1. Introduction
The four cardinal signs of Parkinson’s disease (PD) are tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity, and postural instability [
1]. These symptoms can influence patients’ gait pattern and may lead to gait impairments. For PD patients, alterations in walking, including reduced gait speed, shortened stride, reduced swing times, and decreased arm swing, are common [
When performing dual tasks, people rely upon executive function and the ability to divide attention. Neuroimaging indicated that a dual task highlights the role of a higher level of cognitive and frontal lobe function. However, if the gait and secondary tasks demand attention, performance of at least one of the tasks will deteriorate. Unfortunately, the cognitive functions of patients with PD are generally impaired [
2]. One meta-analysis found that the negative effect of dual tasks is present regardless of the mean level of single-task gait speed in a study. In addition, dual task walking speed deteriorates regardless of the type of dual task [
To analyze the patients’ gait, two phases need to be defined: stance phase, in which the foot contacts the ground, and a swing phase, in which the foot advances in the air. Normally, the stance phase accounts for 60% of the gait cycle, while the proportion of the swing phase is 40% [
4]. Clinically, gait analysis is often done by observation. Quantitative measurements are rarely used. For instance, the Timed Up and Go Test is used commonly. Although the Timed Up and Go Test may give us the information of gait speed, it is hard to relate speed to gait patterns and quality [
5]. Other than health professionals, it is difficult for lay people to observe an imbalance between two sides or abnormal timing when entering stance or swing phase.
Due to the reasons mentioned above, a simple and clear quantitative measurement is required to document gait variability in PD patients. Applying a linear method such as Time Up and Go may not be that appropriate due to the gait signals being nonlinear. When people walk, the fluctuations between strides, gait speed, total reaction force, and swing intervals can all lead to gait variability. For healthy people, the gait variability seems to follow certain temporal structures. On the other hand, for PD patients, their fluctuations become completely random. This process of increasing the system’s order until forming a stationary state is called self-organization, and this cannot be analyzed through means of closed system [
6]. As a result, it is important to find a method for analyzing nonlinear signals. As known, entropy is a concept that addresses system randomness and predictability [
7]. A variety of measures with the concept of entropy have been proposed, including approximate entropy, sample entropy, corrected conditional entropy, fuzzy entropy, compression entropy, permutation entropy, distribution entropy, multiscale entropy, self-entropy, and information storage [
8]. People like to use entropy measures due to their convenience to analyze the dynamic activity of real-world systems.
However, Xiong et al. [
8] mentioned that stationarity in time series is a prerequisite when applying entropy measures. In addition, traditional entropy-based algorithms, such as approximate entropy and sample entropy (SE), are not always associated with dynamical complexity for estimating entropy [
9]. Furthermore, entropy estimates are often highly dependent on the method-specific parameters, hence different results are needed after changing measures. Therefore, advanced methods such as MSE would be appropriate and reveal changes of complexity during walking. Of these methods, multiscale entropy (MSE), which is an extension of SE, had been used broadly for analyzing EEG changes, heart rate variability, brain consciousness, and even the signals of an electromyogram [
10]. It measures the structural richness of information over multiple temporal scales. Because traditional entropy measures quantify only the regularity of time series on a single scale, MSE can measure the complexity of the system [
15]. However, there is no direct relation between regularity and complexity. Originally, complexity is associated with meaningful structural richness incorporating correlations over multiple spatiotemporal scales. That is why the calculation of the area under the sample entropy for different scales is done using MSE [
16]. MSE has been successfully utilized to analyze several bio-signals and to distinguish healthy status from pathological conditions. A higher entropy value reflects an increase in the degree of randomness but not necessarily an increase in the complexity of the time series. For instance, white noise series have high entropy but in fact low complexity [
11]. With data about the ground reaction force, the complexity from MSE of healthy controls (CO) and PD patients can be calculated. Furthermore, we can estimate the complexity of gait from different groups.
To date, although there are studies using MSE, this is the first paper to identify gait impairment of PD patients using MSE in order to identify the pathological influences. Next, the complexity differences between PD and CO are compared. Lastly, we investigate how further stress influences the MSE between subjects performing with and without dual tasks.
4. Discussion
From the demographic data, it can be seen that there were significant differences between groups in age, weight, BMI, and gait speed. Due to the availability of the recruited subjects in this experiment, there were only five people in the CO group, which made it difficult to match similar data. This can be explained since the data were retrieved by open access, so there was no control over the significant differences between demographics. The interesting part is that although the demographics were not perfectly matched, the gait speed of CO was still greater than that of PD patients. This result is compatible with other studies about reduced gait speed in PD patients [
2]. In addition, it was also shown that the dual task decreased gait speed in both groups [
4]. Unfortunately, there were no significant differences between stride time, and since the database did not provide stride length, it cannot be concluded that shortened stride can be seen in Parkinson’s disease patients. It means that traditional gait signals are reliable for some signals to see the difference, but some may not. That is why MSE is used to fight this inconsistency.
When considering parameters used in MSE analysis, one may be concerned about inappropriate filtering. To find an appropriate value for the filtering level (γ), a suitable standard deviation is required, but in the meantime, an increase of scales may further influence the results of sample entropy. As mentioned in the results, MSE changes when subjects need to take more effort to adapt their gait back to normal. For example, for PD patients and CO with dual tasks in T1, gait complexity (CI) was increased. When it comes to the CO dual task in T2, MSE decreased and that represents that even though they are healthy controls, dual tasks are still seen as stress or noise, so they need time to deal with secondary tasks. However, larger gait complexity did not improve the gait speed.
On the other hand, for PD patients with dual tasks, CI decreased in T2, and the time needed for adaptation was longer than that for CO. The results were not the same as mentioned earlier. The possible reason may be the impaired cognition function of PD and the use of other strategies when coping with dual tasks. Normally, healthy people increased gait complexity at first, but PD patients appeared to have a higher baseline MSE due to their disease; so further increasing complexity to adapt to this stress may not be a possibility for them. They had to seek other ways to try maintaining walking while challenging their mental acuity as well. With more stress on them, their complexity decreased due to not coping with this stress. The results had similar findings with the study of noise-enhanced tactile sensation [
32], indicating that when noise increases, people perform better to a peak and then their performance decreases soon after while the noise is still increasing. This may also occur naturally: biological systems have evolved the capability to exploit adaptation to the stress first, so the complexity will increase. However, when more or heavy stresses are added on the biological system, it cannot digest all these stresses, so the complexity is then reduced. That is why many papers [
35] have always shown loss of complexity or de-complexification during aging and diseases. In this study, we investigated the early stages of disease (e.g., our PD patients), consequently, biological systems tended to increase the complexity to combat the disease or stress for survival. Due to this property, it may be a good indicator to understand the progress of PD.
The strength of this paper is the use of MSE to simplify gait analysis, which usually requires the intervention of health care professionals. With the sensors in shoe insoles and the equations mentioned above, we can get the first-hand data of the complexity of gait from various people. Moreover, by comparing ground reaction force data with the MSE data provided in this study, screening of people with gait impairments or those who would potentially develop PD can be realistic. Therefore, this study can give us a quick insight about how complexity changes and about the relationship of stress on PD patients.
However, the limitations of this study are associated with the data being acquired from PhysioNet with limited cases. The imbalance between the numbers of the two groups was due to the availability of dual task results, as for the CO group, only five complete data could be found. However, given that there were more data in the target PD group, it was possible to select more subjects and to observe differences within the PD group to try to know the complexity differences between diverse stages of PD. Some data were missed in demographics, so the baseline results may not present the real images of the patients. The number of subjects was not enough to form a complete picture of PD patients. Since the patients were in their early stages, according to the Hoehn–Yahr Scale, most of them may have a weak side, that is the side with more serious symptoms. Unfortunately, the database from PhysioNet did not show these details, and this led to difficulties when analyzing the ground reaction force of the right and left sides. Although gait impairment can be identified, people with Parkinson’s have multiple types of gait, and these can be hard to predict merely by gait speed and ground reaction force alone.
When using MSE analysis, there are some limitations that have been noticed. First, the word “complexity” itself is related to the existence of long-range correlations, nonlinear multifractal properties, and/or chaotic dynamics, which are not unequivocally linked to the signal features reflected by entropy measures. In addition, a previous paper [
8] mentioned that stationarity of the time series is a prerequisite when applying entropy measures. Second, different entropy measures lead to diverse results, so it is rather subjective. Third, MSE is usually ignored by researchers due to the problem of filtering the artifacts. Last, some unaddressed issues with the computation of entropy measures via only calculating SD of the original series or coarse-grained calculation by only averaging time series are the effect of long-range correlations. For example, the use of SD of the original series can be modified by multiscale complexity (MSC) analysis, in which each observing scale is evaluated independently via the SamEn using the variance of the coarse-grained time series [
36]. It is different from the results of MSE, which uses the same variance of the original signal in a multiscale approach. In their paper, they reported that it performed well to figure out the statistical differences of paired comparisons picked from reactive lymphadenopathy and five categories of lymphomas.
MSE was proposed to characterize complexity as a function of the time-scale factor, τ. However, the use of an averaging filter to calculate each coarse grain will cause poor performances. Many researchers [
37] have proposed different methods to solve this problem. The refinement of the procedure for the elimination of the fast temporal scales is based on the replacement of the FIR filter with a low-pass Butterworth filter called refined multiscale entropy (RMSE) [
28]. However, MSE and RMSE lack an analytical framework that allows their calculation for known dynamic processes and cannot be reliably computed over short time series. To overcome these limitations, Faes et al. [
29] proposed a method to assess RMSE for autoregressive (AR) stochastic processes called linear MSE (LMSE). Finally, when dealing with the issue of ectopic beats, Lin et al. [
37] adopted the intuitive idea that the coarse-grained time sequence will be better reconstructed with the median value rather than mean value over non-overlapping windows.
Additionally, in comparison to other studies with big samples, this study may not be as powerful because there were only five subjects in the CO group, but the p value undoubtedly showed significant differences between the two groups. However, the statistical analysis can still be considered effective. Even though there were few limitations, it was still possible to come up with an image of PD patients performing dual tasks with difficulties they might encounter and to compare them to healthy individuals. By knowing the differences, PD patients can be assisted during the very early onset of the disease.