1. Introduction
Recent years saw remarkable progress in our understanding of quantum gravity. Key insights, inspired from the AdS/CFT correspondence and careful investigations of the Euclidean gravity path integral led to a series of novel results, the most striking of which is perhaps the computation of the Page curve for an evaporating black hole [
4]. Central to these developments is the Quantum Extremal Surface paradigm [
5], which can be seen as a statement about how quantum gravity degrees of freedom are organized. These new insights can potentially lead to an understanding of how gravity and its thermodynamic aspects emerge from a microscopic description.
Equilibrium statistical mechanics is one of the triumphs of twentieth century physics. Via an understanding of microscopic degrees of freedom, the study of macroscopic thermodynamic quantities opens a window on the quantum world. This theme carries on in contemporary research on quantum gravity, where thermodynamic quantities, in particular the entropy, provide a guide to interpreting the theory at a microscopic level. The main difference with the triumphs of the last century is the lack of experimental inputs. In this note, we adopt the perspective that in the absence of experimental data, internal consistency and mathematical rigor can serve as valuable tools for guidance and can support physical intuition.
In ordinary quantum field theory, entropies and density matrices are difficult to define. This is due to a universal divergence associated with the infinite entanglement of the vacuum state. By using holography, one can associate operator algebras to certain backgrounds [
7]. When perturbative quantum gravity effects are taken into account, the algebra of observables becomes of a peculiar kind, known as a type II von Neumann factor [
8]. For these algebras, entropies and density matrices, as well as other thermodynamic quantities, can be constructed rigorously. These algebras appear, for example, when studying quantum fields in a black hole background [
9] or in de Sitter space [
10], and they play a crucial role in discussing thermodynamical properties in the presence of gravity. Similar results also hold for other backgrounds [
28]. Furthermore, they play a role when discussing the quantization of constrained systems or the dynamics of observers in gravitational backgrounds [
43]. We shall refer to these algebras as gravitational algebras.
The purpose of this note was to give a quick overview of some developments concerning gravitational algebras, with a particular regard to out-of-equilibrium physics. There are by now excellent reviews on this topic, concentrating on equilibrium aspects [
48]. While there are several mathematical tools to explore the equilibrium physics of operator algebras, nonequilibrium dynamics is significantly less understood. There are, however, a few results on finite-dimensional quantum systems, discussed, for example, in the reviews by D. Ruelle [
49] and Jakšić and Pillet [
50]. In this review, we explain how these results extend to the case of gravitational algebras. For a different perspective concerning nonequilibrium aspects of gravitational algebras, see also [
In this note, we focus more on the general ideas than on the technical details, for which we refer the reader to [
52]. The main points we explain are how to induce nonequilibrium dynamics by coupling the system to reservoirs, as well as fluctuation theorems. In the first setup, we interpret the gravitational algebra appearing in the eternal black hole in AdS as a quantum dynamical system and discuss abstractly how this system can be perturbed by coupling to external reservoirs. This coupling can induce typical out-of-equilibrium behavior, such as the presence of nonequilibrium steady states and entropy production. The second example we discuss concerns de Sitter spacetime, where we show how to adapt the two-times measurement scheme to study dynamical fluctuations. We discuss general forms of out-of-equilibrium fluctuation theorems and discuss some aspects specific to type
This note is organized as follows: In
Section 2, we quickly introduce the main geometries we focus on.
Section 3 discusses some aspects of the theory of operator algebras, in particular focusing on modular theory and quantum dynamical systems. In
Section 4, we introduce gravitational algebras as they appear in the background of the eternal black hole and in de Sitter.
Section 5 reviews the nonequilibrium dynamics of quantum dynamical systems in finite dimensions, while
Section 6 discusses nonequilibrium dynamics in the context of gravitational algebras.
Appendix A contains a few details about the spectral theorem.
3. Operator Algebras and Modular Theory
In this section, we review some aspects of operator algebras with a particular view toward modular theory and quantum dynamical systems. Some standard textbooks close to the spirit of this review are [
61], as well as the reviews [
3.1. Some Background Material
Here, we collect some useful background results. We are mostly concerned with operators acting on Hilbert spaces. Recall that a Hilbert space , or for short, is a linear space equipped with an inner product , which is linear in the first argument and obeys and for every . The inner product naturally defines a norm on the Hilbert space given by .
An orthonormal basis of is a sequence of elements such that and such that linear combinations of its elements are dense. For a separable Hilbert space, the index set I is countable and its cardinality is the dimension of the Hilbert space.
An operator
bounded if
where the operator norm
is determined by the Hilbert space norm
; we denote it with the same symbol by abuse of notation. We denote by
the space of all bounded operators acting on
. For any bounded operator, we define its adjoint
. Finally, an operator
is unitary if
The space can be endowed with several topologies, which allow us to say that an operator converges to another operator . We mention here some of the most common topologies for completeness:
Norm topology: .
Strong operator topology: for every .
Weak operator topology: for every .
These topologies are oriented from the strongest to the weakest so that an operator convergence in the norm topology implies convergence in the strong operator topology and in the weak operator topology.
An operator is self-adjoint if and a projection if . Furthermore, an operator is positive, denoted by , if for every .
An antilinear operator is defined by and for . An important example of an antilinear operator is the operator of complex conjugation J. Indeed, every antilinear operator is of the form for some linear operator .
In the study of operator algebras, one often encounters unbounded operators. In this case, a useful notion is the one of a closed operator. If we denote with
the domain of the operator
, then we say that the operator
is closed if for every sequence
such that both
, we have that
and that
(such that
). An equivalent characterization is via the graph of the operator. The latter is defined as
Then, one can show that an operator is closed if and only if its graph is a closed subspace of
. We say that an operator is closable if it can be extended to a closed operator on a larger domain.
If we have a self-adjoint operator , we can define the one-parameter group of unitary operators given by . The converse also holds: given a (strongly continuous) one-parameter group of unitary operators , then , with being self-adjoint.
A fundamental result in the theory of operator algebras is the spectral theorem. To begin with, consider the case of a self-adjoint operator with a discrete spectrum. Let be a self-adjoint operator. We define its spectrum as the set of all so that the operator is not an invertible operator in , or it or its inverse fail to be bounded. If the operator is also positive, then its spectrum lies in . The spectral theorem states that the operator can be written as , where is the discrete spectrum and is a family of projections.
In the more general case, denote by
the spectrum of
. Then, the spectral theorem states that for any self-adjoint operator
, there exist spectral projections
such that
A more intuitive way of stating this theorem is as
The main consequence of this theorem is that given a reasonable (technically Borel-measurable) function
f on
, we have that
is also in
. This theorem allows us to define and use functions of operators in computations. The interested reader can find a more detailed discussion of the spectral theorem in
Appendix A.
3.2. States, Operator Algebras, and Representations
The algebra of observables plays a prominent role in quantum physics. Here, we only review the aspects that are relevant to us. In modern language, such algebras capture the information-theoretic aspects of quantum systems and their subsystems in a sort of model-independent way. They can always be thought of as algebras of operators acting on some Hilbert space.
Consider an algebra of bounded operators acting on a Hilbert space . We always assume that our algebras have an identity element. The algebra is called a -algebra if (it is closed under taking the adjoint) and it is closed in the operator norm topology. For example, a concrete model for an abelian -algebra is the algebra of continuous functions over a locally compact space.
The algebra is called a von Neumann algebra if (it is self-adjoint) and it is closed in the weak operator topology. This implies that a von Neumann algebra is a -algebra, albeit the converse is not true.
An alternative characterization of von Neumann algebras is as follows. Consider the algebra of bounded operators acting on a Hilbert space
. Consider a set
. We define its commutant as
The bicommutant theorem states that a self-adjoint subalgebra
is a von Neumann algebra if it is equal to its bicommutant:
In the case where is a subset of consisting of self-adjoint operators, then is a von Neumann algebra and is the smallest von Neumann algebra containing the set .
A factor is a von Neumann algebra with , with . In other words, a factor is a von Neumann algebra whose center consists of scalar multiples of the identity operator. Factors are the building blocks for the classification of von Neumann algebras. For example, in finite dimensions, factors are always isomorphic to the algebra of matrices .
A von Neumann algebra is hyperfinite if it is generated (as a von Neumann algebra) by an increasing sequence of finite-dimensional subalgebras, for example, matrix algebras . This means that . Hyperfinite algebras can be approximated by matrix algebras and are the ones of interest in quantum physics.
On a -algebra, we can define states. A state on a -algebra is a continuous linear functional on that is positive and normalized to one: . The set of states is convex such that if and are states on an algebra, is also a state for all . The extremal elements of this set, those which cannot be expressed as weighted sums of other states, are called pure states.
A state on a
is called
faithful if
if and only if
. It is called normal if there is a density matrix, a positive trace-class operator on
, such that
is the trace on the Hilbert space and a trace-class operator is an operator for which this trace is finite.
A representation of a -algebra is a pair of a Hilbert space and a morphism , which preserves the -algebra structure (that is, it preserves the algebra structure and ). The representation is called faithful if implies , and it is called irreducible if it cannot be decomposed into the direct sum of representations. Furthermore, a representation is called cyclic, and is denoted by the triple , if there exists a vector such that , is a representation, and is dense in . In this case, the vector is called a cyclic vector.
Any state
on the algebra induces a canonical representation, the Gelfand–Naimark–Segal (GNS) representation, which is unique up to unitary equivalence. The GNS representation
is a cyclic representation such that
for every
. The converse is also true: any cyclic representation
defines a state
on the algebra
by (
3.3. von Neumann Algebras, Traces, and Projections
The classification of factors is one of the main results of the theory. Such a classification is obtained by studying the traces that one can define on the algebras. A trace is a positive linear functional
such that
For example, in finite dimensions,
is the standard trace. In general, a trace has the following properties. It is faithful: given a positive operator
, then
. The trace is semi-finite: for every nonzero
, there is a nonzero
and a finite trace. Finally, the trace is normal:
for any sequence
. One can show that a trace that is faithful, semi-finite, and normal is unique up to rescaling. Therefore, one can classify factors by classifying the possible values of traces on the algebra.
A way to do so is to study the possible values of the trace on projections. Recall that a projection is an operator for which
. If
are projections in a von Neumann algebra
, we say that
if there is a partial isometry
such that
1. The relation ⪯ is a partial order on (the equivalence classes of) projections. In particular, if the partial isometry is such that
, we say that
, which is an equivalence relation. We say that a projection
is infinite if
, where
, and finite otherwise. A von Neumann factor is called infinite if the identity is infinite, and finite otherwise. Finally, a projection
is minimal if for every projection
implies that
With these definitions in place, we can state the classification of von Neumann factors as follows. Consider a factor . Then, the following is true:
is of type if there is a minimal projection. Type factors are of the form for some and are therefore classified by the dimension of the Hilbert space. If , with , we have a type factor. These algebras are the algebras of observables that appear in finite- and infinite-dimensional nonrelativistic quantum mechanics.
is of type if there is a finite projection but no minimal projections. In particular, we say that it is of type if the identity is finite, and otherwise. In the type case, the trace of projections can assume every value in , and in the case of factors, it can take any value in . A type factor is always of the form , where is a factor and . Type factors are not classified. These algebras play a role in quantum gravity and are the main subject of this review.
is of type if there is a no finite projection. In particular, the trace of projections is infinity (or zero). In practice this means that one cannot define a trace, and in particular, one cannot define density matrices. These algebras arise in every quantum field theory when studying local operators.
All these algebras have a qubit construction, which is obtained by multiplying an infinite number of appropriate low-dimensional quantum systems. See [
44] for detailed examples.
3.4. Quantum Dynamical Systems and KMS States
Operator algebras are particularly useful when studying the thermodynamic limit of quantum systems. Abstractly, one defines a quantum dynamical system as a pair
, where
is a von Neumann algebra and
is a one-parameter group of *-automorphisms of
. This group represents the dynamics and determines the time evolution. It is defined via the formal series
is the infinitesimal generator of
. The generator enjoys the following two properties:
(derivation) and
We can find a concrete example in the case of a finite-dimensional quantum system with Hamiltonian
H, where the time evolution is given by
In this case, the infinitesimal generator is
In many applications, one has simple dynamics (for example, free dynamics) that can be studied exactly and one is interested in adding a perturbation. The system now evolves according to the perturbed dynamics generated by
is the perturbation operator. If we set
, then we can control the perturbed evolution via the Dyson expansion
An important class of states in quantum dynamical systems is thermal equilibrium states. These are characterized by the KMS condition, named after Kubo, Martin, and Schwinger. Before stating this condition, we consider a finite-dimensional system. The Gibbs state is defined by
, and we assume
. Introduce the correlation function
By using the properties of the trace, we find
Now, by analytically continuing
We conclude that the function (
20) for
is analytic within the strip defined by
where these correlators are convergent if
H is only bounded from below; furthermore, it takes the following values on its boundary:
This is the KMS condition and characterizes thermal equilibrium states, even if they are not of the Gibbs form or even if the density matrix does not exist.
3.5. Modular Theory and Entropies
Modular theory is a deep formalism that allows us to study von Neumann algebras without ever making reference to density matrices. Consider a von Neumann algebra . Assume is a vector in the Hilbert space on which the algebra is acting. We assume it is cyclic (which means that is dense, and therefore, we can generate the whole Hilbert space by acting on it) and separating (which means that implies ). A vector that is both cyclic and separating is referred to as modular in the literature.
It is convenient to have in mind the finite-dimensional case to unpack these definitions. In this case, a cyclic and separating vector can be described by a density matrix that has full rank for the algebra and its commutant. Physically, the vector has enough entanglement to be able to represent the whole algebra.
We define the Tomita operator
which is antilinear (
) and unbounded. This operator admits the polar decomposition
in an antiunitary
and a
-positive part.
is called the modular conjugation. In particular,
plays the role of the modulus of the operator.
In the case of finite-dimensional factors, the positive part can be written in terms of the density matrix of the state as , where is in the commutant algebra. In general, this is not true but we can still define the modular operator. Since this operator is positive, we can take its logarithm. We set , where is called the modular Hamiltonian.
The fundamental result is that for , remains an element of the algebra . The modular conjugation sends it to an element of the commutant . In particular, and .
Another fundamental property of modular theory is that correlation functions are thermal with respect to the modular Hamiltonian. We can see this via the KMS condition:
Equivalently, we can write
which one can check by writing
in terms of the modular operator and using the fact that
annihilates the state
All of the above definitions can be generalized to define the relative modular operators. The relative Tomita operator is defined as
Also, this operator has a polar decomposition
In the example of finite-dimensional systems, we have
. As before, one can take the logarithm since the operator is positive and set
. The relative modular operator has the fundamental property that
which follows from its definition
. From the relative modular operator, one can define the relative entropy
The relative entropy can be understood as a measure of how much the two states can be distinguished. One can see that
, and it is zero iff
describe the same state. It follows directly from the definition that the relative entropy is not symmetric. The relative entropy is also monotonic under algebra inclusions: it decreases as we restrict it to subalgebras because we have fewer operators to detect how the operators are different. We stress that since no reference is made to traces of density matrices, the relative entropy is also well defined for type
algebras, as is the case for local operators in quantum field theory.
If the type of algebra allows for the definition of density matrices, we can rewrite the relative entropy in a form that is more familiar. By using
, we can write
3.6. Type III Algebras in Quantum Field Theory
Let us briefly comment on the structure of local algebras in quantum field theory. As this is not the main topic of this note, we refer the reader to [
62] for a more in-depth discussion. In the case of quantum field theory, we define the local operator
at spacetime point
x. It turns out that this is not really an operator but an operator-valued distribution. To obtain an operator, we need to smear the field as
where the test function
is typically chosen from the space of smooth functions with compact support and is supported on some region
. Now, we take bounded functions of this operator (such as
) since bounded operators naturally form an algebra (they can be multiplied without worrying about their domain). Finally, by taking the weak closure, we define the von Neumann algebra
. The latter procedure can be neatly justified since if we have a collection of operators
whose matrix elements converge to the matrix element of some operator
, then when
n is large enough, no experiment can distinguish between
, as discussed in [
In the algebraic approach, the full information about the theory is contained in the vacuum correlation functions:
Similarly, we can define correlations of smeared operators:
We are glossing over several details here, but in general, one has to impose certain analytical conditions [
An important condition is that operators supported in smaller regions give rise to smaller algebras in the sense that
. Furthermore, causality implies that operators supported in spatially separated regions should commute (and an analog statement is true for fermions): if
is the causal complement of
, then
implies that
. Another important result is Haag duality. For a region
, we form the causal complement
. Then, the full causal diamond including
, the causal completion of
. Then, we have that
. Haag duality states that
, meaning the commutant algebra of
is the algebra of its causal complement
. This relation is believed to hold in many physical cases; see [
62]. An implication of this duality is that the vacuum state in quantum field theory is both cyclic and separating.
Another important result in the theory is the Reeh–Schlieder theorem, which states that the vectors are dense in the Hilbert space. This implies that the vector is cyclic for . In other words, by acting with local operators in a local region of spacetime, we can approximate an arbitrary state, even if its support is outside of . However, this construction is not implemented by a unitary operator.
As an important application, let us consider Rindler space. Consider , the so-called Rindler wedge. According to the Bisognano–Wichmann theorem, the Minkowski vacuum restricted to the Rindler wedge W appears thermal with respect to Lorentz boosts. The modular Hamiltonian for this region is the generator of boosts leading to the thermal behavior, which is closely related to the Unruh effect.
For the Rindler wedge, the modular operator is , where K is the boost generator. Here, K has a continuum spectrum, equal to all of , since it is a non-compact generator in the Lorentz group. It is a non-trivial fact that a continuous spectrum for the modular operator of the vacuum state is a property that characterizes type algebras. Note that we expect every physical state to resemble the vacuum in the UV. This means that the leading short distance contribution to any correlator in any quantum state is given by the operator product expansion and is independent of the particular state we are considering. More specifically, the so-called hyperfinite factor is believed to universally describe the local operator algebras in all quantum field theories.
3.7. Type Factors and Their Subfactors
We have seen that a type factor is characterized by the fact that every projection is finite but there is no minimal projection. It has a unique trace, up to rescaling. To obtain a handle on type factors, we now discuss an example.
be a discrete group. Recall that its group algebra is defined as
is another notation for
g, which is more convenient for defining left and right representations. In infinite dimensions, the group algebra can be completed to a Hilbert space:
where the inner product
is 1 if
, and zero otherwise.
By setting
, we can define the left regular representation
on finite sums. Similarly, for
, we define the right regular representation by
again on finite sums. We can now define the group of von Neumann algebras
as the completions of
, respectively, in the strong operator topology. One can see that they are the commutant of each other:
Moreover, and are factors iff for every not equal to the identity, each conjugacy class of is infinite (a condition that ensures that the center is trivial).
A notable example is when , where is the permutation group of n elements. In this case, is called the hyperfinite factor. This is the unique hyperfinite type factor up to isomorphisms in the sense that every hyperfinite factor is isomorphic to .
To any type factor with trace , we can associate the standard representation, which is the GNS representation where the Hilbert space is (the completion of with respect to the inner product ). In general, we can have more complicated representations. We call a representation of an -module. We can form different representations, larger or smaller than the standard representation. For example, we can pick a projection and take to obtain a smaller module, or to produce a larger module, we can take the tensor product .
In these constructions, it is important to realize that the sizes of and depend on the particular module they are acting upon. In particular, we are interested in understanding whether there is a vector that is both cyclic and separating. Heuristically, having a cyclic vector tells us that is rather large, while a separating vector tells us that is rather large. Interesting representations are those where both and are big enough to provide a vector that is both cyclic and separating.
A way to compare the relative sizes of
is the
coupling constant introduced by Murray and von Neumann as follows. One takes an arbitrary vector
and considers the projections
onto the completion of
onto the completion of
. Then, the coupling constant, or
-dimension of
, is
In particular, one can see that
has a cyclic and separating vector.
Consider now both type
factors when
. We define the Jones index of
In general,
If , then , and in this case, we call the subfactor irreducible. A striking result by Jones states that the possible values for the index are as follows:
Therefore, the index assumes a series of discrete values accumulating up to four, and after that, assumes continuous values. These results are of fundamental importance in the theory of von Neumann algebras and were instrumental in the definition of topological invariants of knots [
A way to characterize a subfactor is via the conditional expectation. As before, given
, both unital, we define the map
to be a projection onto
which is also
In particular, the conditional expectation is a completely positive and trace-preserving map. A famous result by Umegaki [
65] states that there exists a unique conditional expectation compatible with a faithful normal trace
, that is,
For every
, we have
is the orthogonal projection in
. In other words, the orthogonal projection
completely determines the conditional expectation.
The subfactor
can be characterized by its basic construction. Let us assume that
. To begin with, we define
The algebra
is called the basic construction for
. It is usually denoted by
and is the algebra generated by
and the projection
We can repeat the basic construction and find
where now
. One can check that
The iteration of this construction defines the Jones’ tower of subfactors:
In the tower, each factor is defined by induction as
, where we have set
Remarkably, these projections satisfy the relations of the Temperley–Lieb algebra:
where again,
. In particular, for any word
w in the letters
, we have that
This is the origin of the famous relation between type
factors and knots. A knot
can be realized as the closure of a braid
b. The braid group
is the group generated by the elements
with relations
If we denote the Temperley–Lieb algebra generated by
, then we can define the representation
Consider now a link
obtained from the closure of a braid
b. We can apply the map
b to obtain an element of the Temperley–Lieb algebra. The Jones polynomial of
is proportional to the trace
taken in the type
factor [
3.8. The Crossed Product
The crossed product is a key construction in the theory of operator algebras, which in particular turns a type
algebra into a type
algebra [
66]. This construction was first applied to quantum gravity in [
8]. A modern introduction to the topic can be found in [
48] or in the appendix of [
Consider a type algebra with , a cyclic and separating vector. Let be the associated modular operator and the modular Hamiltonian. To define the crossed product, one introduces an auxiliary Hilbert space and the associated algebra of bounded operators. Consider two operators, p and x, acting on , which we can think of as momentum and position.
The crossed product is then defined as the von Neumann algebra generated by
One of the main results of [
66] is that if
is of type
, then
is of type
. In this case, the automorphism generated by the modular Hamiltonian becomes inner.
An equivalent expression for the crossed product can be obtained by using the commutation theorem [
67], which gives
When expressed in this fashion, the crossed product selects elements of the extended algebra
, which commute with the constraint
Note that the forms (
51) and (
52) of the crossed product appear to depend explicitly on the vector
, which is used to construct the modular Hamiltonian. However, this is not the case, and different vectors give rise to isomorphic algebras (see, for example, [
5. Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Finite Quantum Dynamical Systems
In this section, we review some aspects of the nonequilibrium dynamics of finite quantum dynamical systems, i.e., quantum systems governed by a type
algebra. In our exposition, we found the reviews [
71] particularly useful. We see in the next section how these statements generalize to gravitational algebras.
5.1. Generalities
We start with some general ideas and comments. Classical thermodynamics is characterized by the phenomenological observation that certain states of matter, the equilibrium states, can be completely described by a handful of functions called state functions. Equilibrium statistical mechanics, one of the triumphs of modern physics, can under certain circumstances reproduce these functions and the laws governing their behavior from an analysis of the microscopic dynamics.
Nonequilibrium physics is, however, not understood, both in classical and quantum mechanics. Perhaps the main reason is that while there is a certain universality governing equilibrium physics, there are several physically distinct behaviors pertinent to out-of-equilibrium dynamics. Because of this, nonequilibrium physics has been traditionally concerned with systems close to equilibrium, where powerful fluctuation-dissipation theorems are available.
However, many interesting phenomena take place far from equilibrium. The last few decades have seen remarkable progress in our understanding of physics far from equilibrium, for example, with the introduction of general fluctuation theorems.
A general setup to study the general features of nonequilibrium physics is to consider a small system and couple it to reservoirs. A reservoir is a large (or infinite) system in equilibrium at a fixed temperature, typically consisting of free particles. The interaction with the system is localized at an interface so that the degrees of freedom within the reservoir that are influenced by the interaction move to infinity in the reservoir and can be forgotten. In other words, the thermodynamical behavior of the reservoirs is not influenced by the original system.
The simplest nonequilibrium states engineered in this fashion are called nonequilibrium steady states, and we discuss them momentarily. They are stationary states that still describe a non-trivial transfer of energy or particles. A typical observable for nonequilibrium steady states is the rate of entropy production. While general thermodynamic quantities are defined only at equilibrium, entropy production also makes sense far from equilibrium and is generally used to study nonequilibrium steady states.
Even far from equilibrium, one can obtain exact results. In the past decades, a series of fluctuation relations holding far from equilibrium were discovered, starting with the Jarzynski equality [
72]. These relations collectively go by the name of fluctuation theorems and by now form a vast and active research field; see [
71] for a review. Essential to fluctuation theorems is the time-reversal invariance of the microscopic dynamics. Fluctuation theorems, then, are generally relations that relate the probability of a process with the probability of the time-reversed process. For example, by considering an isolated system in equilibrium at inverse temperature
, one can compare the probability that a certain work
W is performed on the system by an external time-dependent driving force with the probability that a work
is performed by the time-reversed external force. The Jarzynski equality
relates this work with the difference
of free energy between the initial equilibrium state and the final equilibrium state.
5.2. Nonequilibrium Steady States
Equilibrium states in thermodynamics can be operationally defined by specifying certain state functions, such as the temperature and entropy. There is no explicit reference to the dynamics, regardless of the fact that the dynamics is needed to specify the microscopic ensembles.
On the other hand, the dynamics is essential to understand out-of-equilibrium systems. To this date, we are very far from a comprehensive understanding of the physics out of equilibrium. The simplest situation is provided by nonequilibrium steady states (NESSs), which are those steady states where the system settles after imposing a forcing given by an external field or a steep gradient of thermodynamic parameters. For example, one can imagine putting into contact two systems at different temperatures, creating a temperature gradient. As a result, one will create fluxes of the extensive quantities used to parametrize the system, such as the energy. These fluxes will determine a non-trivial rate of entropy production.
To be concrete, let us consider a quantum dynamical system
and assume that the system is initially in an
-invariant state
. We use a self-adjoint operator
to perturb the system. The resulting perturbed evolution is denoted by
. Then, a NESS is defined via the limit
if this exists, with
being a divergent sequence. In other words, this definition describes a stationary state where the system settles after the perturbation. If this is not an equilibrium state—which would be the case if the perturbation is sufficiently small—then it describes a genuine nonequilibrium state.
If the perturbation is small enough, the system will settle into a new stationary state
, which is KMS with respect to the perturbed evolution
. This is a standard statement, discussed for example in [
61]. To avoid this situation, one needs a different setup.
A common way to engineer a NESS is to couple the system to external reservoirs. We introduce a collection of reservoirs collectively denoted by , modelled after quantum dynamical systems . Every reservoir has its own algebra of observables , its own evolution operator , and it is assumed to be in thermal equilibrium at inverse temperature . These equilibrium states are described by the -invariant KMS states .
We couple the system to the reservoirs by a perturbation , where describes the interaction between the system and the reservoir . If the perturbation is chosen appropriately, the system will settle in a nonequilibrium state. We can expect this state to be characterized by non-trivial fluxes describing the exchange of energy between the system and the reservoir.
Note that the reservoirs are assumed to be infinte systems at fixed temperatures. In particular, this means that they have internal chaotic dynamics. The latter acts as a source of randomness for the original system, which also becomes chaotic.
5.3. Entropy Production
Nonequilibrium dynamics is usually associated with entropy production [
71]. In the same setup as above, where the system is coupled to external reservoirs at inverse temperature
, we expect a steady flow of heat through the system. In any stationary state, the entropy flux entering or leaving the system will determine the rate of entropy production.
Consider now a finite-dimensional system and let us denote by
its Hamiltonian. If we consider a stationary state, the energy leaving the reservoirs, represented by the operator
determines the rate of entropy flux into the system.
Let us describe the interaction between the system and the reservoir by the Hamiltonian
Then, the Heisenberg equation [
50] determines the energy flux as
Furthermore, we denote with
the generator of the dynamics of the reservoirs. We assume that the reservoirs are sufficiently big that their thermal equilibrium is not altered by the interaction.
We can rewrite the above expression in the language of quantum dynamical systems as follows. Consider a state
. We define the entropy production in this state as
This expression allows for a straightforward extension to systems with infinite dimension.
To better illustrate this situation, let us consider the case of a finite-dimensional system, which we imagine divided into subsystems, as in [
49]. Then, the observables in these systems are elements of a type
von Neumann algebra consisting of bounded operators acting on a finite-dimensional Hilbert space. Let
be the density matrix of the whole system. This operator may depend on time; however, since the overall system is isolated, the von Neumann entropy remains constant over time. We can introduce partial density matrices
by tracing over degrees of freedom outside the
subsystem. The corresponding von Neumann entropies
can now vary with time. In this setup, [
49] defines the rate of entropy production as
In particular, the subadditivity property of entropy guarantees that the expression in parentheses is positive. This expression represents the information that we lose about
when we partition the system into subsystems. The quantity in parentheses represents the rate of change in the entropy of each subsystem. One can verify by direct computation that (
84) agrees with (
7. Conclusions
In this review, we provide a concise overview of the theory of gravitational algebras and its applications to nonequilibrium physics. The main takeaway is that Lorentzian perturbative quantum gravity knows that the Bekenstein–Hawking entropy, or more accurately the generalized entropy, has a statistical interpretation. This arises because the structure of the algebra of observables is fundamentally altered by the inclusion of gravitational effects, even at the perturbative level. When the algebra of observables is of type , we can use the properties of the algebra to define density matrix operators and to compute their von Neumann entropies. While absolute entropies are still not physical, entropy differences are.
Aspects of gravitational nonequilibrium physics can be studied from the perspective of the quantum statistical mechanics of type
algebras, a largely unexplored subject. Here, we focus on two such aspects: the coupling of the theory to external reservoirs to induce nonequilibrium steady states with non-trivial entropy production and fluctuation theorems. For other topics not covered here, we refer the reader to [
52] for further details. For example, studying quantum channels in de Sitter space is closely related to the theory of subfactors of the hyperfinite type
factor, with a similar connection existing in black hole physics [
74]. A different perspective on nonequilibrium aspects of gravitational algebras is discussed in [
39] and it would be interesting to better understand the relation between the two points of view.
One of the main messages of this review is that the theory of gravitational algebras should be viewed as akin to quantum stochastic thermodynamics—a quantum statistical theory that while not fully microscopic, is suited to describing mesoscopic systems. This aligns with the fact that type algebras have no irreducible representations, and therefore, no microstates. Nevertheless, the theory appears to capture the essential thermodynamic properties of spacetimes with horizons and may offer important insights into the mysteries of quantum gravity.