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Paths of the Ethical Dimensions in the Act of Freedom in Paul Ricoeur: Sacredness and Profanity of Symbol, Language, and Action

Collegium Professorum Hungarorum, Makovecz Campus Foundation, 2081 Piliscsaba, Hungary
Religions 2025, 16(2), 129;
Submission received: 9 December 2024 / Revised: 20 January 2025 / Accepted: 21 January 2025 / Published: 24 January 2025


In my paper, I will outline how Ricoeur’s early phenomenological interpretation of the symbol provides the starting point for the later phenomenological hermeneutics of freedom, and how the transition can be defined, which led him from the early phenomenology of the symbol to the biblical hermeneutics and Christian ethics of freedom.

1. Introduction

In my paper, I will outline how Ricoeur’s early phenomenological interpretation of the symbol provides the starting point for the later phenomenological hermeneutics of freedom, and how the transition can be defined, which led him from the early phenomenology of the symbol to the biblical hermeneutics and Christian ethics of freedom.
Already in the first work, Freedom and Nature: The Voluntary and the Involuntary, Ricoeur outlines the act of freedom faced with the nature of the human being. Ricoeur explains the nature of the human being by the bodily and spiritual dimensions and borders of the freedom (cf. Davidson 2018). This dual approach to the human being discloses along Ricoeur’s oeuvre, the description of the methodology of the hermeneutical phenomenology in the disclosing meaning of the symbol in the sense that both the bodily and the conscious actions are based on historical planted symbolical meanings. In Freedom and Nature, Ricoeur considers the bodily actions as the determinative and liberating expressions of human freedom. The meaning of the bodily and mental act is concentrated in the historical epoché, in the meaning context of the historical-hermeneutical interpretation of the situation, which appears in Ricoeur’s view in the phenomenon of the symbol (Tengelyi 2011). Ricoeur follows Edmund Husserl’s phenomenological description in the sense that he points out that both the bodily and the mental boundaries of human freedom lead to the definition of human freedom as non-freedom. Ricoeur’s main aim is to investigate the conditions of this non-freedom by the historical background of human acting and the history of thinking, while pointing to the determinative condition of historical being. To understand how the historical meaning determines the present decisions, Ricoeur introduces the meaning of the symbol, which discloses in the present and shows in the present appearance its original meaning. In this sense, Ricoeur interprets the symbol as the basic form of the phenomenon which transits the historical meaning complex into the present meaning. The genealogy of freedom as non-freedom originates in Ricoeur’s sense in the symbol of the sin, i.e., both in its historical and actual form.
Ricoeur’s first approach to the phenomenology of symbol sets out from the point of view in his early writings, Fallible Man and Symbolism of Evil, that he distinguishes the original sin from the fault. The sin is that which reveals itself in historical-phenomenological dimension and its meaning will be actualized in the present context, while the fault is always the individualized phenomenon of the guilty act. This means that the first symbolizes the unceasable condition of human existence in the guilty act, while the fault belongs to the individual’s temporal horizon and characterizes the actuality of the sin. This disposition of sin and guiltiness is standard in Ricoeur’s thinking, even if it reflects on the methodological position of him: The more he elaborates the meaning of the symbol, the more he determines this meaning in the hermeneutical situation, the less separable are the meanings of the sin and fault, and the more coherent is their common meaning by the hermeneutical understanding of historicity. David Carr outlines this thesis through the definition of the phenomenological analysis, which is determined for the transition from the individual experiences to historicity while it establishes the social level of human existing (Carr 1986, p. 5). At the end of Fallible Man, Ricoeur distinguished the possibility of guilt from the real existence of it, while he revealed the guilt of human beings by the fallibility and capacity to fail. According to Ricoeur, there is an insurmountable gap between the possibility of evil and the reality of it, which is like the gap between the anthropological description of fallibility and an ethic of it (cf. Pellauer 2022). Though the distinction between the possibility and the reality of the fallibility sounds clear in this description, a background meaning forms out during reflecting on the historical interpretation of fallibility. Human beings are anthropologically defined by fallibility and theologically determined by the fallibility of the original sin. These two determinations make the human being fragile.
Fragility is not merely the ‘locus’, the point of insertion of evil, nor even the ‘origin’ starting from which man falls; it is the ‘capacity’ for evil. To say that man is fallible is to say that the limitation peculiar to a being who does not coincide with himself is the primordial weakness from which evil arises. And yet, evil arises from this weakness only because it is posited. This last paradox will be at the center of the symbolics of evil.
In this regard, ethics has a fundamental ontological dimension which links the phenomenological and hermeneutical traditions in Ricoeur, in the sense that the phenomenological-symbolic dimension of the present reveals in the act of hermeneutic understanding. The “capacity for evil,” as a guilty act, gains its twofold sense through the determination of the human being in the original sin and as the possibility for decision in the present situation. Both the anthropological and theological givenness of guilty life convey the double capacity for evil: on the one hand, the anthropological givenness of being discloses in the phenomenological interpretation in historical decisions which led the human being to commit guilty acts. On the other hand, the theological givenness of being is determined in the original sin which hermeneutically returns in the guilty act of the present. The freedom to act, in this sense, leads to the non-freedom in the guilty act which confronts the guilty existence with its hermeneutical-phenomenological situation of guiltiness. This confrontation discloses the ethical dimension in Ricoeur’s sense while it reveals also the possibility of forgiveness. The object of the experience and the human being who narrates his experiences in a both phenomenological—descriptive-genealogical—, and a hermeneutical—factical-existential—, sense, form the two poles of the common ontological field illustrated in the Epilogue of Memory, History, Forgetting, by the act of forgiveness, through which our past experiences are rewritten in the forgiving act of the present. This final ethical movement is motivated by the symbolic dimension of guiltiness and sheds light upon the social dimension of the human being, whose recovery from guilt is presupposed by the common interpretation of the past situation. In the following, I will describe in detail the way of Ricoeur as his thinking moves from the phenomenology of the symbol to the hermeneutical analyses of the Holy Scripture, and I will raise the question how he, on this way, establishes the ethical description of the human freedom.

2. Gaining Meaning Through the Symbol

In Fallible Man, Ricoeur distinguishes the categories of finitude and eternity by the Kantian argument in Critique of Pure Reason on the aspect of bodily mediation. Regarding Kant, Ricoeur argues that each perception has a specific point of view according to the appearance of the experienced thing. In this sense, the “aspect of the appearance, which refers me back to my point of view, is the perceived object’s insurmountable and invincible property of presenting itself from a certain angle, unilaterally” (Ricoeur 1986, p. 21). According to the appearance, which is definitely temporal, perception is generally oriented to previous perceptions. These two aspects of the perception, the appearance of the thing in relation to the present situation and its appearance in relation to the previous experiences, constitute the methodological problem of the phenomenology of the symbol. This is not just the theoretical description of the past and the present experiences, along with an establishment of their temporal dimension, but temporality locates in the act of perception and in the resolution to action. Perception is, in this sense, twofold, as it directs both towards the present situation and towards the reflecting act of the past. Both in the bodily act and in the act of the consciousness, the reflective act back to the past conveys the symbolic meaning that transits between the past and the present. In Fallible Man, Ricoeur explains the dubiosity of perception which can be inadequate while it reveals itself “as other than the one I first presumed” (Ibid.). By changing my body, the position of my perception changes, which means in concreto that the presence of the present is situated by the point of view of the perception, and the two sides of the perception in the past and in the present are linked together in the reflection. In the early works of Ricoeur, the act of reflection appears as the act which discloses the historical meaning of the phenomenon as a symbol, in the later works, based on Heidegger’s Being and Time, the act of reflection is founded on the act of conscience as the deliberating act of the past events.
Moving ahead in his ideas, the consequences of the phenomenology of the symbol appear in Freud and the Philosophy, in the later work of Ricoeur from the 1960s. In this work, Ricoeur continues his methodological questioning on the anthropological and theological origins of the act of understanding, where the first level of his interpretation proceeds on the theoretical analysis of the language as the liberating matter of the act of understanding. Regarding the twofold temporal dimension of the symbol, the symbol has a historical meaning, on the one hand, i.e., a historical dimension, and, in this sense, the meaning of it is unchangeable from the point of view of the present, but on the other hand, the meaning of it depends on the interpretation of the present.
Thus, a symbol is a double meaning linguistic expression that requires an interpretation, and interpretation is a work of understanding that aims at deciphering symbols. The critical discussion will be concerned with the legitimacy of taking this structure as the privileged object of interpretation.
Obviously, the main focus of Ricoeur turned in Freud and the Philosophy into the methodological question of the collaboration of the historical meaning formed by the history of reception, and the primordial meaning context of the symbol, the object of the interpretation which is re-objectified in the present perception. Ricoeur’s hermeneutical view originates from the insight that, even if each symbol possesses an unchangeable meaning, the word symbol “escapes the limits of a mere” epistemological dimensions while it fulfills under the categories of spatial-temporal dimension. There is an “intentional duality of the sign” (Ricoeur 1986, p. 12), Ricoeur asserts in Fallible Man, and he explains it in Freud and Philosophy by the dubiosity of the language, which, on the one hand, is able to express the experiences with the most specificity, but on the other hand, the language determines it in a specific form. The most specific form of the symbol is in this sense the language in which the hermeneutical act of understanding meets with the phenomenological act of perception. In Freud and the Philosophy, Ricoeur explains regarding the symbol analysis that the understanding of the symbol has both an objective and a subjective character concerning its meaning, which discloses the mutual phenomenological and hermeneutical methodology in the work of understanding. However, the work of understanding is directed on the understanding of the thing in each interpretation, which means that despite Ricoeur’s methodological concern, the phenomenological quest of being appears by the quest on the thing, as the prevailing symbol of being. There is an undeniable theological motivation in Ricoeur’s quest on the disclosing meaning of the symbol which originates from the previous analyses on the fallible man and searches its methodological foundation in the hermeneutical phenomenology. The theological motivation of the meaning of the symbol reveals in Time and Narrative in the privileged phenomenon of the sin, in the threefold category of understanding the past in the present act.
Symbol represents, in anthropological sense in Time and Narrative, the threefold present of mimesis: the present of the presence, the past, and the future. Ricoeur stems the origin of the threefold present of the phenomenological interpretation of time from Heidegger’s Being and Time. The temporal dimension of Dasein discloses in the act of care, and this is the starting point of the interpretation of historical being. The act of care reveals both in Heidegger and in Ricoeur the ethical dimension of the action which is determined by the previous and future actions. Though the ethical dimension of the act of care appears in Heidegger’s sense both indirectly and ambiguously, the possibility for the ethical dimension is already present in the question on authenticity and inauthenticity.1 According to Ricoeur, the act of care proceeds not just on the level of the ecstatic-existence of Dasein, but it is the manifestation of understanding, the symbol which represents the temporal dimension of human being. While care means in Heidegger’s sense the individual process of historical life constitution, Ricoeur extends the ontological meaning of hermeneutics of Dasein to the epistemological level of hermeneutical ontology: “The words ‘future’, ‘past’, and ‘present’ disappear, and time itself figures as the exploded unity of the three temporal extases. This dialectic is the temporal constitution of “Care” (Ricoeur 1988, p. 61). He argues at the introduction of the third level of mimesis, i.e., the epistemological level of hermeneutical ontology that, though authenticity and inauthenticity of the individual life is determined by the previous actions, it is possible to be authentic in an inauthentic situation: The authentic-inauthentic characters of individual life, which motivate the act of care in everyday life, constitutes, in Ricoeur’s sense, the second level of mimesis by the reflection on the past situation, this authenticity appears also in Heidegger’s interpretation of historical being in the act of repetition, which is the reinterpretational act of the past from the present situation (cf. Liebsch 2003, pp. 431–34). This is the epistemological level, mimesis three, which Ricoeur found interesting in the first investigations on the analysis of the symbol.
Heidegger reserves the term ’historicality’ (Geschichtlichkeit) for the immediately contiguous level of derivation. Here, two features are emphasized: the extention of time between birth and death, and the displacement from accent from the future to the past. Heidegger attempts to link the historical disciplines to this level by means of a third feature—repetition—which indicates the derived character of this historicality in relation to deep temporality. It is only at the third level, therefore, that the within-time-ness that I want to consider now.
By this step forward, the epistemological foundation of understanding, Ricoeur liberates the hermeneutical understanding of being from the existential boundary of being. Repetition, in the sense of Heidegger, is not just the reiterating action in Ricoeur’s interpretation, but the crucial turning point of hermeneutical existential-ontology in Heidegger to the hermeneutical ethics of the phenomenology which is able to deliberate from the inauthentic behavior of the past on the third level of the narration and lead to the radical new interpretation of freedom.

3. Language Between Sacredness and Profanity

Ricoeur’s thinking shifts gradually from the methodological inquiries on the disclosing meaning of the symbol to the disclosing meaning of the language and the written text, though, the meaning of the text reveals in its symbolic dual meaning between past and present. This transition from the direct interpretation of the symbol to the indirect interpretation of it in the text, fulfilled by the even stronger insight that the symbolic meaning of the text opens as the performative act of understanding. From the beginning, he distinguished between profane and sacred texts and entitled for the last the symbolical meaning context which contribute to the hermeneutical ethics of the phenomenology. His interpretation of religious texts reveals his thesis regarding the hermeneutical difference between the profane texts and the sacred ones, namely, the sacred papers convey a special message to the reader which call them to ethical action. An influential collection on religion was published as Essays on Biblical Interpretation in 1980 where he emphasizes that, although the biblical text interpretations concentrate on the phenomenological analysis of the symbolic language, Ricoeur argues that by virtue of the critical analysis of sacred texts, they lose their sacrality in the critical activity: “…it no longer is a sacred text, because it is no longer the text that the community has always regarded as sacred” (Ricoeur 1995a, p. 68). We might read sacred texts in a different way, not as a proclamation of a theological heresies, but rather as the manifestation of the original nonverbal sacredness.
This is the impact of the fixation of liturgy, for in Christianity, the liturgical kernel represents the Eucharist, as a kind of text that tells the story of the Last Supper; and it becomes a sacred text because it founds a sacred act, which is the Eucharist.
(Ibid., p. 71)
According to his Essays on Biblical Interpretation, Ricoeur distinguishes the two poles of text interpretation, in which the text, on one hand, is the foundation of the hermeneutical act and, on the other hand, implies a certain distance between itself and its reality, i.e., what it is about. This relation between the written and oral forms of textual heritage discloses the common feature of interpretation at the same time. While sacred texts are arising from a sacred act and a prevailing act is consecrating the written form, and even though the profane text has both a historical and a fictional legitimacy, both the sacred and the profane have a temporal connection to reality. In “Toward a Hermeneutic of the Idea of Revelation” (cf. Ricoeur 1985, pp. 73–118), Ricoeur examines the act of “revealing” by virtue of the written form of revelation and recognizes that “revealing” is not frozen in any ultimate or immutable text, “but the process of revelation is a permanent process of opening something that is closed, or making manifest something that was hidden” (Ricoeur 1995a, p. 72). Religious experience fulfills in Ricoeur’s sense both in an active and in a passive process: something is disclosing, and in this sense the experience is a receiving; otherwise, and this shows Ricoeur’s typical phenomenological understanding, revelation is delivered for the constitutional act of understanding. Ricoeur is led to the conclusion that revelation itself is a historical process of revealing the sacred essence of a real event, but the text about it is an ahistorical form of this heritage. Continuing this theory of the relation between the event of revelation and its textual biblical expression, Ricoeur analyses the narrative dimension of the biblical faith in parallel with the paradigm of narrative intelligibility.
In spite of Ricoeur’s intense reflections of theological problems and biblical texts from the 1970’s, he never addressed religious experiences in the narrow sense of phenomenology. Though it follows from Ricoeur’s argument that moral action could be a consequence of religious experiences, Ricoeur does not extend his interest to the qualitative analysis of religious experiences. E.g., the typical phenomena of sin configures the theoretical approach to historical dimension of the phenomena in the ethical action of the present situation. Religious experience appears in this sense on the verge of the practical realization of a historical situation that links together the past event and its transcendental dimension in the present imaginative situation. According to Boyd Blundell’s interpretation of Ricoeur’s Time and Narrative, the point of the theory of narrativity in Time and Narrative is precisely that, in terms of the temporality of human existence, narrative time provides a bridge between cosmological time and one’s own time, so that the consciousness of the guilt here is grounded in the narrative of guilt (cf. Blundell 2010, pp. 150–70). Religious experience is not something that exists for its own sake, but rather the realization of the limited human freedom in the historical action, i.e., the existential experience of the transcendentally determined human freedom. This paradox existence of freedom, to be free to act but not to be free from the obligation of a decision, was analyzed by Ricoeur in Fallible Man on virtue of the opposition of the possibility of fault and its realization in the guilty act (cf. Ricoeur 1965, pp. 216–17). Regarding Ricoeur’s notion, the fallibility of human being makes the guilt possible, while the ethics of fallibility is a real opposition between good and evil, i.e., the ethics of guilt is a subsequent reflection on guiltiness, the individual freedom is not an alternative for the moral decision.
Thus, ethics, taken in the broadest sense of the word, which takes in the whole realm of normativity, always missed the synthesis of the object, the synthesis of humanity in itself and its own synthesis of finitude and infinitude; …
By supplementing this thesis, in Time and Narrative, Ricoeur expresses the twofold dimension of freedom by distinguishing the present act of freedom from its historical notion:
To think through this dialectical relation, phenomenology offers the help of two well-known and complementary notions: that of a situation and that of a horizon. We find ourselves in a situation, and from this point of view, every perspective opens on a vast but limited horizon. However, if the situation limits us, the horizon presents itself as something to be surpassed, without ever being fully reached.
The divergence of the disclosing freedom—in its passivity as a reception—in the situation which is already determined by the horizon raises the question whether the uniform reality of human freedom is accomplished by the synthesis of the phenomenological interpretation of temporal dimension in the original Husserlian sense that each experience is retentionally determined by previous experiences. In the following, I will explain how religious experience, in Ricoeur’s sense, reveals reality on a new level as contra-reality, in the reality of being-affected-by the situation which is expounded in the realization of historical freedom as a non-freedom.
The first reflections on the religious dimension of the methodological questioning of the phenomenology occurs in Ricoeur’s The Conflict of Interpretations where he describes the theoretic-historical concept of guiltiness according to the three fields of textual interpretation. In the essay, “Guilt, Ethics, and Religion”, Ricoeur distinguishes between an epistemological, an ethical, and a religious field of guiltiness, and he shows how the three are linked together in the confession of guilt. However, there is a distinction between ethical and religious discourses on the question of guilt. The act of the confession realizes the common epistemological—ethical—religious character of guilt on the ontological dimension of the self. Ricoeur distinguishes here between the three forms of guiltiness to emphasize the radical individual character of guilt against stain and sin. In “Evil, a Challenge to Philosophy and Theology” published by the Journal of the American Academy of Religion 1985, Ricoeur argued that evil is the common root of both sin and suffering, and suffering has a double meaning and refers to both physical and psychical suffering from the guilt itself. That is a strange experience of passivity and it makes someone else suffer from the direct or indirect act of guilt. Because of the typical character of guilt, the consequences of the guilty act are endured by a second or third person, it is not the one who has sinned who suffers for the sinful act, but the one whom he has made the object of the act.
On the one hand, the history of evil makes us victims in the act of sin and the punishment is a form of suffering allegedly deserved, but on the other side, evil is the ability of human being to commit wrongdoing. The phenomenology of evil is limited in “Guilt, Ethics, and Religion” to an “experience in general” that contains description of meanings reenacted in the activity of language, namely, confession. “Our task, in the framework of such a phenomenology, is to reenact in ourselves the confession of evil, in order to uncover its aims” (Ricoeur 2007, p. 426). Ricoeur claims that the confession of sins reveals the twofold dimensions of the consciousness of guiltiness: the traditional narrative forms of guiltiness are realized, on the one side, in expressions of myths, symbolic function and, on the other side, the individual aspect of guiltiness that makes the collectivity of sin to an ontological dimension of existence. In this sense, guilt has a distinctly subjective accent: “on the one hand, the consciousness of guilt marks a definite progress in relation to what we have described as ‘sin’; while sin is still a collective reality, in which a whole community is implicated, guilt tends to individualize itself” (Ricoeur 2007, p. 429). This ambiguous character of guilt, along with its collective consciousness on the one hand, and the individual experience of evil on the other hand, reveals the ethical dimension of confessing consciousness.
On this stage of the interpretation, the later methodological investigation about the time constitution in Time and Narrative comes into play by virtue of the phenomenon of freedom. The reflection on the sin turns the confession back to a past situation, to the act of guilt, whereas the act of language “imputes the act to me”, and “I declare myself, after the fact, as being he who could have done otherwise” (Ibid., p. 432). This reflection on the individual freedom of acting, and on its consequences in the future, constitutes the ethical dimension in responsibility. It constitutes the identical character of the self by virtue of the responsible reflection on past, present, and future. “He who will bear the blame is the same as he who now takes the act upon himself and who has acted. … And the two dimensions, future and past, are linked in the present” (Ibid., p. 432). The phenomenological interpretation of the past, as elapsed events belonging to my memory, and I have been the subject who acted in these events. They are constituted in my memory by the reflection on the present reality. The ethical dimension of guilt is realized in the individual character of guiltiness, and this consciousness of guiltiness is the reflection on the gap between the objectivity of common sin and the consciousness of individual guiltiness.
I agree to engage in the dialectic of praise and blame. But in placing myself before the consequences of my act, I refer myself back to the moment prior to my act, as one who not only acted but who could have acted otherwise. This conviction of having done something freely is not a matter of observation. It is once again a performative: I declare myself, after the fact, as being he who could have done otherwise; this ‘after the fact’ is the backflash of taking upon oneself the consequences. … This movement from in front of to behind the responsibility is essential. It constitutes the identity of the moral subject through past, present, and future.
(Ibid., p. 432)
For the phenomenological constitution of the maxim of evil, Ricoeur relies on the Kantian doctrine of radical evil as the foundation of multiple evil maxims. In Ricoeur’s sense, the foundation of evil maxim is based on an a priori condition, on a first disposition of freedom. “Therefore, evil does not have an origin in the sense of an antecedent cause” (Ibid., p. 435). The radical phenomenological character of my evil freedom is revealed by my confession that I cannot determine the origin of my evil action. This phenomenological character is a historical character which accompanies the whole life; and which leads in Ricoeur’s sense to the revelation of freedom in the deliberating act of non-freedom. My freedom is a non-freedom because I have abused this freedom by my wicked act. In a pure phenomenological sense of freedom—and this is where Ricoeur turned to the religious aspect of sin—I am not responsible for this freedom; this is something which is delivered to me and determines my whole life in historical sense. “The return to the origin is a return to that place where freedom discovers itself as something to be delivered—in brief, to the place where I can hope to be delivered” (Ibid., p. 436). In this way, the consciousness of my freedom is the realization of its powerlessness: My act in freedom is something that happens to me in the present, but my phenomenological constitution of this freedom is based on a past situation, which phenomenologically represents a non-freedom. However, at the same time, my confession about my non-freedom delivers me to my original freedom by the explanation of my wickedness: “I claim that my freedom has already made itself not free. This admission is the greatest paradox of ethics” (Ibid., p. 436).

4. The Ethically Defined Act of Confession as Forgiveness

The ethical dimension of the phenomenological interpretation has an internal position in Ricoeur’s thinking, which is realized in the possibility of the actual situation. Ricoeur expanded the resolution of the wicked action to its inverse version when he identified the act of forgiveness as the primordial condition of confession. Similarly to the act of guilt, the act of forgiveness is also the realization of a transition from the position of act to the possible reaction. Like the phenomenon of confession, the phenomenon of forgiveness has both a historical-horizontal and an actual manifestation. Contrary to confession, it is not the past but a modus of the past that is realized in the present situation by the act of forgiveness. It is not by accident that Ricoeur reflects on the Heideggerian act of repetition and his reinterpretation of the historical phenomenon of being in Being and Time. In Heidegger’s sense, the act of forgiveness follows from the act of repetition, and in the Heideggerian terminology, it is a mode of caring which makes memory possible at all (cf. Heidegger 1962, Part II, chap. 4. §68). According to Heidegger, the act of forgiveness reconstructs the relation between memory and its object by taking care of the past event in the present situation. The parallel acts of forgetting and remembering constitute forgiveness through the reflection on the past situation which serves as the existential ground of sin (Ricoeur 2009, p. 505). The act of forgiveness is directed not to the object of our memory, as a disposition of forgetting, but it remains in connection with the past event during the act of memory or, in Ricoeur’s sense, mourning. However, the object of memory arrives by the mourning process to a position that makes our memory free of care.
Ricoeur’s text, La marque de passé from 1998 also connects the problem of forgiveness to Heidegger’s magnum opus. This essay is the written form of the last lecture of a lecture series held in College International de Philosophie in 1997, and it was first published in the Revue de métaphysique et de morale (cf. Ricoeur 1998). He reflects on the interpretation of the past in Being and Time and it gives him an opportunity to investigate the act of forgetting, which constitutes the act of forgiving. In the wake of Jean-Paul Sartre, Ricoeur distinguishes between a passive and an active mode of forgetting. On the one side, there is a forgetfulness of fleeing (oubli de fuite), which amounts to the Sartrian “I pretend to…”, i.e., the strategy of escaping. This escaping is, so to say, the active mode of forgetting. In contrast, there is the passive forgetting that is a natural selection of the past events by our memory. Ricoeur claims that the act of forgiving remains in the middle, between the act of the active and passive forgetting. Forgiving is, on the one hand, the opposite of the passive forgetting because it requires, from the act of forgetting, a reflection on the object that is forgotten. On the other hand, forgiving is nothing other than the active form of forgetting, where the conscious mind chooses between certain details of the content of an experience. During this selection, the act will not abolish the whole experience, but the place of the past event is moved away by the act of forgiving from its original position. What is abolished is the sin or burden that hindered the memory’s work in the past constitution. “Not the past event, but the wicked act is going to be forgotten, but the importance and place of it, in the dialectic of historical mind” (Ricoeur 2004, p. 145). In contrast to selective forgetting and its narcissistic self interpretation, Ricoeur links together the active forgetting with the empathic reflection on the consciousness of the other whose understanding leads to the act of forgiveness.
Forgiveness stays here also with active forgetting in contact: not with the forgetting of the facts, which can not be abolished, but it stays in contact with the forgetting of their importance in the present and future. This is the acceptance of the sin without paying; the acceptance of loss; this is the mourning of guiltiness; to accept that the forgetfulness of fleeing and the unceasing hunt for the guilty are basically the same; this is the fine line between amnesia and infinite guilt. In this regard, forgiveness fits into memory by the work of mourning.
The phenomenological interpretation of forgiveness is concluded by the act of memory and forgetting in the foundation of the historical past, which is transcended from the epistemological gnosis to existential experience. Beyond this threshold, the evil manifests in the opposition to believe in God in spite of evil. “To believe in God in spite of … is one of the ways in which we can integrate the speculative aporia into the work of mourning” (Ricoeur 1995b, p. 260). The act of forgiveness is at the same time the resolution to integrate the past event into a new meaning context and to view the wicked action in the horizon of salvation. To accept the loss means, at the same time, accepting the transformation of memory and reflection on the individual, personal dimension. To accept the guilt myself and to accept the suffering from the guilt of others, this is what proceeds in the act of mourning, in the confessional act of acceptance. In this sense, for Ricoeur, religious experience is a personal, individual experience. Independent from the person’s attitude, the experience is revealed in the narrative act of sin that is a reflection on the individual guilt. It is not the experience of guilt that depends on the personal identity; rather, the evil action is what is based on the free choice of the person. By virtue of the phenomenon of guilt, the religious experience for Ricoeur is an experience without any personal influence on it, which comes to surface as a pre-reflexive notion of free action. Both the narrative act of the confession and the narrativity of forgiveness are determined by the past situation which could have been otherwise. The recognition of the free action of the past situation discloses the sacred moment of religious experience in the apprehension of individual freedom as a donation.

5. Summary

In the present paper, I wanted to show Ricoeur’s systematical, phenomenological way from the pure phenomenological approach of the symbol to its religious interpretation. Though the paper concentrated on the special Ricoeurian insights, the transition from the pure phenomenological interpretation of the symbol to its religious-ethical dimension is both phenomenologically and in the general sense of the religious studies was interesting in its relation to the act of freedom.
Ricoeur explores the act of freedom both in a profane and a sacral term as a hermeneutical-ethical action, thematically in three stages:
(1) the approach to the symbol, (2) the meaning of the language, and (3) the ethical dimension of confession.
In the first sense, the hermeneutical approach to the phenomenon of symbol opens up the historical dimension of the symbol—the phenomenon of the sin, in Ricoeur’s sense—and puts the possibility of free action into question in the history of the original sin and in the guilty action. In the second stage, language appears as the narrative level of the hermeneutic-ethical situation, demonstrating the hermeneutic power of freedom in the multiplicity of possible realities. The possibility of alternative realities reveals, through the possibility of interpretation, the ethics of confession, the ethics of admitting past sinful action, and the ethics of (self-)forgiveness.
On the one hand, a systematic and linear phenomenological process leads to ethical and religious insights, but on the other hand, the philosophical process is constantly interrupted by the historical dimension of free action, which confronts the sacred with a profane interpretation.


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The author declares no conflict of interest.


Christopher Macann explains in the introduction to Martin Heidegger. Critical Assessments that “das Man” in Being and Time makes it “one of the most significant contributions to the ethical philosophy of our century”. Cf. (Macann 1992, p. 10).


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Jani, A. Paths of the Ethical Dimensions in the Act of Freedom in Paul Ricoeur: Sacredness and Profanity of Symbol, Language, and Action. Religions 2025, 16, 129.

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Jani A. Paths of the Ethical Dimensions in the Act of Freedom in Paul Ricoeur: Sacredness and Profanity of Symbol, Language, and Action. Religions. 2025; 16(2):129.

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Jani, Anna. 2025. "Paths of the Ethical Dimensions in the Act of Freedom in Paul Ricoeur: Sacredness and Profanity of Symbol, Language, and Action" Religions 16, no. 2: 129.

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Jani, A. (2025). Paths of the Ethical Dimensions in the Act of Freedom in Paul Ricoeur: Sacredness and Profanity of Symbol, Language, and Action. Religions, 16(2), 129.

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