Machine-Learning-Based Darknet Traffic Detection System for IoT Applications
:1. Introduction
1.1. Summary of Our Contributions
- We developed a multi-purpose and high-performance anomaly-based IoT DIDS utilizing several supervised machine-learning approaches.
- We differentiate and measure the performance of six supervised learning methods (BAG-DT), (ADA-DT), (RUS-DT), (O-DT), (O-KNN), and (O-DSC) for IoT DIDSs using the CIC-Darknet2020 datasets.
- We present a comprehensive experimental evaluation of six different ML techniques using ten typical systems of measurement factors.
- We contrast our findings with state-of-the-art approaches and show that our BAG-DT-based DIDS is better than existing studies by 1.9–20% in the same area of study.
1.2. Paper Organization
2. Related Work
2.1. First Works for Traffic Classification
2.2. VPN Traffic Classification
2.3. Tor Traffic Classification
2.4. Use of Neural Networks in Recent Works
2.5. Summary of Surveyed Research Works
3. System Modeling and Environment
3.1. The Darknet Traffic Dataset
3.2. Feature Engineering Unit
- Data Presentation: CIC-DarkNet-2020 dataset is initially available in CSV format. Therefore, to be processed by the MATLAB platform, at the outset, it should be imported from the CSV file and presented as a table of data records in the MATLAB tables with named columns and numbered rows.
- Exploratory data analysis (EDA): EDA of the dataset performs vital data curation tasks to gain a deeper insight into the dataset. Such a process completes a preliminary enhancement process of the dataset by checking missing data values and providing proper substitution for the missed records, replacing null values with appropriate replacements, such as zeroes, visualizing the dataset classes’ histogram to gain more insights into the classes and features.
- Feature Selection: Datasets are comprised of several features with diverse datatypes. Nevertheless, not all features can be considered for machine-learning models, since they can either be unlearnable (such as string features) or might have a negative impact on the classifier performance. The coefficient score approach is employed to extract the most influential features of the CIC-DarkNet-2020 dataset to obtain the best features that can be used later in training and validating the learning models.
- Data Normalization: normalization is usually performed over the scattered data points with a significant range between the points. Therefore, normalization is performed in order to re-scale data points to be in the same range and significance (usually 0–1). This will disallow the larger values from dominating other data points in the dataset. Therefore, we apply min–max normalization at the stage of preprocessing to have all numerical data within a range between 0 and 1. The min–max normalization of a datapoint within a set of points (), is given by the following formula ():
- Label Encoding: Label encoding techniques are utilized to convert categorical data into numerical data that may be processed by machine-learning methods.
- This research employed integer encoding techniques to represent the categorical data as a numerical record. For instance, the output class labels were encoded as {non-Tor: 00, non-VPN: 01, Tor: 02, and VPN: 03}.
- Data Shuffling: The shuffling process is a preprocessing operation conducted over the dataset samples (rows) by randomly rearranging data from a dataset to produce a new arrangement for the dataset that can be safely used for ML testing and training, without having the classifier being biased to any of the underlying classes. This will guarantee anonymity while ensuring data statistics are kept exactly the same. Figure 5 illustrates the data shuffling process.
- Folding and Splitting: To ensure a high level of the validation process of the proposed predictive models, we have conducted a k-fold cross-validation operation incorporating five different folds (distributions) with data split into 70% for training and 30% for validation (testing). For every fold, a new validation experiment involves further data distribution to ensure that all data items have participated in the training and validation process. Our folding and splitting process is shown in Figure 6 and depicts the dataset distribution throughout the folds for each experiment.
3.3. Learning Models Unit
3.4. Traffic Classification Unit
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Learning Type | Model Building | Examples |
Supervised | Algorithms or models learn from labeled data (Task-Driven Approach) | Classification, regression |
Unsupervised | Algorithms or models learn from unlabeled data (Data-Driven Approach) | Clustering, associations, dimensionality reduction |
Semi-supervised | Models built using combined data (Labeled + Unlabeled) | Classification, clustering |
Reinforcement | Models based on reward or penalty (Environment-Driven Approach) | Classification, control |
Detection Methods | Disadvantages |
Statistics-based: examines network traffic and processes the data using complex statistical techniques. |
Pattern-based: identifies the characters, forms, and patterns in the data. |
Rule-based: use an attack “signature” to identify unusual network activity. |
State-based: examines a sequence of events in order to ascertain the possibility of an attack. |
Heuristic-based: identifies any abnormal activity that is not consistent with the norm. |
Ref | Year | Technique | Contribution |
[27] | 2003 | Decision Trees | Behavioral authentication of server flows and classification of server traffic |
[28] | 2008 | Support Vector Machines | Efficient in-the-dark traffic classification of typical application protocols for TCP sessions |
[29] | 2005 | Bayesian Analysis Techniques | Increasing the accuracy of the Bayes Classifier through a set of simple modifications |
[30] | 2006 | Profile Hidden Markov Models | Creating statistical models for the sequence of packets created by every protocol of interest and using these models to determine the protocol being used |
[31] | 2006 | Clustering Algorithms | Review of 12 clustering methodologies, current issues, and recommendations for traffic flow clustering research |
[33] | 2020 | Artificial Neural Networks and Time-Related Features | Classifying VPN network data flow using ANNs and Time-Related Features |
[35] | 2017 | Six Machine Learning Techniques | Distinguishing VPN from non-VPN traffic and proving that Gradient Boosting Tree and Random Forest are the best machine-learning techniques to use |
[36] | 2016 | K-Nearest Neighbor and C4.5 Decision Tree | Creating multi-class classifiers that accurately classify VPN traffic into seven different categories |
[37] | 2018 | Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network and Wireshark | Building a representative dataset of VPN and non-VPN values and classifying VPN network data |
[40] | 2012 | Classification Techniques Mixed With QoS | Real-time classification of Tor’s encrypted circuits by application and assignment of separate service classes to each |
[41] | 2020 | Network Flow Features | Multi-level Tor traffic classification and identification framework for both mobile and PC platforms |
[43] | 2017 | Decision Tree and TriTraining Algorithm | A hierarchical classification strategy for distinguishing Tor anonymous traffic from mixed traffic |
[45] | 2018 | Various Techniques | A thorough analysis of Tor traffic classification, quantification, and comparison of various strategies |
[46] | 2021 | Convolution-LSTM and Extreme Gradient Boosting | A generalized strategy for detecting and categorizing Darknet traffic using Deep Learning |
[47] | 2021 | ML and Receiver Operating Characteristics | A feature significance analysis for the best classifier of binary and multi-class data |
[48] | 2021 | ML and Game-Theoretic Method | Differentiating Darknet traffic from benign traffic using ensemble machine-learning algorithms |
[49] | 2021 | Weight-Agnostic Neural Network | Framework for Darknet traffic management for automating the suspicious intent recognition in real time |
[50] | 2021 | Convolutional Neural Network | Two-stage, two-label classification system that can recognize both protocols and applications |
ML Model | Specifications |
BAG-DT | Preset: Bagged Trees, Ensemble method: Bag, Learner type: Decision tree, Maximum number of splits: 89161, Number of learners: 30, Data Distribution Policy: 70% training and 30% testing, 5-Fold Cross-Validation. |
ADA-DT | Preset: Boosted Trees, Ensemble method: AdaBoost, Learner type: Decision tree, Maximum number of splits: 20, Number of learners: 30, Learning rate: 0.1, Data Distribution Policy: 70% training and 30% testing, 5-Fold Cross-Validation. |
RUS-DT | Preset: RUSBoosted Trees, Ensemble method: RUSBoost, Learner type: Decision tree, Maximum number of splits: 20, Number of learners: 30, Learning rate: 0.1, Data Distribution Policy: 70% training and 30% testing, 5-Fold Cross-Validation. |
O-DT | Preset: Fine Tree, Maximum number of splits: 100, Split criterion: Gini’s diversity index, Surrogate decision splits: On, using a maximum of 10 surrogates, Data Distribution Policy: 70% training and 30% testing, 5-Fold Cross-Validation. |
O-KNN | Preset: Optimizable KNN, Number of neighbors: 2, Distance metric: Euclidean, Distance weight: Squared inverse, Standardize data: false, Optimizer: Bayesian optimization, Acquisition function: Expected improvement per second plus, Iterations: 30. |
O-DSC | Preset: Optimizable Discriminant, Discriminant type: Linear, Quadratic, Diagonal Linear, Diagonal Quadratic, Optimizer: Bayesian optimization Acquisition function: Expected improvement per second plus, Iterations: 30, 5-Fold Cross-Validation. |
Accuracy % | 99.5 | 95.4 | 93.9 | 97.3 | 83.6 | 97.1 |
Error % | 0.5 | 4.6 | 6.1 | 2.7 | 16.7 | 3.9 |
99.50% | 99.45% | 96.93% | 98.18% | 0.5% | 0.55% | 3.07% | 100% | 668 | 110,000 |
Research | Year | Evaluation Model | Accuracy | I.F. % |
[49] | 2021 | Recurring Neural Network (RNN) | 94.51% | 5.28%↑ |
[56] | 2017 | Longitudinal Analysis of Network Traffic (LANT) | 94.00% | 5.85%↑ |
[57] | 2020 | Hierarchical Classification Method (HCM) | 96.60% | 3.00%↑ |
[48] | 2021 | AdaBoost Decision Trees (AB-DT) | 97.30% | 2.26%↑ |
[25] | 2020 | Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) | 86.00% | 15.70%↑ |
[33] | 2020 | Artificial Neural Network and Apache Spark (ANN-AS) | 94.66% | 5.11%↑ |
[58] | 2021 | Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and K-Means (KM) | 97.40% | 2.16%↑ |
[59] | 2020 | Sparse Structure Learning with LASSO selection (SSL) | 97.10% | 2.47%↑ |
[50] | 2021 | Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) | 97.65% | 1.89%↑ |
[60] | 2019 | Random Forest Classifier (RFC) | 78.30% | 27.08%↑ |
[61] | 2017 | Logistic Regression Classifier (LRC) | 96.60% | 3.00%↑ |
Proposed | 2022 | Bagging Decision Tree Ensembles | 99.50% | - |
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Abu Al-Haija, Q.; Krichen, M.; Abu Elhaija, W. Machine-Learning-Based Darknet Traffic Detection System for IoT Applications. Electronics 2022, 11, 556.
Abu Al-Haija Q, Krichen M, Abu Elhaija W. Machine-Learning-Based Darknet Traffic Detection System for IoT Applications. Electronics. 2022; 11(4):556.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAbu Al-Haija, Qasem, Moez Krichen, and Wejdan Abu Elhaija. 2022. "Machine-Learning-Based Darknet Traffic Detection System for IoT Applications" Electronics 11, no. 4: 556.
APA StyleAbu Al-Haija, Q., Krichen, M., & Abu Elhaija, W. (2022). Machine-Learning-Based Darknet Traffic Detection System for IoT Applications. Electronics, 11(4), 556.