aparicio (2020, p. 459 and n. 46). |
26 | For example, “tirolohumā” (referring to God, who expelled Adam and Eve from Paradise) is composed of the Castilian verb “tirar” (to throw) and the Arabic dualis “humā” (meaning “both of them”, i.e., Adam and Eve). Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, ÖNB, MS AF 58, f. 38v. |
27 | |
28 | See Cardaillac (1972, Vol. 2, pp. 47–48). |
29 | Kitāb Miftāḥal-dīn, MS Escuelas Pías de Zaragoza 11 No. 26, Olim. D, ff. 385v–397r; here, f. 391r. Unless mentioned otherwise all ranscriptions are mine and follow the system used for the Colección de Literatura Aljamiado-Morisca (CLEAM). |
30 | |
31 | والقُوَّة بِلَتِينْ ءَانْبَّتَاَنْسِيَ |
32 | Ibn Ḥazm’s claims are also found in Wasserstein (2017, p. 9). |
33 | Also in Szpiech, and in Wasserstein op. cit., loc. cit. |
34 | This phenomenon is partly explained by the notion of indifferent multilingualism proposed by David Wasserstein in a publication on language and prayer when dealing with the specific practices of medieval Nubian Christians. The term is used to indicate the employ of linguistic registers not according to the logic of their specific functions (what is usually known as diglossia), but according to the linguistic competencies of speakers. It is likely that deficiencies in the knowledge and proper command of Arabic among Muslims in the Christian territories played a role in the present case, too, and when taken together with other linguistic practices, these seem to illustrate indeed “how little the linguistic dress of prayer, as distinct from its theological content, appeared to matter”. By the same token, however, we could note that “the dress” matters, or at least it does so to some extent as well. Because Latin helps the understanding of the content by appealing to a linguistic context for Christian prayers with which Muslims at the time might have been more familiar with than Arabic. Yet we lack enough examples of this phenomenon to know the actual language skills of the religious leaders and to determine to what extent the uses of Latin reflect their skills or rather their intended goals (i.e., offering useful tools to their co-religionists to refute Christianity and to help them fight their adversaries with their own tools, here, those provided by language). See for the notion of indifferent multilingualism, Wasserstein (2006, particularly pp. 56–59; and the quotation here on 58). |
35 | Kitāb Miftāḥ al-Dīn, MS Bibliothèque Nationale d’Algérie BNA 1557, f. 58: فقال لها السلام عليك أيتها الممتلئة من النعمة ربنا معنا أيتها المباركة في السماء |
36 | Yasūʿ which is the name used by Islamized Christians for Jesus and here it is used instead of ʿĪsā, which is how Jesus is known in Islam. MS BNA 1557, f. 58 and f. 59: فقالت له ما هذا الكلام فقال لها الملك لا تذهبي يا مريم قد لقيت ووافيت عند الله نعمة تحارابك تقبلين حبلى وتلدى بنا وتسميه يسوع ويكون عظيم عند الناس فقال لها الملك لا تذهيي يا مريم قد لقيت ووافيت عند الله نعمة تحارا بك تقبلين حبلى وتلدين بنا وتسميه يسوع ويكون عظيم عند الناس ويقرا الانجيل ويبري الاكمه ويعطيها الرب العيبة كرسي داود ويملكه على يعقوب إلى الدهر ولا يكون لملكه |
37 | وَابْنَ الْعَلِيِّ يُدْعَى |
38 | This manuscript has no foliation, my counting in pages is a continuous one that disregards the recto and verso). Lonbrar/lombrar is common for “nombrar”, to name, in Aljamiado manuscripts. For an example, see Guillén Robles (1885, Vol. 1, p. 227 and n. 7). MS BNE 5302, p. 12 is followed by: “y sobre la-lmanbar de Dāwūd se posara i-a-los podererosos de-sus alminbares los deballara i-a los grandiosos abasara i-a los amedreçidos alçara”. (Or, “He will sit on David’s throne and will bring down the powerful from their pulpits (alminbares) and he will lessen the powerful and raise the frightened”). |
39 | Kitāb Miftāḥal-Dīn, MS Escuelas Pías de Zaragoza 11 No. 26, Olim. D, f. 388r, as put in the mouth of the al-Mu’min (or the Believer): “que al-masīḥ era (h)onbre carnal”. |
40 | فقولوا ربنا الذي في السماء تقدس اسمك وبان ملكك وطابت مشيئتك كما أنت في السماء كذلك تكون في الأرض عطينا قوتنا ومكاسبنا يوم يوم واغفر لنا خطايانا ليغفر بعضنا لبعض ولا تدخلنا في البلوى ونجنا من الشيطن الرجيم فإن لك الحمد الدائم |
41 | Kitāb Miftāḥal-dīn, MS Escuelas Pías de Zaragoza 11 No. 26, Olim. D, f. 390r: “Padre nuestro * que eres en el çielo i-en la tierra, santificado sea el-tu-nombre venganos el, el-tu-reino complace tu voluntad en la tierra * como en el çielo. Ḏanos nuestro cotidiano (h)oy i cada ḏia i-perdonanos nuestro becaḏos, asi-como–nosotros los-perḏonamos a nueçtros ḏeudores i-no-nos deses caer en teçion mas libranos ḏe los males”. In MS BNE 4944, f. 44r, we read, “I cuando fareç oraçion decid Pater Nostre: padre nuestro que eres en el çielo i tu nombre sea santo i-el tu regno bendicho la-tu-voluntad en la tierra como en el çielo. Denos nuestro pan cotiyano (h)oy i cada dia i perdonanos nuestros pecados asi como perdonamos a noo a otro i no nos traigas en tentaçion i delibranos de los males”. (“And when thou shalt pray, say Pater Nostre: Our Father who art in heaven and thy name be holy and thy kingdom blessed; thy will on earth as it is in heaven. Give us our daily bread today and every day and forgive us our sins, as we forgive others and do not bring us into temptation and deliver us from evils”). Cardaillac (1972, Vol. 2, p. 37). |
42 | Besides, we could speak of a circle of Moriscos that included authors of polemics such as Muḥammad Alguazir, who may have had contact with al-Ḥajarī, but will not be discussed here. See for Alguazir and his work, Wiegers (1996, pp. 107–33, and p. 110 for his contact with al-Ḥajarī). For a most recent contribution on Alguazir’s polemics, see Wiegers and García-Arenal (2020). |
43 | “Pues dicen entro en el vientre de sancta maria rrealiter y essentialiter de que sigue necesidad y de la necesidad la mortalidad”. |
44 | “porque entrando rrealiter y essentialiter en el vientre de sancta maria tubo necesidad destar en su vientre y en dios no caber ser parte ni estar en parte como diximos antes”. |
45 | For example, the arguments contained in the work written by the convert Juan Alonso while in Tetouan (1602–1612) (Nacional Library of Spain BNE MS 9655) appear too sophisticated for Morisco audiences, who were apparently unable to fully follow the manner in which he expounds his comparison between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Wiegers (2014, pp. 392–93). See also Wiegers (1995). |
46 | “dijo Pablo en el capitulo primero plugo dice a dios de salbar a sus creientes de la locura del evangelio que se entiende de la corrupción hecha en ello cual convino dize el mismo en el cap. 11 para que por lo tal entrara la plenitud de la gracia a la xente”. |
47 | I suggest the possibility that this is Alejo Benegas (or Vanegas/Venegas) del Busto (1498/9–1562CE), erudite and holder of offices including that of grammar teacher at the Royal University of Toledo, whose exact dates of birth and death seem to have created some confusion among scholars. See Zuili (1995, pp. 18–19 and n. 10). He is the author of important publications, including Tractado de ortographía y accentos en las tres lenguas principales (Treatise on Grammar and Accents in the Three Main Languages), which is devoted to Latin, Hebrew, and Greek; a mystical work, Agonía del tránsito de la muerte [Agony of the transit of death]; and Primera parte de las diferencias de libros que ay en el universo (First Part of the Books that exist in the Universe). For the works of Vanegas, see also (Wilkinson and Ulla Lorenzo 2016), in Vol. 1, Bibliography/Bibliografía A–E, 743–745. https://doi-org.proxy-ub.rug.nl/10.1163/9789004301139 (accessed on 1 June 2021). Estrella Gutiérrez (1958, p. 75). Adeva Martin (1987). |
48 | I have consulted the digitalized edition of the Primera parte de las diferencias de libros que ay en el universo from 1572, Salamanca, en caja de Pedro Laso. Further references to this work are from this edition, too. https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xoZJabzxF3QC&pg=GBS.PP2&hl=en (accessed on 1 June 2021). |
49 | “Digamos pues que libro Metagrapho, o trasunto, es una arca de deposito en que por cosas o por figuras se deposita algo delo que la illustracion y claridad del entendimiento conviene. Este libro de traslado aunque es sacado del libro Archetypo que es el divino, no por ello se sigue que sea de tanto valor, o que contenga todo aquello que se contiene en el libro de donde se traslado, porque el trasladador deste libro no saco mas de lo que elvido que convenia a la licion de aquellos para quien se escrivio. Que si todo lo que en la bienaventurança han de leer los Sactos, se lo diera Dios escripto y deletreado en este traslado: aca tuvieran su gloria, y no se dieran mucho por yrle a leer en el cielo”. |
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Colominas Aparicio, M. Divine Logos and Translation among Iberian Muslims: From Ibn Ḥazm (d. 456H/1064CE) to Aḥmad al-Ḥanafī (d. 1049H/1650CE). Religions 2021, 12, 946. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12110946
Colominas Aparicio M. Divine Logos and Translation among Iberian Muslims: From Ibn Ḥazm (d. 456H/1064CE) to Aḥmad al-Ḥanafī (d. 1049H/1650CE). Religions. 2021; 12(11):946. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12110946
Chicago/Turabian StyleColominas Aparicio, Mònica. 2021. "Divine Logos and Translation among Iberian Muslims: From Ibn Ḥazm (d. 456H/1064CE) to Aḥmad al-Ḥanafī (d. 1049H/1650CE)" Religions 12, no. 11: 946. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12110946
APA StyleColominas Aparicio, M. (2021). Divine Logos and Translation among Iberian Muslims: From Ibn Ḥazm (d. 456H/1064CE) to Aḥmad al-Ḥanafī (d. 1049H/1650CE). Religions, 12(11), 946. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12110946