Transient Stability Enhancement of a Grid-Connected Large-Scale PV System Using Fuzzy Logic Controller
:1. Introduction
1.1. Motivation
1.2. Literature Reviews
1.3. Contributions
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- A new FLC is incorporated along with the traditional PI controller in the inner loop of the cascaded control technique to enrich the LVRT proficiency of a PV system. Due to its variable gain, the proposed FLC will inject an efficient quantity of reactive power to maintain the terminal voltage at pre-fault value. The single FLC in a cascaded controller will offer less computation burden and is cheaper than having many FLCs in the cascaded controller [29].
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- A comparative analysis is presented, comparing the proposed control strategy with the conventional control strategy developed in Ref. [30]; this shows the importance of the proposed control strategy, taking the severe three-line-to-ground (3LG) fault into account.
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- Design procedures of the proposed PV system, protection system, and maximum power point tracking (MPPT) system are also presented in detail.
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- Finally, the transient stability of the grid system both for the proposed and for the conventional controllers of the PV station/plant is judged by transient stability index computation [31]. This is one of the prominent aspects of this paper.
1.4. Organization
2. Design of a PV Power Station
2.1. PV Array Design
2.2. Boost Converter Controller and MPPT
2.3. Proposed GSC Controller
2.4. Proposed FLC Design
3. Simulation Results and Discussion
4. Transient Stability Evaluation
5. Conclusions
- The proposed technique provides a faster response and increased accuracy in maintaining the terminal voltage of the PV plant and the transient stability of the entire system.
- The proposed FLC-controlled GSC controller offers an almost negligible voltage dip after a severe network fault.
- The proposed control method deals with the system’s non-linearities more effectively.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parmameter | Value |
Pmax (maximum power) | 50 MW |
Vmp (voltage at maximum power) | 973.1 V |
Imp (current at maximum power) | 51440 A |
Nm (series-connected module in a string) | 37 |
Np (number of parallel-connected strings) | 6760 |
Rs (series resistance per cell) | 0.344 Ω |
Rp (parallel resistance per cell) | 150.69 Ω |
ΔVd* | d(eId)/dt | |||||
NB | NS | Z | PS | PB | ||
eId | NB | PB | PB | PS | PS | Z |
NS | PB | PS | PS | Z | NS | |
Z | PS | PS | Z | NS | NS | |
PS | PS | Z | NS | NS | NB | |
PB | Z | NS | NS | NB | NB |
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Hazari, M.R.; Jahan, E.; Mannan, M.A.; Das, N. Transient Stability Enhancement of a Grid-Connected Large-Scale PV System Using Fuzzy Logic Controller. Electronics 2021, 10, 2437.
Hazari MR, Jahan E, Mannan MA, Das N. Transient Stability Enhancement of a Grid-Connected Large-Scale PV System Using Fuzzy Logic Controller. Electronics. 2021; 10(19):2437.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHazari, Md. Rifat, Effat Jahan, Mohammad Abdul Mannan, and Narottam Das. 2021. "Transient Stability Enhancement of a Grid-Connected Large-Scale PV System Using Fuzzy Logic Controller" Electronics 10, no. 19: 2437.
APA StyleHazari, M. R., Jahan, E., Mannan, M. A., & Das, N. (2021). Transient Stability Enhancement of a Grid-Connected Large-Scale PV System Using Fuzzy Logic Controller. Electronics, 10(19), 2437.