1. Introduction
The introduction of genuine gravitational effects in quantum field theory suggests an effective cutoff (minimal length) in the ultraviolet regime as a possible cure for unbounded energy divergences (ultraviolet completion). In principle, high-energy probes should be sensitive to small distance spacetime structures, revealing the quantum nature of gravity. The known approaches to quantum gravity such as string theory [
4], loop quantum gravity [
7] and quantum geometry [
8] indicate, theoretically, the existence of such a minimal measurable length. In these approaches, the existence of a minimal observable length is a common feature with the estimated size of the order of the Planck length,
cm. A compelling way to incorporate the concept of minimum measurable length into Quantum Mechanics is to modify the algebra of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle (HUP), giving rise to the Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP). In the HUP framework there is essentially no restriction on the measurement precision of the particles’ position. In GUP, the basic phase space noncommutative algebra:
is extended to coordinates
and momenta
. Historically, the original idea of extending noncommutativity to the coordinates was presented by Heisenberg as an early attempt to remove the infinite quantities that appear in field theories, in a time long before the renormalization procedure was developed and gained acceptance [
9]. The first analysis of a quantum theory based on noncommutative coordinates was published by H. S. Snyder [
In a similar approach to the quantization of a classical phase space, a noncommutative spacetime is defined by replacing coordinates
by the Hermitian operators
11], which in turn obey canonical commutation relations
is a constant, real-valued antisymmetric
matrix (D-dimensional spacetime) with dimensions of length squared, that commutes with
and produces a coordinate uncertainty relation,
On many occasions
is written as
, where
is the antisymmetric tensor and the parameter
defines the noncommutative scale.
A relevant question then arises: what is the size of the noncommutative scale? Although there is no discernible definitive answer to this question, a minimum observable length in quantum field theory and quantum gravity should share the statistical properties of an expectation value. Different lower bounds have been claimed for the noncommutative scale. Conceptually,
should be of the order of the Planck scale
2. However, when the calculation is related to the Landau problem with magnetic fields (∼12 T) in the region of quantum Hall effect,
2 [
12]; in estimating the muon anomalous magnetic moment
2 [
13]; for the lamb shift
2 [
Alternatively, A. Kempf developed a deformed algebra, in which a modification of the canonical commutation relation was of the form [
is a positive parameter that induces deviations from conventional Quantum Mechanics. Relation (
3) then results in a GUP
which in turn establishes the minimal length scale
For the
n-dimensional case, however, the deformed Heisenberg algebra is given by the commutation relations:
where (
8) defines a noncommutative geometry. The relations given in (
8) do not break rotational symmetry. Indeed, the generators of rotations may still be written in terms of position and momentum operators as
These algebra deformations imply profound modifications to the formalism of Quantum Mechanics. While a continuous momentum space is retained as seen from Equation (
7), the introduction of a noncommutative geometry involves the adoption of a quasi-position formalism. In this scenario, even elementary models such as the harmonic oscillator may manifest considerable complexity and notable deviations when the energy scales approach or exceed
Among other formulations, Moayedi et al. [
19], introduced a deformed covariant Lorentz algebra to derive a
-modified Dirac equation, as an alternative seesaw-like mechanism for the neutrino induced by the presence of a spacetime of minimum length [
20]. Marzola et al. in turn [
21] developed a Deformed Poisson Brackets Formalism applied to the MIT Bag Model, introducing minimal length spacetime modifications to thermodynamic quantities and in the respective equation of state.
In the present contribution we introduce a novel analysis of GUP effects, with minimal length spacetime, in compact stars. It should be noted that this study comprises a still very cautious and exploratory research, where the structure of the neutron star is highly schematic. The main goal is to understand that if there is a GUP, with a minimal length, then (i) the astrophysics arena represents a relevant ‘laboratory’ to reveal these effects? (ii) what is the limiting minimal length scale? (iii) we may identify GUP effects in neutron star data? if so, what kind of effects may be identified?
3. The QHD-I Model
Quantum hadrodynamics
model (QHD-I) [
31], as a relativistic quantum field theory for baryons and mesons, has been widely applied to studying various nuclear phenomena including the hadron-hadron interaction, the hadron-nucleus scattering, the bulk and single-particle properties of nuclei, among others. It is commonly recognized that although the quantum chromodynamics is a fundamental theory for strong interaction, the QHD, as an effective field theory formulated in terms of hadronic degrees of freedom, provides a simple and reliable approach to produce the nuclear observables that are insensitive to the short-range dynamics. There are various QHD models, renormalizable and nonrenormalizable, which were tested in the past to reproduce the empirical nuclear properties and the experimental data. In particular, the
model proposed by Walecka [
28] contains nucleons with the parametrized mass denoted as
M and Lorentz isoscalar-scalar mesons
and isoscalar-vector mesons
. The nonrelativistic approximations leads to a nucleon-nucleon interaction potential which behaves as short-range repulsion and medium-range attraction. The model considers that the central effective potential for the nucleon-nucleon interaction is given by
r defines the relative distance between two nucleons, the two constants
are adjusted to reproduce the nucleon-nucleon interaction and the meson masses are respectively
MeV and
model can be summarized in a nutshell, starting with the model lagrangian defined as
denotes the nucleon wave-function and
obtaining the following equations (with
The parameters M, , , , and are phenomenological constants that may be determined (in principle) from experimental observables.
Assuming static and uniform nuclear matter, in its ground state and the mean field approximation (MFA), nucleons can be seen as under the action of an average nuclear interaction and operating only with the space and time c-number values of the meson fields. The higher the baryonic density, the better the validity of this approximation, since, at high densities, the fluctuations of the meson fields are negligible when compared with the amplitudes of the nucleon fields, which allows them to be replaced by their expected mean values. The mean field approximation is then used [
28], which allows the deduction of a semi-analytical solution and which consists of using the average classical values of the meson fields:
represents the nucleon effective mass.
Substituting (
32) in (
31) one obtains
, which represents the scalar density, and
, which denotes the baryon density. The equation of state (EoS) is calculated from the mean field energy-momentum tensor
and in summary can be written as a function of the Fermi momentum
where after integration results in
The baryon density and the nucleon effective mass are also written in terms of
At this point it is possible to effectively incorporate the effects of a GUP into the semiclassical system by applying the transformation (
27) to the non-deformed phase space:
where the approximation is justified
1 considering
. The EoS in Equation (
34) modification results in the following expressions
2After integration, these expressions result in
The new baryon density and the nucleon effective mass may be also written as
4. Results and Discussion
In this section we shall explore the novel effects generated by the noncommutative spacetime GUT deformation applied to the Walecka’s
formulation for neutron stars, assumed as a kind of toy-model in view of its formal simplicity. It is well known that this model predicts a phase transition similar to the liquid-gas transition of the van der Waals equation of state. Moreover, the coexisting pressure and binodal density properties of the two phases are deduced by means of a Maxwell construction applied to the equation of state of nuclear matter, obtained by employing the principle of least action to the QHD-I Lagrangian density. At high densities, the system approaches the causal limit
, representing the “stiffest” possible equation of state, as can be seen in
Figure 1. Despite its formal simplicity, a relevant aspect to be highlighted in this theoretical approach, even if one considers more complete models from the point of view of inserting in the Lagrangian density, for instance, the fundamental meson octet and baryon decuplet, the dynamics generated by scalar and vector mesons will remain significantly present. This is because the neutral scalar and vector components coupled to the nucleons are the most relevant ingredients for describing nuclear properties in bulk, which is our main concern here.
The GUP establishes that the noncommutative spacetime be dependent on a minimal length parameter
as previously highlighted in Equation (
5), whose size ordering is unknown. Therefore, the strategy here has been to consider it as a free parameter and identify noticeable changes in related observables at different scales, chosen consistently from the Planck scale, which represents the lower limits of our current understanding of quantum mechanics, to the typical dimensions of neutron stars.
In this domain, the smallest physical scale corresponds to the Planck domain with
. This scale is far below typical neutron stars observable range of values which are of the inverse of Fermi-momentum order,
. In the sequence, to make contact with reference calculations [
14] and consider larger effective noncommutative scales, we limit the
values to the range
After solving Equations (
40) and (
41) for the noncommutative EoS, together with the equation for the nucleon effective mass (
42), the corresponding results are shown in
Figure 2 for various values of
exhibiting the behavior of the noncommutative phase transition for nuclear matter. The figure shows that the phase transition for nuclear matter is present, as in the usual model (
Figure 1), but with a new feature: the pressure has a maximum value and is “squeezed down” with increasing
. There is a limit of
after which the phase transition ceases to exist. The same effects appear in
Figure 3 and
Figure 4 for the pressure and energy density as a function of the baryon density, where the limiting maximum values are evident. In
Figure 5, the baryon density is plotted as a function of
, again exhibiting a squeezing down of maximum values, now for
. Here an interesting interpretation can be put forward: when probing short distances, which correspond to larger
, in a spacetime that has a large minimum value
, the system becomes dilute and the density drops with
The consistently observed behavior of decreasing the maximum values of pressure, energy density, and baryon density as far as the
value increases can be understood through an analysis of the effects of the minimum scale into the phase space volume of the solutions of the equations addressed in a comparison and analogy with the corresponding solutions associated with the motion of a particle in quantum mechanics. In quantum mechanics, as is well known, the uncertainty principle states that it is not possible to measure the position and momentum of a particle with absolute precision. A state of motion can only be given with this indefinitiness and corresponds in phase space to an elementary cell volume of size
. The number of quantum states available to a particle will therefore be finite and corresponds to the total volume of the phase space divided by the size of the elementary cell
In the present case the number of quantum states available consistent with a coherent description of the properties of a neutron star obey, due to the presence of a minimum scale, a relation of the type
The consequences of this transformation of the phase space volume due to the presence of the minimum scale parameter, are evident in that decreases as increases, with exactly the contrary occurring in the opposite case. This means that in the case where the volume of the phase space increases, corresponding to the decrease of , more solutions consistent with a coherent description of the properties of a neutron star find more space for their realization. And the opposite occurs when increases. Therefore, as a consequence, the maximum values for the quantities previously plotted become dependent on the size of the phase space of the solutions which in turn depend on the parameter , with the largest values of their amplitudes corresponding to the smallest values of the minimum scale parameter, and the contrary occurring in the opposite case.
Similarly, the same occurs in the curves corresponding to the maximum mass of neutron star families, with their values squeezing down with increasing
, as we will see below. In the usual approach, the essential nuclear physics ingredients for astrophysical calculations are appropriate equations of state (EoS). After the EoSs are chosen, they enter as input to the Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff equations (TOV), which in turn give as output some macroscopic stellar properties: radii, masses, and central energy densities. This may raise a philosophical question: at what level should the noncommutative effects be introduced? If one follows the idea of first principles, then Einstein’s field equations should be modified to bring this information, originated at a level of quantum gravity. This is a long step, still far beyond the current knowledge. The procedure we follow will be more conservative and consider that the classical field equations remain valid, only the EoS will be modified by the noncommutative spacetime. The TOV equations then become:
Solving the TOV equations for the EoS (
40) and (
41), together with the effective mass expression (
42) results in the Mass-Radius diagram of
Figure 6. The noncommutative effect that was seen in the EoS figures is again present, limiting the neutron star’s maximum mass. In the figure, for comparison, the experimental values of PSR J0348 + 0432, a pulsar-white dwarf binary system in the constellation Taurus, with mass of 2.01 ± 0.04 M
⊙ and PSR J1311–3430, a pulsar with a spin period of 2.5 ms, with mass of 2.15 M
One aspect to be highlighted concerns the complementation of the curves that describe the behavior of stellar masses as a function of their radii. As increases, the curves corresponding to the relation become less and less complemented, arriving even to the limit of not reaching, in the case where , their maximum mass value. This can be understood to the extent that increasing the value of the parameter will imply a decrease in both the radii and the stellar masses, for the reasons identified previously, this occurring mainly in the region of the ‘tails’ of the amplitudes corresponding to the relation . In this region, the significant decrease in pressure contributes to a decrease in the complementation of the corresponding curves and, ultimately, to preventing the maximum mass from being obtained.
5. Conclusions
As stated before, this study was very cautious and exploratory applied to a schematically structured neutron star model. The model adopted for a neutron star, as emphasized previously, due to its formal simplicity and structured characteristics was chosen in order to perform a preliminary analysis of the GUP effects with a minimum length for the description of the spacetime noncommutativity effects.
The adopted model is well known as Quantum Hadrodynamics (QHD-I), a relativistic quantum field theory based on a local Lagrangian density with couplings between nucleons and mesons of the attractive scalar-isoscalar and repulsive vector-isoscalar types playing the role of the relevant mean-field effective mesonic degrees of freedom. This model, despite its formal simplicity, provides a consistent theoretical framework to describe global static properties of many-body systems under the action of the strong interaction and in extreme conditions of pressure and density such as those found in neutron stars and pulsars. The limitations of the model, among others, are reflected in the description of some of the static properties of nuclear matter, such as the effective mass of the nucleon and the compressibility of symmetric nuclear matter. In this sense, future theoretical calculations indicate the need to propose a model for neutron stars that contemplates a phenomenological Lagrangian formalism with nonlinear scalar, vector and isovector meson-baryon couplings and the insertion of the fundamental baryon decuplet.
Likewise, a proposal for future work should contemplate the presence of a crust. The density of nuclear matter at the saturation point, corresponding to the minimum value of the nuclear binding energy per nucleon, is estimated by means of nuclear mass analyses, and is of the order of g cm−3 corresponding to nucleons per fermi cubed. Estimates of the density of the cores of massive neutron stars are in the order of . The challenges of consistently describing a neutron star persist in view of the extreme physical conditions of these compact objects, conditions far from those on Earth. In turn, although it is not a crucial point of the present formulation, the outer layer of neutron stars, - the crust -, with density , presents very different but extremely rich theoretical challenges and observational opportunities insofar as depending on the scenario of its formation, the crust may be very different in its composition and structure. In developing these scenarios for the crust of a neutron star, it is necessary to employ a plethora of theoretical and observational knowledge involving, among others, atomic and plasma physics, the theory of condensed matter, the physics of matter in strong magnetic fields, the theory of nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, the nuclear many-body problem, superfluidity, physical kinetics, hydrodynamics, the physics of liquid crystals, and the theory of elasticity.
We then pose three fundamental questions involving a noncommutative spacetime: if there is a GUP, with a minimum length, then (i) does the astrophysical arena represent a relevant laboratory to reveal these effects? (ii) what is the limiting minimum length scale? (iii) how can we identify GUP effects in observable data from neutron stars?
Even though we are faced with the limitations of the formulation in view of its preliminary nature, we can partially answer these questions: (i) the model predictions are in tune with the scales of the astrophysical arena, which contemplates the range of high energy scales that are beyond terrestrial laboratories and can access unique regimes in compact stars and in cosmology; furthermore, the values of the maximum masses of neutron stars are in tune with the most recent observed values, of the order
⊙; the results also indicate that, although the effects of the presence of a minimum scale broaden the descriptive perspective of a compact star, encompassing a non-commutative algebra, they do not spoil the effective aspects covered by the QHD formulation; in this sense, the maximum values of pressure and energy density as a function of the baryon density in tune with the QHD-I model predictions stand out; (ii) in the present study the
values varied in a range from
; when translated to a minimal length it results in
0.003 fm to 0.22 fm. These values can be compared with the usual nucleon radius obtained in bag model calculations ranging from 0.2 fm to 1.0 fm [
34], resulting in a limiting minimal length scale at the order of the nucleon’s size; (iii) the cutoff values introduced in the EoS has a direct inference in limiting the maximum neutron star mass.
A more important conclusion to this last question is reached by reasoning in the opposite direction: the fact that neutron stars exist is confirmation that the noncommutative scale must be very small. Even if it is very small, the minimum length may be relevant in modifying the structure of a primordial phase transition. For example, in the first three minutes of the creation of the universe [
37] a cosmological phase transition is believed to have occurred, generating a global change of the primordial matter. Starting at the Planck time
s, the young universe evolved and by the time it reached
s the grand unified group
had undergone gauge symmetry breaking. If the minimum length approach is correct, then at this scale the noncommutative effect may play an important role.
Additional important aspects to be considered in future formulations of the problem addressed in this contribution concern the thermodynamic consistency of the GUP deformation of spacetime, as well as the obedience to causality, to Le Chatelier’s Principle, a fundamental requirement for satisfying equilibrium configurations of a compact star and not spoiling the renormalizability of the original formulation. The QHD-I approach in particular, in its original formulation, is thermodynamically consistent, obeys Le Chatellier’s Principle, and is also renormalizable due to the presence of counterterms. The systematic reduction of the phase space due to the presence of the factor raises new questions about the formal consistency of coherent descriptive configurations of a neutron star assuming a noncommutative spacetime, in compliance with these requirements, which deserves this way further studies.
With particular regard to Le Chatelier’s Principle, the matter of the star must satisfy the condition
which is a necessary condition for the stability of a stable star both with respect to its structure as a whole and with respect to the elementary regions of non-equilibrium involving stages of spontaneous contraction or expansion. In our calculations, Le Chatelier’s Principle is not completely established, particularly in the tail regions of the pressure curves as a result of the proposed insertion of a minimum length through the GUP deformation, a topic that deserves more attention in the future. Fortunately, the impact of this non-observance of Le Chatelier’s Principle does not particularly affect the observation of the effects of a non-commutative algebra on stellar properties, since the adopted model fundamentally contemplates the innermost pressure regions of the star. This limitation serves, however, as motivation for a more in-depth analysis in the future to overcome it.