The Colombian Media Industry on the Digital Social Consumption Agenda in Times of COVID-19
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Results
3.1. Communication Management on Social Platforms
3.2. Narrative Axis and Points of Interest in Social Conversation
4. Analysis
4.1. Information as a Roadmap of the Media-User Relationship
4.2. Social Construction of Reality through the Informative Story
5. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Press | 10,043,189 | 12,308,523 | 3,008,185 | 1,059,000 |
Radio | 6,061,656 | 15,861,052 | 2,381,894 | 703,300 |
Television | 8,800,747 | 16,667,417 | 3,660,846 | 3,570,000 |
Press | 26,654 | 59,448 | 2338 | 2780 |
Radio | 60,360 | 142,735 | 2015 | 2190 |
Television | 22,466 | 42,144 | 958 | 5898 |
FACEBOOK/TWITTER | 36,632 posts/79,343 tweets | Management of issuing agent | Industry tactical operation to impact followers on social networks | Means of communicating to maintain contact and share information [47]. The media and its influence on the construction of public opinion [48]. |
Management of the receiving agent | Reply, acceptance or propagation of the communicative proposal of by the receiver on the social network | Media consumption by the audience and participation in the content [49]. Coexistence of off and on-line [33]. | ||
INSTAGRAM/YOUTUBE | 2051 images/4777 videos | Visual and narrative strategy | Graphic structure, publication periodicity, semiotic instruments that are used in the communicative structure. | Evolutionary transformation of the environment [50]. Preparation of the medium to face the challenge of the audience’s digital environment [51]. |
Communication process | Thematic offer, correlations of visual composition, photographic sequences and hypermedia links. | Multiplatform synergies [52]. New journalistic panorama [53]. |
Scenario mapping | Tactic that opts for a 360° user consumption |
Communicative proposal | Written, sound and visual narrative axis in the message |
Media-user interaction | Relationship between attention and propagation of the message |
Network | Medium | January | February | March | April | May |
Press | 0.91% | 24.84% | 1.02% | 0.96% | 0.37% | |
Radio | 0.85% | 0.69% | 1.39% | 1.63% | 1.24% | |
Television | 0.64% | 0.86% | 2.05% | 1.75% | 0.76% | |
Press | 0.57% | 0.51% | 1.58% | 0.97% | 0.37% | |
Radio | 0.73% | 0.73% | 2.12% | 1.32% | 0.70% | |
Television | 0.29% | 0.33% | 1.05% | 0.79% | 0.41% | |
Press | 3.55% | 2.50% | 7.81% | 4.76% | 2.07% | |
Radio | 2.71% | 3.04% | 11.65% | 7.19% | 3.86% | |
Television | 3.25% | 2.85% | 8.11% | 6.61% | 4.21% | |
YouTube | Press | 10.40% | 6.52% | 13.90% | 9.04% | 6.18% |
Radio | 6.61% | 4.62% | 7.29% | 6.91% | 5.53% | |
Television | 2.24% | 3.00% | 9.45% | 7.02% | 4.34% |
Network | Medium | January | February | March | April | May |
Press | 6,797,796 | 8,317,788 | 13,393,900 | 8,817,982 | 8,018,978 | |
Radio | 5,564,250 | 6,460,540 | 9,481,165 | 4,403,345 | 6,788,770 | |
Television | 6,213,024 | 7,147,642 | 9,878,022 | 6,078,884 | 7,021,880 | |
Press | 603,958 | 666,544 | 921,794 | 993,070 | 773,650 | |
Radio | 577,500 | 546,715 | 966,020 | 1,109,790 | 868,320 | |
Television | 446,892 | 461,018 | 871,694 | 932,270 | 680,512 | |
Press | 3,069,740 | 3,644,104 | 4,944,506 | 4,451,580 | 3,615,818 | |
Radio | 128,035 | 125,420 | 347,265 | 417,140 | 408,225 | |
Television | 478,442 | 541,226 | 1,199,088 | 1,573,028 | 1,049,114 | |
YouTube | Press | 262,880 | 210,436 | 356,562 | 285,148 | 182,206 |
Radio | 135,620 | 109,835 | 163,210 | 170,845 | 106,745 | |
Television | 482,060 | 639,270 | 706,316 | 668,490 | 493,364 |
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Barrios-Rubio, A. The Colombian Media Industry on the Digital Social Consumption Agenda in Times of COVID-19. Information 2022, 13, 11.
Barrios-Rubio A. The Colombian Media Industry on the Digital Social Consumption Agenda in Times of COVID-19. Information. 2022; 13(1):11.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBarrios-Rubio, Andrés. 2022. "The Colombian Media Industry on the Digital Social Consumption Agenda in Times of COVID-19" Information 13, no. 1: 11.
APA StyleBarrios-Rubio, A. (2022). The Colombian Media Industry on the Digital Social Consumption Agenda in Times of COVID-19. Information, 13(1), 11.