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Guidance of Osteoblast Migration Using Femtosecond Laser-Induced Hierarchical Structures

Institute of Applied Physics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Altenberger Strasse 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
Institute of Biomedical Mechatronics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Altenberger Strasse 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
Hofer GmbH & Co KG, Jahnstrasse 10 to 12, 8280 Fuerstenfeld, Austria
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Medical University of Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 5, 8036 Graz, Austria
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Coatings 2025, 15(2), 127;
Submission received: 20 December 2024 / Revised: 17 January 2025 / Accepted: 18 January 2025 / Published: 23 January 2025
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Bioadhesion on Laser Functionalized Surfaces)


The adhesion and alignment of osteoblasts and fibroblasts on titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) surfaces can be adjusted over a wide range by femtosecond laser treatment and anodization. The great differences in cell behavior between different experimental conditions raised further questions about the role of cell migration, which will be addressed in this study. For that, Ti-6Al-4V surfaces were laser-structured to obtain a surface covered with ripples, i.e., laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS), or micro-cones superimposed with ripples. Then, cells were seeded either directly onto the non-structured or laser-structured areas on the titanium alloy samples or beside such samples where they can reach the surface by cell migration. After two weeks in culture, the cell coverage of the samples was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that cells directly seeded onto the non-structured or laser-structured areas covered the surface nearly completely and eventually aligned along the ripple direction for the laser-structured areas. In contrast, for cell-seeding beside the samples, the laser-structured areas remain nearly cell-free while the non-structured areas were covered with cells in a similar non-oriented manner as for direct cell-seeding. These results on reduced osteoblast migration due to laser structuring are in line with the findings in animal experiments. There, the new bone formation of laser-processed samples was 26.1% ± 16.9% lower in comparison to untreated samples of the same type, which can be explained by hindered cell migration on the laser-processed areas of the screws.

1. Introduction

Titanium (Ti) and Ti-alloys are materials often used for dental, orthopedic, and cardiovascular implants, due to their biocompatibility, resistance to corrosion, and mechanical properties. In some applications, where the medical implants have to be removed from the patient’s body after several months or years, complete ingrowth of the implant has to be avoided. Therefore, a cell-repellent surface is preferred in order to avoid damaging the tissue during explantation.
Surface functionalization of Ti-based medical implants to obtain either cell- or blood-platelet-repellent effects is common practice in medical engineering technology. To prevent implant ingrowth, cell-repellent coatings have been proposed, for example, polymer layers with embedded repellent substances, cytotoxic nano-silver layers, or anti-adhesive polymers such as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) [1,2,3]. However, such coatings come with serious disadvantages, including lack of durability, the need for additional approvals, undesirable side effects, or the need for long-term medication if the coatings come into contact with blood. There is therefore still a need for Ti-based implants with reduced ingrowth behavior, in particular reduced ingrowth into the bone tissue. It is an objective of this work to provide new concepts for such implants and methods for their production. Especially suited here is ultrashort pulsed laser processing, as it allows one to alter locally the surface topography in a defined way, with minimal heat-affected zones and with minimal melting of the remaining material [4,5].
In our previous work, we showed that ultrashort pulsed laser-structuring of Ti and Ti-alloys (Ti-6Al-4V), especially in combination with anodization, renders the surface’s cell repellent [6,7]. These results are corroborated by other studies [8,9,10]. By combining laser structuring with electrochemical processing of Ti surfaces, we obtained a surface with which the cells have only a reduced contact and, therefore, reduced adhesion due to a high surface roughness with sharp peaks.
With different laser-induced surface topographies, also Ti-based surfaces with good cell adhesion were realized, which, for instance, promote osteogenic cell differentiation, cell alignment, or good osseointegration [11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22]. Additionally, laser-induced nano- and microstructures on many other materials were investigated regarding their effects on the properties (i.e., cell alignment), including polystyrene, Al/Al2O3 nanowires, hydrogels, quartz, poly(ethylene glycol), and biodegradable polymers [23,24,25,26,27,28,29]. In nearly all cases, the cells were directly seeded onto the laser-structured substrates. Possible effects on cell migration from other (non-structured) areas towards the laser-structured places were considered only in a few publications, e.g., [30], even though such effects may be important for cell contact, for instance, of medical implants. In the current work, the main focus was on the elucidation of possible guidance effects of laser-induced structures on cell migration of osteoblasts on Ti-based surfaces. This may be helpful to avoid unwanted complete ingrowth of medical implants.
As a model for human osteoblasts, human osteogenic sarcoma cells were used. The cell line SAOS-2 was established from a primary osteosarcoma in an 11-year-old girl in 1973. It is well known to show osteoblast-like behavior and secrete particulate matter containing bone-inducing agents [31,32]. SAOS-2 cells have been utilized for several osseointegration studies in the past decades, for example [33] or [34]. Therefore, it can be considered to be a well-established model cell line for human bone formation and osseointegration of titanium implants. Indeed, the cell line is even able to induce ectopic bone tissue [32].

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Cell Cultivation

In this study, SAOS-2 cells (DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany) were used to assess the adhesion and migration behavior of human osteoblasts. These cells and others have cell-type-specific standard nutrition media and standard cultivation conditions. The SAOS-2 cells were taken from continuous culture in McCoys 5A medium (Carl Roth GmbH + Co. KG, Karlsruhe, Germany) with 15% FBS (fetal bovine serum, F7524, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) and 50 U/mL Pen/Strep (penicillin/streptomycin, G255, Applied Biological Materials Inc., Richmond, BC, Canada). For some control experiments, murine Schwann cells (Immortalized Mouse Schwann Cells (IMS32), T0295, Applied Biological Materials Inc., Richmond, BC, Canada) were used. They were cultured in a 4 mL grow medium consisting of PriGrow III (TM003, Applied Biological Materials Inc., Richmond, BC, Canada) + 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) + 1% Pen/Strep Solution. All cells were cultivated at 37 °C with 5% CO2 and were divided at a ratio of 1:10 once a week.

2.2. Samples and Laser-Structuring

The titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V ELI (Extra Low Interstitial) is a frequently used material for medical implants. Square plates consisting of this alloy (20 mm × 20 mm) provided by Zapp Precision Metals GmbH (Schwerte, Germany) were optionally polished in a grinding machine (Meta serv, Buehler, Coventry, UK) by SiC grinding papers K320, K400, and K600 (Hermes, provided by A.B. Technics, Tribuswinkel, Austria) and subsequently with a polishing mat and diamond suspension (Schmitz Metallographie GmbH, Herzogenrath, Germany). First, a suspension with 6 µm particle size was used, and then one with 1 µm. After polishing, the surface roughness Ra was 2.77 nm (measured with an atomic force microscope, averaged over 5 positions). Before laser processing, the samples were first cleaned in ethanol in an ultrasonic bath (Sonorex 161 RK 255H, Bandelin, Berlin, Germany) for 10 min and then dried. Laser processing with ultrashort pulsed femtosecond lasers allows the formation of very fine surface structures, as thermal melting of the surface is practically not occurring. The laser processing in this study was performed with a Ytterbium-based amplified femtosecond laser system (Spirit 1040-16 HE, Spectra-Physics, Darmstadt, Germany) with a wavelength λ = 1040 nm, pulse length τ = 350 fs, a typical pulse energy E of about 20 to 100 µJ, and a repetition rate f of 0.5 to 10 kHz. The laser beam was focused onto the sample by a lens with a focal length of 100 mm, resulting in a Gaussian-shaped beam profile with a diameter 2w0 of 75 µm. The power p was measured before the lens. For the calculation of the corresponding pulse energy E and peak fluence F0, the losses by passing the lens of about 6.7% were considered. Two linear positioning stages were used to obtain a lateral movement of the samples during the irradiation. One laser-processed area has a surface of several mm2 and was produced by scanning line-by-line, at a velocity of vscan = 2000 to 3000 µm/s in a meander pattern with a line distance ΔS of 20 µm. On each sample, typically at least four structured areas were produced. After the laser treatment, the Ti-alloy plates were once again cleaned in ethanol in the ultrasonic bath for 10 min and dried.
The estimation of the laser beam diameter 2w0 in the focus is based on measurements with the 14-bit digital camera system WinCamD (DataRay, Boulder Creek, CA, USA) (version v6.00S7x) at various positions relative to the focus. The beam diameter 2w0 in the focus was extrapolated from measurements at some distance away from the focus. The radial fluence distribution is then given by the following:
F r = F 0   e 2 ( r / w 0 ) 2 .
With the transmission of the lens Tlens = 0.923, the following relation is valid for the dependence of the laser pulse energy E on the laser power p, measured before the lens with the power meter (TPM-A.1, Gentec, Olching, Germany), and the frequency f
E = p / f · T l e n s .
With this definition, the peak fluence F0 and the laser pulse energy E are linearly related via
F 0 = 2 E / ( π w 0 2 ) .
For “two-dimensional area scanning” at a constant velocity vscan and at a pulse repetition rate f, the individual scan lines are separated by a step ΔS. This yields an effective pulse number Neff,2D as
N e f f , 2 D = π w 0 2 f / ( v s c a n Δ S )
Equation (4) assumes uniform pulse overlaps in two dimensions. Whereas there are non-uniformities in pulse distribution due to the use of laser spots with a Gaussian beam shape.
No anodization was applied to the samples in this study; the laser treatment was the only surface modification.

2.3. Preparation for Electron Microscope Investigation

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images are a relatively simple and fast method for assessment of cell coverage of the surface but requires a few days of preparation. After 14 days of incubation time, the samples were retrieved and prepared for scanning electron microscopy. After rinsing with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), they were fixated with 6.25% glutaraldehyde (SERVA Electrophoresis GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany) in PBS overnight and dehydrated over an ascending ethanol series. Final drying was achieved using HMDS (hexamethyldisilazane, Carl Roth GmbH + Co. KG, Karlsruhe, Germany) overnight to prevent deformation and shrinking artifacts. The dry samples were sputter-coated using a gold target for 80 s at 22 mA (Sputtercoater BAL-TEC SCD 005, BAL-TEC, Schalksmuehle, Germany). The coated samples were then examined via scanning electron microscopy (Philips SEM 525 M, Philips GmbH, Kassel, Germany).

3. Results

3.1. Laser-Induced Nano- and Microstructures

Figure 1 shows the irradiation scheme for generation and typical SEM images of either laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS, [35,36]) or of hierarchical cone structures covered with LIPSS [37], on the Ti-alloy samples used in this study. A good parameter range for homogeneous LIPSS (i.e., without µm-sized cones) is peak fluences F0 = 0.4 to 1.5 J/cm2, repetition rate f = 500 Hz, scan velocity vscan = 2208 μm/s, and a line separation ΔS = 20 µm. The resulting number of pulses per area is 50. For the generation of hierarchical cones covered with LIPSS, the parameters F0 = 1.0 to 2.0 J/cm2, repetition rate f = 10 kHz, scan velocity vscan = 3000 μm/s, and line separation ΔS = 20 µm are appropriate. The resulting number of pulses per area is 736. At lower peak fluence and/or repetition rates, the individual scan lines became visible, which could even be separated by areas without obvious cone structures. In both cases, i.e., presented exemplarily in Figure 1a,b, the LIPSS are oriented parallel to the polarization of the laser light.

3.2. Cell Alignment Due to LIPSS

Figure 2 shows Schwann cells cultivated on Ti-alloy samples covered with LIPSS within the area surrounded by the red line in Figure 2a, while outside the surface was flat and unstructured. On the flat areas, the cells form dense, confluent multilayers without obvious orientation. In the areas covered with LIPSS, many cells are spindle-shaped and oriented along the direction of the underlying LIPSS, which runs parallel to the direction of the polarization of the laser light. This is indicated by the arrows in Figure 2.
Figure S1 in the supplement shows comparable results of directly seeded osteoblasts on the Ti-alloy sample with LIPSS after two weeks in culture. On the areas covered with LIPSS, many cells are oriented along the direction of the underlying LIPSS, which is indicated by the green arrow, while on the flat areas, the cells form dense confluent multilayers without obvious orientation. However, the effects are less obvious than in Figure 2, as the cell layer was considerably thicker for the osteoblasts in Figure S1, and there were agglomerates of round cells protruding from the surface. The latter probably comprised extracellular (mineralized) collagen, indicating already bone formation.

3.3. Direct Seeding of Osteoblasts onto Ti-Alloy Samples with Laser-Induced Hierarchical Structures

For direct seeding, the polished and partially laser-structured Ti-alloy samples were placed in the cell culture dishes, and then the osteoblast-like cells, suspended in the cell culture medium, were dropped on top of the samples. The cells were then allowed to settle and adhere for two hours before the samples were fully covered with cell culture medium. As can be seen in Figure 3, the cells adhere to both the unstructured flat areas and the areas with laser-induced hierarchical structures. These structures were prepared with the same laser parameters as those shown in Figure 1c. On the flat areas, the cells formed dense confluent multilayers without obvious orientation, even though they had a tendency for local parallel arrangement. In the laser-structured areas, the cells grow more three-dimensionally with a plastic appearance. The individual cells remain separated. Both effects may be an indication of pronounced osteogenesis and collagen production (see Figure S3 of ref. [7]). The zoom-in in Figure 3b shows that the cells on laser-induced hierarchical structures are locally oriented parallelly. However, in this case, there is no direct correlation to the direction of the underlying LIPSS. In our previous work, we found that the osteoblasts were oriented along the underlying LIPSS direction on the cones (for instance, in Figure S3 of ref. [7]). This may be attributed to thinner cell layers in those former experiments compared to the results presented here.

3.4. Hindered Migration of Osteoblasts Due to Laser-Induced Hierarchical Structures

For indirect cell-seeding, besides the laser-structured substrates, first, the osteoblast-like cells with the cell culture medium were put into the cell culture dishes. Then the cells were allowed to settle and adhere for five hours. Only after this, the polished and partially laser-structured Ti-alloy samples were placed in the cell culture dishes. To reach all areas on the surface, the cells had to migrate along the sides of 1 mm thin Ti-alloy plates and then laterally across the surface. The samples were kept for two weeks in culture and then evaluated by SEM. The results are shown exemplarily in Figure 4 and were reproduced in an independent second experimental series several weeks later. The osteoblasts migrate onto flat areas but not onto hierarchically laser-structured areas, which is especially visible in the zooms of Figure 4c,d. Only very few isolated cells can be observed in the areas with laser-induced hierarchical structures. There is no cell orientation neither to the scan lines nor to the direction of the LIPSS covering the cones. The flat unstructured areas are completely covered with a confluent layer of flat osteoblasts. A close look at Figure 4d reveals the contours of the individual cells. The cell layer on the flat unstructured areas seems to be thinner than for the directly seeded sample in Figure 3. This can probably be explained by the fact that cell migration needed some time before cell division and growth could start. There is no orientation for the cells visible in Figure 4d. Their appearance is more similar to those on the flat unstructured areas of Figure 3 than to those on the areas with laser-induced hierarchical structures in the same figure.

4. Discussion

The experiments with indirect cell-seeding, exemplarily shown in Figure 4, were performed in two independent measurement series with a time gap of a few weeks for laser processing and cell-seeding. Both series revealed the same results. The results of the experiments with indirect seeding were also qualitatively verified in earlier experiments (some months before) with Ti-alloy samples from another provider, different polishing procedures, and different laser-irradiation parameters, but with similar laser-induced structures at the surface. The results with direct cell-seeding shown in Figure 3 were repetitions of experiments published in our previous works, for instance in [7]. The results shown in Figure 2 and Figure S1 were obtained in only one experimental series. This means that these results were repeated with another cell type, which is a certain limitation of this study. However, the main limitation is that the cell layers for direct and indirect seeding (i.e., results of Figure 3 and Figure 4) have different thicknesses. Here, systematic studies in the future with more samples and different cultivation times will provide a more complete picture. Especially, one could then compare the results of samples with about the same cell layer thickness for both seeding methods.
In our previous work, we found that ultrafast pulsed laser-induced micro- or nanostructures on Ti-based alloys can either prevent the coverage of the laser-processed areas [6] or lead at least to a cell alignment along the direction of nano-scaled LIPSS [7]. In the experimental condition of ref. [6], we prepared cell-repellent rings around Ti cylinders which were standing in the cell culture. Here, these rings acted as a barrier against overgrowth by fibroblasts, which were hindered in migration. This is a similar effect as is observed for the first time in Figure 4 for samples indirectly seeded with osteoblasts. For the directly seeded samples of Figure 3, the osteoblasts covered the laser-structured areas. This result is similar to that in ref. [7] on samples without additional electrochemical oxidation pre-treatment, that were also directly seeded with the cells. In ref. [7], also, the alignment of osteoblasts along the LIPSS direction on hierarchical cones covered with LIPSS was observed. In Figure S1b, this cell-alignment effect can be seen along the LIPSS only for surfaces covered with LIPSS only, but without cones. Maybe the LIPSS in the first case were more pronounced than in the current results shown in Figure 1c or the number of cell layers here (in Figure 3b) was higher than in ref. [7] and an initial alignment along the LIPSS direction is lost during overgrowth. In any case, it was possible, by choice of the cell-seeding procedure and laser-structuring parameters, to produce surfaces that remain either mostly cell-free, covered with cell multi-layers, or with cells aligned along the LIPSS direction. Even though cell alignment is probably not important for osseointegration, all three scenarios may have specific applications in the field of medical implants and tissue engineering techniques.
For the results shown in Figure 2, Schwann cells were used instead of osteoblasts. Schwann cells are glial cells that cover axons in peripheral nerves, and we have shown recently that they can be aligned by LIPSS, at least on polymer foils [38]. These results were chosen, as the free areas between the cells allowed a zoom-in of the electron microscope to directly see the direction of the LIPSS. In Figure S1, the cell layers of osteoblasts were thicker, and the cells were already quite dense, so a direct analysis of the LIPSS direction was not possible (but the direction is known by investigation of samples without cells, shown in Figure 1b). Additionally, the alignment is less obvious than in Figure 2. A similar obvious result as in Figure 2 can be expected also for osteoblasts for shorter cultivation times.
In an in vivo study, which is presented in parts in Appendix A, we investigated the osseointegration of laser-structured Ti screws with femtosecond laser-induced hierarchical structures in sheep. One of the results of this study was that hierarchical femtosecond laser-induced structures decrease (slightly) the formation of new bone outside along the screw parts outside of the original bone. This effect showed up, especially for the longest implantation times of 24 weeks investigated in this study. As a further result, structured screws showed a tendency to require more torque for explantation, which suggests better osseointegration. These results indicate that cell growth onto a given surface may depend not only on the surface roughness and chemistry but also on the cell migration along the screws. Both cell adhesion and cell migration are essential to ensure proper integration of the implant into the bone in order to provide stability and functionality. Therefore, we present experiments conducted to discriminate between the two processes and the role they might play in the osseointegration of a Ti screw. As an outlook, we hypothesize that partially laser-structuring a ring of a given width on the implantable screws would allow for a good hindrance of cell migration and therefore suppression of new bone formation outside the original bone, without increasing the torque necessary for explanation.
We and others (e.g., [16]) have investigated the time dependence of the water contact angle on the femtosecond laser-structured Ti-alloy surfaces. First, they are hydrophilic (due to oxidation during femtosecond laser processing) and within a few weeks, they become hydrophobic (probably due to the adsorption of hydrocarbons during storage in air). Some images of this are shown in the new Figure S2 in the supplement. These images are (mainly) taken from [39], where we also showed that there was no dependence of osteoblast coverage on the time after laser processing. However, for the samples of this study, the cell-seeding was performed typically already a few days after laser processing, when the samples should have still been hydrophilic. Another aspect is anodization, an oxidation treatment that is often applied to Ti-based medical implants, i.e., to increase the corrosion resistivity and to improve further properties. In our previous work [6,7], we have shown that a combination of femtosecond laser-induced micro- and nanostructures with anodization (before or after the laser-processing) can increase the cell-repellent properties of Ti-alloy surfaces. This may also apply to the hindrance of cell migration discussed in the current study. In the animal test in Appendix A, non-anodized and anodized screws were tested (with or without laser treatment). Regarding new bone formation and explantation torque, there was, however, no obvious difference between the results for non-anodized and anodized samples.
Before the future use of femtosecond laser-processed bone screws in patients (with or without additional anodization), a number of additional points have to be clarified in the course of approval as medical products, for instance, whether this treatment may cause health problems and risks. In the framework of the project LaserImplant, we have performed preliminary cytotoxicity tests (i.e., MTT tests) that showed no difference between laser-processed and untreated Ti-6Al-4V bone screws. However, further studies would be necessary here. Especially, it will be important to see the inflammatory responses or protein adsorption of these surfaces in future work.

5. Conclusions

Several indications were found that laser-induced hierarchical structures hinder the migration of osteoblasts onto these areas rather than reduce the adhesion only. This is in line with the finding that in the animal experiments, similar structures on bone screws reduced the formation of new bone along the screw outside of the original bone, where the osteoblasts also have to migrate to a certain amount on the laser-structured screws. These considerations may be helpful for the design of novel medical implants that can be easily removed from the patient’s body even after several months or years.

6. Patents

A patent entitled “Method for producing a surface-modified metal implant” was granted as Austrian Patent AT 524312 B1 and European Patent EP 4267212 B1, which is partially based on the results presented in the current publication and where several of the co-authors (J.H., M.M., C.M. and W.B.) are named as inventors.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Figure S1: Typical SEM images of a series of experiments of directly seeded osteoblasts on Ti-alloy samples with LIPSS after two weeks in culture with variable laser fluences; Figure S2: Time dependence of water contact angles on femtosecond laser-processed Ti-alloy samples and measurements on flat control samples.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, J.H. and W.B.; methodology, J.H., C.W., C.P., K.S., R.M., C.M. and W.B.; investigation, S.G., L.W., C.W., M.M., K.S., R.M., A.W. and W.B.; resources, J.H., C.M. and W.B.; data curation, J.H.; writing—original draft preparation, J.H., C.W. and C.P.; writing—review and editing, J.H., S.G., L.W., C.W., C.P., M.M., K.S., R.M., A.W. and W.B.; visualization, J.H., S.G., L.W., K.S., R.M., A.W. and W.B.; supervision, J.H., C.M. and W.B.; project administration, J.H., K.S. and W.B.; funding acquisition, J.H., C.M. and W.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was partially performed within the project LaserImplant. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 951730.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Animal trials at the Medical University of Graz (Permit Numbers: 2022-0.291.160) were approved by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research and followed the guidelines on accommodation and care of animals formulated by the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes. According to the 3R principles, all animal experiments were carried out to minimize suffering.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article.


We thank Yoan Di Maio of GIE Manutech USD, Saint Etienne, France, for the femtosecond laser structuring of many of the screws necessary for the results in Appendix A. Supported by Johannes Kepler University Open Access Publishing Fund and the federal state of Upper Austria.

Conflicts of Interest

Author Karoline Seibert and Christian Maier were employed by the company Hofer GmbH & Co KG. The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Appendix A. Animal Experiments

Appendix A.1. Bone Screws

Three different types of Ti-alloy bone screws from the assortment of Hofer GmbH & Co. KG (Fuerstenfeld, Austria) were used for animal experiments in sheep that were either anodized (showing a blue or golden color) or not anodized. Half of the tested screws were femtosecond laser-processed to generate a hierarchical surface structure, as shown in Figure 1c or Figure 4c. The laser-processed areas have a black appearance. The various screws are listed in Table A1 below together with photographs of the screws.
Table A1. Bone screws.
Table A1. Bone screws.
AINTEOS 2.5 Standard Screw ss T 2.5Coatings 15 00127 i001
ALINTEOS 2.5 Standard Screw ss T 2.5 fully structuredCoatings 15 00127 i002
BINTEOS 2.5 Locking Screw as av ss T 2.5Coatings 15 00127 i003
BLINTEOS 2.5 Locking Screw as av ss T 2.5 fully structuredCoatings 15 00127 i004
CINTEOS 2.5 Locking Screw as av ss T 2.5 not anodizedCoatings 15 00127 i005
CLINTEOS 2.5 Locking Screw as av ss T 2.5 not anodized, fully structuredCoatings 15 00127 i006

Appendix A.2. Sheep Surgeries

17 sheep (Ovis aries) at the age of 3 to 7 years were used for this study. Two sheep had to be excluded. Therefore, the final amount of used sheep was n = 15 animals.
Transcortical implantation of titanium (Ti) screws of type Probe A to CL into the diaphysis of the tibiae was performed on all animals. Screws of 24 mm or 26 mm in length were used, depending on the diameter of the diaphysis. The screw positions within the right and left leg (Figure A1) were alternated between animals to reduce bias due to cortical thickness differences at varying implantation sites. To evaluate the osseointegration of the screws, the sheep were euthanized after 3 (n = 4), 6 (n = 4), 12 (n = 4), and 24 (n = 3) weeks. The tibiae were harvested and stored at −80 °C until further use.
Figure A1. Implantation scheme with screw types Probe A to CL. The screw types within the left and right legs were varied between animals and insertion positions to minimize bias due to differences in cortical thickness.
Figure A1. Implantation scheme with screw types Probe A to CL. The screw types within the left and right legs were varied between animals and insertion positions to minimize bias due to differences in cortical thickness.
Coatings 15 00127 g0a1

Appendix A.3. Ex Vivo Micro Computed Tomography (µCT) Imaging

High-resolution µCT imaging was performed on all tibiae after defrosting, using a Bruker Skyscan 1276 (Bruker, Karlsruhe, Germany). Operating voltage and current of 100 kV and 200 mA were set, respectively, with rotation steps of 0.4 degrees. Aluminum and copper filters with a thickness of 1 mm and 0.05 mm, respectively, were used. The binned pixel size was set at 20.3 µm. For the reconstruction of the acquired data, we used the software NRecon (Bruker, Karlsruhe, Germany) (version 1.6.6). Three-dimensional post-processing, segmentation, and analysis of the µCT datasets were performed with MIMICS® software (version 21.0; Materialise, Leuven, Belgium).
The µCT images were evaluated qualitatively regarding new bone formation (NBF), bone-to-implant-contact (BIC), and to check for peculiarities. Further, NBF was evaluated quantitatively from the 6-week time point on, allowing a direct comparison between the screw types. To measure the NBF along the screws, a plane was fit through the screw axis in the transverse and coronal view. The NBF measurement was conducted in the sagittal view, which reveals clear density and shape differences between old and new bone, facilitating the evaluations. The increase in cortical thickness was measured adjacent to the screw (proximal and distal) at the periosteal and endosteal sides of the cortex in the screw head area (Figure A2; 1 to 4) and the screw tip area (Figure A2; 5 to 8). Finally, the average of positions 1 to 8 (Figure A2) was calculated, giving the NBF (in mm).
Figure A2. Measurement of new bone formation in µCT. The increase in cortical thickness was measured adjacent to the screw at the periosteal (1, 2, 7, 8) and endosteal (3 to 6) sides of the cortex of each screw.
Figure A2. Measurement of new bone formation in µCT. The increase in cortical thickness was measured adjacent to the screw at the periosteal (1, 2, 7, 8) and endosteal (3 to 6) sides of the cortex of each screw.
Coatings 15 00127 g0a2

Appendix A.4. Screw Explantation Tests

The osseointegration of the Ti screws after 6 weeks of implantation was further evaluated by screw explantation testing, for which a torsion measuring device was used (PCE-FB 5TS, PCE Deutschland GmbH, Meschede, Germany). After ex vivo µCT scanning, the tibiae were cut in the transverse plane with a minimum distance of 1 cm to the screw and immersed and stored in ethanol for preservation. One day before the screw explantation testing, the samples were transferred into water. To prevent the bones from drying out, they were taken out of the water only before testing. In total, 6 different screw types in 4 sheep were tested (24 explantation tests).

Appendix A.5. Main Results of the Animal Experiments

Quantitative evaluation of NBF around the screws revealed slightly decreased new bone formation for the femtosecond laser-processed screw Probes AL, BL, and CL after 24 weeks of implantation, compared to the untreated screw Probes A, B, and C. This is shown in Figure A3. The differences did not reach statistical significance (a p-value of p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant). However, on average over all three sample types after 24 weeks of implantation, the new bone formation of the laser-processed samples was 26.1% ± 16.9% lower in comparison to untreated samples of the same type. Here, the uncertainty was evaluated by the Gaussian uncertainty propagation law.
Figure A3. New bone formation around (NBF) the different screw types after 6, 12, and 24 weeks of implantation. The NBF was measured in the µCT at the periosteal and endosteal sites along the screws.
Figure A3. New bone formation around (NBF) the different screw types after 6, 12, and 24 weeks of implantation. The NBF was measured in the µCT at the periosteal and endosteal sites along the screws.
Coatings 15 00127 g0a3
The explanation of torque measurements on the screws after 6 weeks of implantation showed that the samples were osseointegrated, as in most cases it was necessary to expose them from tissue. Measured maximum torque values (mean value and standard deviation) necessary for explanation are graphically presented in Figure A4. On average, over all three sample types, the maximum torque required for explantation of the laser-processed samples was 21.9% ± 27.5% higher in comparison to untreated samples of the same type after 6 weeks of implantation. i.e., this effect is within the measurement uncertainty.
Figure A4. Bar plot of explantation torque Nmax measurement results showing mean value and standard deviation per sample type.
Figure A4. Bar plot of explantation torque Nmax measurement results showing mean value and standard deviation per sample type.
Coatings 15 00127 g0a4


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Figure 1. (a) Schematics of laser-processing flat Ti-alloy samples line-by-line in x-direction in a meander-pattern with line separation ΔS in y-direction; (b) SEM image of laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) on Ti-alloy sample (p = 6 mW (before the lens), f = 0.5 kHz, vscan = 2208 µm/s, ΔS = 20 µm, 50 pulses per area, F0 = 0.51 J/cm2); (c) SEM image of hierarchical cone structures covered by LIPSS on Ti-alloy sample (p = 420 mW (before the lens), f = 10 kHz, ΔS = 20 µm, vscan = 3000 µm/s, 736 pulses per area, F0 = 1.77 J/cm2). The insert shows a magnified detail where the superimposed LIPSS pattern becomes more obvious. The white arrows in (b,c) show the direction of polarization of the laser light (which corresponds to the x-direction).
Figure 1. (a) Schematics of laser-processing flat Ti-alloy samples line-by-line in x-direction in a meander-pattern with line separation ΔS in y-direction; (b) SEM image of laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) on Ti-alloy sample (p = 6 mW (before the lens), f = 0.5 kHz, vscan = 2208 µm/s, ΔS = 20 µm, 50 pulses per area, F0 = 0.51 J/cm2); (c) SEM image of hierarchical cone structures covered by LIPSS on Ti-alloy sample (p = 420 mW (before the lens), f = 10 kHz, ΔS = 20 µm, vscan = 3000 µm/s, 736 pulses per area, F0 = 1.77 J/cm2). The insert shows a magnified detail where the superimposed LIPSS pattern becomes more obvious. The white arrows in (b,c) show the direction of polarization of the laser light (which corresponds to the x-direction).
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Figure 2. (a) SEM image of Schwann cells on Ti-alloy sample with LIPSS within the red lines (p = 6 mW, f = 0.5 kHz, vscan = 2208 µm/, ΔS = 20 µm, 50 pulses per area, F0 = 0.51 J/cm2). Outside the red lines, the substrate is flat and unstructured. The image shows random growth in the unstructured versus the directional growth in structured area (the direction of the polarization of the laser light is indicated by the white arrow); (b) higher resolution SEM image showing in more detail the growth of the Schwann cells along the ripple structure, indicated with the arrows (green: direction of LIPSS; orange: direction of cells).
Figure 2. (a) SEM image of Schwann cells on Ti-alloy sample with LIPSS within the red lines (p = 6 mW, f = 0.5 kHz, vscan = 2208 µm/, ΔS = 20 µm, 50 pulses per area, F0 = 0.51 J/cm2). Outside the red lines, the substrate is flat and unstructured. The image shows random growth in the unstructured versus the directional growth in structured area (the direction of the polarization of the laser light is indicated by the white arrow); (b) higher resolution SEM image showing in more detail the growth of the Schwann cells along the ripple structure, indicated with the arrows (green: direction of LIPSS; orange: direction of cells).
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Figure 3. (a) SEM image of directly seeded osteoblasts on polished Ti-alloy sample with hierarchical laser-induced structures left of the red line (p = 420 mW, f = 10 kHz, vscan = 3000 µm/s, ΔS = 20 µm, 736 pulses per area, F0 = 1.77 J/cm2). Right of the red line, the substrate is flat and unstructured. The image shows flat confluent growth on the unstructured versus the more three-dimensional growth on structured area. (b) higher resolution SEM image showing in more detail the growth in the area with laser-induced hierarchical structures. The orientation of the cells in this image may be induced by the underlying LIPSS structures that cover the cones.
Figure 3. (a) SEM image of directly seeded osteoblasts on polished Ti-alloy sample with hierarchical laser-induced structures left of the red line (p = 420 mW, f = 10 kHz, vscan = 3000 µm/s, ΔS = 20 µm, 736 pulses per area, F0 = 1.77 J/cm2). Right of the red line, the substrate is flat and unstructured. The image shows flat confluent growth on the unstructured versus the more three-dimensional growth on structured area. (b) higher resolution SEM image showing in more detail the growth in the area with laser-induced hierarchical structures. The orientation of the cells in this image may be induced by the underlying LIPSS structures that cover the cones.
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Figure 4. SEM images of polished Ti-alloy samples two weeks after indirect seeding of osteoblasts with areas with hierarchical laser-induced structures (p = 420 mW, f = 10 kHz, vscan = 3000 µm/s, ΔS = 20 µm, 736 pulses per area, F0 = 1.77 J/cm2). (a) Overview; (b) corner of the laser-structured area; (c) image with increased contrast and brightness of nearly cell-free laser-structured area; (d) image with increased contrast and brightness of unstructured flat area densely covered with confluent cells.
Figure 4. SEM images of polished Ti-alloy samples two weeks after indirect seeding of osteoblasts with areas with hierarchical laser-induced structures (p = 420 mW, f = 10 kHz, vscan = 3000 µm/s, ΔS = 20 µm, 736 pulses per area, F0 = 1.77 J/cm2). (a) Overview; (b) corner of the laser-structured area; (c) image with increased contrast and brightness of nearly cell-free laser-structured area; (d) image with increased contrast and brightness of unstructured flat area densely covered with confluent cells.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Heitz, J.; Glachs, S.; Wagner, L.; Wolf, C.; Plamadeala, C.; Muck, M.; Seibert, K.; Maier, C.; Marek, R.; Weth, A.; et al. Guidance of Osteoblast Migration Using Femtosecond Laser-Induced Hierarchical Structures. Coatings 2025, 15, 127.

AMA Style

Heitz J, Glachs S, Wagner L, Wolf C, Plamadeala C, Muck M, Seibert K, Maier C, Marek R, Weth A, et al. Guidance of Osteoblast Migration Using Femtosecond Laser-Induced Hierarchical Structures. Coatings. 2025; 15(2):127.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Heitz, Johannes, Simon Glachs, Lukas Wagner, Christoph Wolf, Cristina Plamadeala, Martina Muck, Karoline Seibert, Christian Maier, Romy Marek, Agnes Weth, and et al. 2025. "Guidance of Osteoblast Migration Using Femtosecond Laser-Induced Hierarchical Structures" Coatings 15, no. 2: 127.

APA Style

Heitz, J., Glachs, S., Wagner, L., Wolf, C., Plamadeala, C., Muck, M., Seibert, K., Maier, C., Marek, R., Weth, A., & Baumgartner, W. (2025). Guidance of Osteoblast Migration Using Femtosecond Laser-Induced Hierarchical Structures. Coatings, 15(2), 127.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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