Richard Simon, Biblical Criticism and Voltaire
:1. Introduction
2. Simon, Voltaire and Biblical Scholarship in Early Modern France
3. Richard Simon
4. Mosaic Authorship
5. Implications for Inspiration of Scripture
6. The Problem with Tradition
All of his remarks tend towards an indifference to the dogmas [of the Church], and a weakening of all its traditions and doctrinal decisions, and that is his true system, which carries with it, as you see, the complete subversion of religion. […] I will go further, and assure you that his true system in his Critique du Vieux Testament is to destroy the authenticity of the canonical Scriptures; in that of the New Testament it is, in short, to make a direct attack upon inspiration, and to dissect or render doubtful many passages in the Scripture, against the express decree of the Council of Trent; in his critique of the commentators, it is to weaken the whole of Patristic doctrine, and, in particular, that of Saint Augustine on grace.(Quoted by Lambe 1985, p. 16833)
7. Simon, Voltaire, and the Trinity
8. Conclusion
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Conflicts of Interest
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2 | In “Livres”. L’Opinion en alphabet, to cite one of many examples. All translations in this article are my own, unless otherwise indicated. |
3 | To name just a few examples. Voltaire’s admiration for biblical critic Richard Simon is evidenced in different texts. In his Siècle de Louis XIV, in his catalogue of writers («Catalogue des écrivains») the brief entry for Richard Simon mentions that he was an “excellent critic” and that his works “are read by all scholars” “sont lues de tous les savants”. (Voltaire [1733] 1775. Le Siècle de Louis XIV: La Henriade, divers autres poèmes. Genève: Cramer et Bardin. tome 18 19.) «Catalogue des écrivains 10: SIMON (Richard) né en 1638, de l’Oratoire. Excellent critique. Son Histoire de l’origine et du progrès des revenus ecclésiastiques, son Histoire critique du Vieux Testament etc. sont lues de tous les savants: mort à Dieppe en 1712». Voltaire would have encountered the biblical scholar during his education (Gargett 2009, p. 196). |
4 | “Unconventional” from the perspective of the Catholic Church—mostly Bossuet, at the time. |
5 | The Socinians or Antitrinitarians were a 16th century group of believers who rejected the doctrine of the Trinity. |
6 | Legaspi (2010, p. 136) shows conclusively that it was not Simon’s intention to undermine the legitimacy of the Pentateuch, “In the preceding century, Richard Simon had used a theory of sources to neutralize Spinoza’s literary-critical denigration of the Bible. Like Simon, Astruc stripped Moses of a meaningful authorial role precisely in order to defend him. Both severed the gangrenous limb of Mosaic authorship in order to save the whole body of biblical authority”. |
7 | The sales of his Treatise on Tolerance, originally published in 1763, skyrocketed after the terrorist attacks on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo’s offices in Paris in January 2015. See for example: “Charlie Hebdo: Le «Traité sur la tolérance” de Voltaire, star des ventes» (accessed on 2 June 2022) and “After Paris Attacks, Voltaire’s ‘Tolerance’ Is Back In Vogue” (accessed on 2 June 2022). |
8 | Such as Bossuet, for instance. See Monod (1921, p. 322). |
9 | From «Comparaison des Cérémonies des Juifs et de la Discipline de l’Église » (1681 edition) as quoted by Marius Reiser, “The History of Catholic Exegesis, 1600–1800”. The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Theology, 1600–1800. Eds Ulrich L. Lehner, Richard A. Muller, and A.G. Roeber, 2016, p. 81. (accessed on 5 May 2022). |
10 | The Masoretic text was considered the most reliable in delivering the closest text to the original books of the Old Testament. A system of vowels and punctuation was added to it by rabbis to make it more readable and to be able to pronounce it. See Twining (2018, pp. 458–60). |
11 | See also (Reiser 2016, p. 81)., who shows how Protestant authors “defended […] the Masoretic Hebrew text of the Bible as authentic”. |
12 | «Il [l’Auteur de l’examen des méthodes proposées par Messieurs du Clergé de France] l’accuse d’avoir établi pour principal fondement de son ouvrage, que les prophètes des juifs n’ont été que de simples scribes chargés d’écrire ce qui se passait de plus important dans leur République.» Anonymous preface (Simon 1685). For the anonymous author identified as a Calvinist, see Ska (2009, p. 308). |
13 | «Preuves des additions et autres changements qui ont été faits dans l’Écriture, et en particulier dans le Pentateuque. Moïse ne peut être l’auteur de tout ce qui est dans les livres qui lui sont attribués. Divers exemples.» in Simon, Richard. 1685. Histoire Critique du Vieux Testament. Rotterdam: Reinier Leers. Gallica.Bnf.Fr, Book I, chapter 5, p. 31. My translation. |
14 | «que l’ignorance lui attribue». |
15 | «faux et impossible». |
16 | emphasis added. |
17 | “Then you will eat the fruit of your womb, the flesh of the sons and daughters whom the LORD your God has given you, in the siege and distress that your enemy will inflict on you. The most gentle and refined man among you will begrudge his brother, the wife he embraces, and the rest of his children who have survived, refusing to share with any of them the flesh of his children he will eat because he has nothing left in the siege and distress that your enemy will inflict on you within all your gates.” Voltaire does not specify it, but it’s in Deuteronomy, chapter 28: 53–55 Berean Study Bible. |
18 | As long as the said author is a “prophet” or inspired by God. See Auvray (1974, pp. 43–44). |
19 | Simon does not think that Esdras was the last compiler, however. See Simon (1685, p. 55). |
20 | There are other instances in which Voltaire doesn’t seem to bother, however, and seems to align with Simon (Voltaire [1764] 1968b, “Moïse” article). |
21 | «[…] ces gens-là se trompent, quand ils ne veulent point reconnaitre d’autre inspiration que celle des Propheties». |
22 | In Votum pro pace, as well as in his polemic with French Huguenot theologian André Rivet (1572–1651), Rivenati apologetic discussion, Grotius argued that not all of the content of Scripture was equally inspired. If the biblical passage did not specifically allude to God directly speaking to a prophet, as in “The Word of God came to…” (Grotius used the name of the evangelist Luke), then chances were, what had been written had not been “dictated by the Holy Spirit”. Biblical historians like Luke, for instance, were good moral men. Their capacity to memorize and their abilities “in copying the commentaries of the Ancients” were enough. Simon did not approve of this manner of distinguishing between the prophecies which were inspired and the histories which were not. See Reventlow (1988, p. 180). |
23 | «Il n’est pas nécessaire qu’un Livre pour être inspiré ait été dicté de Dieu mot pour mot». This is noteworthy for while Simon could conceive that historians may have written of events they had simply witnessed without requiring an inspiration from God, they were nonetheless “led by the Spirit of God” in order “not to fall in error” (de ne pas tomber dans l’erreur). |
24 | «toute l’antiquité tant Juive que Chrétienne». |
25 | Voltaire also points out the famous contradiction that the author of Deuteronomy wrote that Moses was 80 years old when he came out of Egypt but died at the age of 120. Thus Moses was already dead when the book of Deuteronomy have him speak (Voltaire [1776] 2012a, p. 265). |
26 | “Nous croyons fermement que Mosé, appelé chez nous Moyse, est le seul auteur du Pentateuque comme l’Eglise le croit, et qu’il n’y a que le récit de sa mort qui ne soit pas écrit par lui. Nous avons seulement exposé avec candeur l’opinion de nos adversaires”. (Voltaire [1776] 2012a, pp. 23, 272). |
27 | It is difficult to assess whether Voltaire is sincere or simply protecting himself from censorship. |
28 | Bernier (2008, p. 221) argues that Simon purposefully leaves his readers in the dark regarding his true position regarding Tradition, so as not to be censored by other Catholics. |
29 | Or “Law of Mouth” that he attributes to “R. Moïse de Cotsi, Jewish scholar,” who emphasized the importance of oral tradition (Simon 1685, pp. 39–40). |
30 | Though Simon does not specify, it would likely be the first temple (Simon 1685, p. 112). |
31 | Henri Margival, Essai sur Richard Simon et la Critique Biblique au XVIIe Siècle (Genève: Slatkine Reprints, 1970), 116. See also Monod. |
32 | From C. Urbain and E. Levesque, eds., Correspondance de Bossuet [15 vols.; Paris: Hachette, 1909–25] 13. 327–28). |
33 | |
34 | There are other examples. |
35 | «Saint Augustin n’était pas si savant; il ne savait ni le grec, ni l’hébreu». |
36 | Stenger’s article (2018) led me to this line of reflection. |
37 | «A l’origine, sous la plume de Voltaire, l’infâme renvoie aux crimes et aux abus religieux, donc nécessairement à la Religion. Le terme était de droit dans la France du temps, d’évidence usuelle et massive, pour designer Ie christianisme de dogme, de canon et de magistère catholiques, religion du prince et de ses sujets, unique dans Ie royaume très-chrétien, dominante en Europe, missionnaire et puissamment présente sur tous les continents. L’infâme, chez Voltaire, c’est d’abord I’empreinte et I’emprise historiques du christianisme dans des évènements, des pratiques et des actes, qui à toute religion (à Iui-même, en conscience) devraient valoir un jugement d’infamie- de faute devant Dieu (s’iI existe) et d’indignité devant les hommes.» (Magnan 2014, p. 7). |
38 | However, both theologian Jacob Vernet and Pastor Jacob Vernes, Calvinists whom Voltaire had befriended, among others, felt that Voltaire was going too far in wanting to destroy Christianity and decided to cut ties with the French philosophe (Pomeau 1969, pp. 291–98). |
39 | (Simon 1685) Simon, Richard. 1685. Histoire Critique du Vieux Testament. Rotterdam: Reinier Leers, book 3, chp.16. |
40 | I am paraphrasing. |
41 | Arius in Thalia quoted by Payne Robert (1957), The Holy Fire, New York: Harper & Brothers, pp. 82–83. |
42 | Too neutral or “indifferent” to Bossuet (Tambrun 2020, pp. 263–73). |
43 | «Que soutenir, comme font leurs adversaires, qu’il y a plusieurs personnes distinctes dans l’essence divine, et que ce n’est pas l’Eternel qui est le seul vrai Dieu, mais qu’il y faut joindre le Fils et le Saint-Esprit, c’est introduire dans l’Eglise de Jésus-Christ, l’erreur la plus grossière et la plus dangereuse; puisque c’est favoriser ouvertement le polythéisme. » |
44 | «Que St Augustin lui-même, après avoir avancé sur ce sujet mille raisonnements aussi faux que ténébreux, a été forcé d’avouer qu’on ne pouvait rien dire sur cela d’intelligible». |
45 | I used King James Version, but modified verse 6 to better render the version (de Sacy) Voltaire used in French: “il y en a trois qui donnent témoignage en terre, l’esprit, l’eau et le sang, et ces trois sont un. Il y en a trois qui donnent témoignage au ciel, le Père, le Verbe et l’Esprit, et ces trois sont un». |
46 | «Ajoutons à cet article ce que dit dom Calmet dans sa dissertation sur le passage de l’épître de Jean l’Evangéliste, il y en a trois qui donnent témoignage en terre, l’esprit, l’eau et le sang, et ces trois sont un. Il y en a trois qui donnent témoignage au ciel, le Père, le Verbe et l’Esprit, et ces trois sont un. * Dom Calmet avoue que ces deux passages ne sont dans aucune Bible ancienne, * et il serait en effet bien étrange que St Jean eût parlé de la Trinité dans une lettre, et n’en eût pas dit un seul mot dans son Evangile. * On ne voit nulle trace de ce dogme ni dans les Evangiles canoniques, ni dans les apocryphes. * Toutes ces raisons et beaucoup d’autres pourraient excuser les antitrinitaires, si les conciles n’avaient pas décidé. *--357--Mais comme les hérétiques ne font nul cas des conciles, on ne sait plus comment s’y prendre pour les confondre». |
47 | Iliffe (2006) points out that even though there were “dissonances and consonances between their positions” (p. 138) notably regarding the role of Jerome in the addition of the comma, Richard Simon’s Critical History of the Text of the New Testament was instrumental in forming Newton’s opinion (Iliffe 2006, p. 139). |
48 | Voltaire’s mistress, Mme du Châtelet, translated Newton’s Principia. Voltaire admired Newton (Toulmonde 2022, pp. 235–54). |
49 | «Critique du passage de l’Épitre I de Saint Jean, ch. 5, v 7 qui n’est point dans la plupart des exemplaires grecs et des autres livres orientaux, ni dans les plus anciens exemplaires latins» (Simon 1689, p. 203). |
50 | Simon (1689, p. 203) for the French. |
51 | Simon (1689, p. 204) for the French. |
52 | |
53 | «On voit par là que le scoliaste a entendu le Père, le Verbe et le Saint Esprit par ces trois témoins dont parle Saint Jean l’esprit, l’eau et le sang» (p. 204). |
54 | «Témoignage de Dieu le Père et du Saint Esprit» (p. 204). |
55 | Simon (1689, p. 213) for the French. |
56 | Simon (1689, p. 214) for the French. |
57 | «not beyond doubt» in French (“hors de doute”) (Simon 1689, p. 216). |
58 | but Simon thinks it was a mistake since it was “spurious” (p. 184), not beyond doubt (217). |
59 | In a note Hunwick (2013, p. 185, note 39) hypothesizes that Simon wrote this to protect himself from being accused of “unorthodoxy” by Bossuet. Hunwick points to Auvray (1974), pp. 124–31. |
60 | Shift that Ska and others have highlighted (Ska 2009, p. 313). |
61 | «puisque vous êtes ignorants, éclairez-vous et supportez-vous. Quand vous seriez tous du même avis, ce qui certainement n’arrivera jamais, quand il n’y aurait qu’un seul homme d’un avis contraire, vous devriez lui pardonner” (Voltaire [1762] 1877–1885d, chp. 25). |
62 | «Il faut donc qu’ils reconnaissent avec tous les gens de bon sens, que ce n’est point des vérités de physique qu’il faut chercher dans la Bible, et que nous devons y apprendre à devenir meilleurs, et non pas à connaître la nature. (280)». |
63 | Schwarzbach has shown that through Simon’s work, Voltaire was exposed to the works of Grotius and Cappel (Voltaire [1776] 2012a, p. 62). |
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Starczewski, J. Richard Simon, Biblical Criticism and Voltaire. Religions 2022, 13, 995.
Starczewski J. Richard Simon, Biblical Criticism and Voltaire. Religions. 2022; 13(10):995.
Chicago/Turabian StyleStarczewski, Jan. 2022. "Richard Simon, Biblical Criticism and Voltaire" Religions 13, no. 10: 995.
APA StyleStarczewski, J. (2022). Richard Simon, Biblical Criticism and Voltaire. Religions, 13(10), 995.